Show TiiE THE Charter oak steve is an old favorite throughout the united states the new styles are greatly improved and all housewives and cooks who ase use ure them speak highly in their praise see bee advertisement in spite of your teeth both above and beneath 3 being lightly enamel ld and thin they will never break breall down nor turn yellow nor brown if the daily brushed in d e s w vanilla steele price annually eq consume ume in the manufacture of dr priced pews extract of vanilla more of the finest quality of aiex Alex mexican ican vanilla than any other makers of extracts 31 and it is by the use of the finest quality that dr prices extract of vanilla obtains obtain sIts its rare rate excellence 2 superstition A panacea or curo cure all ail is not of the ifie myths of the tha age of I 1 tion dr R V Y pierce does not recommend any one or even his whole list of standard remedies as ag adequate every disease for severe lingering coughs bronchial bror chial throat threat and chronic lung jung ung diseases he believes his was golden medical discovery Js 19 unsurpassed but it will not cure you if your lungs are half wasted by consumption the discovery not only exercises a potent influence over pulmonary aff affections ec by treason of its PC pectoral ceoral properties but posse possesses sEes also the most powerful alterative or blood cleansing properties and anti is therefore a sovereign remedy in blood and skin affections but while it will cure scrofulous and other ulcers or sores blo bio blotched tchee pimples and eruptions it will not cure cancer nor does its manufacturer claim any such merit for it as is done by proprietors pie prie tors torb ors of other blood cleansing medicines who dishonestly try to deceive the afflicted into the belief that thai tb their eirp p reparations preparations will accomplish imposed impossibilities bill ties by reason of ita its real intrinsic merit tit it has a sale surpassing that of any other blood and cough medicine daw E NOTICE I 1 T havn HAVE in my I 1 possession ono cna roan MARE seven years old whito white face facet white on neck and belly and legs saddle marked shod all round has a halter on one red yearling heifer branded 4 fe on left shoulder which if 1 not claimed will bc be sold on saturday august 4 1877 at 10 a m J R MILLER district pound south fouth july 1877 daw d sw administrators NOTICE VOTICE NOTICE IS rg HEREBY GIVEN to all persons ati having claims the tho estate ot joseph castle deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months ot of tue first publication of 0 this notice to either of the undersigned undersigner under signed at our respective reside residences ill rim jn in the loth and wards salt sait lake LC olty city P BURNS JOHN WHITING administrators salt lake lako city anly loth 1877 W 11 i A A LL persons holding the uio original jol cates ot of the surveyor for lots in blocks 15 and sixteen 16 jordan plot survey included within tho the south bouth southwest west irest quarter section twenty two 23 22 township one ono n e 1 north of range one 1 west aro are rc requested to present the same or communicate with the undersigned undersigner under signed in relation thereto within 20 0 twenty cays days any interest claim A in virtue thereof will be considered abandoned 1 f r 1 4 1 t 1 BV 13 V MORRI Molt ris nis wa 25 mh ward wyard sall sail salt sait t lake city I 1 NOTICE MOTICE I 1 HAVE in the pound On lbrown and white brindle STEER five orsia or siz six Year years old oid br branded N hio ale c on left hip under halt crop off right and upper hair halt crop off left ear one light brindle STEER STEM biz elz or seven years old branded IT inside a circle on left ribs a brand resembling dy DV on lef left t hip W 8 on left horn crop off both cars silt slit lu right one light red helfer three or four years old 9 branded W B R on lef left t hip hipp lears tears it out of left silt in and out of right ear one red and white faced STEER five fire or six years old illegible brand on ight r hip swallow fork and blit slit in left and upper hait half crop off wight right ear one brown and white speckled STEER four or five live years olds old oid blotched brand on right side eide of body blotched brand on left thir hupper and under bit out of right ear out of left one red and white while HEIFER two years old branded C and an illegible brand on the side of the co C on right hip out of left ear car one red STEER steers two years oldy old oid white under belly a brand resembling JB combined bineyon on left shoulder illegible brand on right side bide of body crop off and notch in end of left ear one yellow and white speckled COW ten fen or eleven ears earb old branded V Y on right hip crop off and slit elit la in left ear and upper and under bit out of right ear car one red STAG six eix or seven years old a brand resembling 11 on an left s ade de same brand on right shoulder alo aio alo ajo a brand resembling sem bling co on the right hip crop off and two notches in end of right earp carp ear crop out of endom end of left ear car one red and whito STEER yearling year lings a piece out of end of left ear earl no brands visible one black HEIFER helfer two or three years oldy old oid white under belly branded TS on left hip crop off left ears earl ear upper and under hals half crop off right car one black STEER two years old a brand resembling LE LH on left nibs ribs also an illegible brand crop off les left t ear upper hail ball crop off ht one red HEIFER yeanling yearling year liny branded N on left ribs illegible brand on left lef t hin hip hole in lef left t ear one red and white speckled COW three or lour yearb years old blotched brand on left hip 0 on left ribs under slope elope off each ear one rod HEIFER yearling branded N on left ribs a en cn lett left shoulders shoulder crop off and bole in left ear two notches and tind lind erbit out ot of right ear one ono red and wllie white brindled HEIFER two or arthr ahr e years old a brand resembling lj on left ghou thou ider lder crop off left lert ear swallow fork and out of right one speckled h helfer HEIFER two years old 9 a brand resembling co on left hip crop off and upp erbit out of et left ear car upper bair halt crop and out of right ear car one red helfer HEIFER yearling piece out of end ot of right ear car no brands visible one brindled ST two years earb ears gid eld branded W on left hip silt slit in right car and each one red rid and white brockie hicel STEER 3 or 4 yearb years ears cars old brai brat brad ded cd 8 on left shoulder 13 on iett left ft sine of body V one red OX some white under belly and in sace face 5 or 6 years old crop off left and silt and inderb t out of right ear car a brand resembling Q P with a perpendicular bar through it on left hip one dark spec speckled bied Bled HEIFER helfer coming two years old branded 0 combined en on right i J side et ef body also a blotched brand on the same side silt slit in left ezer crop 0 off ff and slit in right ear one light red HEIFER HELFER about i years yeara old branded thus 0 00 0 I 1 the last two Us connected by a bar and a small bar on each on right side of the body ono black yearling null DULL crop off and out of left ear car one red and e HEIFER three years old branded MP combined on left hip under halt crop ott off right ear branded 0 and a small 0 inside on ribs On ona white ewhite COW 3 or 4 years old brancel bran led like a square ono one alde aide pointed like A on left side t if f bo be yul yui ulder ider halt crop off lets left ear ears bit out of end of right ear one red brindle STEER two years yeara old branded c M on left shoulder N on left ribs crop out of right ear earl crop oz off and silt slit in laft one black COW whito spot in face 1 7 or 8 years wd old bi branded 0 with a curve inside on iett left side bide of body T F on left hi hip hin two under bits and upper bit oui of left lert left ear car has calf one light speckled EIFER HEIFER 11 3 or 4 years years old no brands brandi visible under halt crop off left ear carp a lump on right sido side of body hu has a acair calf one black STEER 4 or 5 years old white unger belly branded on left hip 1 I on right side of body Q something attached to it on left side of body crop odd off lert left hole hoie slit silt out of right ear one brindled STEER 3 or 4 years yearb old oid a a brand resembling ov combined cri en left hip crop off and out of left ear car one une red ateer i or 5 years old oid branded like a beart heart on od left hip crop off left under bit out of and slit in right ear one red stem swem two years oid old illegible brand on right shoulder upper halfe half crop rop off right ear under bit out of left one helfer two years old no brands visible crop ol off right ears ear swallow forkin fork rork in left one red and white STEER three or four years old white stripe in face doubled dew lap branded 0 0 on an left hip vented on left lett shoulder under halt crop off left ear ears upper halt crop off and of right car if the above described animals are not claimed they will ivill be sold on saturday july thy it 71 nt at 10 am at my corral L A BAILEY Ds triet nephi juab jilly july 18 lim daw administrators NOTICE NY PERSONS person Ts HAVING ANY A against the Esta toor henry dec deceased cased will exhibit cx lubit them with tho nf nc vouchers to tho ad afi at his residence at kano irano county U T ti within teu atter after tho the first publication of this notice CYRUS N M JENNINGS wig w 19 NOTICE T HAVE in my possession one bay marey MARE 11 or 12 years old olds white strip in race lace two white feet branded JR combined with a curve over the top on right shoulder and thigh has a yearling pipit foit with her one dark bay MARE BLARE it 14 or 15 years old star in forehead two white feet branded fi on lest left thigh one sorrel HORSE two years old no brands it if said eald animals are not clai clat claimed med and taken away before july 28 1877 they will be sold according to law lair at af 2 p m at the pound fillmore city II 11 T JAMES jamesc 0 OWENS district fillmore SI illard co j july hi tg 1877 NOTICE HAVE in my possession the following I 1 described animals an imala one black two or three years old olds branded on left thigh el g white spot in foreheads forehead three white feet one bay hokse four or five years old branded on the left shoulder with wilh something like a pothook he P I 1 gentle one borrel sorrel HORSE horbe yearling branded bran dedon on right hip PM rif bald raco faco leit left f rout front root toot white one sorrel borrel MARE three or four years old branded on an right hip P hit bit M white strip in races face three white whito feet has a luckini colt one bay MARE MARK year yearling lings branded on left thigh J V C white in aoe lace ace three white feet one ona light bay or sorrel marb MAHE yearling branded on left thigh J V C one bay STUD studs two years old 1 branded an P right hip a 9 nane one light iron grey MARE MARI yearling branded on right shoulder A small email block brand something like w j white spot in forehead one ono yellow HORSE yearling 1 branded on left Eh shoulder something like ii H B D or H R 8 one dark dapple iron rray gray g mabe MARE siz six or seven years old oid branded on left wr saddle saddie marks left hind bled foot a little white one gray MARE nive five or six year years sold bold old oid branded low down on left thigh cl C dark abour about the legs it if sam eau animals are not claimed before july ju ay iy aoth 1877 they will be sold at public auction to the highest responsible bidder sale at 10 oclo ott cst ain win a in SAMUEL BATEMAN district gardners Gard ners nees mill west jordan july 1877 jelv RIVETED we hereby give notice to merchants who have purchased riveted overalls of us or our agents or w who ho ma may y purchase e them that we will protect them from all damages which may be preferred by certain parties who claim our goods to be an infringement of a patent we shall continue to manufacture these goods and solicit S through zions i operative cooperative co mercantile institution the orde orders vis pis of the trade iiri W illg iti idi ahin anin ioia april 9 LOST A SMALL S white cow sprinkled with red A b branded C on ribs information celi cea cernitz her present whereabouts will be b paid for WILLIA WILLIAM 31 HOWARD ward NOTICE I 1 have in animate my poss possession cession the following described one bay bar horse liok E black mane wane and add tali tall a little spot ct cl white on the forehead four years old branded A on left shoulder one dark bay mare 4 years old has a few saddle marks markst branded N P on right shoulder it said animals aro arc not claimed and taken faken away t they her will be sold july aoth 1877 ls icat st 10 a ami at the estra pound U d hamilton M wit garllick 11 lick district gunnison july 1877 1871 d siy siv s w HAVE BE nest BEST ST THEN BUY nuy rings KINGS fonds FORDS OSWE D SW ma oro CrO 0 SILVER GLOSS CLOSS AZID AID ard ds 0 OSWEGO G 0 C CORN 0 R N STA STARCH mim WIM SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS wo IN convenient arrangement cleanliness and simplicity economy in labor and fuel AS EVIDENCE OF THEIR superior construction and perfect operation we refer housekeepers to every ono of tta tia tl 9 cco tact a d or it v laced la in a line OVER lles ILES or wnm mrm am borl dory 7 1 1 aiji yi ji WHICH HAVE BEEN EOLD SOLD and dealers will find that A C CHARTER H A B 1 I ER 0 oai OAK A K Is store easily and quickly sold and for less money th than anny y other their cook in gc stevie rame of same bame liol sli all weight and capacity rap suited to all kinds of fuel and localities calit cali ties les aff t I 1 your tinner has not rotan gotan tot pot an assortments assortment bend the order to excelsior manufacturing A 01 egis N MAIN ger fer ST LOUIS MO 91 yr 91 J OR TO mm Z 10 its COOP CO OP mera ro rl SALT BALT LAKE city UTAH unah 7 iii TEE KELLY hin BAN PENCE 0 knier THE BEST FENCE IN THE WORLD AZZ A LT mire WIRE emst EEST I 1 barbs i weight right otty otly 0 61 oi 01 il POUND to the rod point beaded frem beth sides r rast East 0 spool kojm dle rully fully licen licer licensed sed under ALL THE DOT odi patent S by t washburn moen moca manufacturing co no eung enns r eld for asi loue doue couf merth t tm tiia A ll all ai F RB flence manufactured red ly br I 1 TIM IBS CO chiago chiy chim t I 1 IN address all orders to the thorn urlee uhlee hedal cu co bibro hicko bi inKo eko cro t I 1 aj I 1 0 specimens of tho the wire cau can bo be seen at wa tha office I 1 |