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Show LL IN SAFE PLACES. SLAVES SATISFIED WITH LOT. Jnder Mohammedan Masters Roman's Many and Varied Recepn tacles for Valuable Documents, who A (i,rui:i valuable papers to had given i ,i his wit- n lake urc of recently hunted all ovit (hi- Iiiiiihc fur the and mi his furniture pnlu-dii!'1 not Hud ii. When the wife cume liouii' irmn a ! a lie told her his trouble wi;!i roiiKiderable perturbs, should have thin, lent the dutum-enbeen hiHl. "1m that all?" said the wire, looking with dlupiiM at her very much disturbed desk, where the liuxbaud bad been riiiiiniiiidiiK. "Why didn't you aak ini?" and going to a picture on the wall she pull-'the policy from behind it. "And where, inquired the Ims-- I and. after he hud recovered from his tuirprl; e. "do tlmse share In the Piilluback Valley Railroad and Timber Development company happen to be?" "They're safe cimueli," waa the answer. They're in the closet under the Htaira behind the grata- - Juice. And the deed to the houne?" ."Thai's upstair In ilii-- spare room parked away under your summer Condi- tions Are Not Severe. MARRED A YOUNG ROMAN'S HAPPINESS rOR EE'S UN YEARS. llullrs later fr ml With llrr tu Cauic llrr Itrllrr-lur-l- luar Mir Hn CurrU. Every MifTerer from nervous Tbrrata-un- l mad ul kuows how (iiiiiiili'tely it untit one for tlui dutu-- ami lrusun of life. Any little excitement, or overexert iou, or irregularity brings it on. Siinetiiiii'M the ptiin ix over tin wliolii Iniid Again it u like a imil driven into the brain, ora wedge uplifting it nieii, ora bond tightening air ml it. At one time it i all in the top of (lie head, at another it ia all at tlie Ininm if the aliiill. euu In-- ruo! to Home Moot faulty atate of the blood. When the blood in acuiity or charged with poiMiii, nniiriidied and the nervoiinre and the weak, one of tlin ia frequent mid seven beadaeheti. The iiniortnnr thing In to get rid of the dixiahid condition of the bloml that raum-tlie attack hy thn use of a remedy tliat will do thn work quickly ami thoroughly. What is that remedy ? The riierit'iH'e of MissKlleu McKenna the answer. She says : I waa a For more than aeveu greul auffen-- from nervous headache and dizziness. My atomach was diwirderiii, and I lifrunie so resiles that 1 could not ait alill any length of time. Dizziness interrupted my work greatly. At first the attaeka were not o seven', but they gradually grew mure violent, and finally became an acute that I waa on the point in the bf relinquishing my iiieinls-rshidifferent organizations to which I belonged." "What saved you from that necessity?" "A very si in phi thing ; the call of a member of uua of the clulw.wlio strongly advised me to try Dr. Williams Pink 1111a before giving up. I acted on her suggestion at once, anil after steadily using this great blood and nerve remedy for two mouths, my headaches ami my dizzi-nes- s iuiH-rfeitl- digi-Ktio- ii cnin-nirnie- a fur-uisli- yi-ur- a r p entirelv Miss McKenna is of the Associated Isidies' Unild, and resides at No. 4H Wait street. Hoxbury, Mass. Dr. Williams' link 1111s have cured many hundreds of similar eases, and can lie auifiilontly reentiiiiianilHd to drive all .pnimuNfmin the blond and to give needed strength to the nerves. Every druggist keeps them Zulus Swift Runners. The rate at which the Zulus raa run In sn emergency Is astonishing gome will raver as much as fifty miles In sis hours. Eight miles In as hour is an ordinary test. TEA ' Cm pear. Brilliant Surgeons Not Wanted. Ocnlus Is some sort of neurosis, an nervous disease. The nnralculnted few men of genius I have met were exceedingly Impossible persons. They are certainly entirely out of place In the medical profession, where even cleverness Is not to be encouraged. Indeed, of all desperately dangerous persons the brilliant surgeon Is the most lamentable. Sir Frederick Treves In lbs Young Man. TEA There is a deal of comfort and refreshment cheer and positive joy in a timely cup. Adulteration Unlimited. In flour recently purchased Portugal proved cn analysis to contain 53 per cent of kaolin or china day, while the remainder was mostly ground rice husks and finely powdered sawdust! A TEA Poes it pay to advertise T Depends on circumstances. 'What circumstances 1 The tea and the dealing. Your froeur reiura. your USs ArkllUue' Bowr If rra MV ItrM. Prices for Chlppendalo. A suite of Chippendale furniture belonging to an old Essex family has been sold privately at Saffron. Walden, Eugland. for 1.800, K comprises a settee on six legs, twelve chairs and Are stools, eighteen pieces In nil. The frames were of walnut, elaborately carved, with cabriole legs and daw Good George - t n r r s s WHI-Otin dlrwtly toon the bloodo-frat. Price i cent per yatoa. TialnuifiUI bot-lc- . Snd by oil IlmoctX,. Toko Holl'i rtaUiy Illla Air oosHIpotloo. Destructive Swiss Avalanches. An avalanehe which recently occur red near the town of Davos, In Switzerland, came down from a height of nearly 3,000 feet, and entirely closed one of the rural roads leading to the city. In order to restore n passage It was necessary to cut a tunnel through feet the hard anow. To what extent ami Comforts of Travol. of what magnitude such avalanches The porter on the California Limited occur In Switzerland may be Imagined (his wluler will be prepared to press a from tho fact that about two months gentleman's trousers while he waits. ago a slide took place from the glaThis Is a new wrinkle. Introduced for ciers which was estimated to contain .the benefit of tjstidlous dressers. It over 40,000,000 cubic feet of snow. In Isn't absolutely necessary to carry many Instances small villages have along an extra pair of trousers, either; been entirely buried under these while works the porter you sleep. On this luxurious train dally market masses. reports are received by wire; there to Mothers, are the latest morning and evening Eremina Important carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, newspapers Issued en route, fine sta- a Mfaod ssrs remedy for Infants and children, tionery, n library of western books and and that It rurrent magaxlnes. A Whitley exerciser for those who wish to keep up Bren the their athletics, and electric curling Slpaian of Irons for tbs Isdles are other travel Ia Un For Over SO Tsars. comforts. Tbs Klad Yoa I lavs Always Bought The Santa Fe Intends to keep lte fast flyer at the front Wanted to Hava Coffin Ready. Marlon Hereon of 8hastn county. Cal Unprintable. miles from his What do you suppose a father thinks lfornta. drove flfty-siwhen his son picks up a mandolin, a ranch to town to buy a coffin for his father. The old man was not dead j baseball bat, a tennis racket and a bag of golf sticks, and starts off to eob when he started, but he expected tc s find him dead on hi return. lege? Atchison Globe. x Agonies from Kidney Olson dors Until Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills. - eler. They realize ihut mo long as they are well lined their position is superior lo that of the man whose fieedom 1h his sole asset. I have found the same attitude In North Africa. From Morocco to Tripoli one ces most of the slaves well content and flourishing- - The famine, the lor lists, thn drought and the tax collector have no terror fur them; work keeps them healthy, they have enough to eat and drink and ihe future has no meaning at all. There fa promotion; Ihero are confidential mlaalons to governors and friends that elevate a slave, If only In the eyes of hlx fellows, and there Is always a chance of manumission when the owner dies and wishes to have some good deeds recorded In the book of Islam's recording angel. The sorry truth of the mailer is that slaves under Mohammedan rule are much better off than I hey ever were under the rule of white men In America and elsewhere." suit." the By diligent Liniment of Cedar Oil. Cedar oil Is a valuable liniment, huKhuiiil found the locations, scattered and as a general pain killer had Im- from cellar to roof, of mimcroua other And now, said mense vogue at one time among pnt documents of value. ent medicine men Guides and trap-pe- he, "what's the answer?" still believe In It. Why," said the wife, who waa 1 dont mean that used to hU slang. Found at Last any robber shall ever come In and 13th. (SpeAlston, Mich., March clean ua out In a one hour searoh. cial.) After suffering for twenty He'd never think of the places Ive from and Rheumatism Kidney chosen, and If he did he would be years Troubles, and spending p fortune In heard going up and down stairs and doctors and medicines that brought over bottles. Philadelphia knocking him uo relief, Mr. James Culet of this Record. n cure for found has complete place I nil his aches, pains and weakness, in Curious Facts About Babists. Dodd's Kidney Tills. At a recent meeting of the Imperial -. Naturally M- Culet feels much elatsociety a Weadikawkaa, Geographical ed over his cure and gives great credit to tus remedy that gave him Russia, the explorer Arakelyanl made some Interesting statement! about the health. religious sect of the Bsblsts. This Yes,' Mr. Culet says, my rheumawaa foundtism and Kidney Troubles are all Mohammedan organization 1844 by the Persian Miraa All in ed I new man. feel like s gone aad and now numbers about Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. Before I Mohsmed, 5.000.IKIS members. According to the I small fortune a used them spent Koran of this sect all the Bejan tion doctors and one remedy and unot men are brethren, and should speak er. 1 eheerfu'ly ircominend Dodd's The and write the same language. Kidney Pills to anyone iufferlng from Is divided Into nineteen months year Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble." and nineteen days, of which the latter Dodd's Kidney nils always cure Of live are devoted to repentance. sick kidneys. Healthy kldr.eys take C.OOU.lHiO members, over 3,000,-00- 0 all the urlr acid the causp of Rheum- theselive In Persia, where they have atism-out of the blood. That's why to bnlld their own allowed been Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure churches, while the remainder is Rheumatism. spread over Egypt Arabia, Turkestan and even China. The present head of Eggs for Breakfast. , who resides Eggs furnlMh a good substitute for the sect Is meat, and we believe It would be far In Persia. The founder of the organibetter for the average person If egg zation, Miraa All Mohamed, was killed were more frequently used In place of In Persia some three years ago. meat. Especially do they make a Her Logical Reasoning. " light, nutritious dish for breakfast, Instead of the usual bacon or bam or In his Comic School Tales'' H. J sausage. Medical Talk. Barker gives some amusing answers by children technically known In EngDISFIGURED BY ECZEMA. land as howlers." Here are some of them: A teacher In a school at StepWonderful Change In a Night In a ney, Ehst Ixmdon, was giving her Month Face Wat Clear aa Ever class an examination on the ScripturAnother Cure by Cuticura. al work of the previous three months. Among other questions the lady I had eczema on the face for fire asked: With what weapon did Sammonths, during which time I was In son slay the thousand Philistines? the care of physlclrjis. My face was And one girl, Jumbling her old and so disfigured I could not go out. and It new testament knowledge, stood up was going from bad to worse. A and replied: With the ax of the aposfriend recommended Cuticura. The tles." A woman teacher had been exfirst night after I washed my face the story or the casting adrift with Cntlrura Soap, and used Cuticura plaining Now, why was of the Infant Moses. Ointment and Resolvent. It changed It, do you think, that the quod mother wonderfully. From that day I was daubed the little ark boat so carefully able to go out, and In a month the with slime and pitch Oh, ma'am," treatment had removed all scales and said one little girl, to make scabs, and my face was as dear as the baby stick Inside. ever. (Signed) T. J. Both, 317 Stags Street. Brooklyn. N. Y." Costly Investigation. Mayor John Weaver of Philadelphia Use of Arbaleat Ones Forbidden. of a boy named During tho twelfth century ihe Is the proud father was con- Roy, who la of an investigating turn early arbalest, or enwa-bow- . sidered such n deadly weapon when It of mind. On hla last birthday Roy was first introduced In warfare that was presented by his father with n Us employment in war waa forbidden handsome watch. The very next day among Christian nations, and it was Mr. Weaver came suddenly upon his but until the fourteenth century that young hopeful In the act of dissectIn his hand he It camo Into general use. ing the timepiece. held the empty case, and all around him. in picturesque confusion, lay the Hows This? W offer bn Hundred Dalian Hcwonl for oay delicate works. bo cured by Unit sow f t otorrh tbot esa-sI was only trying to find out tf Cftiirrh Cuv toMo. n, r. j. ntgjrxr cn., kad been cheated," remarked you T. J. Chonry Wr, tho odonlsMd. boot kmwa I read the other day that a for tho loot II room, and bollovo inn porfwllf honRoy. ood innaawlnoo builnMO orable In oil Soanrlolly watch had 175 different parts, and I hi ado by hi, srui. bio lo carry tat ay ubl lead--uWoi.ni mm. KisoosS Utoria. to be sure they were all WboMtalo bnisslou. Toledo. O. Just wanted Cart lo ukrm Inirratily. wtliiu here." New York Times. Cuarrh fUtl'i ourferro of ood Reasoning of Youthful Bostonian. President Finley of the City college was recently In Boston, and since that experience. Is fond of relating this conversation he overheard In a street car of that city: Mamma." said a little boy. sitting HerIn front of President Finley. bert Spencer must hare been a fine writer." Why. my child? Inquired his mother. "Why. they wouldn't have named the Spencerian pen after him If ha hadn't been. was the Infantile explanation. New York Times. Object in Getting Money." . . . . Do you desire wealth for Itself?" "No." For what. thenjT "For myself." W. Reuoff, of 1933 North 11th St.. Phila- delphia, Pa., man of good a rep-utatl- and standing, writes: Five years ago I was suffering so with my 'lack and kidneys that I often had to lay off. The kidney secret ions were my unnatural, legs and stomach were swollen, and I had no appetite. When doctors failed to help me I began using Doans Kidney Pills and improved uni 11 my back was strong and my appetite returned. During the four yearn since I stopped using them I have enjoed excellent health. The cure was permanent. (Signed) George W. A TRIAL FREE! Address Fozter-MllburCo., Buffalo, K. Y. For sale ty all dealers. Price, 50 cents. f. n I Mara and Saturn to Visit. astronomical correspondent of tic lanchester (England) Guardian point ut that Mars and 8uturn. the rtar. of war and of evil influences, wir be near neighbors on Dec. 25. next. An I TEA Do you think you know all there is in those throe letters, Graphite Mining. The Island of Ceylon ia one of the largest graphite mining countries In the world. Large deposits of graphite are also being exploited In Siberia, chiefly In the neighborhood of Irkutsk, on Lake Baikal. TEA you havent found-ouSchillings Best you are missing a good deal of comfort. Jf t, Tor trocar rataraa your MU ScbilllDs'i Bant. ami tf you tat Cultivate the Memory. Many people complain of having a poor memory, and yet that faculty can be developed aa easily as can tbe biceps muscle. Nor Is It necessary to go to sny professor of memory or to iny elaborate system in order npllsh this result. One does e to go to n gymnasium to en the arm or back. Chopping .rowing a boat will do It memory may be cultivated J effort and "nld ordinary i 8jrly. bj: pur-SCltS- ' TEA ; Every nation has its notion of tea. Most families have one too. Dog Saved Life of Mistress. Hubbard Goodwin of Torrlngford, Conn, has a dog which money wilt not bny. He went to Mrs. Goodwins bedroom and barked and finally Jumped on the bed. Mra. Goodwin followed hln to the kitchen, where she found the front door of the stove wide opea and the floor nblaxe directly In front of PI o's Cure la tbe brat medicine we ever used for i il affections of tbe tbrost and lung. Wu. Qumlit. Vanburen, bid, Veb. 10, IMA a Lime Good for the Piano. To prevent a piano suffering from the effects of a damp room, put a small lump of unslacked lime in a bag, and place Inside the case. Win, Wtnjlaw'l Soothing Syrup, tarebIMraa taalblns, Miflaaa lha ff'irw, raduTM yin, cnra wind uoUu SSssliuUta World's Silver 8uppty. and the United States together furnish about 72 per cent of the silver output of the world. British India. Straits Settlements and of the Chinn take nearly total In a good year. Mexico two-third- s TEA The soul is let loose by tea; it wonders far and forgets its prison. j Tobacco and Deafness. Tobacoe has been discovered to have a selective action upon the auditory nerve. Moderation In the use of the drug, and avoiding it altogether where deafness has already begun, or where there Is a family history of such troubles. Is advisable. TEA Is tea generally so badf It is rather uncertain gen- A Spectator. Livin' calm and peaceful. From excitement free. I resit the dally uter An' that's fun enough for ms Some are gettin' kidnapped. An' some are raisin' Cain, Some are makln' merry Over other people's pain. "World's a stage." says Shakespeare It's a truth profound. An' the rurtnln rim-Wln-the paper comes around. Kings an' plowmen movin' In a plot Hint's One to see. I mul the dully mier. An' Hint's fun enough for me. Washington Star. OLD TOM, THE SOLFER. Suffered r In Zanzibar urnl slave are very slow to lake advantage of tho ri gulaihiim i hat glv them the right to claim their freedom, nays a trav- Abbss-Effendl- Whether tea is the most important thing in the world or.no t. we want it right and we want it steady. Writs Air ear ImMit Souk. A. Sekllllns A Baa Fimarlara. HAD TO GIVE UP. erally, there getting it good. is no difficulty Is eeary parkas feoeklM: of Srhllltnc'i Beat How To Maka UunK Tea. Worth Remembering. Ta in ia ALL One of tho Best Known of Devotees ol the Ancient Game. One of the beat golfers tl'at ever lal-out a courxa or drove a ball was old Tom Morris. They called him old" to distinguish him from bis son, who waa the most brilliant player of his time, and to whose memory a fine monument was erected over bis grave in St. Andrews. Once, when old Tom was greenkeeper at Prestwick, in Ayr shire, he took part In a foursome, his partner being Cspt. Wolfe Murray. Next day fhe postman handed Tom a letter simply addressed to The M laser of Shurt Putts, Prestwick. This shows how well known Tom was, and also what had been . wrong with bis When play In the match. the quextlon of Sunday play was being discussed, Tom was asked for his he Well," opinion. said, if man doesna need s rest. I ken the green does." He retire-- from the imst of Kreeul:eeHr to the Royal wd Ancient Club of St. Andress at the age of 82 years, Imt In spite of his great age, played a fine game to the very last. SHOULD SlCKWOMEN MRS. READ FOX'S LETTER in All Parts of the United States Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Has Effected Similar Cures. Ills Many wonderful cures of female whudi to light coming are continually have been brought sbout by Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, and A OI AKANTKK.il -- RK KOK PII.K. f I'r.iirinlltii: I"!',-- . Your Ilnnil. ulM'XKT iiumry14 ft druNtI will rrt!inil li m lu Un lu curis it),. &nc. (I through the ail vice of isMrs. Ilnkham. given to nick of Lynn. Mu., which !(. women absolutely free of charge Mrs Pinkham' Ini for many years YOUR WATCH A COMPASS. made a study of the ill of her sex ; she has consulted with and advised No Excuse for Losing Your Bearings thousand of suffering women, who y owe not only their health hut if You Hava One. advice. Most men who own a good watch." even life to her helpful of 7 Chestnut I). Fox, Mra. Fannie said a Jeweler, think they know all writes. sbout It. They have the number fixed Street, Bradford, la., Iiukham In their memory in case It Is stolen. DearI Mr. suffemd for a long time with wnmb They could probably pick it out from trouble, and finally was told by iny physician on tbs womb. 1 did not fifty other watches with their eyes that I had a tumor an operati-m- . so wrote you to submit want to .heir know shut. But bow many for advice. I rooeivrd your letter and did as 1 am completely watch is a compass and will tell north you told ms. and from south as accurately as it will cured. My doctor says the tumor has disapmore a well woman. tell the time of day? Stanley, the ex- peared, and I am ones I boliavs Lydia J. Phikhsm Vegetable Complorer, did not know it until he had pound is the best medicine in tba world for groped his way through the dark women. The testimonials which we are concontinent and met n Belgian sailor on grateful women the coast Every watch Is a compass. stantly publishing from of If you point the hour hand to the sun establish beyond a doubt the power ComE. linkliams Vegetable Lydia the south is exactly halfway between to conquer female diseases. the hour and the figure XII on the dial. pound Women suffering from any form of 8uppose, for Instance, ft la 4 o'clock. female weakness are invited to sun Point the hand ludfrang 4 to the communicate with Mrs. promptly and 11 on tbe watch !s exactly south, Ilnkham, at Lynn. Mass. She asks if It Is 8 oclock, point the hand in- nothing in return for her advice. It Is thousands of dicating 8 to the sun and the figure absolutely free, and to more X on the dial Is due south. No man women has proved to be precious than gold. need get lost If he carries a watch. to-da- m-r- a y COMMISSIONER GARFIELD'S PORT ON BEEF INDUSTRY. RE- Sure Thing. What makes the merchants busiThe report of Commissioner Gar- ness hum what makes his clerks per field on the beef Industry has at last spire Is It due to drummers bland, It must he some- or to messages by wire? Can It bs been published. what of a surprise to those who have due to fine displays or to silly worn-ou- t been indulging In wholesale adverse fads? No; the business boom Is criticism upon the methods of the due to his large, attractive ads. mostly facta discloses as it Chicago packers, and figures which clearly show that the great food producers have been TEA Innocent of tbe serious offenses with which they have been charged. They You can see how much have been for a long time accused by newspapers all over the country ob-of your confidence in us is worth, j extortionate prices demanded, and tained, of depreaslon of values of cat- It is the making of us. tle at tbe various stockyards where their business la conducted, of enorYonr grocer returna four noner If ro Soal mous profits wholly disproportionate to the capital employed, and, In general, of so carrying on their business that the public, under an organized system of spoliation, were being robbed for their exclusive benefit. AVe find now, however, that not a single one of these cl)jeges baa been sustained but, on the contrary, that rigid and searching investigation, officially made, has resulted In complete acquittal. Instead of extortion it is shown that no Industry can be found where so narrow a margin of profit prevails the actual records and original entries, to which the commissioner bad free access, showing that the highest net profit any of tbe packers made on their sales of beef was two and three-tenth- s per cent in 1902 and In one Instance that the profit realized in 1904 was one and eight-tenth- s per cent. The variations in the market prices for cattle are exhaustively treated and no evidence of any kind Wks discovered, or even hinted at, tending to show that values of cattle are in the slightest degree improperly effected nr controlled by packers it any of the chief centers of the Industry. On the whole, the report completely il'ssipates the prevalent idea that great fortunes are being amassed by Illegal and Improper methods employed by western packers, showing that notwithstanding the high prices for beef prevailing In 1902 the business was less remunerative than In years characterized by normal values, both for cattle and product. He says that the year 1902, Instead of being one of exorbitant profits, as has been commonly supposed, was less profitable than usual. In fact during tbe months when the prices of beef were the highest some, at least, of the leading packers were losing money on every head of cattle slaughtered. It was not possible to advance the prices of beef In full proportion to ihe great advance In the prices of cattle at that time. After all that has been written reflecting upon the great business Interest engaged in the marketing and distribution of the product of one of the greatest of our national Industries, It Is gratifying to all fair minded people that the prejudiced attacks upon It have failed of verification; and the great western parketv may be congratulated for having passed through such a stunklng and thorough official investigation unsmirched. The results or this investigation, based as It Is upon exhaustive data, officially obtained and verified hy United States government experts, must be accepted without hesitation, aa the Investigation was made under circumstances that guaranteed complete seen racy with a possible disposition indeed, to arrive at entirely different resulte. It made the air shine after the sound had died away, and yet It was Curious Weather Vase. Just the remark of a young man who An Englishman has erected a curiwalked past me one day with a companion: Depend upon It. ous weather vane on his house alongIt of Edmund Canterbury was side the road near Westerham. Tom, St over a right when he ssM to somebody, depicts a motor car running Work as though you would live for- pedestrian, while at the arrow end ever: live as though you would die of the vane stande the avenger a policeman with uplltted arm. Ext hange. Ilk Bebllllas'i llrat. Complain of Varying Currencies. Canadians who travel In the United States and Americans who travel in Canada alike complain of the embarrassments Incident to the different money Issues of the two countries. TEA When tea is good, do you know why it is good; and, when it is bad, do you know why it is had? Working for Succeia. who tries to jump Immediately into the flowery time of success will find himself truly In the air, and will sooner or later suffer collapse. He must begin at the bottom and grow naturally, putting nut stem and leaf, and branch as conditions warrant. Thus only can the plant be hardy and In time put forth real blossoms of success, fed and nourished by the sap of soundness and healthy totality. Every man Better Overalls cant be made than the MOUNTAINEER" brand, made by Z. C. M. I. and for aalo by all reliable stores. , SEVEN LEADERS Barred Plymouth Bork. Klwk Wliwraau. Hhoda luland KmU. Huff Orplnuiur. Ilmira Lrahura, Wklia luboni. Whlia Wfua.iUii. All urlta winner, kwpk Si lur IX. Wrliaau. linihrlni Alia laeatauiri and Braodare. Chirk fuud Y06ELER SEED CO. tZl ST, MARK'S HOSPITA arm-in-ar- to-da- SALT LAKE CITY Superintendent O. O. HUNTING, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Msntion This Paper. |