Show SIMiIIISLS MWS IIUlIlar heio d lww aes t Watyt M tAn uteraa xawLi = uW41iSO The cplilenile ol ulll pox In Clothm burg Ie l mill raging fwtfuily The puUtion of Stockholm It I 158 coo accutiiing lo the latest auilntla The name of the ixacv tpr I pub halted In Slocklwlm by RI Wawrlntk U i Dam slut The si I nil Df F LlnJer of Arvlka sled at the ago of M hear He Wilt known at a wry able hyitcun The number of Mttliodlttf In Sweden hoe conlldrtubly tnctwteJ during the lath two yeA ye-A bcandlnivlan Sailor 1 bloat will bt built In CardilF It 1 Kill be a branch of Iho Ionic I In London leulcnant I IL I J V JuenHl who hail tlnillar rank In lit French army In lonUIn 1 I Alrica died l arrnf hotplUI f r I In Alglen King OK r will arrange tome big elk hunts bbl UDllller lo I which RniMror William and the Wince of Wal will be Invited Airs Cecilia lUath lolmlwrr I the authoreis la I at pfnent wtltlnf a work Gordon latlu 1 uhlcli will soon be published Stockholm hum riltytlglit ptintlnt chic rrl CM where the work done U equal lo In neilCllou tu the beat of alinilar ctub liihmenti abroad The conlcnti of the ctut Northern Muteum hate greatly Increased since 1173 Slid year the objectt numbered 3040 At the close ol 1875 lln cooler unit nmounttil lo looyl atioui objects The growth since then has been rapid and In 1880 the muieum contained 2 > t ooo oblecu Increatlng by the end of 190 to 67000 and III Ityj lo 776j These Uguren Itnw ecr du not oxacily represent Iliu total I I numb r of objectt III the collection wnce many atllclo are duplicated scone being reprcMntott by a > many at a hundred iptclmcni OItA Ileavynowalornha arc reported Irom Ihu Monda I dlllliel Many foreign workingmen luve made Chtlstiania tnclr hume iluriiiR the ball > eart Their open wedding woe celebralcJ lrl ly l Dr Ulctncliion of levanger and Ilia wife Some of Iljornaona old 1 and fanioui diamii will again be performed at tha Uirmunli Theater Their KoMenuetlillnK WaD celebrated Jiy J I thnslinntin a merchant of Trund rdt lijcni h and hm wile tt < File expense of the state railroad In el Norway amount to about 1900000 annually an-nually while the receipts amount to tuar I more Notuitluundlng Ibo political trouble jtucfii tho united klMsiloiui the num t at Sll ede In Climtlanla seomf to i icrt ise every year Manuhcturo of photpliorout matches hat retched a high degree In Norway and the compdltloii I I ulth b II dOYn tutu rtipcct Is I carried l succ a ully on 1 ihe toutitt traHic ptomlMM tu be very ptomable tin year A large number of luuiKtf have alteaily I made arranze menu bur f vltlilnij atte country In Slay and 110 I A bill wl Mi proposed the granting of an nppropthtluu of i3d 7 kroner to pay hue esprnte for the Iraixnort of hue 1111I1 lup to nnd rom toiling ton wan < lelcntml In the atoning with I 58 noct ngalnit vi yean The Norwegian railway in well as lthe SweilUh pretenti a HrlkliiR con trust to the iiKliih 1 and American hoes Ihe cal III raveling 10 l very slow and I ilic day trains stop fur dinner nul the hhilit tnihit Ion supper ai certain select i J stinon II A rhange ol the president and secre tan 101 the Stonhlnj has lakin mare I lubber S Nicl < uili I t be e ted lire I nl and Vlgso t llman vi i pre d f 1 ni rite Odelting I J blot nitred Ur HJi pr ident and Iditji Lm eland v > pnstdenl DKNMAKK Scarlet fever and diphtheria are raging epidemically In HoUlngor Kev A Nielsen knuwn at an able preacher died at Holding 1 M A llanvm a wtll known black amlili l ol t ive ialent 7 died HI the ad anced age of 95 The Diet will again tike up I the gnen Ilion I-lion ol building stronger forte arouml Copenhagen I The director I of the Thingxalla I Line propose HIP puiehnte ol 1 a new and large I I ileamtr for the IIAncer itafhr Ur Wllhelm Meyer of Copenhagen bloc been erected an honorary member mem-ber of the Lar > ngeologi < al 1 jclety of London A young man who for the time being wat in a hilarlou atale of mind took A trip on his bicycle rum SUgelie 10 Nykopmg He eon met a ladv and 1i II ra I oh gentleman whom he suppnvHl to he on friendly terms The I wheelman supped and exclamed enlhutiaitkilly Oh I what n nice time you must hive I 1 I he gentleman I mini they might enrhangv their helm Saiddone The cch < 1 left hit wheel to the gentleman and In troduceit hlmtell lo the lady 1I1 he iln < w ctclltt seemed lo lie the gteenent art of an amateur running Into the ditch leveral time Bin ai noon at he was out of reach lie auddenly sped away hike ii crock wheelman and disappeared never to return |