Show LOWER RATES FIGHT EIGHT OPENED Utah and Idaho Grain and Flour Leaders Leader Begin Conference Explain In two railroad rate e I cases casos now before the interstate commerce commission h which It Is sought to reduce gin ln and lour flour rate rates both east cast and weal n cot from Utah Uh and Idaho Idabo II If tY 1 Prick Prick- Pric ett eft of oC o the the- Traffic f Service bureau bur i m of ot Utah was as the tha principal at al the opening session NIlon of oC a conn con con- co torence of or Utah Idaho train grain oln deal deal- dealers ers era and ond flout millers n b being ln held In Ogden This TAU Is the third annual l conference sponsored by the tho Og- Og Ogden dm den Grain Exchange chango and Is home bon attended b bi by many men in the g oln and lour Hour Industry of tho the two t states nil TERRITORY Complaints hate ha hI o 0 been flied lied with Ith tho the interstate commerce commis- commis slon olon In two cases oto oh affecting the tho tl eastbound rates to Include tern tern- toy toil as far tar east s as Ch ago aid a IL i throughout the tho ho southeast the othi oth r r affecting rates to the Pacific st states stats In both cases unfair ai at d 1 e e e rates are alleged Man Man- Manager Mai aser oger declared that the people of ot the territory affected are sr a absorbing nearly a million dollars dolla In excessive rates Joseph M II Parker president ot of th the Ogden Grain Exchange pro pre presIded sIded at the Initial and luncheon h held ld at the Weber club clubroom clubrooms b rooms room this noon After Afler outlining the program fo for toi the tho dav day he tn- tn ho Manager Manager- Nt Fol- Fol Following i 10 lowing Ing the latter s address n E R Ii RAlton Alton spoke poke regarding Utah and Idaho grain and flour lour ros- ros He ito said Bald that during the past sear ear tho the mills of ot the th t rrt ry had hilt beep been operating at a Cl g atc percentage of oC capacity then th-in an another other section tit or the Tho county country and an made optimistic report h lega g the Iho future prospects B E L Sach secretary of ot the Ogden Ogdon Oln Ex- Ex E change spoke 1010 on crop con conditions s and IlOt J 1 F r Welsh elsh rd lal 1010 on retied ro re lod od ted ted- tedel feudal el dal al grades and the necessity of oC supporting the tho Ogden Grall Pa- Pa Fa chanse change i ORM in i This evening c the thc will b be gues guests ruess of o the tho e exchange change at Thu Her ller- Hermitage hotel hotd where hero a Qu b t din din- dinner dinner din ner npr will be served Ia oi Ma 01 P F I II Is js to 10 g ghe ge e Ue Ile U e formal welcome to Ogden and ond 11 tie e pal Wan Wan- aL address w n 11 be by W V L Van Ie less cis dean of ot the department ot of c commerce utah al col- col colI I lege ege g The Arlel Ariel 1 will furnish the music This the i-e i are s-e a guests nests of oC the Alhambra tit th management a at t the Vantages Po ude and Dempsey pie pie- picture pic picture ture sire 11 am Herbert L Holley is s chairman of oC the committee on arrangements other Ogden millers and And grain dealers jolting with lIh i Pro Pro-Ident Pre Ident Parker Pallor ecI Fek F-c F and ind Chairman Holley In for tor or the conference |