Show U W I 1 0 I 1 th the h ward of bf this city at ot of john Nichol eon foo bf b lead poisoning caused by fey br hinr frior employed in ameli luig trig work RICH i deceased decee Decea swi gwi wnm born in loh LoA doli doii i A gu 1845 1815 he leates leaves n iad iw ivd deceased Dece ased aped was a ot t oga conwood IN aid ald in this i iba ibo bosa in the 21 t ward ot of tha ciar jul j I 1 oth al convulsions LAUA ter of 1 I homas and eliza ellza I 1 I 1 adeol a months und and 8 days 1 i i atif ravy w suddenly in the oth eth ward city t tb hir his morning morn luv lus calov LINA GOS GOIS GO IS of breur iek lek ick lck goes n i was born noven NoTe maer si IS wl 1841 in ol 01 durlach or grand fand duchy 01 bateni leaves a husband and four chiN ren reb and ft a pum bum erous circle jit jil to mourn t clr I 1 loss losa |