Show and POLITICS flie tim time e ia Is approach approaching hing when an cle lle deetion othon w will 1 III bo be held in this thia territory for councilors councillors Counci lors to the legislative assembly and some local lue lne Jil Juc cers ersin in various counties this thia suggests a fe few rf reflections upon our home politics it t fa Is I 1 to 0 the interest of every community 1 city to chose good men for official positions politics in this country has come to be a profession and it ia is generally acknowledged ged that the tha class clasi of m men en who en engage 9 age la in it t bro not always the wisest most virtuous virtu oua honorable temper ate or trustworthy trust worth y to be found but political influence is gained to a great extent by intrigue party combinations defamation 0 of f opponents bragging and bribery A in modest otiest man it ik of small use in mo modern d polities a strictly honest amrin in similarly fly insignificant this is murit merit aule ablo buvit bu bitis titis is true tho the people of utah have no oc caf cai ion lon to wallow wallo in the mi mire re nor dabble in the mud puddles of political corruption they have nive no need to to the popular methods of electing men to office they should not follow in the tho common groove they should move on a ai higher plane nobler motives should prompt men to accept office tl ce h higher principles should be involved in their election the boasting candidate who sounds his own pvn trumpet and blazons blazonis forth his diva utan deeds with his own paint brush and his own colors and who is ready with pay and promises is not the kind of man for foi the choice of a wise wige people at an early day the latter day saints were divinely cautioned and instructed on these points for in ri tance sance take tho following when the tho wicked rule the people mourn wherefore honest men and wise men should be sought t for diligently and good men and wise men w en ye should observe to uphold otherwise whatsoever is less than these cometh of evi evl duc doe cov I 1 the entire separation on of religion 1 1 on land land politics is strongly advocated by many persons and some of their arguments appear plausible but those who make the greatest outcry when their opponents avail themselves of the support of rolli 1 gion are not slow to adopt the same tactics when they have the opportunity A religion which does nol not influence every act of life lire is of dittle value to mankind A religion divinely revealed will be a guide to mortals in thought word and deed and a mans mana politics polities must be influenced by his religion if his tre pye ligion has his any real v vitality some persons persona claim that an ecclesiastical sias official should not be ele eie elected ct to civil bivil office this is a mistake for the more a person possesses of the holy spirit sprit of god and the inore lnore more lie he ia Is directed by the divine ine ino influence of our heavenly rather father the better he ia is prepared to nill fill an any y office on the earth either political or ecclesiastical why should a man holding an boffl office ce I 1 in n the church be disqualified from holding a civil position wo know f of no valid reason that can bead bend danced van ced we do not argue that a ician man should be chosen for civil office simply because of his ecclesiastical position although the fact of his hia being trusted with church response responsibilities bil bli I 1 ties ought to be evidence eviden ce bof dof of his hia worth and ability but we urge that he should not be rejected on that account jl 1 I true it ig Is not wise to crowd offices upon any man and in these thebe advanced times there is not so much necessity as in the earlier days dass of our career for multiplying individual responsibilities but whoa who are remore more mone at fit to represent the people in any important deliberative am assembly embly than the men who have become familiar with condition necessities desires aud mud and aud demands than those who lived among them themy labored guid luid und aud and planned for them advised and directed dimmed them in their most vf viral gal fal concerns and if ii priesthood was considered a bar liar to civil office among us considering si 00 its wide diffusion who that has any influence whatever wo wouldga would idzi ta on an eligible candi eandi candidate datel we should lave have among those who are not of us for formento formen men to fill dilim offices that are of great moment to us ili in all our political movements we keep in view the principles institutions and interests chare re incorporated in our religion for which we have left our homes and kindred kin hin dred which have madeus an tin organized community and which should be the alpha and omega of our lives and labors E elect leet men to office whon who are qualified worthy and willing blit not too enger eager for its ita honors and emoluments and who will study the welfare of the people and the great objects which to us are of paramount importance and if they happen to occupy prominent places in the church let that form no po barrier to their selection for secular positions for which they are fitted and wool in which they can honor their god while they serve their constituents f |