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Show DO , TRAIN WRECKER IS TRACED TO NEVADA Provo. Oct 31. Harry G. Houtz, who escaped from the State Mental hospital October 13, has been located In Nevada. Sheriff Henry East received re-ceived the following telogram this evening: "San Francisco, Oct. 31. Harry Hontz was in AVinnemucca, New, October Oc-tober 19. Said he was going to lie-no. lie-no. Think he Is headed this way. Do vou want hint? "W. R, GROOM." Whether Houtz is wanted here or not, doubt is expressed In official oir-cles oir-cles as to the advisability to even trying to bring him back. Deputy Sheriff Williams notified Medical Superintendent Su-perintendent D. II. Oalder of the receipt re-ceipt of the telegram and asked the doctor if he wanted the man. Dr. Calder's answer was emphatically no "we do not want him let him go." Hontz confessed to wrecking a D & "R. G passenger train near the mouth of Spanish Fork canyon on August 2. and was finally committed to the Mental hospital At the time of his commitment Hontz declared hp would not stay there, it there was no other way out of it-he would serve the whole time in one day. It developed de-veloped at the hearing that Hontz had served time In state prisons and county coun-ty jails, generally for crimes against railroads. He has a mania for destroying de-stroying railroads property. It is not believed here that any attempt will be made to bring him hack. |