Show TRANSFORM HALL TO SWIMMING P POO 0 0 L NI NEW YORK TORE July 4 11 11 0 great gap yawned in the floor of oC Madi Madi- Madi Madison Madison son on Square Garden Thursday Thursday-a Thursday pit that had blue walls lils and that Satu Ra t u will be e filled It with h clear cool water ater The garden was wai a un- un undergoing undergoing un a transformation that will change ing it from a II con contention hill Into a 11 gigantic s swimming Imming pool where 01 of more mor persons may maybe maybe maybe be accommodated in a da dalIt dai dal It will tall 11 remain that thaI way ay until Labor da daThen da then othet 3 will take puce place and It will emer emerge o a hill hall for winter Inter sports boxing circus shows chows s and the like And OJ a Sear ear from next net month August of nC 1925 92 will comp come con t tho passing of 01 the Garden Gardn when hen It will Ill be torn do down don n because of the tho march uI oC commerce to bo be e replaced by I till office building I |