Show URGE TO PUBLIC PUBLIO AFFAIRS On motion of o W H Feeder Reeder Jr the club of Ogden Ofden at It luncheon meeting Thursday ad- ad adopted ad adopted opted the resolution he cas no o 0 believe It to bo be bolho bethe bethe the duty ot of every very citizen ot of the theL L States State to exercise the th right of ballot at nt every election wh hold held for or the purpose of at public officers officer or for tor the th Obe ot of determining public questions and Whereas we w believe bellev that a full tull dl discharge charge of o the th duty to vote vot re- re requires lequire quires ic-quires quires quire that every citizen shall hall bo be thoroughly Informed about the th can can dilates seeking office and about questions 1 and issues of ot public con concern con con- concern concern cern and importance and Whereas the lh percentage ot of othos those who oho tote ote li Is constantly de- de decreasing de decreasing creasing and viv se believe bellev that our efforts should hould b h J i put forth tor for tl ti e purpose ot or ins a greater r and nd more inora l nt uc ue ot or the ow ow therefore be b It resolved that t each m member or of o the Kh cub Jub of o Ogden pledges himself lt to become better Informed about can can can- can political plUm pl In u 1 id r bout public questions and Isu l 0 o allow no election or of o public p of- of or or ballot ae ng n on public ques- ques lions tion question Uon to pass pans by b out wit OUt casting hi his ballot to urge urr all members b of hl hi ethe family and ald ad household who hate hl e the right rl ht to vote vot to do r and nd to use his uce In till this community to encourage all to take tak ai at a 1 at attle atland Ii e and t 1 I Interest t nl 1 all I 0 |