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Show SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD FltlDAY MoKNlNG, M.W, 10, 1S7G. THK 1'AUiY IIKKALU is published cv.-ry ini.niiiiL;, Mondays oxiwpt', ul T-MiiT.tT- atm-t, n. nr Fiil .South, Suit I.:-!,. City, In-llu- IUkalu Vkint- IVOili'.J l;LM!MM!l:.r, COMI'AVY. Sllb- orit.tn.it .ri.-iu jwr annum; parts of a y,-ir ul Lin; -nun- rtU!, JV Weekly siilfiilu-is. c.il!."jtio:i m-i'V by currier.:, twunty-tvi1 cuuli a wo')-. THE SKMl-WKEKLY IIKKALD is puiili.-iln-J tivry V.;tn-il:iy riiJ Sutur-diiv Sutur-diiv lUurniiiiT, ut IS4 a year, purls ot a ye.;ir at thi.' sanii; rale. T1IK UiiitALl") .1 noti.-sjx.r.eil.lf fur the ei:nliiiiPiiL (!' it CunvliornJ'Tita, nor lt.o.it i.fc'Savruy ttfcnw nr iiLHfrno with thn ospres.iiyn3 and i-i.:aj wnich ftUj.iftr in etim'nimiuaUon.s pLiblUhed in ihufo columns. OOKUKSL'UNJJKNCE from the loading mining camps fornii a valuable feature ol ila nifin-tna'-ioii, Iho reports of tU correspond cor-respond eiils being characterized by Girnes and roliability. Tim most important im-portant r.ews from all parts of the country it sought by telegraph and mail, and p.'-oniptly given to the public; ainlinforni ition ol an interesting character char-acter is soiieiuxl from all yuarters. 1UK HK11AL1J presents daily full and reliable teiorU t' all matters of interest in tlio territory, devoting a large portion of Us sjjaof to Uwii ailairs, L lah indufi-triia indufi-triia and Utah cntorprUei. JOB PIUN'TING. In connection with the LI nit Atu establishment is a lirft-ela3 lirft-ela3 Job I'rintinjj niliee, wherein plain and fancy printing of every description U done in tlio best style of the art, expeditiously expe-ditiously and at reasonable- charts. |