Show I FOREIGN II LIVESTOCK STOCK I 1 ED Bj y Iy V f- f S Department pr m td aI CHICAGO July 11 ii hogs Hogs Re- Re Receipts Re Receipts 39 very active gener gener- generally generally ally lOc bc to lIe higher than days days dys best prices price or lOc to 20 higher than the av In erase light lights light advanced ad to kill- kill kill killing ing pigs gained broad tie tie- demand de demand mand manti weighty eighty topped ot at 7 i 65 bulk desirable to pound weight eIght ST 7 65 better to pound a 7 30 i 45 good and choice to pound kind 7 2 better strong weight killing kUling pig pigs 6 G 75 hea heavy weight 74 7 4 7 Go 60 medium weight Hight 7 i 40 7 66 light weight 7 60 light lights light 6 S 45 packIng hogs smooth 6 15 pack pack- packIng packing packing ing hogs rough G slaughter pigs 5 0 76 75 Cattle Receipts 3 active most moat killing classes cles fit flim m to un- un un unevenly evenly higher all buying killing quality generally plain no fl choIce weighty seers run mostly yearlings and medium grade lightweight steers e 0 lOc to SIc higher bulk built us heifers showing upturn top bands bandi weight Ight steers alers 1010 10 10 best yearlings yearling 1000 10 00 numerous load loads youngsters youngster mixed steers anti and heifers heifer 8 8 65 grain fe ted cow cows in demand at 6 60 50 upward upward grassy gra cons coss 4 00 and below bulL bulk canners canner around 2 76 strong weight cut ter 3 75 and anI betters better se eral load bologna bologno bulls 5 S 00 25 light common winds 1 40 vell veI ers veat-ers erA ra stead with Ith late Thursday bulk built 10 1100 00 to packers packer outsiders upward up to 11 75 stork stork- stack stackers ers ero and feeders nominal Sheep Receipts 8 lambs and uneven strong to higher bulk fa fat native lambs 75 13 85 65 few lew to city elty butchers 13 95 sorting moderate most mot cull cuil natives 9 50 fed earling 12 25 sheep scarce firm bulit o ewes 4 75 feeding lambs lamb steady bulk buIlt 1150 11 t 1176 Neb July 11 Hogs Hogs Receipts 21 better batter grades Grade butchers and light hog hogs 0 10 to lIe higher kind and mixed loads slow bulk t to pound butchers 7 OO 7 25 top 7 30 to 20 pound 6 G I 15 parking packIng sows mostly 6 50 smooth grades Tades 6 G 70 bulk of ot all sales 86 50 7 25 average cost Thu day 67 6 75 weight Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts 2100 medium weight steers and y canines mod mod- moderately active 10 to 10 tIc Hc i slow olow steady stady killing ty plaIn lain bulk dry lot tot steers anti and 7 35 some 9 85 55 she sho stock steady and bulls steady steady- stockers and feeders nominally lly steady bulk corn t fd d cows and heifers betters 5 00 OO 7 75 grassers 2 75 00 can can- canners can ners nors ners and cutters S 00 OO 3 35 to packers upward to 1000 10 bologna bull bulls 1 I 75 76 heavy beef beet bulls buHs mostly 4 75 5 25 Sheep Receipts Sheep Receipts lambs 10 to iSo highet fat tango lambs Imbs 13 65 few natives 1300 ted fed yearlings medium av average rage 06 pounds 9 50 sheep and feeders teler steady KANSAS CITY July 11 Cattle Cattle attl Receipts Receipts 1500 calve jOO OO most killing classes stead to strong native fed ted steers and 8 40 Texas grassers 50 5 6 60 50 she sho sh stock scarce stereo beet beef cows 4 OO G 26 25 grass heifers up to 7 20 bologna bologno bull bulls 4 60 S 00 calves elves steady qu tilty con con- con considered top ai 0 9 50 mediums and heavies mostly 4 4 50 stockers and teed feeders en scarce carce Hogs Receipts Hogs Receipts 11 active mostly 10 to 10 15 lSe higher than s best time packer top 7 50 bulk of ot sales 7 16 bulk ISO to 00 pound weights 7 20 to 7 40 to IGO pounds pound 6 7 10 sos soie mostly 6 C G 60 CO stock pigs shong I 6 DOltS 00 76 75 Sheep ReceIpts Sheep Receipts 1500 1600 natIve lambs strong to higher small bunches 13 66 56 top load lots 13 40 better grade mostly 13 1300 00 Ii t 1340 13 40 odd lots sheep steady Sr JOSEPH Mo fo July 11 11 Ho Hogs Hoss Receipts 7 lOc bc to bc I hip her top 7 i 60 bulk built 7 7 00 i 60 50 j Ii Cattle Re 1 t dy I bulk ste steers rs 8 CO GO to tOP I 1026 1025 CO cows cois s and anI heifers helfErs 3 60 9 00 calves U 4 60 stock stock- I ers era and feeders 4 27 50 Sheep Receipts 2000 2 ISo higher limbs 12 14 26 I clipped owes es 4 S MOEY IO W YORK LW-YORK YORK July 11 Call all mone stead high 2 low 2 ruling rate 2 doting closing bid 2 3 of- of of offered at 2 last loan 2 call loan loans against acceptances 1 time loans es ml mined l collateral 90 90 60 da davs 2 27 6 4 months 31 3 S 3 i prime primo commercial comme paper 3 0 3 t I |