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Show WMI'II'I imm , Local Briefs. 1. "V si f an A1, hal a islet d. A Isaik WHS pie-- ami . i whit 1 'rd to the retiring Isaird, preseutution tieing made hy Welihy K. Clark;' original poem, l.ucy A. Clark; i of acceptance, Helen Miller and Ja t Ahliolt; remarks. Counselor Jacob "CD hen in Lake during Vbn you are nut of bread, don't go M iltr, Mary S. Clark, Thomas Steed, A. Aurelia and M..r a the K.eith Rogers. xfisit Clark, Conference hungry until more ia made. Fresh baker bread every day. L. 11. Oviatt. "Department Two Collialons and a Flro. Mias Maggie Steed returned from become Uhe The 7:14 south bound passenger traiu Morgan laat week, after spending see on .Monday evening last, set fire to a pile ions in the. close of rotten tiea that were under a frame eral daya itb relatives and friends. the people because bui ding at the O. S. L. station, and a Constipation and piles are twins. They a h- - .ry breeze was Mowing toward the j Prices. kill people inch by inch, sap life away Con mental Oil company a tauk, 36 feel IN.Y. be B. Clark hipiened to day by day, Hollister's Rocky Mouu'am dit:i nt. Mr. T. and hastened Tea will positively cure you. No cure no walking in that direction,which w as soon to extinguish the blaze, HrlADIES. HISSES' ASP CHIIDRENS Tablets. J. I). accomplished, the section men helping. pay. J5 cents. Tea or A nunilier of coal laden cats weie aland- - j Wood. ewilcli Leal to the oil tank, on C. J. Steed and family returned from mg hailthe not lieen for Mr. Clarks-timelit and Salt Lake Sunday, having rerrntly appvarauce, a serious lire would tuoved to the capital to ply his trade as have resulted. Wednesday evening a broken tail electrician. Mr. Steed will have charge canard the overthrow of three or f nr of the wires at Lagoon this aumuier. heavily loaded freight car-- , blocking the Tbcv call fanners seedy, hut. as a rule, mainline until 1 11'ilo.k; and Friday Call for catalogue. sm nger tram crashed s evening the 711 they are not seedy enough to glow the rear end of a treighl tram that without more seeds. L. II. Oviatt. into was running onto the swilcli, demolish The Argus office has been emliclished ing never! freight cars and knocking the 'VheYeopie KpeNNilhVJs On Sale at BUY WHEN READY I with a new dresa of rich oriental wall ta- cow catcher rmu the passenger engine! hut not so seri- otherwise it, ilanugiug per. Mr. C. I. Ilant the new painter and ousy tint that in two hours it proceded Main street at least from what ia known I 'ello, Ida., came down Saturday to viai paper hanger is the gen ions who worked to Salt Lake. with friends amt relatives. XViiiri 111 corner in o ic block north as th the transfer mst ion scene. William fiierisch is exptcled home 'of the count v rna-l- an pieliminary Trial Calendar for March. $yno A PAY SUKU - Adveitiso S.ir .ert'lunemi weels on account of Monday, March 37. nl Q a. m. No. SS- - 'surveys mart lie toiiinieuced wiihiu one aapanlla. Commission or salar). Aii the niitlter of the estate and guardian- - vettrt Hiid the fowl c within! itnplcle.l Mrn,l Mrs. George auce of Salt idless, Indian Sarsaparilla Co., Hi Third ship of John Sill, ail alleged incompetent. Lake spent Sunday with their daughter, Protest 1. No. ?;H ChurleaA Miller vs. tiir; afreet. Sail Laic Cilv. We aie still is f Trieiii?" or ol Fculrh Cats" fur 25 cents dig t Mr. George Hatch. No. . Heorge I!. Mint, ( Demurrer'. WOODS CROSS BREVITIES. .(J. ' Tell Jhu you must h.itr a III Arthur Dtppe of this place and Miss j Rosa Belle Wiuegar vs. John A. Wmegar, Miser. Mrs. Kor What's the use "f flMvuiei:i. No. Marv Ann Hornsby Jane A. I. iinani of Bountiful, were mar- ihr Aigns. ried .Thursday. A reception was given on e.m lind re vs. C. W. Kills, rt. sl , (Law . svorktng an hard when in. No. bo. John Brown of Alpine was hire jetid- - the mine evening at the home ofthe Tucsdav, M.ueli II ' lief by huying a Hi cad Mi sir vs. C. K. Rowland j,,., flvl. Willi.nii fk'hs et. .1 brides parents. ,itva lsl wet.. Oviatt. el. id., il.awi. No. 270 New State Gun nnd Mr. Mis. is. Hatchs baby George D. W, IL-s- s ol Ida., called club ss. David Fack, 'Law). No. 377. Big Horn Gets Bishop Egan. ;,,n Thomas Argyle, siek of piiemmmia. lie is here NVw in hsM to order Hie Argus, Bishop R. B. Kgan has returned from In order to prove the great advantage to the IhIwi. .Mr. Dcwcv ol Salt Like was a Woods , his home seeking junket to Big Horn. David owing 10 Ihr ilnrss ol Ins f.illu-housewife, we shall be pleased to let you have a Cerv enthuaiaslic at the WVT .'ross visitor Wednesday. II, s. who is now remveridg mcelv. Bread Mixer for seven daya' trial. If not outlook, lie lias purchased a home and NEWS FROM BOUNTIFUL A daughter was I10111 to Mr. and Mri. j will soon hid bin friends farewell ami The go atrsl sysirni renovator. Rereturn it at the expiration of seven daya. move to that country. Mr. O P, Hatch Bci jauiin Argj le last week. stores vitality, regulate tl.e kplnrvs. Ask your neighbor about tlieir Bread Miaer. We of Big Horn the bishop livci aiul slomaeb. It Hollisin' Km-kMiss I.uella Hartley of Landing, Ida., here to aid him accompanied sold them one. in moving. Mountain Tea fads In cine yet yom in Wcod relatives ls Cross, visiting SIZES-- 4 to 6 LOAVES, S2.00; 8 to tO LOAVES Ihrliu::gvniid Upped the buggy i.ver. money bark. That's lair. ;j ei ills, Ti-Mrs. I.eo J. Aluir went to Salt Lake nearly throwing the ladies out into the . I . WimnI. 01 Tablets. S2.50. dtlrii. A geiilleiiiaii hv the name of j Saturday to spend a few days with rela-- ; Mrs. ('. (I. riant, alter .lending a lew H. Snres n if. n hy Mild, taking hr horse lives and friends. wrrka ill Salt Like, returned Iasi I'riil.n. hv the bit. ativ lurther damage. Mr. Ktnnin Moss wlui lias lieen living Laths, Shingles, Fence Posts, &c. Mi. Nellie Mav. Mrs. llanl's imaher, The in in w I10 e.r.ised the accident drove 111 Salt Lake for some tini', returned 4 Builder Hardware, Patton's Paint, suit also, to breathe 0111 healihlul on without olfeiing any assistance what- Jionie lust Wednesday. eouiUry aw. ever. Screen Doors, Screen Windows, j V.'..'.ViVfT'.V.V.'.'.Y.'.Y.'iV.T V.'iY.V.VWiW.Vi6!a!iSJSS5a Mr. and Mrs. GeSrge I'arris'.i of Ioca- I'll brave the llornis of L'hllkiHit 1ass, llotbed Sash, all kinds of shop 4 ? A HonrHess Driver. I'll cross the plains nt frozen glass, R- U I Willey, Jr , K. W. I,U I. K. Wlllvy, work done on short notice. Prices Last week a ihtmiii from the mirth, I'd Iravr my wife and cross the sea. asTow as goo I work will allow. WILLEY & DULE WILLEY, Rather Ilian lie willmiit Rim ky M.iuiitain wIm apcurei In have diiiub brutes, was driving Tea. j. li. Wood. GENERAL ATTORNEYS. 'iiigaloail of bay. The L S. HEYW30D & S01S A mccliiig'ul tin-- Relief Society officers were so jaded that they could scarcely lractire in all Coura. I R. Wiiley Davi , and the merciless driver wuuhl UTAH LAYTON will lie held in the Lattice hall on March truvi-lBYcycYeS- County ami jab them iu the luck with a TlrJuine VIWI Hell. OlDreAttorney. sit tlu-rIS Main Kt., Halt Lake 1 111. at The Stake Priesthood 3 g . 1 p. movfork to to them Jit?. compel keep pitch rlt liuilillngt Lpttilni TTTiTrr'rriini meeting will Ire held on Hic's.iiiic day ing. If that heartless person had gotten anlie should had have to his just dues, at that hour in the Mcrtiug house. Suit Cases and Traveling Bags for Missionaries. swer before the minions of the law, !aj(t Meeting ot Civic Society.. MKLh 1 84. A Peculiar Accident. A meeting of Hie Civic society will lie IAU llOtf afternoon, while plowing iu held in the vestry of the Meeting house thaYesterday tield, Knoch Holbrook cut through a nest Friday evening, lodiscusa the ad- locust tree root ami a portion of it was visability of r vising sugar cane, and the (lipped hack, striking his leg just below the knee, and fracturing it in a very prospects of growing enough to warrant serious way. The injured man was molasses of a the erecliuu mill. taken to the doctor and the Irg aet in z.sce Curtains, Carriages Furniture, Wall Paper, Carpets, Linoliuj apliula, and Mr. Holbrook will rest for a Sucteaaful Farming Discussed. lew weeks. und etc. Caskets, Coffins, and Undertaking Supplies. The g Friday evening of the A son w.i born to Mr. and Mrs. Y. J. and proved Civ C su.iirty was a Of C to he very interesting aud profitable to Holbrook oil Saturday, the 18th. z ? W.-- rl 1 . :?tre QjfLY by deceived. 5 US. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoker's child who Hloje pres :iit. The only regretahle featTfi EDWARD THOMAS SUCCESSORS ure was th it there were not more farmer su-lieen taru for has the last weeks, very Prion Cetij ic edti o this city out to liaen and take part in the subjects iliscusseil. The committee is now improving nicely. r cr Salt "Bountiful. LaJtCil y. fkorl'kAncl)74i, Sired, t utt was previously appointed to esnvasa The memlmrs of the Bountiful Silver tUe faruurs wdh a view of ohiaiuiug the Hand luve ordered their uniforms from number of acres ol cane ihit will he a firm in Philadelphia, ami it it expected ( iied, provi led an evaporator were in- allcj aud oierated iu town, reported they will cotne out in line style soon. t iat a uiajorily ot the farmers would each Report u current that the Rampton plant a limited amount of cane. e Co. Pocatello, have leaseil The first half ul the meeting was occupied by John S White, Jr. who spoke the two biul ings which were formerly on "Successful Fanning1' Ihe subject nr,l f ,r suloous, and intend to open up Gaby. Iu order to are how many people read thia ad., we will give a double inducewa. discussed under Hie following sub-BEAUTIFUL REVERSABLE HAND MADE RUGS ment to any it out. bringing to our atnrej nd purchasing ft. 00 fulllllllri. ljIlslliesi 1U lhe near futurc. cutting div .ous: The ruauipul itiun, coudiiiou r mote of our Merchandise. Below are a few Jff the many articles we offer Made freni your old Carpets. Ingrains, Brussels, Tspestry Mr. led Stnughsui has gone to Cum d the soil, sod couiposuiou; the differ-- ' a. with 1 1. oo and purchase Stsir ublaiii Slid ent plants that other tierUmt, Wvn., having been employed Csrpets, Wiltons, Moquets. Old Smyrna Xjigs Re' nitrogen Chenille Curtains Converted into Rugs. I rUitn to , thv l uh' Association ot Credit Meu to Woven; impor.aiu elemenU, tram the -WITH PURCHASES With S2.00 purchases importance ot pure seeds; the appi ovcil . , best Rug that esn be mode from Old and worn-o- u mske the 1 China trier-fand Cream of slock Teapot ii M,me H,er Sugar bankrupt China Creamugar, method of applying manure; preparation Plates llliie la Dinner inch Flatea 7 Blue inner 3 Csrpets. Send me a trial order and be convinced. inch maraet;' necessity lor urgsuizatiu.i. ch.imliso. He may lie absent a mouth or r Glass Berry Set a China 0!ivfDhes The society then rulrred upsn an in-- two. CATvPTCT 3 China Cups aud Sauctrs I Fauup Chi CAke Plate formal discussion ul the points liruugiit 1 Glssa Cake Stand Dr. Van Loti, instead of errecting his 1 Teapot Fancyllni,'1 m,!' I Pay the Express Charges From Davia Co. 1 Glass Fruit Stand 6 Lead iKi jit Glasses residence on lit own land purchased 1 Glass Water Jug. WORKS ; from II. J. W. Huniingham, as was first Nl Siting of Relief Society. An actual Saving of 50 per cent. This offer Ddvfs county only. The l ,llotug program was rendered contemplated, is having it built at the BELl TELEPHONE g st the animal meeting of the Farmington 0 Die Van Cull umt Smerlley build- - 1 Kelarf socielv lu-ilast Friday: to ) been Corner and South and Main, Salt Lake City. ef wclco.n.-- , Presideui Minerva R. K.1111I Ala sieciul meeting ofthe City enurton; reading, "An tip 11 Door to Votoodtr. Starch, Soap. "Rice. Etc. Teas. Cocoa. Send for Illustrated PatLphleta Rugs for Sale. second vice preside. 1 t,. rtruile ed held 011 Momlay, the 13th. Mr. 11. Miller; song, As 1 Sat I' am Mv lYar Malder succeeded in obtaining a franOld Mother a Knee," Janies Slecii; reciT an chise electric to tun railway through szlec instrumental Anuie tation, Tauucr; Bountiful, due of the conditions of the Uou, "A Message of Lore,' Flo: a reading, "I'ltimatuiii of Human franchise, ia that the road must run on 66 jjl IT'S PURE X PAINT leu A. F. Stevenson lam Tuesday. for Parker. I j Salt OBrien Store of popular. mderatt of is Store has ofJet ( . j of BUFFALO, The most magnifi . cent I Store all the in West. ! FINE and I STREET WEAR. vege-Uble- X . I OF LAUNDRY 1 , j"' I ' commERCiAU- FARcniNSTON I SOAP, - j ! 2- I'ln-sg- -x ' Kjs-,m- j , (',er-gclow- j , ! DATS TRIAL j FREE! : j r fatis-fnctoi- a LUMBER L. OVIA.&&, Farmington I A OLIVE --j- MEREDITH, Goods Lar and Tn'tS, e Bicycles Sundries and Repairs. f'ri'iiiiirr? 155 Muiu HolbrooK. Smedley PH ON E S Street SAlT LAKE Furniture Company CITY, UTAH. iVAY.Y.V.V.,V.VV.'.V,V.Vi!A"V.Y,YiVVmSln!as Go-Cart- ms-lin- su-'ce- andJysSiuti kuh in 7tah. ti oSl JeStt yrSest FLUFF RUG WORKS. - Yeu Get The Benefit cleJ Edtvard 1 Proprietor p-r- 1 5-'- 1 SI-0- ; or OLEAXINGDONE. 1 1 236 W. South Temple . Rational Uea Importing u Cot-Ue- A Co. SALT LAKE CITY. t l; llOUiSE THAT Wc, BUILT. r t Shoes dill you say ? NEW ERA The "Paint that t! Guaranteed ! 1 Wc have shoes 0 burn; There are- hundreds of pairs of Shoes from Broken Liines that ule are Selling at from - FOR WALLS FOR CEILINGS HU RES CO Bvantiful, Durable, Cheap. A child can apply it. The best Wall Finisher on Karth. Davie's Varnish Stain Neal's Carriage Paint Acme Wagon Paint Barn Best Brands DUTCH Ilf RBrw! ASSETS 1902, $13,000.00 $M4-5- 83 Onion Savings and Invsstment CO, tf M HODLnn Pir-ii.ien- C. F. CULMER Hast 1903, $63,061 91 N04, A.H Enow, Soermar on the & Roof Faint Came, Clioosn Shoes for ihe -- Market. &. BRO. Wc UTAH. OR H.J, SHEFFIELD, KaysvJille. hare just received our SPRING LINE of Men ,s Women's, and Cliildtcii's Phors. Pint South Stixet. SALT LAKE CITY SnwMr. Yours Shoely, Bountiful Oo-GJ- I, |