Show U U. U S. S S INDUSTRY OFFERS PLANS FOR RECOVERY Unemployment Insurance Proposal Proposal Proposal Pro Pro- Expected to Be Adopted NEW YORK Dec 5 UP UP Indus Industry's try's own program for national recovery ery cry was presented to a council of bus business ness leaders tod today y for ratification The platform will be discussed plank by plank before action is taken taken ta tat ta- ta ken but interest centered on a proposal pro proposal by the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers for compulsory compulsory com corn unemployment insurance for public and private Its a adoption option was predicted I Automobile manufacturers one 0 of the most powerful groups in the I country countr were understood to have the support of the steel and lumber industries in in- for their insurance plan Should the Congress of or American Industry Industry In In- indorse the proposal it would speak for manufacturers cm- cm most of ol the industrial workers work work- ers in the nation Principles set forth in the insurance proposal included 1 Insurance should be entirely entire entire- ly s from relief which must be provided b by society 2 The plan should be contributory contrib contrib- employers employers and insured em cm- at least sharing the cost 3 Expenditures of the fund Lund must never exceed its income from current contributions or accumulated accumulated accumulated ac ac- cumulated reserves 4 Administration of the fund must roust be in the hands of a small nonpolitical body 5 All workers in public and private employment regardless of occupation c earning carping less than Continued d don 9 on Pace ILI ag T Twp Tap Jp INDUSTRY GIVES elVES RECOVERY PLAN I Unemployment Insurance Pro Fro Is Expected to toBe toBe toBe Be Adopted Continued from Pare Page One R a certain annual amount should hould be included 6 6 Benefit payments must not be so high as to de decrease the incentive in to work 7 7 Payment should not b be made to workers on strike Systematic Plan Flan Favored Unemployment growing out of oC the said direct direct di di- depression the plan has reeled d attention to the practicability ty of ot dealing with iLc its recurrence through compulsory insurance Industry favors fa In- vors a systematic plan of met compensation to involuntarily unemployed persons who are able and w willing to work and is read ready to give approval to the adoption of a plan based on sound principles The fear of a wrong solution and the he unpredictable effects of such a program are serious deterrents to for- for pl planning nnIng by busin business s so ne necessary es sary ary to recovery recovery- To be full fully successful suc suc- uc any plan must have the wholehearted whole whole- hearted support of industry agriculture This can be obtained only when all aU three elements clements are fully consulted both in formulation and administration administration ad ad- ministration of an any plan New Deal Again Rapped flapped Criticism of ot new deal policies con continued continued at sessions sponsored by the National Association of oC ers TS Dr A. A P. P Haake Chicago managing man man- aging director of ot the National A Association Asso- Asso o lation of Furniture Manufacturers 1 declared he would rather trust the thea nations nation's a lions lion's future to called so forces of ot blind lind competition than to sentimental sentimental senti senU mental thinkers Silas H. H Strawn Chicago attorney representing the United States cham chum ber jer of commerce said industry should unite behind a single recovery pro pro- gram The trouble Strawn said aid has been een that every group presented dif dif- ferent demands to Washington A. A C. C Rees Blames Industry for Plight Special to The Telegram NEW YORK Dec 4 The 4 The Council of oC American Industry in session here today oday was on record classifying Section Sec Sec- ion tion A 7 of ot the national recover recovery act acts as s unworkable impractical and dis dis- The council l asked that it t be repealed and abolished The council also assailed the phraseology phrase phrase- purpose and use of ot the collective collective tive ive bargaining clause A A. C. C Roes Rees of Salt Lake City national council chairman charged that it was in I own shortsightedness that I permitted itself to be tr trapped into I that hat sort The very fact that Ind industrial leaders were silent at a time when they hey should have b be been n n vociferous in theIr heir opposition is s 1 fan n arraignment against our courage and our intelligence intelligence intelli intelli- gence Mr Rees said Harry Chandler publisher and editor of ot the Los Times is president of the council Bardo Pledges Aid in Recovery NEW YORK ORK JP iP-Industry's Industry's whole hearted cooperation with the government to drive business ness dol dol- drums out of oC the country was pledged today oday by C C. C L. L Bardo president of ot the he National Association of Manu- Manu in opening a two-day two congress congress congress con con- gress of ot American industry prompt cooperation with government he said has been whole hearted Industry will continue to o cooperate to restore sound economic economic economic econ econ- conditions and to place the mil mil- lions ions now idle back baek at work in private private vate enterprise at the earliest practical cal date Of Ot the N R A A. A Mr Bardo said We must correct the evil without destroying the good Saying the N R A is at a fork Inthe Inthe in inthe the road Bardo continued One branch of that road tends toward oward more and more interference by federal government with private enterprise encourages more restraint restraint restraint res res- paternalism and bureaucracy and tends further to unsettle the con- con of business capital It is defInitely def- def a contradiction of American American- lam ism The other branch leads toward self government elf by private enterprise enterprise enter- enter prise subject only to government control control con- con rol of oC abuses and suggests the use of ot cooperative individualism as a basic principle in our recovery pro pro- gram Kohler Gives Warning Of Labor Rac Racketeers NEW YORK Dec 5 P iP Walter Walter J. J Kohler former governor of oC W Wisconsin Wiscon- Wiscon icon icon- sin in speaking today before the congress congress con- con I gress ress of American industry warned i that hat labor Jabor racketeers may destroy I the he economic progress of the United Sta States There is grave danger today oday that the he combined efforts of the possibly sincere theorists advocating the fal- fal of spreading employment and making extravagant governmental expenditures together with labor racketeers who are obsessed with a rule ruin program may disrupt pt and destroy lestroy the unparalleled economic progress our nation so far has made he ic said It uH js is essential for our fut future re industrIal industrial in in- program that the right of to deal with their employers Individually or collectively in minorIty minorIty minor minor- ity as well vell as as' as majority groups be maintained It is axiomatic that no general economic economic ec ec- ec recovery is possible if it industrial industrial Indus- Indus trial rial strife strite such as characterized the past year year and a half halI continues |