Show J tg ag lips ipps E ak jdant C county county gunty I 1 jl A 11 i H W salt SALI mii r july juli 1 1 W 19 to the vo led le ted d df th c peoples deop ticket i A cai co a alfo oa for acou coun conn nr n r ty tyis Is be reb ret y ca 11 61 to to convene at A the Y court atou house se Salt Lake city on saturday july 1877 ht 11 aw to nominate noral norai nate I 1 candidates to bet bej voted for at the general elea clea election tion to Q e hei hel on he be i the f wl sisty sixty slety civo to tho several r ren ca eis cis in he county counts as Ps 1 folios I 1 H SALT laur larr i iao isi ed sad fth and icah iT shops 8 precinct jtb eth t atri joab hops wards War 43 e y P third 71 1 rec luct loth and I 1 ietti biah blah aps wards 7 fourth pr alc cic ct and dinst D shops van Var wards wands dg ii aa 6 0 r Preci precinct get pet lith 12 ll 12 and laih dl DI I 1 t tarde i n r P pl l sugar suar house houle precinct 2 creek s 3 big cottonwood 3 south cottonwood 3 sandy tl 1 draper L 3 granite f 66 isid t little cottonwood Cotton wod ll 11 silver i Z l west jordan joroan ii I 1 I 1 0 m south jordan north jordan t ay iy Herri Herrl herriman herniman man mau i binsham bindham bin ham ri brish brightop brighton ton toa it pleasant G green ren 1 l aft ii total 63 03 65 primary s for the tue electro election A of delegates to the county con convene tenh tenn venH tion will be held in the tt I 1 cincis of salt lake county aethel at the usual places of holding elections therein on monday july com at 7 p m said delegate sm should receive credentials duly i sig big the chairman and secre i tary 0 theine the meeting eting electing them it it is desirable that leading citizens in the various precincts take the initiative in carrying out these suggestions in regard to the inary meetings that a com complete 1 e t 0 of representation of the voters of tile tho vr peoples peopled ticket maybe may be secured anda and a full delegation attend the coming convention by order of thiet tha peoples central c e i committee of salt lake laue county jolt sohn JOHN chairman THEO secretary 11 k odam leai |