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Show 4444444444 44444444A4 HISTORY 4444 : LUMP & OF THE NUT OO.1 sod ! t liv Hiiicv 0B0.1 J Give I NEW HOTEL 8 i i j i i pifunplM my hap- - i: .!( . is u d'sputih fivm IVUTsbuii; un li r iliiu- of March Kolloming ih innkc of t iithltfltldit ullRlH: ciiiuvan of iioiimU wahm ilmt wliulv Arm'd tho Ilim rnnuH would. Ami mi the hill, in Ihr dun fallow-fii'tin1 -- hcapt-d- , n shutter carven liliiidx. ftinii1 ilfwv Imlidity ewnliiK I'll wit by To watch tir 'ii Ktruw-thtiichi- nor them dunce. Inns hours, Of ih trampling, and the whistling; Tin heart to their talk. thSM tfe Iimu it glad In-a- r lad.' Translated in v view from tin- - l.itidnn Rat tlu- - Uussian of Re- unlay lmumtbv. Thinks Much of Circuit Riders. Congressman Itichurdsnn of Alabama Ik Ktimctiim-- taken for a Methodist preacher. his countenance and bespeaking. to an extent, the clerical jiiiifcssidn. The c ingress njau in not a prcrchcr. but he keeps in close touch wiili the circuit riders of his district. lie fimls that they kniow n. ore1 about and lu more to shape jnib-!- u sentiineiit thnii any other clasij of men in yimihnrn emnniiinitlea, being n en of hiph charaeier and Integrity. llalr- - Salt Lake City, Utah ViiTiVcT CHARLES KEflT 1 flbfDfl HARDY R. U. POLK 8t CO. .... CITY DIRECTORIES, STATE GAZETTEERS, BLUE BOOKS, NATIONAL TRADE DIREC- - TORIES 617-62- s DOOLY BUILDING 0 Landscape ai)d Porbraib - SALT Pl)obo-rapl- LACE 3TY Long Distance Bell Telephone 39 BRANCHES AT AND COLOEADO K7SBLO BOISE, Circulars Addressed and Mailed. OGDEN, ? . er A- - V- STRINGS. Trade and Profeeekmal Liats Famished. Out of door work a Specialty, Tor-trai- Through the Famous Grlp-penber- ts YIELDS SHIP. and Silver City, also Mining DisEceeka, tricts or Ofhir, Fairfifld, Msecur, Black Rock, Milford and Frisco in Utah, and tkb Piochr, DrLamar and Ca r Mammoth BAHKING finte Mining Districts in Nevada. COmPAflY Tha mmpIMloa of lb eonnaeUng link batwaaa CaiiMla, Karadaaad Dwnract, Call forma will opan ana at tba btggaat andaTalopad mining dlitrMr In tba waaL Fall Inkmatlaa ragudtng train aarrlaa, Maga aonnNtlon to Intartar armpr, akaarfally glvan by any agant of THE SALT LAKE ROUTE, or addraw. w, J. L. MOORE T. C. PECK, Dist. Pass. Agt. E. W. GILLETT, Gcal. Pass. AL Asst. Gent. Pass. Agt. SALTLAKECITY, i GOVERNOR- - BARHES TINTIC MINING DISTRICT Comprising UTAH. Infan t s .? CHitii it rOte IW tfOU ItSMI TLimOE fciyJ m Smd ftmlM.SJi- t- Service THE SCENIC LINE TO Leadvllle, Tucblo, Glenwcod dprings, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Iau1s, Chicago, and all point east. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all Southern Pacific and Oregon Short Line Trains. Trantcontinental Lino patting dirtctly through Salt Lakt City. Colorado Springa, Aspen, TO THE EAST AND SOUTH' EAST Mill 001 bsvo bona kpant by tho XTkioh Pact no 10 tba ioiBoovowoot of itu lino, ood oil bunion iogoaaitj boo boon udopt-o- d Splendidly equlped Fast Trains Daily between and Distinct Scenic Routes. BLEEPING CAES TO forConslipn Hon , Sour Slouwvh. DiarrtaR'a Worms J'yonvulsions .Feverish SLEET. ness wul Loss 0. For Over of Siiuiturc of TarSimik.- - NEW Thirty Years YnK. icra WRAPPER. EXACT COPY OF tho womn. oto-nui- in won onrv. Mag. w.ynqaragMWWWieg Composition of Golf Balia The first golf balls were made of leather of untanned bull s hide, two round pieces forming the ends and a piece for the middle. These pieces were soflencd, shaped and firmly sewed together, a Etna,! hole being left through which the feathers might Before stufafterward be inserted. fing the leather sphere was turned outside In an operation not without its difficulties so that the seams would be on the Inside. The skin was stand, then placed la a the worker having the feathers in an apron before him, and the stuffing was dene with a steel rod. The aperture waa then closed, the seam aewed up, and the only seam showing was this tiny one. But the life of earh ball was short. At prese. t the balls are made of gutta perrha. Pitch In, Everybody. If a man quits work he begins te get old rapidly. Work has a rejuvenating Influence that idleness lacks. TEA Did you learn tea cookery? When did you learn and who was your teacher ? Arc you a real tea cook? cup-shape- d A GUARANTEED CURE FOR TILM. linking. Blind, Hlrrdlua ur I'rutrndtng nm. Vmr dragglM "III refund Slunacy If PAZOton.OIXTMSST tout ut cart yua la to 1 day, Helping Others. To help those less fortunate than themselves should be the coveted pleasure of those favored of fortune. There is ro happiness equal to that enjoyed through making others happy. The sunlight we east Into other lives ronrentratea its rays, reflecting hack in brighter, purer force. We cannot sift out or investigate every case of need, but we can take it for granted that truth has been told us and extend a helping hand for humanity's rake. Exchange. Easily Explained. "Why, Mary, how did yon break that pretty plate? exclaimed the to her mother of a pretty daughter. "Why. Ill show you. mamma, it was Just like this." and taking up another bit of china from the lalila she gave a practical demonstration by letting it dash into a thousand pieces on the hardwood floor of the dining room. four-year-ol- Police Recover Rich Booty. Half a ton of lace, stolen property, packed In ten sacks, was discovered by lAmdnn detect Ives a few daya ago on the premlsee of a tailor. For I Mrs. WlMlow'l ttoothloe tin gni, raSoM to toca Simla rhlldm UMhloe. More Boye Than Girls. The average birthrate for Europe shows that for every 100 girla 101 boys are born. Hard Either Way. "Sometimes I wish said the very lazy man, "that I liked to work, so it wouldn't be so disagreeable to mo when I was compelled to do so. And then I get to thinking that maybe if I liked It I would he at it all the tima and I can't hear the thought. TEA Dont buy it out of a bin or a canister, buy it in lb or lb packages. n vry p kf of Schillings Bst Tm il toot Ik list Is Miln (food Ion, -- The One Thing Needful. She doesn't rare for operas, tho drama or the play; she doesn't care fur dancing she isn't built that way; she doesn't care for housework, for flowers or for books, she doesn't rare for poodles she doesn't like their Hides of Cow and Horsa. looks; she doesn't rare for dresses, A cow's hide produces thirty-fivfor lists or fancy hose the only thing pounds of leather, and that of a horse she does rare for ia a man who will about e'glif-e.- i pounds. propose. e When St. Jacobs Oil The old monk cure, strong, straight, sure, tackles Hurts, Bruises The muscles ilea, the kinks untwist, the soreness dies out. Price 25c. and 50c. TO HIS DEATH. Lenders, Money reader Suicidea Hounded by money lenders tu whom he had assigned his wages for a long disperiod In advance, and finally charged because of this by his employers, Frank Dunham, an engineer on the lines of the Illinois Central railroad. has committed suicide at his home In Chicago. Dunham, who was 47 years old. locked himself In a bedroom and turned on the gas. Sprains, by VERY FEW. IF ANY. AT 8 COST AS CIGARS SOLD CENTS. MUCH TO MANUFACTURE. OR COST THE DEALER AS MUCH AS il If CREG10 French Weary of Castro's Doings. France has officially Informed the aotvico nod oqnipnunt. United States of the action of the IF THE DEALER TRIES TO SELL YOU SOME OTHER' Venezuelan government against the THE reFrench Cable she which comiwny, UNION PACIFIC ASK YOURSELF WHY? and Intimates gards as HUNS Chrao Thronph Pratoa Dolly to tbo Knot, its that French patience ia rapidly being trains siririM out boon obood exhausted by the conduct of affairs In of oil com poti ton. Venezuela. It Is probable that the French ambassador will confer with NEW PENSION LAWS PaUiafomotiooehoorfoUi temlahad M President Roosevelt next week for the 1 FM ppUeotioofa. to NATHAN IIICKFOKU, purpose of learning the policy which Apply Washington, U-- C. D. E. BURLEY thla government proposes to follow in C. P. T. A., 0. 8. L. R. R When Answering Advertisements Venezuela Salt Lako City. Kindly Mention This Paper. high-hande- For rmlM, foldtn, bw llliwliatod bookltU, Mr., Inquire of your nrarcM NrkM ngnoL (pwlfylas IbnBto Onrii ronu, or addma A. BENTON, Hounded non-dH- Dtnnr, Omaha, Kantat City, St. Louit, and Chicago without change Free reclining chair cars. Personally conducted eicurslons.' Dining Cart, Service a la Carte on all through trains I. DRIVEN t to nrotoot ito potreoo Mulnrt Tbo lino to ronownod tor Ito fort troioo nod tlio sooorol nporiority of ita Ogden and Denver through pullmanand ordinary Use Apetfecl Vice-Preside- Through Train Via Three Seperate In Mrp-M- - 1 - norIiiieiul. l)piuiu.-Morplui- i( NotINahcotic. . Only Signature of Promotes DigeslionJCheerlul-- ; ness ami HesLCcnlains neither f Colorado Has Three Governors in Less Than Twenty-fou- r Hours. The bargain made by tho leaders of UTAh BOUNTIFUL. the opposing Republican fact Inns of Colorado to take the governor's from Alva Adams and to seat in It Ueutenant Govc-rno- r Jesse F. McDonald, after permitting James II. Pea. body to hold It for one day. was carried to a conclusion late Friday after1 noon. In fulfillment of the agreement which he made before tlie general assembly decided the gubernatorial conI test in his favor. Governor James 1L A Peabody has resigned the office in CAPITAL S25.000 SURPLUS which he was inaugurated late ThursAND UNDIVIDED FOFITS, day afternoon. Hitt resignation, of which W. S. $40,000. Boynton of Colorado Springs had been custodian aince Wednesday, when it waa written, was filed in the office of John R. Barnes, President the secretary of slate at 4:20 p. m. 2 Lewis S. Hills, Friday. James Oowle, secretary of W. R. j Barnes, Cashier state, Immediately certified Governor John R. Gailby, Ass't Cashier. Peabody'i resignation, and Lieutenant Governor McDonald was then sworn in DIRECTORS as governor by Chief Justice GaUln-rt- . was no further ceremony. There John G. M. Barnes, Peter Barton, Governor Adams was ousted and John W. Gsiley, las. II. Larkins, Governor Peabody installed l,y the William Blood general assembly at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon, sml Governor McDonald was sworn in before 5 p. ni. FriKAYSV1LLE, UTAH Thus in a spnc,- - of less than 44444444444 day. twenty-fou- r hours Colorado has had three governors. R Bears the j our samples. Trices low ; good work, promptness known. T asset 17: With the JapaniX' Imuging cn the liei'la and riuuk uf the nninanii of tin? hniLi'it, ili ft'Htiil UiiM-iHi- i army. Kurupaikin. th- - old idol of the private soldier, has boon dismissed and disgraced, and General I.ineviteh. commander of the First army, is to succeed him in eonintand of all the Kussiau fund and sea forces operating against Japun. The word disgrace is written in large letters In order gazetted, the laconic iniM-ria- l which contains not a single word of praise, and also di simscs of the rumor that Kiimpaikin bad asked to he reii lieved. Tlie military annals contain no more bitter imperial rebuke. While it was known that the decided to war council bail already Bupplant Kim pa' k;n alter ihc Muk- den disaster, tit-- deeisimi to router the task of saiin,: the remainder of in the very the army on I midst of its llulii. n'.tliougli bruited last night, came as a sui,irie It transpires t lint Kiiiperor Niehidns, tiMin the uiliiie of (bmiiil lMagomi-- j roff and Yar Minister Sakhuroli. do- tennined that tin- - step was necessary when it hi came apparent yesterday ' that Kumpatkin. while ciuici iitrating for a stand at Tie pass, seemed nti- aware that tlie Japanese hud worked around westward again and practito lie surprised. cally allowed hinisi-lg Old reports brought by General regarding Kumpatkin's failing mentally also had Influence. Under the circumstances, then-fore- , It was considered imperative, in view of the exceedingly perilinus imsitlon of the army, to turn over its command to IJncvltch, who alune had been able to bring off his army In order after the battle of Mukden. His record during the Chinese war had also demonstrated his rapacity as a commander. Kuropatkin will return to St. Petersburg forthwith. The task confided to Linevitrh of withdrawing what Is left of the great army of 35(1.004 men to Harbin 1b a desperate one. He is hemmi-- in on all aides. General Kawamura. pre1b northward sumably. pressing through the mountains eastward, ready to swoop down; Generals Nogl and Oku are on the west of the Russian forces; the whole line of the railroad la threatened, if not already cut, and Chinese bandits are even reported to be In the rear of Harbin. A consummation of the Mukden disaster is feared. Napoleon's plight In the retreat from Moscow, with Kutusotrs Cossacks harassing the starving, freezing Frenchmen, was hardly as Ind nr dangerous. made on cloudy days as well as on clear days. Call and see our PEABODY San Pedro Los Angeles & Salt laKe Jt. Always Bought AYc ertable Preparation forAs siintialLiif! the Food andtiegula-tin- g llie Stomachs and Howls uf -- d DIREOTORY PUBLISHERS. Kind You Have , e W. P. COOPER, Skctv & 25gr. St. j TEACHER OF MUSIC. R. L. POLK, PaxsiDKirr. The i - Doesn't Need Immigrants. There is need in North Carolina of more folks. This state has a population of only iliirty-nlnpeople to Cl ic too, November Md, Utl Kent k Donl.r, the square mile, and the average HBl er e or Dool.j Kwit, kl(lwnr on of jm that (Inn "When tbs Bom Bloom Amlo." value of its lund Is only 7 an acre. User sir: 1 huve bMid . jon sing tbs above bssuUful ud effort Irg sun. mean! Uw. during Oi waek st Ohio haH a imputation of 102 to the and bars laliaa a aumbar of frteoda, ladlea and Krnt.HiaMi, mflnad and coiapataM Mta Hijautat," mile ami the average value of IB Jadga efsbatto .'aging etjlae, mat bod, phrulng, ale., and m, hi ruur rendering of tho aoog Bquare Mwiil U OlUtlfond 1 bars haard very many logon la mr lima, baiiedleu. oper. is 134 an acre. Indiana baa land BMICiLTIIUI, its BUe aura, mlniuala of ail gradaa, pnifnalooal mo and uoprutoeolonal, and bars rarsl baas of seventy to the square a population wh.n Ptoneaolly at baarlng yon slug, Wbao tba Bom Bhiom Again." Wishing yoa good luck and pniiparlty, 1 an y aura truly, mile and the average value of its land JARVIS BLUME. ie over 3 nr " re. Charlotte News 536 Constitution Building, UTAH. alt lakh an, For Infants and Children. Itu.-ida- s W. 3RD SO. ST. ill Imperial Order Dismissing the Mas- terly Retreater From Command Contains Not a Single Word of Praise. i. it: Iw. SOL- - i Knew mil nhv II Ik) rinii ih- - col.i kMiMUH; 1 e To hoc a iHirn floor cot. A wimlow and the & OUTER nil pair of aicnia, two hirchii Kllatening white! lake such joy as many men know not. TWO Immense Swimming Pools TUB BATHS and PRIVATE 52-5- 4 li tiny uf ImllowMl ancit I i. ,u:-- I i . CIALTY. I I ,i i! ami fret; iminiuiiti: like a iwa. mil lll.ll I lycl H i k .uni unaware Al"iis Ymi Mi.r a i.mi lii.iin that pricks the proof HIih'Mw i( iiiiit i the apirit of hearth nnil 1iiitf Fur nut iiinii th ait ' Tin' i! tni'hi'K luv sunn wivtched hQVl J Separata Turkish Baiba fur Laillea. diMaiiig anil M.nicuriug arlora. i ' I'i i iia.it t Ami A?l! t'll PLUNGES. Natural Hot Sulphur Water. TURKISH BATHS OUR SPE- SALT LAKE CITYS sii THE IDOL OF THE PRIVATE DIER SUCCEEDED BY LINEVITCH. ,.l ! iJm.i. i 'Tii SANITARIUM j SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. I ' f AT THE DESERET NEWS BOOK STORE : t v Get in the Swim IS strange ii loll A ,J iIi.u.kIi hi eui li hi it i : r.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vAw.'.v.i PRICIS - 1.50 per vol, Cloth, Half doth. - 2.50 per vol. Half morocco 2.5C per vol. Full morocco 4.00 per vol. v 1. m made arrangement whrreby 1 can furnish ami deliver Nut and Lump coal promptly. Give me a trial order. I will endeavor to please you. 'Phone i6-- n. E. L. WILLEY r Ltgtet Km4" Vunl, Bountiful, Utah Pctr'Otism. In. N" Have ThU work is now being published by The Lieseret News in a series of magnificent volumes, in complete form, with an Introduction to each volume and numerous notes which render it still more valuable. Volumes I, II and III are now ready. IiUX 1 A. P. D.. Sat Lake City 'j SEEDS Goad ItoMli Fay. Wh.a yoa bay Parity Saadi yoa gtt the brat. Illg ralalag fraa YOGELER SEED CO. SALT LARI OITV, UTAH I |