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Show j 7 CULTIVATE SENSE OF TASTE. ron Relative Value cf Iron Ore. r.u- mi's' worth of iron ire beii ; ,ii ii. 'n : .j I pr Iruti is worth - , SALE-CHE- AP. y U Poetcfcsion Slid Gect Effeot on Grnersi Health. to-rtr- ve Taste nnd uml an- - t wu seti-t.-- vi ?! j!o nut cultivate nmjp! ; indet-J- . a we know in the .as,- - oi tU LiliuJ, lenL an aeim-newLioli s the ordinary fii'icni i.-- , absolutely fle In. Buih i.,pie uml Ainrll lsavr nai use. pMjUably we niioulU nut people livin In dirty ami insar.i-sreciulitioni hi Misfillv wirt liie wiiscur smell a little inoii .levelup.ri ; tvbile t8su, esiieclally r, woun-ii- . is srigniatii'wil as Tin1 gourmet, to use a Freni-!word, U not u gormandizer. bur a man whose taste la aesthetically ar.d trained. U is snid that :he Man-ebaPuo de Kiehelifu, who was a great gastronomic eonntiis.jeur, possessed so flat a taste as to be able to distint guish whether the ol a chicken was cut from the aide of the gall or But. In the same way wine-tastefan tell a vlniaee instantly. Women Valuer despise taste; they eat and that lg all. Yet taste was certainly given us for a good puriMirc. and no one can order a dinner intelligently who lias iiut cultivated his palate. Tl:c food one likes anil enjoys always agrees With one's health better than any other, and the fadrtUt who would reduce all diet to uniformity,. would in time wreck the public digestion. ! ! bn-as- Bountiful Lumber and "Building Aovfn. 1 Is Jl&i'. I; yt.'.i n. o: !. 1 1'1, ! ; . !ii it sinn-- if Into tali.i! k:.ivt-- s lltacorporaied. Sev.su cents' worth of iron ore ni.'uiit:i.-;,.re.Into need.i-- s is worth Jd.k'.iu, sUil when convened Ilso soiue kinds of fancy buttons is worth about idu.nuli. if the Iron is made into wat ill springs the product is worth ten times more than Iuimous. and when iininil into hair springs it will nil fill- ihe cnormouK sum of - ii . i Telephone 1ab ; i Lest We Forget DUB. 2 Monn- hurr a ment I hat I innmnndni-iL- g Uinu Mum., try IM oMmidrr ill Hand, y, n Utah. 11 1 Qiflct: Aaearaf Pt ''electing VJ lQSSG At y liandomj I A SAFE GUIDE To follow in all cases is to have your eyes fitted by one ("killed iu the Science of Optica. Our knowledge and 40 year experience in tliia line ia a guarantee of Mifety and reliability. KILL & JORDAN SALT LAKE fin li.u & ELEVATOR COMPART, . Hick BOHFEcnoKT Philip Mayeiick, THOMAS AND 201-3-- Detain 5 FRESH AND CURED MEATS t News Building TELEPHONE Pracilc in all Klata Peilarai Cuu'li .Uiinint fur American Cu. n( New Vnrk. btuvly number 5 Own-ni- l UTAH. KAYSVILLE, 1 John Oaynee and Sons. 26 Main St. Salt Lake City AV.V.V.V.V.W.V&ViW.VKf "THE UGoofira Salt Lake and IMPROVEMENTS. Ogden Railway. Time Tal le in effect Sept. 6, 1904. Leave Salt Lake 6:30 and 9 a. m., 3.30 and 5,30 p. ni. Leave Farmington and Lagoon 7:30 and 10 a. m., 4:30 and 6:30 p. in. Extra trains at 11 a. m. and 1:30 p.m. on Sundays and Holiday. SPRING WEATHER TALK. w the house Cleaning XOe S order of the day, has)e the tetay had ours and notov our spring goods are coming in and going out one btrould thi that 1IAT8, CLOTHING or GUOCKRIES, Just Conte in and see LOW PRICES Given at j. b wotms, Genl Pass. Agt. BEAN, Excursion Agt. Office 161 Main Street Clty.Uie' depnonct CUBE toe toere HOUSE CLEANINC. SPRINC We have the choicest line of New Hoods, A. D. PIERSON, . B. I Bladder Kidneys, IN DKALKR LAWYERS Suite . m T.ltf.tM24IO CATARRH and all rnnlda Cbrnnla of llM Ejrm. Kir. Mom, Tferont. rtiiww laUfMh. fiiver. Hint Bowel. Heart IUmnui. Htn. rom-eu- . UhPDfDuilMn. Kilos. Kiipmi. 1jO1 Man hfKKt.VariftiralA.boiKHTtteii. tfyphllls. Pm IAIN tie Trouble, a ltd all Chronic. Nervous Inmnmh uf Meat, Women and and lnrsiN TALK IS Children. Home Treatment Cores. Write for fres symptom list If you esn-nculls Consultation Free nt BN. A. J. Sll'JltC. Weak litMen ucikucw. If you wffer tha fnno any dliMM cauwil b Icuur.iurp, exraw or or YOU AKK 1UE VUKY IISKSON WK WANT TO TALK Tl. Wa bi.a pnnranuiiraklllln raring CIIHONIC M.1. many volnniary by publlohiua (ilo. laailuiwiial from homo iwople. alvlng namsa, piclurea and adiliVMaa. WE CANT 1TBUSII (H R ( IRKS in 1itivA rt iiiskam: SHORES & SHOHES, Etpiii it would lielray rontldemw. Ilonoo, In lk! claa. uf trouvi c haro to pniro our aki ble. In amilwr way. Thla iauur plan: Bo-uh- 1 DBS. ph. 0. w. Cured Whentbtnak Pay a Wdrararon flrat and toAUoinb $ oiun. REASON-AKI.- E IER whan you mra cured. Younada- upou our wiirvl. isnuunda of pal Ion a Kud Indoraed u. NOW WK WAKTTUOiiKN ViL wllk tbe diatlnn undarwandlns tbl a will not demand a KKK .nil) wa sura yon. ThilnpnlleaUi liwl Uauhoud. Seminal Waak-neHirmairirrhun. (lonorrboea, dypvllii, Varleoeplo. Iilkea'e.of (be Hnetata Gland la.MM.. Cun I reeled JilMirdom, ntflo-ureo-.- . Mood Tolauu, and all WKAKXKnahM 'f men. 0KH1K liMl'HN: va.m. to 4p.m.; Erorlnga T log; rtanday and lioiidJIk. Ilia. a. MIL Sauth Main ItnaL Specialists. 249 sail taka City, Utah. Of 3he Compak& CHEAP a. e. onty 10 to from any THe-TOL6PHOM- is PART of Davis I III I have Just Received a Large Assortment of Wall Paper. The Latent Designs of the Se&gon forlfiOS. They Conte iu Dainty Silks, HAVE nieh Gilts, IN IOFIIS, TAPESTRIES Beautiful Florals , Stripes, Scrolls, Varnished Tiles He saw two lovers, slits lby side. And really frit annoy.-iThat the young idiots could not hide The rapture they enjoyed. to love! he heard them sweet say. And laughed, In s nntemptuous way. Years passed. Outstretch d upon the rack ttf grief he wriihid and tossed, And prayed to God to girt him hark The woman ha had lout; And saw, w:th eyer ell wet and dim. Love aland sfar knd mock at himEdwin Meade Fohinson. "How 1 HOME EVERY A TOUCH I BELL TO BE WITH Qents IN GALT LAkfc ARE SHOULD PHONE J IN ING LARGER DAILY. WORLD. Free Service to County Subscribers, CALL, SEE THEM. Plant, the Paperhanger and Painter, Opposite Hold TO fa 'RMIJVG TELEPHONES! 6,006 OGDEN, 2, 000 AND GROW THE An.l a host of others too numerous to mention and at Prices ranging from 15 cents 75 cents per Double KoII. 1 S county TO SALT LAKE OR OGDEN.: JBlEaZa The Retribution, knres fte satr a mnn upon hisodd And thought it very That In these days a man should sate Ood His heart by piaysr And. as he heard the other pray, He smiled in a superior way. k hill every which way? MAYCOCKl J :::::: WE TBEBT Restrictions on Minister. He was one of the very highly conservative ministers who still exist in of another A preacher Scotland. church was to occupy his pulpit and they were discussing the order of service. Said the preacher: "I may give out a hymn? "No, we object to "Well, I may give out a parhymns. aphrase?" I do not object to paraphrases. mjseif, but the people do not I may use tho Lords like them. I have no conscientious obprayer?' jection to the Lord's prayer myself, was the reply, "but the people would not stand It." Chicago News. Women Easily Satisfied. A stingy man In Atahicon though? and thought and thought; he 'wanted to give Lis wife a bosutlfifl surprise for hor birthday, one that would not cost very much. Ho at laat thought of one, and on tho morning of her birthday he Mated her. You know about women. They are eatiaiied to stay at home If their husbands will carry their pictures with them This .woman .1 that kind, and U has never occurred to her since that there would be more rervlre In a gingham drsri. Atohlsca Globe. nirnting when bother Ixpcri White Fawn tills tin Why Ll. IM5. StathOnihab Ttinnur. T. FIRE PROOF BUILDING. Richards, Medical Director Joseph Wells. Secretary and Treasurer. John ' Salt Lake Eighth arid C Streets Write for Terms To the conscientious father who spends sleepless rights in worrying as to how he is to provide for half a dozen children it Is appalling even to think of the responsibility of a And yet, on the family of slxty-two- . evidence cf the Harleian manuscripts, tnla was the precise number of the offspring of a Scottish weaver. Fortunately the daughters were a very insignificant minority, and the sons, reached manhood, of whom forty-si- x found excellent friends in the neighboring landowners, one of whom, Sir J. Bowers, adopted a batch of ten, while three other gentlemen followed his philanthropic example and also took ten apiece under their rbarge. good SALT LAKH CITY, UTAH. S. Sixty-tw- nn A7T0RtAT.L TRUSTEES! dtomarh. Had Family of good all ways. ALEXANDER McN ASTER, Preston, R. T. Burton, 0. P. Miluk, , F. S. Richards, Josephs. Richards. inches In length, and one of them had apparently been occupying hit quarters for some lime, as his shell was quite soft from the cod's digestive operations. The other lobster bad been a recent acquisition, evidently, as his shell was as strong as most or his kind. The lobsters were accompanied by a crab when found. Tho discovery was made in a restaurant on the water front. Gloucester (Mass.) Times. Some just ratubu Bountiful. DR. W. H. CROVES i t UTTER DRY SAINTS' HOSPITAL.! ALL MODERN tin- - one way or amitecr, hut none just a lacaaiHNl, tnum II. Jo. Atuirnr) tnrKmaiv. Data of SrliuUn-alliiii,Fili- . W. or UtaM-er-. Unw Won, wrtia ur Ureulun-' ur'ullua ALMA HARD V, E. Itanil&l!. Wm. B. riiiialing In every NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! Mark ra, NO FLOUR JHERES Notices. Krtatr of Churliw tunic m. im timed, Cinlltor will i with rnarhem In lh uudnnHanrd at UanliTvlili-- . INivl. rminty, I'lah uu or befnru IhuSSrd itay of Joi c. A. Ii., 1WA, ' Jniin liuuiau, Adiululotmtora of Ilia Ertata of Churlea Munran, . light on the disputed question whether lobster fry are eaten by flsh, the finding of two fairly large specimens of the crust a wa in the interior ol a codfish is of considerable Interest to the fishermen around the water front who discuss such matters. The lobsters are about four UTAH White Fawn brand. WHITE BRONZE It ftir bkhi ArtWlfi llMUtlflll Md to ppniiivc ihin t i BMt 1 Ac throwing some CITY, 1 Centerville. I A1 W. Child. Juhn T. Hurnett. Clinton. Henry Wood. Angus Smedley East Bountiful. WHAT THE STOMACH DIGESTS. William ll. Wilmx. Fred Abbott Farmington, Nitrogenous Materials Only Dealt With Frank Edmunds ilyriiui Stewart. by That Organ. Kaysville. One ciiriosiiy of digeuiiun is un- James M. Wliifcjiide. Marian F. Adamn doubtedly ibat which l as reference to the work of lue Kfumach itself. Tafl Layton. Popular otiuu that the stomach "di Samuel S. Howard..T a incs 1. Atkins, Jr. Sr-'t- 3 everything is utterly ciruiieous. Bountiful. South For the siomurl: lias little or no power Fred. T. Flanders. to affect starches. iugar and fats, and David J. Palco. South Hooper. p.a these foods make up the bulk of our Georgi M. Stark. Edmund Jcnklnson daily nutriment it may therefore lie South Weber. said that ihe organ !n iptcstlon plays Arnold 1). Miller. Samuel Cook. only a small pari in digestion. Yet Syracuse that part is important enough. Vie lanthus H. Barlow. Hynun O. Pack. West Bountiful. foods over which the stomach exerts its power are v.hat are called "nitro- John T. Corbrldgc. Frank L. Sheffield. West Layton. genous" materials. They are represented by beef-juicwhite of egg and milk and similar substances. Such foods are changed by the stomach Into "petones,'' while the rtarch, sugar r.nd fat are passed onward to be digested In the inlotine. Codfish Ate Lobsters. J? j! SALT LAKE Consult County C'lcik of Davis county, I'tah. or the Kcapective Signers for further information. In lit nud ncrsmWn for a I Ivina, Irl u nuns and MISSIONARIES FOR MARCH 26 ISOS. Elbort I ii 4 Probate and Guardianship HOME John F. Smith. ! CHEAP -- One ten home power mill engine and boiler combined One set of chain block of Jb tona capacity. All in gooil condition. Enquire at his office. j tbree-quarter-ln- OF SALIC Ship your Dressed Calves to us, care ot J; 1C. 31 d South. Salt Lake City. and get Spot Cash returns at highest Market Price. John H. White, Manager Telrphoue 2047k pi- - riiniicu!. piifi-'- i to find comfort in the tact that "the mvy is to be strengthened In the addition of oak leaf :y 10 the present plain white sta.diis uu the full dress coats of flag officer.'--: lull the gold laee edge to the sash will disappear and the oa.t leaf embroldoy round the cuff with distinction liuv is to be replaced by a band ol one and gold v ith 'Icirrtiun laee." LIST WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. SHEEP AND HOGS. 5 l'Oft 12-- 4 Hountiful I 'Incorporated! -- The best supply and most complete stock of Building Supplies that can be found in tlie county. Prices right $4on.ui.,o. Strenethinl.is British Navy. The Sbiid.ii;, World, an Kugiish i LtUmBEH - WHITES DRESSED MEAT CO. Two hu.nlrcd acres gracing land. Northeast quarur and the northeast quarter of the nurthwert quarter, see-tio- n IT. lownriup 'i north. range 1 east. ad-- , acres, in (.'"Utorvlll- - pm-inct- , joining Alwood lirown farm on the east. Apply to It. S. Tanner, bin 1C Templeton building, Sait Lake City. JV, ROCKV filOUfiTAIfl BELL TELEPHONE Kaimy DAYt use TELEPHONE COplPflNY. 1 |