Show LATEST rrELEGR lS COnlUERCfAL MOSEY MARKET New York 12Money closed 6j governments firm other stccks irregular weak Western Union 82X Quicksilver Quick-silver 9K j Pacific 39K Wells J argo 128 New York Central 132 Erie 374 Panama 167 Denver R 5J 44w j Union Pacific WU4 bonds 115 Central Cen-tral Pacific 87Uj bonds 116 Sutro Vs MIMXG STOCKS New York llMining stocks dull excepting Leadvtlls stocks which was fairly active and strong Chrysolite sold 125 aud 30 Little Chief 39 to 45 Little PitUburfj 70 to 80 closing at 77 Horn Silver 260 Robinson Con 130 Navajo 675 and 703 Con Virginia 63 to 65 finer Cliff 120 Jo 38 Sales 52209 shares PRODUCE Chicago 12 Wheat weak lower regular i re-gular 94f December 43 January Corn weak lower 53 cash year2K January Pork weak 17X cash January Lard eak lower 1057 cash January Local elevators contain 4335000 bushels wheat 1690000 corn 296000 oats 295000 rye 291000 barley total 6914000 against 10264000 < u year ago Grain in sight 34000000 bushels It is rumored there aro some cliques on Change lU2gin at ptoviaions Heavy dealers arc trying to lour the market Ono bjjyy spsculaior arid packer thi morning sold great quantities whatever what-ever prici wee olidred Another operator wh > ht > run pevsral duuh said i he was juyinji v > r7 hing for a rise IMKKION M4KKKT3 London 2 Fve ostendcd 105 Conso s 11116 and 1516 fours l21Ji Liverrool 12CoUon firm Uplands 5 1516 rlsrs 67 tales 1f5 Receipts o t wheat tbtt past three dajs 111100 cen ll American 30000 Breadtuffs quiet steady corn 7s Ip per cen at old mixed western COPPER Baltimore 12 Copper quiet 17K > New York 12 Copper dull Lake BYs PETROLEUM Now Yok 12 Pptrolqum l dull nn omicft2 crude 78Xjrtfiom1 7 Failed 105 OIL Bradford Pa 12Oil market dull fiuciufttions between 110 and 10sf closing at tko latter figure TIN tfew York 12 Auttr linn tin 212 |