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Show H 'I lie regular quarterly cinfciunuotf H Cache btakc will lo held In Uk.ui, H Saturday and Sunday April 27 and ! 26, 1U07. H General nicctltiKi will be held at H 10 a. 111. and - v on eacli of I he above H A general Priesthood meeting at B 1:M v m. on Saturday and Conjoint H Mutual Improvement meeting Sun- B day at 7..'!0 p in. HH Isaac Smith. ( XkWKI.I. W. KlMllALt., 1 Jos l: Cauhon H Stake I'icildenc l Good Judgment H Mhe csbuutlal characteristic of men H and women. Invaluable to good bust- H nes men and necessary to housewives H i A woman shows ood Judgement when H' she bujs Whites Cieam Vcrmirugo H for her babj. Tho best worm mcdl- H clno ever otlcrcd to mothers Many H indeed are the sensible mot hei s; who HL wrote expressing their gratitude for Hr the good health of their children, H which they owe to the use of White's H Cream Vermifuge. Sold by litter llros. EflH Drug Co. The New Pure Food nd Drug Law Wc are pleased to at nounce that Foley's Honey and Tar for cough', colds and lung troubles Is not alTectcd by tho National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend It as a safe remedy for children and adults For sale by all druggists. Kennedy a Laxative honey and Tar Cures all Coup.ni and expol Colds Iron Ui system by aently movlna Ve bowula. The Flower Store 45 S. Main St., Logan. rjP ALSO Iiac seeds that grow. Wc have not been in the business long enough to have any OLD stock. Our seeds are all Xew, Fresh stock and consequently conse-quently MUST GROW. If this is not ' "XufSaid" call on us J I and get any additional information desired. tj Till-: FLOWER STORE lienj. Carlisle, Mgr. i A NO TROUBLE to show you our Pianos and Organs. We have in stock a I large number of very fine instruments which we will be glad to show you whether or not you have any desire to buy. A competent com-petent pianist is always at our store to play for you and make your stay pleasant. If you get interested we will quote you prices, and we can and will give you price and terms that can not be duplicated by any other Music House in Utah, considering the quality of our instruments Baldwins, Thompsons, Etc. Etc. Wc Btry Right I are content with quick sales and small profits, hence sell right. 1 i SHEET MUSIC, Classical, Popular, Rag-time, both Vo- i cal and Instrumental, arrives daily. The best place for music. j j H ofes Wlus&c C9 I North Main Street. o & Logan, Utah 1 |