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Show oo GERMAN PLANS DEMORALIZED Successful Campaign of British Brit-ish Submarines and Russian Mines Completely Closes Gulf of Riga. Germans Already Experiencing Experienc-ing Terrible Hardships arjd Severe Epidemics of Sickness. London. Nov 1. 4:11 a. m Germany's Ger-many's plans in the Riga district have been completely demoralized by the successful campaign of British submarines in the Baltic sea and the complete closing of the Gulf of Riga by Russian mine flelds.says tho Pe-trograd Pe-trograd correspondent of the Post. "Thp Gcrmnns are now endeavoring with the most feverish energy," the correspondent says, "to hasten the restoration of the slender and inadequate inade-quate railway sorvices in their rear This work heretofore has been carried car-ried on in leisurely fashion because of the belief that present needs could be adequately served by the sea route. This plan of campaign has been made moro vital by early snow storms which the Russians declare presage a winter of unusual severity. Rigors of Winter Ahead. "The belief here Is that when the Germans are compelled to undergo the rigorous of a real Russian winter, win-ter, constantly annoyed by guerilla attacks and with Inadequate supply facilities, fa-cilities, they will lose more men by sickness and suffer greater demoralization demorali-zation than comes from even the worst defeats in the field It is reported that the Germnns already are experiencing terrible hardships and severe epidomics of sickness although al-though tho weather still Is what the Russian soldiers call 'warm.' " nn |