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Show DRY UANYON. "This 1'llia" A pain Takes tip the (luili. And EiiliuMcn.i I lift "Hrmhl" imi-ms imi-ms on Mini's, Mining siiul founrnl Miittois in Oplilr. tS u,;.1 IVi n - 'ii'h'in'iO IhiY C.vSon, May 17, U'7f. The miners of thin csinp have paid attention to the old proverb, "A bird in tho hand is worth tivo in the bush," conerijiii'iitly this district hue fumifthed but fow recruits to the Mack Hills, or any other far-away place where lUme Rumor, that unreliable un-reliable old j.ule, may ren.Jlt that fickle l.iriune's Hniles nru mure plentiful than here. Evon Spicwr's long yarns about nolw of tilver, which under the inlhieiu-e of a warm south- ern ami have exudrd from tho atone walla like icicles from the mulling suowh, have fViled to lure nioro than one or two taieling souls from the good IbiiiKi uf the earth which ro to ho had in this camp. thic wi'.vnmc is simply "bo;vitly bad" if I may borrow such a phrase lioiu llawkint and would inuko a saint Use cusc wnrvla when every other vexation in lite would f.iit. Yesterday tlie wind blew a perfect turn ado; to day the snow, hi if wp had not enough in the seison thereof, is fulling in tiuo Cottonwood Cot-tonwood stylo. THE camp is unusually lively, notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, and the mines which are working are producing pro-ducing l.i. quantities of ore, and from the present indications Ibis camp will produce duuhlo the quantity quan-tity of oro a compared with lust fccason. 1 hero aro rumors uf a man being had tbrbreaiclaat overin Ophir, but we Dry Canon people never do t-ueh wicked things, ami the greatest height to which wo ever permit our angry passions to riso is when one feiiow puts a head on auulhur. the magnolia mine is just now the centre of attraction owing to the persistent effirls of its owners to trace out tho Mono, and the side of the mountain, between it and the last namud mine, is ali vt with men engaged in making a surface sur-face trace. If the thing dop.-n't caus a hair-pulling amongst the respective re-spective owners and em ploy ei, the ehancifl are more than good (or thai interesting operation inking place among fie limbs of lue law. THE MONO MINE is working day and night shifts, and the proprietor, M. T. Gisborn, ia apparently ap-parently paying but liltlo heed to the ellorts that are being made to take his properly in out of the wet. Neither does he show any signs ol weakness, although he has not shipped ship-ped any orj since resuming work on the mine. It is to be hoped that for the good of the camp, as well as reward re-ward for his pluck, that the Mono will recover iu old-time reputation as a paying mine. IIURLEIOH OltlLf . Yea! Dry caiion has got one, or shortly will have, nd the place of the location thereof is the Mutio tu nel, situated immediately below the mine of that name, and near the Silver gap. It was located by snslorn capitalists, who propose to tap the Mono vein soma several thousand feet beneath the surface. The tunnel when completed, will be two and and three-quarters miles long, at least so say tne surveyors, THE FLA V1M.A MINE, or Queen of the Hill, ia to have a tramway which will extend six thousand feet down the mountain, to a point near the mouth of Dry canon. This, when completed, will give a cheap method of transportation transporta-tion for the .large quantities ot low grade ore, whicn a'e now being cx tracted from the mine, and will at the same time materially injure the toll road. THE HIDDEN TREASURE continues to be the "big bonanza" of the district, and I believe I would be safe in saying of the territory. The mine gives employment to about sixty men, and produces on an avor-ago avor-ago about seventy toiii of ore per day, that being about the amount lor which transportation can be got. Could the ore be taken away the mine would produce duuble the quantity. THE SILVER CROWN MINE, which was sold last winter to Ohio capitalists, has turned out big. It is a true contact vein of ore four led thick. The superintendent proposes to commence sending down ore van soon as the snow will permit. THE DESERET MINE continues to extract and ship its usual quantum of high grade ore; also the Grecian Bend, Jvearsarge, Emporia, and Thad Stevens mines are doing their share towards establishing the reputation of this camp as being one of tiie best ore producing camps in the territory. In tiie midst of hail, rain, sleet, snow and all the other ills that flesh i is heir to, I remain yours I Plus Ultra. |