Show Relaxation tion Great t Aid To Beauty Get the Habit Advises Exp Expert Expert Ex Ex- Ex- Ex p pert rt and arid Win the Glow of Health Long hours of ot sleep and periods of ot relaxation during the day will do more to raise the thc standard of f good looks th than n all aU the beauty props displayed dis displayed dis- dis played upon cosmetic counters Loss of bI sleep takes the thc high lights from front the eyes causes facial tissues to soften and fall aU into lines gives to the face a drawn pinched look that makeup cannot hide Worse still it impairs the nervous system People who sleep well awakened refresh d are nearly alwa always g good od natured d. d ready for the days day's activities To rest comfortably there should be he quiet plenty of ot f fresh esh air a flat hard mattress mattres pillow not too high The best position is isto to rest the bod body on the right side left leg drawn up a posture that is easiest on the heart favorable to normal digestion scat away the little yal yal- lery polka dots freckle face Then combine one tablespoon of lemon juice one tablespoon of glycerine six tablespoons of ot r Apply at night with a bit of ot absorbent cotton but not directly after the face tace has been washed with soap and water Remember wind and strong sunlight sunlight sun light will vill bring them back again so so there is is' no permanent cure Keep the skin well velI creamed oil ac acts as a pr protection against the elements clements Graceful movement Is a beauty quality of distinction Here is a good exercise that will vill bring poise serenity seren- seren ity ty and charming motion Lift LiLt the right arm high and in a wide circle Lift and turn the head to o the right movin moving the torso with It L t. As As the hand lif lifts inhale deeply as it comes back bade to 10 first pos tion ex- ex hal hale lale Keep the chest up tummy flat hips lips tucked back and under It is the woman who understands I her finger wave who is able to keep it t strong and lovely She combs the hair first at the ends She sweeps the comb straight along the undulations giving them a soft upward push when she finishes Some times she uses ses a brush to put ends in form Having the wave set in the exact same pattern each time coaxes the hair to a state of amiability The dry shampoo is nothing but makeshift Nobody should resort to tot it t if it it is possible to have a soap cleansing or an oil shampoo The usual medium is powdered or orris cit Jr ris na root and white corn meal half and half Sprinkle on on the scalp remove with the brush Do not meddle with moles or you may be in for a heap of trouble If they chance to be I located where they are rubbed b by the clothing have them hem removed by a medical a-medical man who specializes in skin blemishes |