Show l 1 I P AUERBACH BRO SALT LAKE CITY + 0 jt j t We are now ready with our 1 GRAlfD DISPLAY OF KOLIBA GOODS In every ono of on Numerous Daplrtmms 0 We ofler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our Beautiful SILKS nmm VELOUR DE BHOCADES MOIREE8 k PARIS BRAIDED AND I ANDHOBSS 0 E1vIBRROIDERED ROBES Imported for the Holidays o W6DDING AND BABY OUTFI S Beautiful and Cheap 0 MAGNIFIOBIsTT j BERLIN ART EMBROIDERIES Ob How Beautiful 11 1 1 ia the exclamation of every Lady when shown these exquisitely Embroidered Piano and Table Covers Long and Sqaare Tidies PI iquea Screens etc Gentlemen in search of a SUITABLE P1 rESENT Should not fail to see these Works of Art BO much appreciated by every Lady of taste for to see them ia to buy them Elegant Handkerchiefs Silk Mufflers Silk Suspenders Suspend-ers Silk PulseWarmers Silk Hose Silk Scarfs 1 Pocket Books Looking Glasses And numerous other article suitable for Presents to Gents Youths and Youngsters to be found in our COMPLETELY ASSORTED k CLOTHING HATS AfJO ll FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT rA 8 OUR HOE ARTfttENT Offers among other attractions beautifully embroidered Gents Ladies 1 and Boys Slippers from 150 and upwards also Dolls Shoes and Slippers to please the Little Darlings with GENTLEMEN At Auerbachs you can give your Wives and Daughters s ufit which will be received with a smiling and pleasant countenance a and thus condone for the fits you might have unintentionally given them during the year nearly passed when you had the blues and they asked for more lucre to buy those pretty things at Auerbaohs with Buy them one ot our Perfectly Fitting Dolmans Pelisses Ulsters Circulars or Hisses HareMs j 1 i At the Lowest Prices they were ever sold at 11 250 BEAUTIFUL FANS From 25o to 25 apiece the latfer to lovely for anything BEAUTIFUL FTCHUS REAL LACE COLLARS TIES EMBROIDERED EM-BROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS all of ouv own European Importation the Holidays Complete 0 stock of EID aLov SIn S-In Tens Cotta Tan and OpeN Shades We are nosing out odds and ends p 200 Pairs of Kid Gloves at COo worth SI 00 200 U U 75o 125 200 cI 100 U 150 0 10000 ARTICLES 1 OF BIZOUTERIE Gathered from too Workshops of every Country in Europe and Japan each euitablo for o Christmas Present at Prices tu Suit Bich and Poor Wholesale liny ers will find our Stoek of Christmas Goods t complete and prices to suit purchasers Mail Orders promptly filled and honorable treatment guaranteed f j We are never undersold Established 1864 3 F Fe AUERBACH w BRO i PECIAL AN OUNCE IENf i 0 1 I i Dolmans Coats Ulsters 0 We have just received another LARG E SaIF EN Of the above Garments and to make room for our LARGE CHR15T B STOOK shortly to arrive V3 will give our customer SPECIAl ARGAS Gall and see before purchasing elsewhere o 1 Ge e DA VXSc r = THE P L INTER V eCeJdO Xg u PAINTING ALL SIS BRANCHEl i11 Opposite Old Market E 0 i iii WHY WILL YOU cough when bhilohs Cure will give immediate relief Price 10c 50c and Si Sold by Z C M I Drug Store 11 A NICE Assortment of Dry Goods Notions etc at t NEEDHA3I SPRINGER Gents Buy your Furnishing Goo sAt s-At DU FORDS WARM OvERCOATsBoys Youths and Mens at Taos W JENNINGS Music for Quadrille and Brass Bands has arrived at Calders > < THE REV GEO H THAYER of Bourbon Ind says Both my self and wife owe our lives to SHI i LOHS CONSUMPTION CURE Sold by ZC M L Drug Store 9 A NASAL IXI1C1 OR free with + ch bottle of bluiohs Catarrh Ltemedy Price COe Sold by Z C M I Drug Store 16 0 U S DEPOUliT BY o + i lESERET NATIONAL BANK y siLT LAKE CITY 4 11 Paid in Capita I 200000 Surplus 150000 t Wn H Hooper President H S Eldredge Vice great I m Jennings I I Feramorz Little Directors John Sharp j NicholasGroesbecfc I L S AFIIs Cashier J 11 o I Recoives Deposits Payable en Demand Buys and Sells Exchange on New York San Francisco Chicago 8 Louis Omaha London and Principal Continental I Conti-nental Cities Makes Collections Remittinij Proceeds I r Pro-ceeds Promptly 1V1CCORNJCK CO BANKERS Salt Laka City Utah Transact a General Banking Bank-ing Business C relnt attention Given to the Sale of Ore f and Bullion Wo solicit Con ign ments Guaranteeing tho Highest c High-est Market Prices Collections JIale with Prom returns at lore teat t-eat Bates Execute Orders for Purchaso or Sale of Books and Bonds at Now Ycrk and San Francisco CiTs We Sell Exchange and Telegraph Transfers on Loading dUel of the United States also Furnish Bight Drafts or Remit Funds to London Dublin Berlin Copenhagen Paris Stockholm and nil other Prominent Points in Europe at t 1 I Lowest Rates ol Exchange l = I Certificates of Deposit Issued Payable on Demand De-mand r h ICIIYfi ACCOUNTS SOLICITED RESPONDENTS NEW YOBK Importers and Traders i National Kounteo Brothers i CHICAGO Commercial National Bank SAN PBAKCISCO First National Got a Bank OMAHA Omaha National Bank t t + ST Louis States Saving Associations LOMOMJAIKoiiJ11i1lli i LOOTED 22 Great Winchester StB London l t r AKD t SALT < LAKE CITY UTAH + i Authorized Capital 100000 Par 3778 64O o v Subscribed Capital 48600 Par 242878 Shareholders Liable for Amount Uncalled Un-called on Shares 1 1r a BUY AnD BELL STEELIKG EXCHAHGS It a Buy and Sell Drafts on the fi tea 01 the F United States I ff Advances made on consignments of are and bullion received for sole Merest Allowed oa Certificates 41 Deposit l COLLECT10HS MADE AT LOW S4S1J Accounts Kept en the most la1cmW1 a a terms 1T PtWjUU EHESPOHDEN13 London London Bank of Utah LlmUtQ Martin h Co Now York American Eichsngft RAtlons k Bank Chicago First National Ban Omaha Omaha National Bank Pen Francisco Banfc of California r E AUSTE9 l I y i JOHN T TLOn B HSCBnZLE3 President Assl Cartier i ZIoN 7S I SAVINGS BANK 1HD TRUST COMPANY No 53 EASE TEMPLE STREET HERALD BUJLDINe Capital Stock 8200OOC Paidup Captal 85000 Pays 5 per cent interest on Saving Deposits i MONEY TO lOAN On approved Securities at > LOti I RATES of interest ld25 i Ib i rJ f 4 |