Show Coaches to Pick Place for New Member I I I Possible reorganization of either the Summit or the Jordan district of the Utah High S School h ol Athletic ils association will b be discussed dis cussed at a meeting of coaches coaches' of all schools in Region Two at atthe atthe atthe the Hotel Utah Saturday at 2 p. p m. m according to Rex Su her Suher herland her her- land chairman of ot the stal tate basketball committee The reorganization is m made de necessary ne ne' necessary by the addition of Judge Memorial high school of oC Salt Lako Lake Cit City to Regi Region n Two which consi consists ts of the Jordan district eight teams and the Summit district five teams The Salt L Lake kc school will com corn w V pete only In basketball and track and will probably be assigned to the Summit district despite the handicap of five trip trips over mountainous roads Addition of at Judge Memori to the Summit group would eliminate the necessity necessity sity ity of oC one team remaining idle each week as 35 in the past |