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Show RICHEST ON EARTH UNITED STATES THE MOST WEALTHY NATION. Each Deeade Shows Marvelous Advancement Ad-vancement of the Fortunate Sons of Uncle Sam Figures That Seem Enormous. Tho total esthnte of tho value of the national wealth In 1904 was $107,-101,192,410, $107,-101,192,410, according to n special re port Issued by the census bureau on wealth, debt and taxation. This rep resents an increabo in tho four year period from 1900 to 1901 of $18,G8G, 88ri,CSr. This advance in national wealth hns no parallel In tho history of tho United States except tho decade from 18f.0 to ISOO In 1850, when the llrst estlmntes of tho national wealth wero made the flgmes wero only $7,11r, 7e0 !2 Tho most potent cause for the Increase In the nation's wilth from 1900 to 1901, It was stated wa3 the roTPtlon from tho low price of tho period of depression from 1S'J3 to 1R90 The annual Increaso of wealth per family from 1890 to 1901 wns $1S2. Tho various foims Into which tho nntlon's wealth Is divided, with their valuations nro ns follows: Iteil property nnd Improvements tnxed, $56 S 10,228 017; renl property nnd Improvements exempt, $0 831.-214,570, 831.-214,570, live stock, $1,073,791710, farm Implements nnd machinery, $844,981803, manufac arlng machinery, machin-ery, tools and Implements, $3,297 751,-180, 751,-180, gold and silver coin nnd bullion, $1,998 603,303, railroN'.s and their equipment, $11,211,752,000; street railways, $2,219,9CG,000; telcciaph s)stems, $227,100,000, telephone s)S terns, $585,840,000, Pullman nnd pi I vato cars, $123 000,000; shipping and canals, $81G,4S9,80I, privately owned water works, $275,000,000; privately owned central eloctilc light and power pow-er stations, $562 8"1,105; agricultural products, $1891,375,052; nKinufacturerl products, $7,103 291 CG8; Imported meichnndlsc, $1 5,511,085, mining products, $40S0GG,787, clothing and personal ndornnients, $2,GOO,000 000; furniture, carriages and kindled property, $5,750 000 000 Tho total public Indebtedness of continental Unhid St.i cs In 1902 was $2,789,990,120 and the total per cipitn Indebtedness was $35 50 The totnl Indebtedness of the national government govern-ment for the nmn )cai was $925 011,-G37 011,-G37 nnd tho per caj Iti indebtedness wns $1127 Iho Indebtedness of the United States government Is Its gross Indebtc-'nc-s les enrh in the treasury Tho totnl indebtedness of continental United States In 1899 vns $1,981,112,842, that of the national government wns $S51 812,752 and tho pci capttus veie $31 7G and $13 00, respective!) re-spective!) In 1902 tho annual Interest Inter-est charge on tho public debt of con tlnentnl United States Is shown to havo been appioxlimtely $115,200 558 or an annual payment of $1 4C for each Individual In (irent Hritaln the rr capita indebtedness in-debtedness of all dieses national ami local, was 3 93 tlmc3 that of tho United States, In Tiance 4 SG, and In Italy, 2 25 The assessed valuation of property subject to nd valoiem tnxitlon has Increased from 1850 10 tho present time, but It hns not kept pace with the Incieaso In the actual national wealth Tho total nssessed valuation of propoity In 1902 was $3r338,3lfi-833. $3r338,3lfi-833. whllo In 1890 It was onl) $25,473,-173,118. $25,473,-173,118. Tho estimated true vnluo oi all propeit) In 1902 was $97 810,749, 590, ngnl4St $65,037,011,197 In 1890 Tho total levies of ad valorem taxes wns In 1901 $721730,539 and tho tax rato per $100 of estimated tiuo vnlue 74 cents Tho net Indebtedness of tho country coun-try waH sllghtl) less nt the CI030 than at tho beginning of the )ear In the enso of tho national government, states and teriltorlcs and counties tho recoipts oxeceded tho pajments nnd nt tho closo of the vear theso governments had Binallei net Indebtedness Indebt-edness than at tho beginning In tho ense of minor civil divisions and es-peclall) es-peclall) tho huge cities the situation wns revei sed nnd tho payments for oxpondltuies oxeceded the lovenuo receipts, causing nn Incieaso In net Indebtedness |