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Show Secretary Always at Hand. Henry O. Weaver, private secretary to Secretary Cortelyou, Is a vorltoblo lldtis Achates to his chief. Ho has boen with Mr. Cortolou ever slnco tho latter has been a member of tho cabinet, cabi-net, llrst as secretary of tho department depart-ment of commerce and labor, then as postmaster general and now as secrotary secro-tary of tho treasury He accompanies his chief overywhete Usually they lunch together nnd frequently nt lunch tho pilvato secretary Is seen to tnko out his notebook nnd M-rlMilo upon It ns his chief talks In a low tone. It is bolloved that Mr. Corteljou took from President McKlnloy tho hint of tho valuo of having his private secretary always In easy reach. When Mr. Cor telyou was sccietary to Mr. McKInley the piesldent had a habit of talking to him at leisure moments on subjects upon which the chief maglstrato was pioparlng a speech or messago nnd by this method the woik of preparation was mado less hurdousomo to both. |