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Show I ANNA DICKINSON'8 STAGE WARDROBE. All ofhrrunsses ncro devised by ' Miss Dickinson, and they are queenly in richness and elaborate in detail, ! as well as historically correct. They arc (our in number, one for each act of the "Crown of Thorn," and were i not niado in Paris, as 1 ins been reported, re-ported, but by her own drerbmaker in New York and under her directum. The cost of the outfit way tJ,0O0, exclusive of diamonds and ornaments. As A nne !'.' ( yn in supposed jiut lo i havo returned from France, somo license w a do wed for Freneh taste. Mi-s Diekin'jon wears a gold -blonde wig, and displays her continues with ciquiidtfl taste. Thorc is a marvel of feminine art in her exhibition of her queenly robed, as act after act brings them before lbs public eye. Tho fust is tho court dress Anne J!ul''i may be Maid to havo worn when the admiring eyes of King llnuij wero attracted by the girlish beauty. It is a creamy brocade, with ruby Tolviit trimmings and embroidery. This robo is bewildering in its blended beauty, and it is as exquisite for harmony uh for elaborateness. Tho sceond is n dress supposed to bo worn at tho homo of her father, .Sir Thumus ttuliyn. It is a Mctternieh green salin, with a crimson and cloih of gold overdress of the Venetian ulyle, and it may bo described as unique, and piquant, with a Htibtlo sugges tion oi ma amo-renait.saneo prnou. Tho third dress is a marvel ol broended beauty as is lilting fir the royal robvn of an ICuglirh queen. It is ol tho azure of an unclouded sky, and it is nitida morn queenly by a train of blue velvet and ermmo and a girdlo of diamonds anil pearla, with a diamond cross and necklace. Thn stomacher i of woven peai !s ami old lace. Tim Inst dnws is not Iho traditional tradi-tional black velvul in which querns are supposed lo h led to the tiluclt. It isioinbro, but full ot a p.tKHiuualc fliu.'go-tion ofintnn-n and smothered fire, typhi, d by a blending r hlaek and crimson uMin under rich black !nco. Jt in HUch a dreis thai a qiier-u might almost winh to die at the hands I ol Iho cxoculiouer thai hIio might he able- to wear it. |