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Show FRENCH SUBMARINE SUNK BY TURKS Berlin. Nov. 1, by Avireless to Say-ville, Say-ville, The French submarine Turquoise Tur-quoise has been sunk by Turkish artillery ar-tillery fire, according to an official statement issued by the Turkish war office under date of October 31, as given out by tho Overseas News agency agen-cy todaj. Her ontlro crew, comprising compris-ing two offlcora and 24 men, wero made prisoners Tho French submarine Turquoise was a craft ot 3SC tons displacement 154 foot, 12 feot beam and was equipped equip-ped with six torpodo tubes. Her speed abovo water was 12 knots, while Bhe was capable ot making S knots submerged. She was built ill 1908 at Toulon. |