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Show PLAYED WITH POSTAGE BIAMP. This Pretty Girl Saved From Catarrh of the Lungs By Pe-ru-n- Youngster Kept Quiet While Father Worked. Tvs fuiind a tew use fur my pottage at anil." saij a patorfuiulllii the I a as left at homo to other dy. take care of our liny while tuy wife whs out bargain hunting. It wax my i1hii to put the little fellow to sleep, then get at the pile of unanswered letters on my desk. My plans miscarried-- - fur awhile. The little chap persisted in staying awake and clamoring for my attention. 1 devised many forms of amusement for him, but none lasted long enough for me to get really to work. "In looking about fur something which should insure me more than s breathing spell I raught sight of a bright, new two-cepostage stamp. I thought of the little fellow's love for color took the stamp and pasted It securely on the palm of his hand. It was a grand success. He played with that newly decorated hand for as hour then relief came in the return of hia mother." Wide-Awak- a. e 1 io y. al Pew women escape. Upon the first symptoms of catching cold Peruna should be taken. It fortifies the system against colds and catarrh. for Colds and Catarrh. The following interesting letter give one young woman's experience with Peruna. Miss Rose. Gerbing. a popular society woman of Crown Point, Ind., writes: "Recently I took a long drive in the country, and being too thinly clad 1 caught a lmd cold which settled on my lungs, and which I could not seem to tkake off. I hail heard a great deal of Peruna for colds and catarrh and I bought a bottle to try. I am pleased that I did, for it brought speedy relief. It only took almut two bottles, and 1 consider this money well spent. "You have a firm friend in me. and I not only advise it use to my friends. Pe-ru-- Contains No Narcotics. One reason why Peruna lias found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time without acquiring a drug habit. Peruna does not produce temporary results. It is permanent in its effect. It has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by removing the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty years. Such a tiling could nut be possible if Peruna contained any drugs of a narcotic nature. Address Dr. Hartman. President of The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. All correspondence held strictly eon fidentiaL Pe-ru-- na DOUGLAS W. L. S Uerbing. Im search, he found that It had tried to flow of blood under the wing by stuffing in a number of graasblades. ilr PlfIT ( OMIR F.T i:u:tn h i ll xot w r a k iir imy Dr. DbvIiI Farorite Remedy Itiiwaaeaiid (travel. Able ptreiriaue fared dm uf Uriifht'kKrnnfdy! tmUod." Mrs. Iu 1. Hlzovr, jMrvblil, 1149 buUia. Douglas mekos and sells more Men'sBH 3.50 shocsjH than any otherM rnnufacturerH In the world a a Dealing with Burning Off. To extinguish burning oil do not throw water on the flamea, for It will only spread them by causing the oil to float. The right plan la to throw on flour, earth or sand. Any of these things will soak up the oil generally paraffin from an overturned lamp and quickly extinguish the fire. :$io,ooo:?!S drtofti vt BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS W.L.DOUCLAS, I i e nt Macaroal TVfcrat. Ftilzer's strain of this Wheat is the kind which laugh at droughts and the elements and positively mocka Black Rust, that terrible scorch! Its sure of yielding 80 bushels of finest heat the inn shine on per acre on good 111., la.. Mich., Wi., O.. l'a.. Mo., Seb. lands and 40 to U) bushels on arid lands! No rust, no insects, no failure. Catalog tells all about it. just srxn A Sure Cure TEA Good tea doesnt have to be fine; if fine, all the better. There is but one degree of Mrs. E. A. Simpson. MO Crslf St., Knoxville. Tran., writes: "I have been trying the bath of Hot Spring. Ark., for xrlallc rheumatism. but I or anyset more relief from Italian! . Snow Liniment than any medicine thing! bave ever tried. lncloeed find poaloffli'e order for Al.W. Send mo goodness; there of fineness. THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BE this none Stores Coin In Barrels. The cellar in the Bank of France rerembles s large warehouse. Silver coin is stored there In 800 barrels. RHEUMATISH SCIATIC and wide-awak- BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED CURED 10c to the John A. Falser Seed Co., La Crosse, Wi., and they will send you free a aa tuple of thia Wheat and other farm seeds, together with their great catalog, worth e flOODI) tossy farmer. W.N.U.J for Rheumatism, Cuts, Qalls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frosted Feet, Bums, Scalds, etc. AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation, subdues Inflammation. and drives out Pain. PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues, promotes a free circulation of tha Blood, giving the Muscles natural elasticity. 0 SVRE YOV GET THE GENUINE Co. Liniment Ballard Snow U. S. A. ST. are twenty Qualifications for Balloonists. British officers can not take a courso In ballooning unless they are good sailors and not over 160 pounds in weight. LOUIS, TEA IIow does it happen that all good tea comes to Scliil-lin- gt PARALYSIS Thla book la V a bsadred patrol, baadanaaly tllua. will b sent fiv, postpaid, npou raqnsst. Mila of ao ai partenn uf over thirty jrara to tbs troatment of Crooked Foot, tntrd tbroughost Deformed I.lrabs sod Joints, Kte. Hip Ills Bulnal Ilafurnaltlaw. Infsntll Paralysis. thlseuuntryderotsd exclusivity to tha trostmenl It (alls of tbs oaly tboniaeblf equipped Ssalurfu: eared without niptrsl npenttuas. plstr pans or other severe at Ibaas eondlilnoa and bmribaynisybs epeelnl treatment. Seed fur Ibis book, and if directly tntnrasud. mention rhererter of the sffllettoot Hteratnro hearts no the The L C. McLain Orthopedic Sanitarium, Louis. will be a t with tbs bunk. ul sensu-ouxucs- j . j money If It (nil. 1. an sarh bux. stay the s. It doesnt; not all; not alL Toer grocer retnrna y oar money If you don't Ukt Schilling's Bart. Whit London Spends on Cabs. statistician has arrived at tne conclusion that 125.000,000 is spent RELIABLEGoldASSAYS yearly by the public of London on 11.00 and Silver Gold ft Ti ' Gold. Silver. Copper. LM Lead cabs. He also estimates that of that Placer Gold. Keiorte and Slab Oral ttuasht. great sum perhaps 17,500,000 repre17tS Street Arapahoe Oaden Assay Go.1 Denver, lelerada. sents tips and overcharges. HOWARD L BURTON, !. Specimen prtraa: (told.orSilver. Lead. 11 ; Ould. Uuld.lues Sine Cnpper.lt. Vyaslde . sept so appllrn-tkmenvelopes and mil price list ! nullrnad. Load-Vill- a, and t'mplra rnind Hank. Xsilunsl Certemst Colo. Kefsroece, STRAY THOUGHTS. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES eiav mm sue Even a kind word, when you can do no better, will help to stay the pangs of hunger. I . 1 in cstto silly will as it Snakier snd taller ntaft than any (her Sr. Am 0e sackase cstar silk. ta Drs. Bleach as Nm Crisis. isn imI M it 10 a MCkas. Wot tor trot kkltt-- H- irantae o la aivt airiMt rmulli. x sisters. Three days later Arthur Morris culled at the llishop house and found Jessie at home. They chatted for au hour or more, and he secured her consent to lie one of a coaching parly on the next Saturday. Had it not been for Ids presence, site would have en joyed the expedition thoroughly. More than a week had passed. From Sant Rounds who knew of every-thinthat happened for miles about John heard of the party, and drank deep of the lover's first cup of suspicion. bitter with the wormwood of jealousy. He decided to call on Jessie and learn his fate. Ills heart leaed when Jessie came forward to meet him. There was tenderness in her eyes and welcome in the clasp of the warm little hand which nestled for an Instant in his. "Saddle my horse, John; let's ride!" she said. Delighted. John obeyed, and set himself stolidly to enjoy her presence as they galloped along the beach. 1 s 1 (.'011-,.i- u my Invitation to attend clambake near CohasseL I must ao company a party if New York friends who will spend the night on my yacht, and attend the bake. We must start early, so I can't offer to escort Miss Carden. If I may presume on your acquaintance with her. I shall ask you to drive her to the grove, where 1 will meet you with ray friends. MZL, Ytxr EZZj3re&rJZcr7E2a "I shall he more than pleased if Miss Carden will accept my escort," "Have you an engagement for Sat- said John. Hi y took their first horseback ride of Lht summer. urday? asked Jessie. They galloped for mill "Certainly, I will, laughed Jessie. "I have none. Tan I do anything? ale ng the hard sand of the seashore, Arthur Morris remained a few minbesni dismounted to rest and talk asked John eagerly. utes longer; then he gaily hade Jessie I have cousins who live near the neath the shade of pleasant trees. adieu, sliook hands with John Burt, beach twelve miles south of here," and rode , Jessie told him of the letter front sway. her father, and with some pride talked said Jessie. "I want to spend a day MorDo them. with from of the Invitation you think you could Randolph CHAPTER EIGHT. ris. John looked at the slip of itapor endure the company of three foolish In Jessie's hand, and It appeared like girls all day, John? The Tragedy. "I could enjoy the company of one S wedge about to separate them. Anil Churchill's Grove was famous for Its why should It not? What right had he wise little girl forever." said John, clambakes, and when John and Jessie a with fervor love of which to the Jessie Carden, to aspire astounded him drove into it the scene waB one to the daughter of a rich man; beautiful when the words were uttered. A delight the heart of a loyal New Engbeyond any woman he had ever seen? blush suffused Jessie's cheek, but her lander. The fear, which oftt lines became a drooping eyes expressed no rebuke. I The cool, snlt breeze front the ocean, I shall lie deligted to be your escertainty that Jessie would pass bethe aroma from Or and pine, and the terwas stammered the haunting cort, John, far more odor from yond his reach, simmering clam and seaconfused than the subjict of his ror of his dreams by day or night. a trinity ambrosial weed formed When will you She bad everything youth, health, ardent compliment. to make an Aplclus of an anenough teauty, wealth and position. He had be ready, Jessie?" chorite. You may call at 8 o'clock, If you youth and health so had the averFor an hour or more they walked said laborer. without will," JchsIp, age farm raising her along the hard, smooth sand, crunchHill and eyes. , Let's climb Strawberry ing the shells under their feet; the It was ton o'clock lu the morning song of the sea in their ears, and Its watch the sunset," suggested Jessie. John helied Jessie up the steep, when the Morris trap stopped In front cool breath on their cheeks. Then winding path, and they stood on the of the Bishop farmhouse. Morris was the great gong sounded the signal for crest of the bill. The broad Atlantic looking hia best. Ills eye was clear, dinner and they turned to the grove. and his smooth, plump face was "Mr. Morris must have been delaylay to the east, and the island-dottehay glowed in the colors of a glorious ruddy. ed," observed Jessie as she glanced -sunset. At the horizon was a mass of Present my compliments to Miss once more toward the harbor. "Come clouds; above burned a bar of roil Carden," he said, offering hia card. on; we won't wait for him. the red of blood. To the zenith were "Miss Carden is nut at home, reThey had a merry time over dinner. Will you come in. As they came out from the grove they spread the gorgeous tints with which plied the maid. the setting sun tinseled the closing sir?" saw the Yultairx at anchor, her upper curtains of nighL Delicate greens "No, thank you. Very sorry, I am works glistening in the sunshine. Her toned through the shades of orange sure." His face grew dark, hut his launch, crowded with passengers, was Into rich amethyst, and against this voice was quiet as he said; Tell Miss just leaving. background of lacework of clouds Carden of my (lisapisiintment, and say (To he continued.) (Jaunted the thousand graduations of Ml call some day soon." But the bar of red Defines Cancer. the spectrum. Gen. Marshall Carden paid a visit It to the farm a week later. After dinabove the dun cloud dominated The peculiarity of cancer among was reflected In the water of the bay. ner he Invited Jessie to a walk, and diseases is that it consists in the and malignant behavior of his manner told her that something shimmering In the nibescent glow. was for certain stood silent minutes to Impending. They parts of the body itself, not rest paused They under the spell of nature's grandest under an arbor. For some momenta In the attacks of foreign enemies. Cancer, in fact. Is a state of civil war spectacle. The sun dipped lower until both were silent. "I have something to say to you. in the body, a reign of terror proIt arc touched the line of the cloud. Sharp as a knife, the black bank slow- Jessie, which I wish could be left duced by outbreaks of murderous fury ly obscured the face of the sun, until unsaid," began Gen. Carden, clearing on the part of revolutionists at one or Jessie looked more localities. a red hemisphere, weird and unresl. hi throat uneasily. aub-Je- A the westeru - Duck Is Natural Surgeon. A vhunter who lives at Kustrln, Ger many, shot and wounded a wild. jtjic.lr(5 When he came across it, after a Ion 7 u W. L. Don Kim haa the large ahoe mail enW hiuunas in the world. Ko irtNildr to aK a dt by mails Sb. extra pmaya delivwy. If foodmi tnrtber Informal Ion, write far Hleatraten IwamfHe of Spring Aiglet, rotund th ruv.'i aiguauira V Im Ilwuilaia Ihe (he wailld bfffNNBi1 mC I heir ehrllia resy Nliliaa( riaA we iirlNf flNRlIiim. Thrjr are Juat hi rgmmI aalhaae that MNtlfhim Sa.HO tail.09. Thu wly llffrrraee la the prlee Ilauiilaa til.SO iIimi fail aiwra awkrt held their ll'efj. ah Hue heller, wear laateh aal araHTrHater valaathaa aay alhfffVH.AOalMeaB theaanrhel Ia4ay W Is. Iftaaalaa tarn1 aattea their valmi by ataaijBlna hta paaiae aad prraa aa the .I bitBMi atVarh ahae laakmrfli Take aaeabatilBite IhNiclaa Vt1,30 ahaea are aalal thfMiih lila uwra retail alnrea la elMea.iiad by ahardealeraevera where XaaiMi-te- r theprlaeliMl where yea live, W.Ia. If aaglaa aharaare wllhla year reach BETTER THAU OTHER MAKES AT A.YT PRICE. uFr the last three gear fhare team IT, LpQ?n fVM aa 4 found it not sntg at f otmi. hut better than mnvthae that freer Mir. regrUeu f aee.n Cmi L, Farrell, Attt Cmthier The Capital Xottanal Bak, Mimaap m, 11. Bovs veer W. L. Douglas $3.50 sni $3.03 shoes beesnss they fit better, hold their Asps, end wesr longer then other mskee. W.LDOUGIAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. W. L Dongla tun Caraaa Cottahn tn hit fl.t rvinwa CM is considered to be th Rant patent leather produced. Words Which France Likes. The number of English words absorbed into the French language during recent years without any employment of Italic type or quotation marks. Is considerable. In a rapid aklmmlng of one number of a Paris dally paper, an editor came acroaa the words "In"dockers." terview. meeting" "edisteeplechase," "handicap, and torial," clown," wagon," tramway." in Jessie Carden's reeeptiun In ihe Morris mansion opeued to her a new and an attractive world. Accustomed from childhood to the comforts and luxuries of couiparaiivc wealth, she wits awed by the magnificent of tin- millionaire's palace, ami by ihe pomp and splendor of Its deeoraiious and fittings. Neverthe-- ; less, without attempting to analyze or justify her feelings, Jessie was uol favorably impressed with Arthur Mor-- ! rix. There is a psychological barrier between vice ami virtue; au instinct whieh pluees iunocenee on guard. The young man's personality waa of slight iiiiporlanee al Ihe nioineul. lull Jessie did mu like him why. stir neither knew nor eared. Slie tactfully eluded Ills further attentions, ami spent the remainder of Hie afleriiou with his TO CrRR A COLD IN ONK DAT AU drag Ttk. l.sisilvs Brumn ipilnlna Tablet. to eon. K. SHOES 2. &3.SS ihim nr ireateat Mllm la 3 Possibly More Truth in Speech Than He Intended. There was an excellent man who. after serving his fellow citizens in Glasgow as a i iiuiiclllor, at length was promoted to the dignity of bailie, or alderman, as the rank Is called ill England. Though he was none the worse on that account. It is the simple fact that hia education had beyn neglected. This he proceeded to prove- -, himself happily unconscious In hia speech of thanks: I canns but Bay, my frlenda, that I am proud of the honor of being made a bailie of this great city; and I am even, I think, entitled to the honor, for I have gone through a the various stages o degradation that a bailie has to do to reach it! This recalls the famous story of the councillor who objected to a proposal to place a candelabra In the council chamber on the ground that they would need to pay some (me to play it! sni quivered sky. r 431 Maria street, Ottawa, Ont., writes: few months I taught a severe cold, which settled on my lungs and remained there so persistently that became alarmed. I took medicine without benefit, until my digestive organs became upset, and my head and back began to acbe severely and frequ-ntlI was advised to try Peruna, and although I had little faith I felt ao sick that I was ready to try anything. It brought me blessed relief at once, and I felt that I bad the right medlslne at last. Within three weeks I was completely restored and have enjoyed perfect health since. I now have the greatest faith In Peruna. Florence E. Kenah. The odd wind but hare purchased several bottle to and rain, slush give to those without the means to bny, and mud of win- and have noticed without exception ter are especially that it has brought about a speedy cure wherever it lias been used." Rose .conducive to derangements. glower--- Wl-.a- K'ENAH. Mim Florence E. Krnah, A CHAPTER SEVEN Continued. "Yes. he liss, and shes a he replied, with the air uf une giving an expert opinion. "Well, you keep away from her!" aid the old man gruHty. "l.et her a alone. She'll never huve a dollar. ruined rigid now. 1ml lie doesn't t know it. I do. about this daughter?" lie demanded, pausing in front of Arthur. "Is she slopping around here?" She is spending the summer at Bishop's a farmhouse aluuii live miles from here." replied the son. Say. goternor. you must write to Carden and say you've learned that hia daughter is here, and that you and you family will he delighted to meet her soeially. and will try to make ln-stay in the count r agreeable " "I 'll do nothing of ihe kind." roared lie stormed and Rardolph Morris. fun ed for a while, and then wrote the letter, aa his sou knew lie would froi the beginning. 'here it is!" he Bald as he handed the( envelope to Arthur. "For God's hjP. don't marry the girl!" rtliur Morris leaned hack in the ehalr and laughed. "I have never spoken to her. governor, lie said, putting the letter in hit pocket, "and I certainly don't contemplate matrimony." Jessie was greatly excited when a letter came from her father notifying her of the invitation which had been received and accepted. The general sonsldered the Incident, a gratifying recognition of hia increasing import-inc- e aa a financier. Jessie knew little pf the business prestige such recognition entailed, but was delighted with the opportunity to meet the famous Morrises, and In despair over the gown she should wear. The day after she received the note from her father John Burt called, and Car-den'- THANKS OF THE BAILIE. MISS FLORENCE into his face with questioning eyes. You are nearly Jessie, and are mm a muuiur," lie coiitiiiiu-- after a puii'i. "You lit'lung to a good family; and. Guil willing, you will Inherit a moricM fort une. You are very beau-i till, my pet, ami it is natural you should have admirers. "1 will explain to ymi frankly what has happened. 1 received a call yesterday from Mr. Randolph Morris, lu u casual way Mr. Morris spoke of you He exand sent his compliments. pressed regret that his family had failed iii an attempt to make your visit to the country more enjoyable. Of course this greatly surprised me, ami when I pressed him for particulars he said he km-nothing, except that Arthur had culled and hut you had refused to see him." Gen. Carden paused. "I don't wish to see him. papa." mid Jessie, wiih iiiueli spirit. me. He said hi- - would call Saturday ami take me out riding, anil never so much ax asked nu- - if 1 eared to go or not. So went to visit Edith, and when he railed the maid told him 1 was out." Gen. Carden looked greatly relieved. "1 am glad luat Arthur has given you no more serioiia cause for displeasure." he said. You know little of liuidnesx affairs, lint you must know lull llandiilph Morris is powerful; a good business friend, and a foe to lie feared. At tin- - present moment I dread to ineur lux displeasure. Your slight of Ids son might be of vust In determining Randolph Morris' decision in a mailer most , vital to our weffuri-- Jessie, my darling. It might even" Gen Carden checked himself. His face was drawn with a distress whieh Jessie was quick to perceive, though not to comprehend. "I do understand, papa, dear," aaid Jessie. "I will write and ask Mr. Morris to call, and will treat him just as if nothing had happened. But 1 know I ran never like him, and I don't have to try, do 1. papa?" "Certainly not, my pet.'" said Gen. Carden. He kissed his daughter affectionately, and seemed greatly pleased. On Sunday Jessie wrote a note to Arthur Morris. TwOgdays later he called and Jessie received hint in the Roth ignored the parlor. incident of the preceding week, and chatted gaily for an hour nr niora Jessie accepted his invitation to a reception in the Morris mansion for Bat nrday evening, and went under liei father's escort. Two weks passed, during which the rich Now Yorker was a frequent visit or at the llisliop farmhouse. One even Ing John railed when Arthur Morris was present, and Jessie Introduced them. Arthur treated him with that airy tolerance which success grants tc its vanquished. "By the way, Mr. Burt." said Ar thur Morris, as he carelessly rolled a Time and tide wait for no man, but they're up again it when they have to 3eal with a woman. One must not blame the church because one happens to know something of the secret life of some of its members. Objected to 1 Ride. An old colored woman slipped and fell on the sidewalk 'way out In Indiana avenue last night. Two patrolmen hurried to her assistance, got her on her feet and prepared to take her In a nearby store. The old woman was very much excited ss she ass being assisted slung. "See heah, Mia-taP'licemun. she cried, "dnan you go fuh to turn' fur no avalanche! 1 ain't done hurt bad enuf fur no avaSo no avalanche was sent lanche! for, and friends took her home, Indianapolis News. Mammoth Snrun witn goo Blooms. A mammoth hydrangea bush, which has home a foliage this season, was recently exhibited In Europe. 1 he bush had more than 900 blooms. The highest bkxim was 12 feet from the ground, and tn diameter the bush was 15 feet. It was planted about sixteen years ago. and has received no more than ordinary rare. Its thrifty growth Is attributed chiefly to the soil being perfectly adapted. The counting of the blooms was rather a difficult task, as can well bo imagined. record-breakin- |