Show A Pioneer Gone With the close of the year there disappears from this scane of action a face and form as familiar in Salt Lake as pretty nearly any that can be named At 6 oclo k last evening Morris J Snedaker closed his eyes in death and a big generous heart ceased to beat Deceased was among I the early settlers of Salt Lake coming com-ing here in iBIS and with the exception ex-ception of a brief period living in the city continuously his homo in the Ninth Ward being one of the towns landmarks For many years he was actively engaged in business busi-ness the salt industry and at one time was recognized as among the wealthiest men of the community com-munity Of late years he was prostrated pros-trated with disease much ot the time being unable to leave his room but gentle hands ministered to his wants and his passing away was peaeefuland without pain Mr Sned aker was born on December IGtb 1818 in Lansing New York his parents being Derrick and Lucinda iJowker Suedaker The funeral will conducted on Thursday 14th at 11 a m from the Ninth Ward School House |