Show vA 1 1 I j 1 Golden Rule Bazar i 57 98 MAIN ST I 0 HOLIDAY OPENING MONDAY DECEMBER 18 0 cordial invitation for nil to inspect our Large and Elegant A for Assortment of Goods especially designed i Holiday Pre ents will be found to comprise the Largest and Most Complete j Which offered for sale in Salt Selection ever and the Cheapest Many surprises await those who Lake City J visit us in the new i 1 j I AND I FANCY GOODS t counters We invite all the little ones to bring their On our parents and promise to satisfy their wishes at prices fully 20 per cent lower than present Salt Lake Vices and shall consider it no trouble I to show goods CITDont forget the date of our I HOLIDAY OPENING MorbTDY JDIESO ISTIB i 0 I Golden Rule Bazar 9 and 57 WLJTX STKBETP = I NOTICE We have en routefor our New Store an im will tnense Stock of Dssirable Zfoveltiek wver seen before which be offered at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES I d12 IIf II J JUST RCiVD o I A Large Consignment of the Cheapest Assert ment of STOVES I Consisting of i I 33 KINDS Parlor Bedroom Cook Stoves I AND RANGES At O S WAIISHKhiiball Block j dB uSEr I r I GEORGE As CLARK SOLE AGENT The SEST and MOST POPULAR SewingThreadofModernTimes t BKWEE OF UIITttIONtJ J > A Complete Assortment FOR SALE BYJ f zoML Branches and Dealers EDeT1JICilel I Reouctions in i Goal c ROVE SPBII < b1ti ay Oar Load per ton 600 At Yard 660 Delivered 700 REID > CAHSMWH By Car Load per ton 460 At Yard S500 Delivered U 550 WEllED ByCar Load per ton 450 At Yard II 3525 Delivered H 600 O2c Beffciei Ben Block A tCDLDQCt NERVE gi BRAIN DISEASES I B B O WESTS NERVE AND BEAIK DB Treatment o specifics for Hysteria Dix l1t1ess Comralsions Nervous Headache Mental Men-tal Depression Loss of Memory Premature Old Age caused by overesfrtlon oVIlr l1dll ice i-ce exceasei or overwork of thc brain TThi b Isads to Pari ysih decay ncu dett Oce box will curs cent eaHeB Each bo contains one months teahaeat One dollar a box or tlTi boxes f five lolUs fat pI y mall propalfl on recei ot price We e iarsn tea six boxes to curt snv CHMJ With esci order recelred by Uli for ns boxes acccn pan led with five dollar WP will aead InfO pnrotaicr oar written guarantee to l htun th money if tie twitroom ti > < = EP r effett a o r KUarsrtoeB insuwi only bv L r X L Dui Store Salt > k ri I J jI SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT AUCTION AUCTION Corner Main street and Fifth South street commencing Friday morning morn-ing December 15tb at 1030 am consisting ot Household Furniture kitchen dining bedroom and parlor furnitue an elegant parlor set and elegant ele-gant bedroom set body Brussels carpets fine steel engravinga and oil paintings Sale positive on account of departure t H A REID Auctioneer FOR SALE Dirt cheep One light spring double seated Bin Wagon used about six months one good rowe and Reaper one Plow and one Harrow Will be sold for a BOOS Call at the HERALD office information t I WANT TO CORRESPOND A Young Man with means late fron the east is wishing to answer any Young Lady with good character and respectable respect-able CHARLES A WHITE South Cottonwood Utah t WANTED Twentyfive Tie Cutter on tho Weber River and its tributaries Apply to E H Young Wansbip Summit County Utah or H A TUOKETT MHautneturini Oonlectioner Pure HomeMade Itlllis u Specialty Orders by mail V rwoily filled i Wftatch Bakery Fis cub Street j r WANTED A vifto do general housework Apply at Fox SyinoaE Branch Gal lory Manblreet t 480 MUSIC LESsONS 0480 ChsEC on Organ and Piano 20 cents per lesenn bonr Dollars and Eighty Cent per tern of twelve weeks two full leu IS wh week Offian First outh 2K blocks west of thin f trei i Essidenoe Efevantb v ird Eghth East btwcen Setond and Third South t FSHtLL STREET CAR NOTICE On and after Monday November 27 1882 Eleventh Wrd cars wMl run to the Denver and Rio Grando Rail wny and return and tboTwartieth Ward cars will run to the Sixth Nard and return passing on East Temple street hours and half hour 0 P AEHOLTJ t > Superintendent 3 II HORSES WINTERED Hordes and Cattle taken to winter on reasonable terms on Antelope Isiant Apply t > > A S PAITEBSON t 1 152 Main Street OATS 8 PER 100 POUNDS At JohnD Biter c Cojs FOR SALE Mules Wagons and Harness at California Cali-fornia Stable SHOTVELL L RAND s Proprietor o Penny Wisdom Pound Folly It is foolish to save the little that SOZODONT costs and suffer what will result in bad teeth and large payments to dentists Place a bottle ot it on the toilet use five drops only of it every time after eating cleanse the mouth and show your wisdom ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestien Constipation Dizziness Loss of Appetite Yellow Skin Shilohs Vitalizer is a positive cure Sold by Z C M I Drug Store 10 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN mHIS CERTIFIES THAT THE I firm of Russell Co the Magnet Billiard Combination is this day dis eolved by mutual consent All accounts remaining unsettled at this date will be closed by Mr Buase who succeeds the late firm J E S RUSSELL GEORGE A MEEARS SALT LAKE CITY December 8th 1882 In igtiring from the above firm I desire de-sire wlhank the public for the generous patronage extended and I solicit like favors fa-vors for Mr J E S Russell who will continue the business tt the same place I with fine facilities for extending the popularity pop-ularity of the eonccrn Respectfully d9 GEORGE A MEEARS rJOTICE Utah Brewery to the Front TT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT JT thaUba Jeinnette was crushed between be-tween the ice bergs of the north but the look uf Margetts1 Ate and Porter they had an board h still floating around and hose who dseire their families supplied with this delicious beverage can have it delivered by the Keg or Barrel by leav ingordeisat Hrdy Bros and Burtons Stores or at the Brewery 19th Ward I j ESTATE R B MARGETT3 |