Show THEY PLANTED TREES Ccrtroonlts on Capitol Hill and al Eblb Ward Squirt Tdij u nrelro 0 05 cobol I fkotoo eo5 Ito I Ito u nilI OlIj IIM > ltU Ailil In III 110 r010roOtti Hborlly alter nuon today Governor Wool KxOoveruor rhinos and e IIIY Joseph Ultnford uf Ogden li of the Uapilol UrounJ oournletloa planted on Capitol Illll three eplendid iwohuen uf Ihe hunmmeetuut Ire I Him won no Inipnilverereniontee other than Ibli ue M < llalel by Ump Inx down Ibe eaillr but I aool rapine were 1101 tint I the tree turvlvu In time to cool horieUuiJi willluihaken loom Iheoi lcutllully I senior Weet coo teiiuertd tile towel looklni tree by exjverniir lluiiiai and while Im wii plinlliiic It hoe litter wni utlled uo fur a sIeoeoto The rt iunt wu t deollned ei U > vern < ir Thomie wauled 10 ceo ha AI4 Low muoli a Keutucky raoe hone knew shout treeplautlDK any wav The tree wai duly liitlalledlniiiever and Iheipade wnnaiided overt Mr llujnt who a ullled hlmiill creditably credit-ably Mr Hlauiord plinted hli acron lbs avenue from tIme two icoveruon Ue and wutii all wai dune 1 ad mllluie exeruite gltuoe cluted the exertlve tu AlHoVlock the sloyor plantnl two rm Its front ol the main eutrauce lo llm clly sIll oouuty bulldlni and IweulJflvo elnii were alto itl uut by lIon oouucllmeii anl ulber oily utllclala lu Iha iiorthwe1 ijuarler 011 Ibe Kiure The work of pianliinr both ou tOe failiol Hill and sot the ell and coun ly location wai dona under tOe iur vMonot Marllu Chrliloberioiiuf ul thu Hall laku Nuniry wll li t beliu con grilulitrd on the nml and vlma ap taraaca chaiKe of tIn urounJt uuar bli |