Show TIle 1IIt tveatl The tint tVrilioral eurnllea of 111100 > nil Iwiil la lbl Territory coard IU iKbuii at Clifti ball un Mrltet street In tbli city tail nltbU A Cu6Wrattle amount el 1 builtix wet ira itecleJ arid letter from U ternor WI r rr Color us irernor llewwl logo Kauaaa Let loee and lh < m a Paitttnerefolan > < lewioj rrxieu that ej win unah W attend Die lollowlnu reeu uiluu wen unaulmouily pue d I llemlrnli That list contention plo Awl rulfy ill pl-o Oniena plmtlorm alibis Se so I I Itevlrc I TtuU ibi I IViplen parly of U eh lan badnlo i ur all r enter I lee into > tim union m statehood Itewlnwl Taut we favor ao fight 1 or suffrage iimnUlo it A Hemlrwl That we pressure at once to lleol a ptrmanenl mistral Territorial or nluo 11M n In this F1yaOIh41 the Ppdli40 t at the Tariou0 unll are 0 It 149witall to At anste ormanwe are11nedn SmIldad with the wulMl organ u Soon ol the Tern tory Resolved That el 1 Ppoullisto of the Territory pledge tliiinunvmeicuinmil Lesson iirupeReDd and prepare Immedl lately for aotlr c uimliu work and for nrgiinleed iiariltninnlun In the coming I farrlrtol to door luaUoII ItIL II Joint IL I W IUKU i A MAMKN W A UIUMU |