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Show T if yov wish ro reach the people a davis covtry, advertise a the piper. CIRCULATION u JVuijk lil'il, ciicuUtbiii nf I hr AiuliM aurprii !, Ike Koautoi. TUk half thuuMiki uinra nu ikw-- m Imy a jf i. ' UH' OUR AIM: COUNTY DAV1 T'i lrma Mm lir IHibllr Um muidwfa. nniiumM iif lui la rouutjilu rarordtlM-mnr- rouiprsbcMln-- a ! liiKuu Iniinrant Inn. VOM'MK I. NLMlJEi: 2 KAUM1NGTOX. JVctej' From Kjay-rdille- UTAH, TUESDAY. MAKCII cashier. Direcfora. James Iingree, K. Ellison, k. Adams, Jest M. Smith, John Flint, Thomas J. Smith, Eiiaa A building Adams, G. V. Stevenson. committee consisting of Jaiuea I'ingree, J. E. Kllison, and R. Adauia, wasap-- j pointed and instructed to commence work on a handsome and durable build jug to be errected on the corner of the 'piece of ground opposite the O. S. L. station and l'arnirrs Union store. Work will be pushed as fast as possible. Cou- tractor for the building and furnishing for the interior, not known yet. . 21, luos 1.2 j A YEA l Jo , ' ATTORNEYS IN TROUBLE. Stewart A Stewart Returned Only Half of Pension. Special Currvspomlencc. Mrs Saiali B. Layton, wife of the late Christopher Lay ton, haa been 'before the Grand Jury, now in cession at Ogden, giving testimony against the three atlui-ney- s. Stewart and Stewart of Salt Lake for obtaining money under false It appears that Mr, Layton, before his death, was drawing a pens:on from the government, and when he died it was to have been transferred to his wife, Sarah li. Layton, hut owing to complications in having the transfer made, the pension money lias been sc cumulating until the amount reached about $350. To have this matter properly adjusted, Mrs. Layton employed the lawyers, Stewart A Stewart to transact this business through R. V. Barnes. The lawyers collected the full amount of the pension, $350, and for their services, they deducted something over $150. All these papers were forwarded to R. W. Barnes of Kaysville fur final adjustment with Mra. Layton. Mr. Barnes paid Mrs. Layton about $150. Mrs. Layton was ignorant of the fact that slie had paid too much until one of the Government inspector came here a few day ago to see Mrs. Layton about Other matters. In conversation the inspector asked Mrs. Layton if alie had not received her pension, to which she replied she had, but it cost her half t'e amount to get it. Explanations followed and the inspector told Mrs. Layton that it was contrary to the Pension Laws for any lawyer to collect more than $ J5 for nuking this collection. The nutter was laid before the Government with the result that the three Stewarts were sighted to appear before the Grand Jury at Ogden. This whole matter came to light by the merest aocident, and it is quite interesting to know how these implicated in the Affair will come out. s. James Criddle all called on Mr. Dodd Sunday and found him in a pitiable con-- 1 dition. Unescorted by the nurse, the gentlemen were directed to locate him on the third floor in a ward. Sir. Dodd has lain there since his legs were first set and has been given no attention what- ever. lie was suffering intense pain Ti inn liis broken limbs, which were clot-- j ted with blood ami swollen to an enor- - j mous a ze. When Mr. Dodd saw the hoys, be burst into tears. The boys immediately set out the cause of neglect and were informed that they could not touch him so long as he was under the care of the Murray doctor who, since setting the leg, haa failed to call ami see him. Mr. Oild and James Criddle endeavored to find the Murray doctor, and will either him from his cliurge, or allow someone else to attend the patient. Mr. Dodd !s a member of the Woodmen of the World and now that they have located him, nothing will lie left undone the unfortunate man. flue The Latest Out. ; i . j ; i , j ' ; Mooting of Stockholders. Thursday March ij at the Farmers I nion hall at Lavlon, a meeting will be held, of all stockholders of the Weber Reservoir Power St Irrigation Co. Prof. Swenson of the U. S. Government will speak on the subject of irrigation, and asceiUiu whether holders of stock in the Welier River company are willing to turn their holdings over to the Government. All those interested should not fail to tie prerent. Mrs. Jonss Undergoes Operation. BEGIFJUFG STTUJVG MA'RCH 6 resigned us State sheep inspector. Janies Sandall and Louise Higgs were married in Ogden on S'.. Patrick's day. It is thought the Rural Free Delivery out of Layton, will hem operation by April 15th. John Dodson returned to hi home in Black foot, Idaho, Monday, alter spend-releas- e ing the winter with relatives, Miss Stella Frodsliam returned to her home in Brigham City, after visiting a week with her friend, Miss Tillie Green, Mri. Joseph Albert Sill left jay morning for Colliuston, Utah, to attend the funeral of her sister-in-la- we have laid in a A COMPLETE FOR BEAUTY SIGN, OF CUT PRICE SALE ON MEN AND BOYS' OF DE- EXCELLENCY MAKE UP, AND CLOTHING WILL BE STARTED. EVERY BODY SHOULD TAKE GENERAL SUPERIOR ADVANTAGE OFTHIS ITY, THFY ARE THE GREAT BEST IN REDUCTION Wednes-fortbecomiort- oi Mrs. , FOH THIS Judge Henry KUis and wife were Ogden visitors Tuesday. It is reported '.hat Jesse M. Smith has TO BE HAD. PRICES. Wcll.ng. Nettie Bruce and Owen Wall were niarried March 13th; ceremony performed by Bishoy D, B. llairis, Thd contracting parties gave a dance in Farmers Union t0 their friends Wednesday nighL Suit in Judge Ellis' court, Layton, against the O. S. L. railroad, entered by Charles T. Bennett for the recovery of $30, value claimed for the loss of one cow, was begun last week. The Relief societies of Layton and Wtst Layton wards celebrated tbeir anniversaries on Friday. Speaking, luncheon, and music was the order of the day. Presidents Grant, Eldridge, and Smith, with their wives, visited West Layton. THE CO- Mrs. Nettie Jones, wife of the late Samuel Jones, was taken to St. Mark's horpilal Thurslay to undergo an operation for gall stones. The operation was performed Saturday and nine gall stones the size of bird eggs, were found. It necessary to remove the entire gall bladder. Mrs. Jones is in a very serious condition. The heartfelt sympathy of bpcciai Corrcgpundence., A nursber of families in the northern the entire community ia extended to Ihii of JLe settlement, hgve meaels. affiictaL&fflily, L part A sensation of no small magnitude was Miss Verna Manning, who underwent caused Friday morning when United KAYSVILLE BRIEFS. an operation lost fall for appendicitis, is States Marshal Heywood arrested R. W. now able to be out again. Barnegi cashier of the Barnes Banking B from Mr. G. G. Parker is now The Argus the Word St. Marks hospital says Co., in connection with the Sarah is Dr. Gleason an is Mr. Barnes the claims. but apcorrespondent in Hooper, Mr. Paice havimprove, Layton pension ing resigned. Mr. Parker haa adopted peared before United States Commis- very weak. sioner Maloney at Ogden and was placed Messrs. J. R. Barnes, R. W. Barnes, this rale, If it happens it will be duly under $800 houds. Mr. names' father and James 11. Larkins were visitors to reported, as his very interesting letter this week, proves. Ed. and James II. Larkius went security for Ogden Friday. him. Mr. Barnes has msny Iricnds, and Mr. Alvin lltil had the misfortune of Mrs. George I), llenuett is spending a it is their belief that he will he able to few days in Kaysville with her parents, losing his right thumb last week. He clear himself, and show that he is guilty Mr. and Mrs. Blood. wss bolding a stick while his brother-in-laehnicle viclst'oii of a law of trimmed the branches off with an Anly of a Fred B. Williams has left for Blackfout, d which he was ignorant. and the ax glances, striking Mr. ax, ! Ida. It is hia intention to move there, at the first joint. It was thumb Ilails i contem plating going into the mercantile cut the doctor had to amputate to MEETS WITH ACCIDENT. badly Imsiness. it. Dr. Sumner Gleason was removed to At the beginning of the week, the Crushed by the St. Mark's hospital Monday morning. Dairy Co. sent out orders to its Hooper at Hospital. is from severe Gleason a Dr. suffering not lu feed sny more beet pulp atroiis moved to Lou Dodd who recently attack of pneumonia. to milch cows. Tlie dairv has lost about was the work in to smelters, Murray The Relief society guv.- their aunual $1000 worth of cheese this Spring and Very seriously injured there a lew days banquet in the Music hall Friday and a the cheese makers ascribe the loss to exfor a car moving ago. He whs operating grand ball in the evening. The hall was cessive pulp feeding. A sample of this molten slag about the grounds, and when packed to suffocation. spoiled cheese was sent to the Utah Ex- near an elevator shaft, the steam from son of Section Forman Swanger Bryan, he view that so periment station, and they also state that his the car obstructed of the Rio Grande Western, fell while it is due to feeding the cows pulp. failed to observe bow close to the shaft and in some wav broke his arm I .ait Tuesday evening our Y. M. M. I. he was, when the car lipped over, throw playing, elbow. Dr. Ingram reduced the at tbe hia and in A. finished this season's work. While Dodd front, right leg tug Mr. fracture. tbe meeting was in session, a prowd was frightfully crushed around the knee, Tbe sad new announcing the death gathered on the outside of the Meeting breaking all the bones. His left leg was also bruised and broken, and his eye was at Omaha of William Keller, came to bis house, and as soon as the meeting was Kays-vill- e dismissed, the crowd rushed in, greatly severely injured. Mr. Dodd was tempor- daughter, Mrs. James Gardner of Mrs. Gardner yesterday morning. surprising the officers of the Mutual. A arily attended by t doctor at Murray and later removed to the Holy Cross hospital. went east on the Union Pacific lost nigbt program was rendered, after which all William Ramsey, Charles Odd, and to attend the last sad rite. enjoyed themselves in dancing, and of a dainty lunch furnished by the young men by giving a sociable in the Young Ladies M. I. A. SYRACUSE BRIEFS. the hall. Ice cream and cake were Hooper is now quite sure of having a Special Correspondence. which the time was spent ip After April 15th, Syracuse will have served after railroad. The Rio Grande Western will and games. All had ran a t, dancing, Rural Free Delivery. spur to Hooper if the people will a good time. give them the right of way and do tbe Miss Regenia Thnrgood returned from Friday afternoon the Relief Society grading. There will be but little gradschool Wednesday evening to assist her the ward with a short pro- ing to do, and the route mother in nursing Cinda May, the ten entertained they anticipate the In evening a dance was given coming is almost entirely through cheap gram. been ill of has who old sistir, )etr which was opened with a grand march pasture land. Everybody in the settlem easels and pneumonia, for some time. led by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brazer. Pic- ment can therefore do his share. The Mrs. Nettie C. Bill, formerly a resiwas brought out at 11:30 and friends nic dent of Syracuse, is in Ogden at tbe and relatives in groups partook of the railway company agrees to have the pur put in by beet digging time next hospital. Last Wednesday she wss oper- dainties in store. Daring the evening if the farmers will come to terms. Fall, ated npoa for tnmor in the stomach. It the following program was rendered: as well as is she doing b reported that BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. Recitation, George H. Draper: song, could be expected. Jamea Warren; song, Mr. Frew; recita Wednesday evening the friends of Mr. tion, Thomas Rampton; "Syracu e BudComplaint Filed Against Muir. and Mrs. Lovel Gibson surprised them get, John Thurgood. The party krai a Special Correspondence. Complaint has been filed injustice at their home, with a tin shower. The grand success. court against Levi Mnir of West Hardys and in was games, playing spent evening Bountiful for recklessly driving bis LAYTON BRIEFS. s dainty luncheon was served, adding to a buggy occupied by two into wagm of the evening. Che pleasure ladies, breaking the buggy and harness Officers Chosen for Bank. Thursday at a p. in., the board of tbe Special to the Argun. and endangering the lives of the ladies. Y. M. and Y. I. M. I. A. of the North At s meeting held in the Farmer It is reported that the lailiea had Davb district, assembled in the Syracuse Union hall lost Wednesday, the First turned out of the road aa far as possible Meeting house. Elder Fred Williams National Bank was organized and the owing to a ditch by the side of the roeil, resigned from the office of president of following officers and director chosen: and Mr. Muir, without giving any of the,' the Y. M. M. I. A. of this district. James Pingree, president; K. P. Ellison road, drove on and ran hia wagon into LsstTnesdsy evening after meeting, Rufus Adams, vice presidents: James Kj L. E. F.tlin. assistant Bountiful News Continued 011 Flic Young I sulies association surprise F 1 lis'in. PsgeN HOOPER - OPERATIVE INSTITUTION NEU1S. j KWS'llie MERCANTILE lie-ca- 1 OUR CLEARANCE h JMot Off. mounted, - " sh''' Tld 1 with- n - frrf - J 8. . THE BIG SALE CONTINUES UNTIL GOODS ARE Car-Neglige- nce DISPOSED OF. SPRING GOOUS HAVE ARRIVED CALL AND LOOK THEM OVER. - par-takin- SHOES 0 DON'T HAVE TO BE UGLY TO BE DURABLE. shoe can be snappy and up to date in style and . luxurious in fit and at the same time be made of A g honest, plump leather that wears faction. nnd give satis chit-cha- rat-bit- : ery FEW LEFT OF CHILDRENS' AND LADIES' SHOES WHICH WE ARE CLOSING OUT AT A REDUCTION OF 50c S $aoo FROM THE REGULAR PRICES. H. J. Sheffield , Kays-dillc- . AAAA I |