Show egy mw another veteran gone FRANKLIN idaho july 1877 editor deseret news preston thomas sen was instantly killed at 11 july loth 1877 helas he was engaged getting logs out of the canon for wm wms gib sons sawmill he had a tree cut down three feet through at the butt lad bad had cut onn off a length thirty two feet long and was in the act of cutting it in two lengths sixteen feet each when a limb interfered with his saw his boy about sixteen years old was working with him he told his son to io cut off oil the limb the boy boi thought he had better not as the log might roll but the father told him again to cut it off it would be all right they were working on a steep mountain bide side As soon agthe as the boy struck off the limb the log started rolling thomas was on the lower side he attempted to get over the log but failed he then turned and ran in running over over limbs and brush he hd was was wab tripped and he fell and lind the log rolled over him bruising his bia head and acl ke breaking i his neck he dutil instantly without a word his eon preston was working about one hundred yards above him up the mountain bide side at the time he and others were soon on the spot and rendered all the assisi assistance tance in their adier power in iii bringing the body of the dece deceased ased asea home to his family who were brokenhearted broken hearted at bo be holding the lifeless lif elesa remains of tile the husband and father that had bad always been loving and kind to his wives and aud children to behold the family weeping in trouble around their once prot protector ettor was truly painful preston thomas was born february 1814 in richmond co north carolina his father gave him a liberal education after his fathers death ho he moved to tennessee married S A J morehead in 1844 moved to mississippi where he received the gospel was baptized by eider elder B L I 1 clapp in january 1844 in the spring of 1845 moved his family to nauvoo in june 1846 1816 wa was called on his first mission fo to texas baptized some of his relations and many others came on to join the saints at lat council bluffs the tile same fall with his family the same winter went on a mission to mississippi with eidels elders E T benson and A lyman and some others ie turned returned the following march in the fall of 1847 1947 went on another mission to Te texas dds ins ids W went ent six times to texas on missions preaching and baptizing a great many persons persona into the church came to utah in 1851 and settled in lehi utah county went back baek to the states on another mission in 1854 brought back a company of saints in september 1856 in 1860 was called to act as bishop of franklin in the spring of 1863 he removed to bear lake and returned to franklin in 1872 while in bear lake county he held the office of probate judge two terms during the time he lived in lehi lebi he was a member of the legislative assembly three terms one at fillmore and two at salt lake city during his life he has lived faithful to the principles that he espoused always defending the right hight and has left a good record behind him his funeral was largely attend attended td by the ier ter bereaved people who w with ith the bereaved family Y L WE WEBSTER Tin ogden junction shetton Ti please copy uhe the orean organ lu america SALT SA LT lalle LAKE CITY U to july editor mews news the largest organ in america is about to be built in cincinnati ohio in the springer music hall which building affords the most ample and hui bui suitable table tabie space for the fullest capacity of the instrument this organ with an elegant external design is to have in the front elevation over sixty large diapason pipes with the thirty two foot diapasons in the immediate foreground fore ground so as to give their sustaining power the best beat effect it is to be fifty feet in width thirty yin in depth and sixty five in height it will contain over six thousand pipes while the large organ in the main building at the centennial exposition ta which award was granted contained but 2704 a little over one third the number theslie of the centennial organ was waa thirty two feet in width twenty one in depth and forty in height every valuable device at presenta known to or gan gad gan people will be introduced into this sn mammoth ammoth product production fony lony and the association which bus been formed for the purpose of building it has contracted with hook and hastings of boston for its construction and no scantiness of compensation or parsimony in any direction is to prevent them having the finest organ this side of the ocean and it will perhaps rival those of the old world in brilliancy nud hud power probably a better idea can be conveyed to the residents of utah of the mammoth proportions of this huge instrument by comparing it with our tabernacle organ the latter has baa three thousand pipes it is nifty fifty el eight feet in height chitty feet in width by thirty three in depth the diapason pipes are thirty two feet in length and two feet square thus it will be seen while our organ is within seven feet as high and Is two feet deeper it contains but hair half the tho number of pipes as its width is only thirty leet teet while the cincinnati organ is fifty giving room for the tho additional pipes gipes burds ours iss still the largest organ bulit built in america and will be till the subject of thi article is coin coln completed ct W S |