Show f I WEATHER I Missouri Fair and warmer armer n Saturday probably local thunder showers followed by lower lor temperature In north po po- po potion po tion Iowa Increasing cloudiness and warmer Friday Frida probably toll followed owed thunder shows show at night or on Saturday cooler Saturday Minnesota Increasing cloudiness cloudiness ness Friday local thun- thun thundershowers thun ers era by afternoon or er night warmer northeast portion Satur Satur- Saturday Saturday day generally fair and nd cooler South Dakota Mostly fair diy Fr-diy day e except possibly local thunder thundershowers thundershowers showers shower cooler In west and ond an- an portions Saturdays generally fair cooler In extreme east cast por- por portion portion por portion tion Nebraska Possibly local show show- showers showers ers ere and thunder storms Friday warmer In extreme southeast por- por portion portion por portion I tion Saturday most mostly fair Ion Kansas Partly cloudy Friday and nd Saturday warmer Friday Montana Generally fair air Pu- Pu Fri Friday day da cooler Saturday fair tair J Wyoming Moth Mostly fair except possibly scattered thunder thundershowers thundershowers showers not so warm worm In north north- northeast northeast east eat portion Saturday partly I cloudy I I |