Show OGDEN LIVE STOCK 1 United States Elates Department ot of Agriculture Market Ne News Sor Sot ITier Ire glee UtAh Stab build Board of o Co operating oiK bUttS buile Market M Ne Now Jill July 11 Ii 1031 1021 hogs 1150 1160 Cattle 1 1 Hog Hogs Receipts 1150 1 to market to San direct to local packers Iso Zo earlY sates Quotable lOc be higher Late market markot lOc bc higher top 7 10 paid for tor one ono load of ot good pound lights while hUe a load ot of pounds offerings offering sod at 7 00 Three load loads mixed lights averagIng averaging averaging ing to pound landed at 6 86 to 6 90 packing sow sows land landed ed cd at 6 5 6 00 Quotation Medium weight butchers to toi i pound medium to choice 6 20 light weight butchers to pound common to choIce 6 20 packing hogs bogs pounds up 6 16 15 Cattle Receipts all for tor market No early sale sales Late Lale Thursday market steady Butcher cow cows landed at 3 00 cutter and anti common cows went at 2 00 heifers heifer cashed at 4 OO 00 15 4 50 60 and 50 60 head of ot calves sold to killers killer at 6 75 Other odd lots stock cah calves calse es landed at 4 00 5 00 a few bulls sold at atU U 83 75 76 slaughter steers good 7 00 7 80 medium 6 00 com corn common common mon non 4 DO OO 6 00 heifers heifer good H 4 50 60 as 5 50 common and medium 3 65 55 cow cows good 3 5 75 4 75 common and medium 3 00 8 3 75 canner and cutter 1 60 S 00 bull bulls good 8 3 bo bps log na 2 26 25 calves calico pounds pound down medium to choice 5 26 to 2 0 pounds medium to choice 4 2506 50 feeder and stocker steers pounds up common to choIce 5 60 50 pounds down common to choice H 4 2506 50 feeder and stocker cows and heIr heIr- heifers ers common to choice 2 50 4 00 Sheep Receipts Receipt none Market nominally steady Seven ewes owes sold soldat soldat soldat at 4 H 25 26 |