Show TELEGRAM READERS TO ENJOY STORY OF UTAH'S FIRST HOUSE HOUSEl r 1 I Ti 11 Li Ii 44 4 1 I The Goodyear Cabin at Ogden Ofden The first house in Utah The complete story atory of that dwell dwell- Ing ng preserved on the tabernacle block at Ogden has never been told and doubtless never will be but much of ot the romance surrounding the cabin and its builder Miles Goodyear Utah's first citizen can be related Telegram readers will vill have the opportunity opportunity op op- to learn more about the cabin abin which was known to have stood on the delta of ot the Weber and Ogden rivers riven in 1846 the year before the L. L D D. D S. S pioneers pioneers' settled Salt Lake valley J. J Cecil Alter tells about the cabin in his In the Beginning historical I W. W Grabau dir director of the N N. N G. G S. S C. C requested in a letter to Dr Pack that Chinese Chine e graduate students be accepted ac BC at the University of Utah for forone forone one or two years' years training in western American geology MAYOR LOUIS MARCUS 1 will return return return re re- re- re turn to Salt Lake City Frida Friday morning morn morn- ing lag from his trip that has taken him to Chicago Detroit Washington D.C. D.C. D.C. D. D C. C New York City and Denver the mayors mayor's office announced Wednes Wednes- day Mrs Marcus is accompanying the mayor feature appearing daily on The Telegrams Telegram's Telegrams Telegram's Telegrams Telegram's Tele Tele- grams gram's editorial page The story is contained in Thursdays Thursday's and Fridays Friday's instalments together with a sequel concerning Goodyears Goodyear's life lite after he sold his holdings to an L. L D. D S. S pio plo neer Last Pioneer day July 24 during Ogden's big community celebration Goodyears Goodyear's cabin became a Utah pioneer pio plo neer acer monument The Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Land marks association joined the Weber county chapter of ot the Daughters of Utah Pioneers in preserving the old cottonwood log structure A monument was dedicated It consisted consisted consisted con con- of a large native stone marked with a bronze plaque The cabin had been moved from its original site lite to the ta tabernacle grounds rounds |