Show BATTLE HEARING GOMES COMES SATURDAY Change Chans of oC to the court In the case cas of oC the against Louis bras charged ed was as granted by Judge D U R H Roberts this morn morn- morning morn morn-ine Ing The Tho case of ot the tho th city cit elt ag against Terry Terr charged with th assault and battery upon Siros Greek Greel restaurant keeper a was continued until f Saturday morning A similar case of oC the city against charged with witha and battery upon Spall- Spall was lS also continued until Satur Satur- Saturday day dl W w J 3 was as glen given II a day five day suspended tu sentence for fr fori i I on of 01 the tho two-hour two prk Attorney Arthur Woolley representing I Beth Belli Smith 20 charged wIth wi h ag lanc entered a pica plea of 01 I not guilty and the tho cas case a was as sot EC ge for tor trill trial July Jub 22 n |