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Show Fairview Homecoming Is Saturday At 12 First official annual Fairview Homecoming Day will be observed ob-served Saturday at the Fairview South ward chapel. Known in past years as Relief Society Annual day, the observance ob-servance now includes all groups within the community. Mayor Keith Hansen has declared de-clared a half-day holiday in honor of the occasion and festivities fes-tivities will begin at 12 noon with a luncheon prepared under the auspices of the Relief Society, So-ciety, the YWMIA and the Primary. Pri-mary. Mrs. Minerva Burroughs and Mrs. Mae Miner are co-chairmen co-chairmen of the luncheon. Tick-e Tick-e I will be 50c. A program will follow the luncheon. The program has been prepared under the direction direc-tion of the YMMIA and the Sunday Sun-day School, Blain Sidwell, chairman. chair-man. " Albert Madsen will be master of ceremonies for the program and Mayor Nielsen will deliver the speech of welcome. Other numbers pa the program will include music, readings, a one-act play, dancing and stunts. The days festivities will conclude con-clude with a public dance in the evening. Los Angeles Scene Of . Birthday Celebration Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Christensen and daughter Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Peterson and Catherine motored to Los Angeles Ang-eles last week. While there they helped celebrate the 80th birthday birth-day anniversary of Mrs. J. W. Christensen on March 7. ' TruTrfuT1:; cake formed the centerprtro-. v the dinner table. Those en--, " ing the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Swan, Mrs. Alice Simkin and Miss Kathleen Swan of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Hy-rum Hy-rum Fescher, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Peterson of Glendale, Calif., Mr and Mrs. L. L. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Christensen, Cather ine Peterson and Margaret Christensen from Fairview. Sunday night March 20 the L. D. S. Girls and Aaronic Priesthood Priest-hood Boys will present the program pro-gram for Sacrament meeting. The program is as follows: Opening and closing songs by the LDS Girls chorus from North and South wards; musical numbers, talks and prayers will be given by boys and girls. Awards will be given to the following girls by President Minta Cox: Jean Peterson, Mary Larsen, Nooma . Jensen, Arlene Peterson, Dovell Brady, LaVern Christensen, Nadirie Jones, Son-ya Son-ya Carlston, LaWana Vance, Beverly Sanders, Helen Christensen, Chris-tensen, Rosalin Carlston, Reva Jensen, Carolyn Brady, Juanita Llewellyn, Anna Bell, Mamie Rae Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Herald Vance spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jensen who served a hot ?hicken dinner in honor of Mrs. Vance's birthday. Others present pres-ent were Mr. and Mrs. Hebe; Jensen, Mrs. Ella Vance ant' Dale Vance. (Continued on page Four) I FAIRVIEW ! By Mrs. Bertha Christensen 1 (Contniued from first page.) Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Orten and Mrs. Ruth Larsen and babv spent last week in Colorado with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Orten and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Cloward Mrs. Alta Flame of Helper is spending the week with Mrs. Glen Gull and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Gull. Mrs. D. W. Thompson of Eph-raim Eph-raim spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Briggs Mrs. Calvin Ericksen spent the weekend in Salt Lake cit. and while there attended her mother's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Christiansen Chris-tiansen spent their two weeks vacation on a trip through California Cal-ifornia and Mexico. - Mrs. Nancy Stewart is at Salt Lake with her son Max Stewart who underwent an operation there. The North ward Primary held their study meeting at the home of Mrs. Elva Rigby. I Mr. and Mrs Howard R.gby OVVe with Mr" an7Mrsy Lavon'christensen. Fairview South ward held their fireside , chat at n trBobndandS- DaTe Anderwn trl and mS: Mrs. Reed Lassoru Ila Jensen-Madsen, Jensen-Madsen, Owen Iuckci Shirley Black, Milton Jones Jess Burnside. Richard Mills who has spent the oast ten days visiting m c'alifShas eturned home. Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Stewart have spent the past week with Mrs. Martha Fowles. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Chris tensen, Mr. and Mrs. After Christensen, Mrs. Georgians Hurst and Roger and DeAnn Christensen motored to sat. Lake and spent a day with Miss Faun Christensen. |