Show local and add d other matters DAILY JULY 21 in TOnne minnesota sota sova elder B D P wulim writing from on the thi ish ash juart says bays the saints her here herease eare 1 aie ale all well eo so is kour your your sour humble servant fervant the work of the urd is progressing ih fi this state returned on oa accod account nt of ill III health elder august swenson has leen been relea released sedi from irm laboring in minnesota ile he reached the city last evening and this afternoon proceeds to his home in spanish fork ten sunstrokes Sun strokes ten cases of df sunstroke in this city yesterday t day all of which terminated fatally A gentleman was bringing a dosien dosten chickens lu from his bis place in the suburbs in an open wagon ten of them overcome with the heat turned ovel over upon their thein backs and expired bound over overt we understand that charles wells the person who was alleged to have hav 3 been guilty of making improper advances to leonard 1 I smiths wife sarah and who sli sll sho mand tand killed mr Smith was held to answer to the grand jury p yesterday after preliminary examination at To tooele oeler on the charge of murder the heated term in the north the thermometer rose to 1020 in the shade at logan yesterday and in the south to lido 1161 liu in the shade shadd at st george and 1020 at Toker sille in 1 the central portion of the territory it does not appear to have been sa sp warm aa as 91 was the highest marked at fillmore Fill moie during the day less numerous the corinne record is becoming less numerous it is changed from a daily to a semiweekly probably the salt lake monster swallowed most of the subscribers and advertisers of the record they being unable to swallow the monster even with the aid of barnes cos wa salt small fruit brother thomas E jeremy of the ward has a reputation for raising splendid vegetables and small fruits fraits today to day he exhibited to us some very fine gooseberries goose gorse berries large and well flavored they were the roaring llon linn crown bob and rough kough varieties he also raises excel excellent I 1 ent large red currants mutual improvement on thurse thursday lay evening a 1 meeting of ladies was hid held at the council house to take tako into consideration the advisability of orga organizing 9 a central committee for young ladies a improvement societies about fifty ladles ladies attended and president preside nt john W V young and elder george Q cannon were present after remarks on the subject under consideration meeting adjourned for two weeks at tit the same hour and place when it Is expected the proposed committee commit teo tee wil wll be formed deseret museum today to day we were shown r some fine fossils found at a place forty miles north of evanston Evan biton fiton they were present presented e dby by yV illiam beat deal eq esq and au d are are now on exhibition at the museum lius eum cum there are specimens of her hen herring tins in fine preservation leaves leav es of flags fla fia 9 und trees a specimen of fruit and aid a small winged insect tn in which the he t ant antennae anten entice noe and wings are well seen one fossil leaf of a shape ia is is as perfect in its venation aa as it was when it fell feil ff fal into the lake to help to form the and sandstones of the green biyer birer rebion region eastward bound eiders elders orson pratt and accompanying mission t aries passed council bluela i jester yester day afternoon all well winchesters Win chesters concordance A copy of this work is wanted as soon a as possible any person having one wui will confer a favor by forwarding I 1 ii i to the DESERET NEWS office missionary this afternoon we received a call from elder jphn peter of this thia cit city y who returned on thursday evening evenings from a pals jul sion aslon to the eastern states on which he was absent flye five months he labored in nebraska the who whole leot leof of that time with the exception of a little while he spent in iowa he and elder F hentze of cottonwood Ih labored bored together and they baptized fifteen p persons er bozis into the church and ordained two elders and three priests they organized a branch of the church at fremont cit city aj nebraska there is 13 a good prospect for many additions to the church in that part of the count country ry good f meetings brother brots ez yv NV b C mcgregor writes from parowan carowan Pa rowan sul sui july meetings of a most instructive and inte interesting mating mature were held here yesterday sunday bunday iby byo byC elders eiders wilford woodruff and david H cau cad Cannon of st george in the thia forenoon elder cannon addressed the meeting on the subject of infidelity elder woodruff followed on the same ame subject and on other matters of vital importance to the latter day sainte salute the brethren enjoyed much of the holy spirit spoke in plainness and with great force and nd power their remark remarks s showed the weakness and folly of infidelity and its ita withering and aud blighting results in the afternoon E elder eider ider lder woodruff called on elder cannon to read from the book of doctrine and covenants the vision of joseph smith and sidney rigdon bigdon after he reading elder woodruff W preached p reached on the subject of th the vision baptism for the dead and the necessity of a closer union among the latter day saints his words were most emphatic add powerful showing in a most clear manner the grandeur the glory and the great comprehensiveness of the principles which god had revealed through the grapel la ia these last days dr iii clinton in lu irons the arrest of dr jeter clinton has occasioned considerably inquiry the indictment against him is for the murder of john banks dr clinton was arrested by deputy marshal crowe on his arrival in this city he was taken into custody by U S marshal lNelson shai jN eison oison and conveyed to the penitentiary A blacksmith was sent for who riveted shackles upon now unable to on or his bis boots or pull off his pants it is well known that was shot while in company others resisting by force of arms the process of a U S court couro apart from the charge which we do not wish present to discuss we think treatment of the prisoner who well weil known to be a peaceable inoffensive man approaching years of three score and ten tan exceedingly cruel and entirely unnecessary necess ary nry let the law take its course if there is any valid against the prisoner let it be produced d I 1 ced in the proper place and at proper time but nut there is no need to use such harshness and severity as that now resorted to tb and the immediate friends of dr clinton would be j justified asti nned fled la in the institution of investigations into this matter immediately drowning grasshoppers the following is a special to tho the NEWS july ly editor deseret we after immense labor many people searching the river eleven m hundreds of taw logs the body of orson gillet beach which ich was missing eleven days was found at four p m yesterday bya boy who wat was fashing fishing it was in three feet of katr ten feet from hore half id a mile milb above thomas X smiths saw mill seven miles up the canton cannon and arid three miles below where begot he got in his feet were on the bottom up stream hla his leg having caught in a bush bubb atis his hib head bead below the surface hia hla shirt had bad dover over his head bead the thi e body was in a good state of preserve preservation atlon the head was bruised a little he was ws buried earby thle this morning at rogan logan there waa an inquest late iasi night the verdict was that he camela came to his death by drowning attempting to cross logan river the thu jury were enuch lewis edwin M curtis and find win wm palmer junior i i i the grasshoppers have gone northeast northeast u the mercury is among the nineties everybody is preparing for fo ithe the 2 ath A big time is expected A troublous outlook tha following extract of a letter from elder T 0 webber now in iii hern bern switzerland june to a friend in thia this city draws a graphic picture of the condition and outlook in europe elder webber is naturally a keen obi observer erver of men meli and anu and things andnis and his views are therefore entitled to a L good deai deal of c consideration 0 if I 1 have a correct idea of the situation of europe and I 1 believe I 1 a am I 1 n pretty well posted it is almost certain that war will assume very large and nations than thin th tho the 0 russians I 1 sa and h d turks will be drawn into info chevor tho the vortex the french deputies have hav mavoleen eleen sent home by marshal Tc Mahon all arl ana and the feeling ia intense the election to be held in september will be a stormy one and aud m may ay lead to a revolution bo far lie lle the extreme left radicals have been cool and have kept with within inthe the abe constitution ution but I 1 can oan readily believe that events may take place that will goad them to some act which macmahon Mac mae mahon Mabon will interpret to mean treason the troops will he be called out and the people will side with the liberals then will be fighting in the streets of paris again and then germany will have the pretext she is so anxious for and anti we shall hear of another german invasion of Fr france atice austria is upon tho the eve of occupying g hervia bervia in short the whole of europe is stirred to td the bedrock bed rock germany italy and england are fully prepared for any emergency that may arise vhey tnt they y each have ha ve an immense armament and I 1 it C is so to arranged that railway traffic can be stopp stopped d at a an n hours houra notice the railway rail rall way a taken possession loii 0 of f by the governments for transporting troops and munitions of war to sum it all up in a hew gew words there never was a mote more critic critical hl time jn in europe than now no one knows what a day may bring about wheat in america must go u up and up and trade must revive and even in dittany salt lake you will feel the flow of prosperous times again erom FROM MONDAYS DA DAILY darly MY JULY sa the tha strike sharp received a dispatch today to day to the effect that baggage should not be checked here for any further east than thon chicago fon for cache A happy of excursionists left the depot morning to spend the twenty fourth at logan and other portions of the pleasant and fruitful valley of cache at ogden ogden 0 den is to have for the a bunday sunday school jubilee in the ogden tabernacle in the morning and sunday school party in the evening at first ward assembly rooms and the fire brigade will have dancing and various sports in joness joneses grove appointments elder eider E itier joseph johnh buls buis jun is appointed to labor in ii the birmingham conference elder john E metcalf is appointed I 1 to labor labon in the leeds leed conference elder samuel Clarl clari claridge dc 0 is i appointed to labor in the london conference millennial staf star nulu july ruly 2 around again we are pleased to note that mr john acomb wio who received a very severe injury in jn one of his legs on the utah southern railroad some time since is able to be around again he has so far recovered as to bear 0 pressure of the foot the ground it is an extraordinary case of recovery the rule bel being isi ini 11 wo we understand to amputate in instances of such injury logan Tabe tahe tabernacle macle macie this credi tabla building ia Is still progressing s I 1 I 1 n 9 though not EO so fast last as some home timo limo back as some of the tho hands bands have been taken off to work on tha tempi pla pia the basement story is finished lighted and the carpenters are aro now busy over the woodwork of the main room which has galleries on three sides and when completed will be a boblo room for holding meetings from north general charles 0 rich la is on d a visit to the eity city from his liia home in the bear lake country he rived arrived hir tir last night logan temple the workmen engaged on the temple at lo 10 logan 9 au have begun to lay jay the rock for the foundation of the walls uprising A short time ago the country wa hooded with lying reports that there their was an 1 ing among the people of utah governor Hartra hartran rift tift ft came to utah on saturday and at tit once started back from this peaceful territory to pennsylvania to aid in quelling an actual uprising there thore ko sham about the pennsylvania affair in nebraska elder Ver ferdinand dinand hintze of writes from nebraska where be is 9 li laboring as a missionary he together lf with other E elders eiders iders laboring in company with him baptized fifteen lately and 0 others s are enquiring and avol will probably s oon soon join the church in addition to the tho branch of eleven members organized at fremont olty city citi V they expected to establish another o adother in sah iders county before long ataw pretext some time since it was not uncommon when storekeepers were asked for some article ti clemot not anstock in ln stock for them to say just out madam expect a supply soon lost a whole car load of it in the ashtabula disaster now it will probably be that were used up by the railroad rioters we understand that thai among the freight destroyed by the strikers nassome was some d destined for salt lake tabernacle services yesterday afternoon the congregation 9 was addressed by elders henry grow william mclachlan and john G U M midgley fdge ey the first and third of whom recently returned from missions c to the eastern states and the second to new zealand they ave interesting accounts of their tv ministry st ry and experience while laboring abroad elder george Q cannon made a few interesting closing remarks organization yesterday augir sugu house ward was divided on the t line running north and bouth south le 6 tween the 2 and school districts the western part will be known hereafter as farmer farmers ward bishop of sugar house ward apolis G driggs first counselor james johnson second counselor elnathan eldredge bishop of farmer farmers ward lew leo H Bf ousley first counselor john wagstaff Wag second counselor john gabbott S busy the logan cooperative co operative machine and blacksmith shops on lic doing a brisk business even to working overtime over time they recently made a complete s team steam i sawmill saw mill the saw excepted in twenty oni ode days for alexander hill of wellsville for use in blacksmith fork fort canon have also contracted to make a water power saw millin forty days dabs for the logan temple and have consequently been unable to take some other sawmill saw mill contracts which were offered to them called back go governor anor hartranft of pennsylvania and party arrived in the city on saturday OB on the way to california on reaching here ho he found dispatches awaiting him and summoning ahia U 12 home in consequence of the troubles in the state ensuing from frem the great railroad strikes he started at once onee for ogden on a special at which point another wag was is readiness to carry him over tit union pacific he will probably arrive at his destination in thre days from saturday the party which accompanied governor hartranft t to 0 thid thia city were to resu resume ruid tiie their 1 r california to day 1 if f r 8 unwelcome on welcome visitor villis william 11 thomas pope aged sixty fout years ia is engaged herding sheep fot for brother B S ben Bon bennion nion between bagnera Wag Wagn ners nera eili 33 brewery rewery and little mou mountain n ta I 1 n on sunday morning mor nii nil he awoke from his peaceful fill iii b bers e rs in a little tent when we he held field a most unwelcome a large largo rattlesnake three and a ac hilt feet long lay jay across his hib feet feel for flor a moment he knew not what to do odi I 1 fully realizing his danger A atul eu d den deen idea struck him upon wal val ph he acted like a gash flash quickly throwing the upper part of ede ice blanket over the |