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Show FROM A SUBUUD. A Wending Tim Sturm llt-n-frul l'nisM'('ls. HuiiNni'VL, Davis Co., U. T., May 1H, U7u. KdUofS ltn;,.i: Yehtciday, ono of llio.ie pleading events occurred, which constitute the chitruiuf our Utah aoeiuly the union of a happy pair in tho bonda ol wed lock. Tho only daughter of the late Augustus Kariihaui, an old resident of thin county, was married to Mr. Anson V. Call, grandson uf Bishop lliill of Bountiful, l'ho ceremony w.in porloniii-d in Sail Lnko city by Kkler Joseph K. Smith, after which l lie bridn and bridegrnnm, aecom panied by two of the brulcamaida and olhcr Udics and gentleman, look train (o Bountiful, where the relativra ol the pair awaited thi;m. A wedding rtiipnor wan provided at the redidence of tho bride's mother, at.d under the inthienro of those joyous anticipations anticipa-tions which characterize such occasions, occa-sions, nil yielded thr-innelves to enjoyment enjoy-ment nnd general f ulivily. Congratulations Con-gratulations wwre amply lavished on the happy c'"U pi, who wen ui.mU the leeipieuta of many luoful id amiable preaenti, us wo 11 it the nub-jects nub-jects of appropriate tonati and speeches. speech-es. The guests did not appear lo vie with each other so much in stylo and display, as in their desires to exprea--locd wishes, and to render tho nuptials nup-tials an affair agreeable to all present. Mr. and Mrs. Call start with excellent ex-cellent prospect; they have youth and health, possess refinement and education, and being both uutivej ol Utah, are well prepared to enter upon tho agreeable but responsible duties of married lile m this region; and should they bo favored with a moderate share of tho blessings bless-ings commonly allotted to mortals, will doubtless travel tho journey ol life hiieccslully, and at lat, surrounded sur-rounded by a numerous oflspring, vine uown in a uiissmi nnu euuimucu old age. So much for the wedding. iirijuuscat iti puce. The Biiowstorm haa reached here and the green fields are clad in a white nianl'o. The green hushes and blossoming trees, peek out of their snowy covering in a vory uniaue manner. Farmers any here that n damage has been doue to tho crops in this settlement, wheat is benchted. In fact nothing but "Oites" soem to ufVrr from tho wintry weather. Tiie pro poets for good crops and good units arc favorable in Bountiful. The water wdl evidently bo plentiful, anil tne granger's life is bo independent uid comparatively happy, that good liuus iiro measured by tho fruilful-ne-9 ot his broad acres, tho sizo of his ca!ve and the number of hia lambs. Tins is a fine settlement, situated in tiie heart of an immense tract of good, rich land, within eight miles ol iho principal city on the line of the Utan Central. The day cannot be Ur distant when property hero will become very valuable fur residences, -vs Salt Late city reaches northward and business increases in that metropolis. me-tropolis. GlLEAD. |