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Show DAVIS COUNTY .... D. P. FELT ft SUM, FARMINGTON NAPOLEON AT ST. HELENA. ARGUS THEY HAD MET BEFORE. WINS SENATORSHIP. Kansas City Man Succeeds Cockrell aa Senator From Missouri, in a deadlock liMVinx Af')-- r since January Ik ou-- the election of a United Stuns wnalor to sucfe.-M Cnckii-!l- i Frum-ithe legislature, at fifteen minute before sine die adjournment Saturday, elected Major of Kan-aa- a William Waincr. tinfill contested vacancy. City, to Seven l.alluty lu Joint session were a decision, and the taken in of i Ik- - legislature have closing not been paralleled in the history of Missouri politics. When it became evident that Warner wuuid be tbe choice, the Democrats who had steadily suplocked ported Cockrell throughout, borna with the Republican, who were split on (he caucus nominee, Thomas K. Niedringhaua, Richard C. Kerens and over a score of other nominees, and the assembly chamber became a place of general rlur. Efforts were made to prevent a roll call on the seventh ballot, several attempted to tear the presiding officer from the chair, and the Democrats tried to effect an adjournment without election. The time for sine die adjournment bad been set Tor 3 o'clock by concurrent resolution and as the hour approached tbe clurk was smashed In the melee. Amid an uproar that almost baffled control at tlnu-s- , the seventh billot of the day was taken. resuming In the election of M. Jur William Varner. Tht vote stood: Warner, 91; Cock rell. 83; Niedringlmus. 1. Th total An Talks. role was 175. making 88 necessary to Scott City, Kun., March 20th (Spe- a choice, and Warner received ' cial.) Almost every newspaper tells votes more than a majority. of cures of the most deadly of kidney URGE PEACE ON THE CZAR. diseases by Dodd's Kidney Pills, Disr-nse- . RheumaDiabetes. Bright's Prominent Russians Think Bloody tism and Bladder troubles. In fact any Conflict Should End. disease that is of the kidneys or causWhile Emperor ed by disordered kidneys Is readily Nicholas, whose cured by this great American remedy. word Is final, still declines to abandon But It ia In curing the earlier stages ihe prosecution of the war, and the of kidney complaint that Dodds Kidmaintains it a ability to government their ney Pills are doing greatest continue the conflict, it ia claimed that work. They are preventing thousands of cases of Brights disease and other powerful influences. Including several deadly aliments by curing Kidney Dis- of tbe emitcrors own ministers, are ease when It first shows its presence now strongly urging that the time haa in the body. come to Indicate to Japan Russia's deSpeaking of this work sire for peace upon a reasonably basis. James Scott of Scott County, says: Should Japan then attempt m ImI have used eight boxes of Dodd's pose too onerous conditions, these InKidney Pills and must Bay that they fluences argue that, in view of the uniare Just the thing for Kidney Disease. versal wish to see the bloody conflict We have tried many kidney medicines ended, Russia's position will be but Dodd's Kidney Pill are tbe beat strengthened abroad by the alienation of sympathy from Japan, and the sitof all. uation at home improved, when the nation Is made to understand, (hat Keeps Customers In Line. A Watervlle barber baa a unique tbe emperors pacific proposal! have contrivance In hie shop. It is a large been met with Impossible terms. One of the emperor's ministers ecunciator about two and one-hal- f said: "We have suffered bitter deon earns In works diameter and the feet feat on land and sea. We can, h'ff-eveprinciple as the date Indicator on tbe still continue the war. But 7 In The numbera run countries have face of a clock. suffered loss from one to forty. The Idea la that blood and treasure and great vj It woulc when a man goes in he takes a card profit the rivals of both were i from a spindle on a stand by the door fight on until one or the other la chair and every time a empty the hausted. Russia haa had a barZvA barber preiaea the electric button end fightln ator tuov 91 fiji Vnumber. MI7T six thousand jnflea from When a mans number rings up be and I contend she can make a dig . d peace, without glory, but not wthtfit takes bla turn. Lewiston (Me.) honor. T $ rest Pabliafcers utaiTstate WARNER UTAH nkws. Conqueror Bitterly Reasntad Banishment to Island. What Napoleon thought of Lis banishment to St. Helena may be gath ared from the following protest: The Idea of It is a perfect horror to me. To be placed for life ou uu island within the tropics, at uu Immense distance from any laud, cut off from all communication with the world and ever) thing that 1 hold in it! pis ipie Ie cage dc fer de Tarn-trla(It Is worse than Tamerlane's cage.) I would prefur being delivered up to tin- - Rourbona. Among other insults," said be but that Is a mere bagatelle, a very secondary consideration they style me general! They ran have no right to call me general; they may aa well call me archbishop, for I was head of the rhurrb as well aa the army. If they do not acknowledge me aa emperor, they ought aa first consul; they have sent ambassadors to me as such; and your king, la his letters, styled me brother. Had they confined me in tha Tower of l.ondun, or one of the fortresses In England (though not what I bad hoped from tbe generosity of tbe English people), I should not have ao much cause for complaint; but to banish mo to an Island within the tropica! They might aa well have signed my death warrant at once, aa It ia impossible a man of my habit of body can live long in such a climate." The Surrender," by Admiral Maitland. i r a Business Man's Introduction Humorous. The moat curious break I ever mailt," suid a young business nan tha oilier day, "was at my club. 1 was in the library talking with a man whj was iu my class at colR-gand whom I knew intimately. As we were sitting there in walked another member of the club whom we both knew. We both greeted him. Then tbe conversation continued, only three were in it Instead of two. Suddenly it occurred to me that perhaps my two friends bad not been Introduced. Beg pardon,' 1 said; I suppose you men know each oilier. Mr. 8 , Mr. T .' They laughed, but they grave ly shook bands and aald they were acquainted, and all that sort of thing, and then they looked at me and laughed again, only harder than before. Then It all dawned on me. The newcomer bore a fairly strong resemblance to soother man whom also I knew well at college, and I had assumed, not having looked at him closely. that be waa this man. But he wasn't, after all, and the man I had introduced him , to waa bla own brother." e s. Published by Geo. Reynold?. I V BOOK of MORMON Concordance I.al.i-CitThe new railroad from will bo (niiipNaitil to Ia.s Aug.-hrby April 1. Sixteen ml I os of sidewalks, costing llOO.omi, was laid lu Halt Lake City during It i announced that tho First regA book that should be found in every iment of the National Guard will soon library. A handy volume for tirriptural bo IncreaHt-- to twelve companies. Students, Preachers and all Latter Day Three miles of street in Halt Lake City are to lie iaved duriiiK the year Saints generally. Any kind of produce with aaphaltum, at a cost of $350,000. taken in exchange. It baa been decided. In the nature of an experiment, to throw open the public library of Salt Lake City on SunI day afternoon, Juliua C. Kieael. a resident of Ogden for many years, and a brother of former Slate Senator Kleeel, died last week of paralysis. $100 Reward. $100. John (journey, convicted of holding tJ,l lean P1' wlI pies thattoKlwu-up a street ear conductor in Suit Lake J"1 u? drosh-- dlMUMa MW. and that la PIONEER UNDERTAKER AND MANUFACTURER OF COFFIN CASa on Ik has to seuienred laUrrft. llil lamrrh Cara la iIm ouiy puaUiva City, twenty cura tiuf iwitb to tlia medical Caurrl) fraieraliy. KETS AND UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES. years In the penitentiary. dlavaee. require, a 1UII CaurrS Cur la takaa m After years of hard and persistent lie uiuunua Ur;l,r UPU U work, the Presbyterian church at Ogdlwano. and slrlus ilw iiatk-Funeral Parlors Coffins, Caskets building up Hi eun.iltuil.ie aud den has finished and was formalu 'rk. Tne inprieii.M liatt l! Furnished. etc. of all Uwy ollor ul.. liunlitlhi n. V. euI,llv P caa ly dedicated lust Sunday. mat 11 (alia to any Office sure. Send tur llai u( iMiliuiHilula. open day grades kept Tho Ulu (Irundii WeMtru Railway Addreaa P. J. CIIKNKV UU., TuleduuO. Suld by all OniKSlata. 75c. anil stock. in night. will build a new depot in Halt Luke Tiki IliiJ a Family FUli for coosilpsilo City to cost $3ru,iMitl, wliieh will also bo used by the Western I'tirllic. TREES THAT GIVE COCOA. , sou of I. V. The eight year-old LATEST APPLIANCES FOR SUCCESSFUL EMBALMING. Cocoanut Palm and Cacao Tree Both of Salt City, was thrown Handsome Specimens. 5 from a horse, his skull being fractured, East First So, Salt Lakx City Factory axd Warehouse Many of us who use cocoa and but it is believed he will recover. cocoanut daily do not know Ihat they Vico President Iluucnifi of the Oreare obtained from two distinct trees. gon Short Lino announces that the MaThe cocoanut palm la the fruit of a ; ted Valley extension will he built, and tall and graceful palm tree, whereas the cocoa, or more properly cacao. Is that work will commence at once. the powdered seed of a small and The efforts of Salt leakers to organjjj handsome tree, bearing no resemise a stock company and operate a blance to the cocoa palm. In fact, large packing house In the capital city the cacao tree la closely allied to tbe IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN appear to be meeting with aueceaa. linden or lime trees. No one who has .I,1 ever seen the peculiar appearance preDelroy Knudaon, aged 16, died at sented by the cacao tree will be likely Lehl last week as the rcault of injuries to mistake It for anything else. The sustained six months ago, when he tree itself grows to a height of twen. . fell out of a tree, his lower limbs beMantels, Grates, And Monumental Work- ty or twenty-fiv- e feet, with a rather ing paralysed. smooth and slender trunk, thick, A company la being formed In Kays-Till- e bushy and symmetrical top, aud band-som- e fur the erection of a flour mill, broad, oval leaves of a deep purW. South Tempi ple or bronze color. Instead of growtha capital of which la to be $50,000, UTAH-- SALT LAKE or at branches ing of the end the CtTY, which le being largely subscribed by twigs, as do most blossoms, the flowM' 4 -H -l - H - l -: -I-H-l-H-H - l"i -l -l-H -l-H-H- 4"l -H -l"l - l - HI local people. ers bud out directly from the bark of 1 DH-H M-1 t I 1111111111The quarterly statement of the the llmba and trunk. The flowera are alx banking Institutions doing bust-sea- s mall and Insignificant, but tbe fruit, In Ogden, which waa made pub-lishaped like a cucumber, grows to a teat week, showed combined delarge sixe,' sometimes eight Lor ten In length and three or foul lnches feet CQ- -r of about $4,400,000. posits colored or- -' tefbii. !sriinahUy It h announced ln Balt lAtke. CJltj DXALXRS IX aege, red or yellow, and under favorthat uburban'electrir car Itnea are able conditions fairly coven the tree, to be constructed tbla year which will and la a beautiful sight. cost several million dollars, containFallacy Regarding Bread. Star Estate Stul Raoces, Stores asd Heaters, Upholstery Goods. MORE TROUBLE FOR WARS ing about 200 miles of road. FACE LIKE RAW BEEF. The fallacy that tbe whiter tbe Salt Lake la to have another theatre, Carpets, Festhirs, Curtails, Baby Carriages, aid Refrigerators. Men Are Determined to Violentli Op- bread the higher Its quality, aeema to the Orpheus Vaudeville company, Burning Up With a Terrible Itching ovficxxs: over all and tbe tbe world, prevail f pose Mobilization. W. N. Williams, John Henry Smith, Prest., Lewis M. Cannon, Vice-PresEcxema Speedily Cured by which ii to be on a circuit with San flour have demands for snow-whit- e Now that most of the strike are H. J. Smith, Jr., Assistant Supt. Supt., Sec. and Treas., Cuticura. been answered by the production of a Francisco, Seattle and Denver, having directors: ended the workmen of Warsaw are flour which la robbed of considerable decided to erect a $50,00 building. Lewis M. Cannon, F. M. Lyman, H. . Smith, Jr, E. F. Parry, John Henry "Cutirura cured me of a terrible beginning to the threat of of its nutritive value. There are variSmith, N. W. Williams, Clarissa S. Williams, T. II. Cartwright, E. Wright. O. C. Moore, a brakeiuan, was so eczema from which I had suffered revengo on si. aa ous ways of accomplishing this object, badly crushed between the bumpers agony and pain for eight years, being refused to qul1 31, 33, 35, and 37 South Main Street ,em. On but tbe newest and moat novel proBALT LAKE CITY, UTAH of the cars while making a coupling unable to obtain any help from the Saturday a fo& t jfSd refused cess for that purpose comes from was fatally France. at Morgan that he died a short time best doctors. My scalp was covered to join the f Here tbe dough has been and workman who treated with ozonized air, and tha later. Moore waa a new man on the with scabs and my face was like a stabbed, had refused to out waa shot and effect was that while tbe bread waa piece of raw beef, my eyebrows and road. lashes were falling out. and I felt aa severely wounded. The authorities much whiter than the untreated the The farmers of Sanpete and Sevier If burning up from the terrible Itching fear that these incidents are only the quality of the bread waa very much counilca are greatly elated over the and pain. Cuticura gave me relief the beginning of a series of such outragig. Impaired. Both the taate and the 1 Tho working classes are greatly exprospects for large crops this season. very first day, and made a complete cited In anticipation of orders for amount of nourishment were very There seems to be plenty of anow and cure In a short time. My head and mobilization. The men are determined much Inferior. a sufficient amount of moisture is as- face are now clear and well. (Signed) to offer violent opposition. Scarcely WHOLXSALS DXALERS IX THE SIMPLE LIFE. Miss Mary M. Fay, 75 West Main St. a day passes without the appearance sured. of seditious West boro, Mass. pamphlets. One secret ' The trial of John Y. Westmark for publication, entitled The Barricade Ways That Are Pleasant and Paths which was That Are Peace. the killing of Frog Hegglond at Fark Fox Too Much fer Djgi recently circulated, vine of the fiercest fights 1 over wit preached revolutionary doctrines urgIt la the simple life that gives City, on August 29, resulted in a verworkmen to prepare for tho strugof mind and dict of involuntary manslaughter, and nessed waa between a village cur and ing and build barricades In the streets. length of daye, serenity gle a fox. One this big moonlight night body and tranquillity of soul. Westmark will serve a jail sentence of When you have anything; toeell, ask for the Stock Yarde dog, in my company, found Brer Fox one year. Simple hopes and ambitions, bound-ePARACHUTE FAILED. at West Bountiful. Highest Prices Paid. round some corn stacks, and 1 $ 1 1 I by the desire to do good to one's The amount spent In building new mousinghim W. A. Middlekarf was killed and 1 pinned by bla foreleg. They loopneighbors, simple pleasures, habits, business blocks, churches ed the loop together, and for some M. Odell seriously Injured by falllhg food and drink. homes, S. West Txmplx St. college buildings, and other structures time It was Impossible to say where 200 feet from a balloon while giving Men die long before their time beBALT LAKE CITY a double UTAH in Salt Lake City in 1904 waa $1,750,-00- the ox begun and the dog left off. Both menascension at Wallace, Idaho. cause they try to crowd too much Into were seated in parachutes too The building in 1905 will exceed But for my Intervention the dog and when climb their experiences they they had ascended 200 feet would have been killed. County Genthis figure. the lower part of the baloon tore high and fall too hard. A wise woman tleman. away. The parachutes failed to open writes of the good that a simple diet By the blowing out of a motor box, Hnd both fell among the spectators haa done her: Guy Wilson, a niotoriuan, waa severely with terrific force. A young boy was I have been using Grape-Nut- s for injured in Suit Ijike City, and would caught by the falling tmloon and badly about six months. I began rather sparAll sorts of tea grow on burned. Middlekarf had nearly every ingly, until I acquired such a liking have probably been fatally burned hnd bone in his txid.v broken, while Odell for It that for the last three months he pot Jumped from the car. No one the tea bush; all sorts on had none. The lutter A STORE FRONT HOME BARN is injured in- I have depended upon It almost enelse waa Injured. T ternally. OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW for else my diet, eating nothing tirely' The Commercial club of Salt Lake the same tea bush. for break-tea- t Lad Reproved by Father Takea His whatever, but Grape-Nut- s CASE OR ANYTHING IN THE City is arranging to send an exploring and eupper, and 1 believe I could j A Gruesome Parade. Own Life. BUILDINC LINE? party into the unexplored regions of Sat it for dinner with fruit and be satThe medical students at Griefawald. Because his father whipped him for isfied without other food, and feel San Juan county. It Is said there are Germany, says the New York Medical away from school, Frencpe much better and have more atrength large tracts of country in that region Record, recently celebrated by parad- staying son of John W. Cleno, to do my housework. which have never been traversed by ing the streets In a torchlight proces- Cleno, 1 "When I began the nse of Grape-Nut- s coal Philof wealihy dealer, white men. formerly sion. The gruesome torches consistI was thin and weak, my muscles It la announced that the freight ed of human thigh bones soaked lu adelphia. hanged himself in the atable were so soft that 1 was not able to do nt W. Va. a The boy waa 2 skeleton carried by two Tipton, rates on the new Salt Lake ruete be- tar, and any work. 1 weighed only 108 pounds. students headed of the When years found his age. procession. pet tween Loa Angeles and Salt Lake that I ate did me any good, Office and Yards, 20 to 40 N. 2nd West St. pony waa whinnying and rubbing hjia Nothing down hill rapidly, was was I City will he practically the same as going nose on the boy' body and would not no with and ambl nervous miserable, those from San Francisco to Ogden, allow anyone to enter the stall. Tbe on the Southern Pacific. How many fine thoughts body was finally cut down after tltey tlon for anything. MyI condition Imbegan to eat bad coaxed the pet away. proved rapidly after A man named Benson was I I H-l- -1 food. It made me feel 111! I severely lie along that word of three Grape-Nut- s 1111111111111. Injured in Ogden canyon while loading Ten Men Killed by Explosion In Miie. like a new woman; my muscles got letters: rock. A piece of rock dlskaiged from An explosion occurred at the mints olid, my figure rounded out, my to 126 ponnda In a nn overhanging crag, fed and struck of the New River Smokeless Coal ft weight Increased Tho "Alma Cow. Benson upon the head, fracturing the few weeks, my nerves grew steady skull. He waa removed at once to the A curious custom still holds good Coke company at Rush Run, W. VL and my mind better and clearer. My hospital and It is believed he in tbe village of Waddeadon, la Buck- at 10 o'dork Saturday night, in whiih friends tell me they haven't seen me inghamshire, England, whom, on any ten men were killed. The explosion look so well for years. ' 1 consider Grape-Nut- s tbe best Mrs. Ellaha Holey of American Fork morning or evening of tbe year, you waa In the Rush Run mine and ex- was seriously hurt by Jumping from a can claim a free drink of new milk tended to the Red Ash mine, nearly food on tbe market, and shall never go from a cow specially kept for tbe two miles away, and meats and white bread again runaway wagon. She was riding to benefit of great flames back to thirsty wayfarers. Thli ani- burst out of the mouths of both mines. Name given by Postnm Co., Battle her home with her son, in a light mal la known lncn'ly as the alms There were about five men In each Creek. Mich. 26 S. Maix St. Salt Lake City wagon, when the horse attached be- cow," and when sha dies another haa mine, who stayed there at There's a reason. to night came unmanageable and commenced to bo rovlded by ti e parish take care of the mines, and all were Jxtok In each pkg. for tbe llttli -H to run. killed. 4 l 1 1 1 1 1 11 i HH 1 1 M i l I I. H M 1 1 1 1 1 book, Tbe Road to Wellvllla. i y i d In-e- Mad-non- eiTi-ciio- sci-iie- JOSEPH thft-indle- J. E. TAYLOR euu-tl- 251-35- Elias JVIoppis & Marble, ii r, e George Reynolds, Publisher Granite, mil Sons Co. and H-H-- M FURNITURE 'R Stone COMPANY FURNITURE of all KINDS lgut'Mloas ira UTAH PACKING CO. F resh and Cared Meats 0. TEA Do You Intend to Build? I I Salt Lake Building & Manufactur-! ins Company. t TEA Hill J DR. J. THOMAS . DENTISl H-H- -l |