Show Female Tarzan Repents R Goes to Aid Kiss Victim BOSTON Dec 5 UP The UP-The The female fe fe- male maJe Tarzan who jumped out of or ofa ora a dark alley in Roxbury Sunda Sunday Sundal night locked a man in her arms and smothered him with kisses stepped out of or character today to toBay say Bay it was all ll a gag al That is Miss Elinor Sothern Of Jamaica Plain was chased out of her amazon role role by her conscience conscience con con- science and apologized to the hUl ee William Finn 39 30 of ol Roxbury Rox Rox- bury She explained she was just looking for lor excitement so she picked on the first short man she met someone met someone shorter than her her- U self so o she could handle him In Incase Inease incase case ease he became a too willing willing ic vic victim tim and tim and Finn filled the bill Miss Sothern is 5 feet teet 9 The idea was a n lot of fun she explained until she read about her strong arm arm act in th the newspapers newspapers news news- pa papers rs and learned that was wasa a n married man Picturing her vict victim m ducking skillets and other household hardware hardware hard hard- ware sh she became remorseful and telephoned Finn asking if f she could cove coe over and straighten thin things out n Miss Mis Sothern appeared Mrs Finn laughed laughed so so did Mr Finn I |