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Show lakesYouHungry t 'Ibave umJ 1'ilLed (Vlery Compu j1 aul las Liil a bjl'i'ory effect. It 1'.' lg' irate J Is. the anti 1 fvi like a new n as. It tmeruves I , f i tb- tlua." J T. 4' -- x s. ai. t t n Ifjunou' KftiKisii'iri'H r; dvpepai- i c U u-- you L .i U preTiU UtvTe , .d Well. tti it. ur t it n, ttUii utMtoui Hiit Tvicti litMim i?xi li cues , r.isi i I,hsl.ltns It vo'. will lfMMimeml after wx foi fj.ua - .' A Co., Burling ou, U. s iirugu. Kuijak-o- the runSystem. Builds Up - In the f I was xpm? Iks: vitu m op m tl.e lu uii'iK I o ..a waW itiat - all v s rici.i-i.- one. in. illv cri1 it fur imliili'.i jliii, uinl toe inti ri-t- nur in UJI.lll-- t , l.ll- -t a i m-.i- r n. tir1 down I would a ft'eLri. sod arouud. I lutniij ae o CeWiy t umiKumti, and bought a Dot.ie f JVpVb w ek 1 Hut very uiu b a j i I UUn ha ltirr. before need a it to all who I rauchct. tuliv ie.i mua-nniln me M buudjita' up and nTrMvtbmrir A Mrs. )i low. limbuKton, Vt. 7,,f Ehuticxane' lavorxte. LACTATEO FOOD cry Jor U. 25 rtt. a in u i.i, tv n .i.I fe t spei-i , llease and lh uht s illneys. 'lhe truth would nn ely to a- pnoil-- i lx.nel niiti, - cf the kid-- 1 h,i e never known but for Mispieions w itli w hieh tlm loetora had nothing to do. There ia food ht-ifor rellection and for doclu-e- lhe above criticism is fullv warranted v the btiutlnur linioiauce show ii by the ai too often sacrificed to s f 1 1 I '1 In-s- -- cttoas. ! ii c er I 1 pain-An- -- ri i.,.. jj oi 'I 4 y j Lsl E MUTUAL A Ducky Carriage Painter. IVMVKK IY LIFE INSURAfyCE Griffin, (Ga COMPANY ) News, Mardj G. R. L. Malone has just returned from OF NMW YORK.. Sreenville, where he has been receivlvi Larget Cht aprs. and Best in the Woilt the congratulations of his friends )l a snarl's ti3o.ooo.ooo. ing on his great luck. He held WU y ALLKS atrifrifos gostz. General AgeaL bpe .a, Atenfc of ticket No. 17, ICO, which drew telv OSIAHA, the third capital prie of $50,000 in IS . vo v A the drawing of the Louisiana State f Mannfj t.ir rs and dealers in Lottery Company on the 12th of Febflth fines. Boilers and Pumping Machinery ruary, and his share after deducting Of all bevci 'ption ,, n and Wood Woiking Ifaobmerv, Stw Mill Ma tost of collecting, was just $2,495,00, erv and Sum hr Kul otd jnl Cnti actor' 3taf Acita Podges Wood Sj t Pulliivs and as we saw on his deposit book of the g i Iatf nt teui of Power Ti anMit 5tim by k lienton Iron Co s Win Kcpa, It U 8 Pop'. City Natitonal Bank. It is not every Patent Double Oaif Valre Ae I(iil3 i.eavtm wot th St. OMAHA. NEB. psung man who picks up such a sum H 3C DAYS TRIAL. so easily as this, and he is corresponditsco this new ngly elated. Mr. Malone is a young TRUSS man of about twenty or twenty-twfrom all is a years, a carriage painter by trade, others is rnp shape, with Bah in fnttr. adapt ntofthb lwclr while and has never bought, many tickets in preseeeback . as a per- - the Louisiana State Lottery, though coea with the finger, and"nhustmrht pr.Mira he says he piopot.es to stick to it now and araiiical hn J lemia is seiutriT tuy night Sent lTu3fj h mail, n. dn aha and r errin bp CO., tklcaga, U1 Hoe. thoLLSlOS lKt3b MFW. as long as he has a dollar to spare. iiara Mf He is a pleasant, easy, good natured CO"' j has been enjoying himself t lw 'ellow, since hia sudden access of wealth. nn :nv & co., Sup-1- 6 & -- hfcrUSTIC o I nTHERS'. FRIEHO MOHILO TIOre ak-- ' . om B1RTHJASY U3E0 BEFORE CONFINEMENT. RcmK TO Motiifii, M turn Frii OKI. I LA KIR CO., AT I. AM A JO A. llBom jrALLPaaciSTs. JomEi HU thus orib Si ci Hoanuf lrrt Wavon Ptn lot t SGO. For tret and si p.or JftlES 8f KISPHAM FITS GORE .Pntn'ii!' ! time and niTny to stop atbrn lora lfl, '' h e1 icm return I rnr-asauna) rure I have S t PiJ.USY or I AILING" SKKNVbS p oiiif Riudv I warrant my remedy to cure the - a Dorauae others bare faned is no reason gi, i , v tt n w rvfmitif a cuie Send at once tor treatiae 'tleof m mfa hble remedy Give Lxpea lOK cree U U KUO M- - C. 18 J Pearl Bt. N 1- ClB . r onstJ mi Mil, ' j, j.nau)-.l.- iiiNViaT HSYIA CURED dt caaes.iasureaconitart-eiii'vnjicMrew wnereadotherfaii th mote ftrnttcnl. Pnc 60c. and 1 v mail Namrlo h KEK naAi L 4 Mt W .'nine' I ab I cai'1 btf - -- ! un and W e telv hum nd t A3v rthf. 1 ured. When Beby was sick, we pare her Caetori. W hea eke was a Child, she n led lor Castena, Ulan, she clung to Castona, When ah hid CliiUireii. sbe pare them Cantoris. Ben and l.tiiK. Panl.MmnJ find that FIsob Cur for Conump1lon not but ouly muiMB, al-- o CLKLS Hourte- - III Ill iLWJlifJ ft . 1 does, Jf i 4ti - it Better to be born with braine in the head than with a golden spoon m the mouth. When she beram Athma nreneeryil4toirivetwI Uie worst c.nW' Imprudence knows not what prudeuce does not what it knows. Consumption Surely TarBmsrMl FrrTtstliiCm Building nir castles should be the work the man who is lull of wind. To flip F.ditoi. Please inform vour readers that I have a positive remedy for By its timelv use thousands ot hopeless eases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy 1 iu.i; to any of your reud-r- s who have consumption if they willsend me their exoresB and P. 0. address, T. A. SeOCUM, M. 0., 181 Pearl street, NewYork. PAYStheFREK Ton aitFtloa f rare h. a, list ora sl PLANTS. luuuai'diata 18. We never knew an old maid who would tdmit that she never had a love nffuir. WEBSTER rd dKTIONAltw ITSELF F3TW 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Ilia tratione than any tner American . cto- !ke t. 0,1 iinht top1 J.iJ AS trtps and lni, on pm eipt ft I. t'ublisliiug Co 1st. Minor i v n a fate by ms I'eoplex' Phiii, Minn. Bl- Kill. Atn.l t anr one aJHicted. I STUM ASSAiTfreeURO, lUKheatei. N. X -t An Invaluable Companion in every School and at every 1 ireside. Illustrated Pamphlet Sold by all Booksellers. sent free. 4b C. KEEE1AM St CO., luba. Spr.ngleld, Mau. 459-- 14. W. N. 0., Omaha, , . ! le-l- K hat-rac- WELL DRILLS, k down-stair- 4- - - in body and ue nified clergyman was seated mind, unrappv and break ground with one hand closed tightly down aflluted with illieunin .am. about the end of a broken spigot and If they alien would anlr try Salvation Oil they the otln-- wringing the new al out of would f.inl rehtf at once. Pine 2oc. It was pretty cool in the his whiskers. All the keys ot AVimBor I 'nstie w ers remini-ter was drenched and cellar the incently stolen, but even tins Looking at liis w ife appeal- terfere with th rapid ede ol Dr. Bull's shivering. Clough Syrup. ingly, he said: Heavens sake, Martha, X'luvi er .Halting hy Wind Pitivir, me a A recent writer states that in ninny Almost overcome In lmr laughter, his of the United btates unprovided wife found a bung and handed il to her pints water with power it would be not onlv it He husband. unfortunate grasped to use wind as a disheartened swimmer is said to possiblefor but piolitable power milling. In European coungrab at a bolit try straw, and placing it tries wind driven flour mills, even of over the broken spigot, gave it a rap considerable extent, are no uncommon with the mallet, intending' to drive both sight; and one firm is said to have a into the hole and thus stop the leak. mill operated by stentn and another opBut ho struck too hard. The spigot erated by wind, and to have found the went clear in, and so did the bung, but latter the more successful financially. the latter in its passage split the staves, To get the best results, this author asand, with the rush of a small cloudburst, set ts that the mill should have u capacithe ale flew all over the clergyman and ty of 100 to 200 ban els, and would need or wetted him to the skin. An escape was a wind wheel at least eight made from the cellar. When a dry ninety feet in diameter, which should not approach nearer than fifteen feet to part of the house was reached the the ground. clc 'gyman turned to his wife aud d: Mfktcrn f4pn1tttliiM. Martha, darn that ale! I underStranger tin western city) stand yon claim 100,000 population for White Lies. this town? Ye have Yes, sir. Fhrectoii' Man Professor Adler has instituted a era slide against white lies. We are not in tlie new directory, lust being fin20,000 names. That multiplied with him. If it were not for whito lies ished, by five, the average size of a family, be and would brutal, diplomacy makes 100,000. See? society and tact would be gone forever. The Messenger Bov Please, sir, Mr. wants to know haw many copPress. Tiue. The world has tacitly, Hardtype you want punted? and wo p resume properly, agreed that ies of thnt directory Directory Man (after some figuring there is one thing that is not to bo Im! I guess hfteeu will be enough. plainly stated and discussed, to wit, the New Yoik Weekly. truth. The boldest writers and speakA La ml el "ram. ers threaten to expose its nakedness, P?. Th. Thoroddscn reports that in and sometimes partially raise its drapery. only to drop it in place again and explorations in the iuteiiur of Ireland shrink back. Witness the recent volu- last summer he visited some reinnrltable minous discussion of the marriage ques- valleys in a mountain range called lie discovered piand tion. Men and women wrote about Kjeilingurfjoll. springs iu great liiimbeis, as and around and under and over the sulphur well as innumerable large boiling mud topic, but not one ventured to state and pools blue, red, 3' el low and green iu bo true to each knew what ana'yze titenra penetrated ever3rnliere color, wedto is ennui the chief impediment fissures in the earth, one jet, ded felicity. He who would stipp'y con- through six to nine feet in height, keeping up tentment and continuous happiness to such a continual roar thnt it was imposthe married mu't originate a specific sible to hear the loudest shouts in its that w ill perpetuate the honeymoou. vicinity. The greatest care had to be Texas biftings. observed in walking on the thin crust of heated clay covering the boiling mud Aids for the Toilet. below. Tlie eyebrow may be given a slight Do what you can when you cannot arch and the fine line so much sought, do what you would. by- simply pinching the hairs together between the fingers several times a Warners Log Cabin PLASTERS, will immediately relieve the pain iu day. If the ear bo big and obtrusive, a your back; then look for the cause of it. loose arrangement of the hair or a few Try it. curled locks brushed carelessly back Possible Height of It. loir Walls. will help the objectionable organ wonIn a number of tests applied to masonderfully. Never comb the hair back ry, according to Trof. Baker of Illinois from an ugly ear. univeisity, fliers of ordinary brick and Never bite your lips to make them common lime mortar stood a pressure of red, or for any other reason. Bathe a little over 1,500 pounds per square them occasionally in water with a lit- inch; which is equal to tlie weight of a tle dissolved alum or borax, and apply column of brick 2,000 feet high, with Portland cement mortar the glycerine and tincture of beti.oiuo. ordinary was somewhat more than 2,500 strength This will keep your lips fresh. per square inch, or the weight Never wash in warm water before pounds of a column of brick musour3 3,600 feet in cold a air. Such out the going high. practice will roughen the skin. Warm When a vaccination takes, what does it should bo used before retirwater only take? ing. Fovvdered orris root is a cheap and It is always the toughest hen that boasts good tooth powder. It also purifies that she is no spring chn ken. the breath. Daughters of America. The presence of the viiltute is notknown until there is a carcass in the held. The New Yankee Doodle. Dswy slumber msy b all right in poetry, Yankee Doodle comes to town but there is bo comfort in night sweuts. Possessed of many a ponny; Ths celebration of good fortune is too Bring ng bis lovelv daughter witl often the occasion of new extravagance. A view to ma tri mo-iiYatikie doodle doodle-doo- ! In 1886 Japan had 472 earthquakes. The dollars come in handv, Even to docks who have too few, In a minute the low st sound your ear But knows the An Atnawit. can catch has been made by 900 vibraYankee Doodle rails nt rank, tions. lhat is for home and consumption; of Boston costs The police departm-a- t But as swell relatives the Yank Don t ku'k he s too much gumption. the city $1,250,000 per year. Yankee doodle doodle duo! The lazier a man gets, the more his nose Love is sweet as andy. His daughters reckon tilood that's blu runs. scarce spoils the British dandy. The rich man's theory is the poor man's London Punch. fact. It you wish to flatter a man, ask him for A Limit to His Ambition. Female Friend Y'oung Smithcrs wht his ad vies. No man sver believed that his grandis pnyingyou attentions is one of the most promising young men in tho city. mother was ever young. Miss Lively Yes, I know him. An egotist is something like a cab'iagc, letnala Friend Ho is ambitious too. all head, without much in it. He is a man who will always aim HOW! '1 1111 higher than the mark. Ws offer One Hundred Dollars Rewar Miss Lively Aim higher than the for anv case of (a'arrh that can not be mark? Well, I dont know about that. cured by taking Hall's Catarrh L ure F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., l'Mii.,loWe. O lie has never kissed me on tho nose have known F. J Ws, the undvreien-yet. Texas Mftings. Cheney for the last 15 veara, and believe him perfectly honoiahle in all busioeee 0u5 at the Other. carry transactions, a d financially able tofirm. Anxious Mother What do you sup out any obhgatinna made by their Wholesale Weat 4 Truss, Druggists, Tolepose my hoy is going to bo when he do, Ohio. IIo doesnt do anything W aiding, Kinnin A Marvin, Wholesale grows up? Druggists, Toledo, Onio. but talk, talk, talk, from morning tc E. H. Van Hoesen, ashler, Toledo Nanight- tional Bank, To'edo, Ohio. Mr. Wiseman Its too early to deCatarrh Cure le taken internally Halls cide, but ho will probably bo either I acting directly upon the blood and mucus lhil' surfaces of the aye 'em, Price, 75 cents per congressman or a prize-fighte- r. bottle. 8old by all Druggists. adelphia Record. on the M ost men. ot la rw will be nine Hi for mailing dialogue. ron- Ccnff ?o F. C. 1 Austin Co. Mfg. 8T. CARROLL AVC. COB. CARPENTER ANO ILLINOIS. CHICAGO, do-sn- ot IT CGHQUERS FAIIST. or ki d, Nuerv, Dubuque. T STUtT Jfnok-- w'pine Penmanhip, in i.inotu . M'ortband. e . t. irrnlnr free. Ji'TrrUe' n LOi.J.LGK, 4,1 Main frt., ISuffui' . N . m rem-u- y s aisi-nic- IVEB psur- S ji.r-onag- 0 Cases. n-a- l 1 - ocooia-mvdftti- sy-te- ni -. s, COUi-- attending phyiiiciuns in the Somerville BE1BEHDE1IE mice-toi- 1 tors It can be 1 s tlv said (hat human life is the ignorance aud lunotry of the piofession. 'loo often it iiaipi-nthat fatal results Crr'm-- follow an iniiioa-- emuse of tnatineut OIJtXOM DYES 2:::i'r,ra,"i- r,',tr iviiru.Uftvf. the , h sician tieats t lie i ntn-iifor consumption, general debility or for disneivoiis disoideis. whilst the hlnn ly destrov mg the kid-ii- i ease, w hii-l liu muni eiired with a poison ys and tilling the PilK. f , is altogether CARTELS liineror al-1 -itllr ipote a deadly as rei ee !. j overlooked or does not attract attention from opMia.In '1 'etiou atnl d Heart' until too late. A ITTLE pe rct rtm Latiug. Th sici ms too often treat the symp-- I h for D.iies8.Naitse.i instead of the disease n oiwm si, ICl mils of m tuts M uti, CtMt jtj itself. t;i up Pun n t be Nuir It is well established that four-fifth- s lolti ID Pit I It. rIbe of the oidinat v ills w hieh humanio.nlio the Dowels P r h W rhi'de. ty me the results of disease m the kld-li- e Prlci 2a I elite. a w Inch will yield to the coiatue ties of Warneis Sale Cine if e propei c:., s j cats?, him ly Used, and to it alone. What is ,w Price-!Small Small Pill. mall a disease m the i tlior organs Doss, is more a mere symptom of kidney disease, which should he quickly (indicated by Warners Safe Cm e ar , u it secuies too film a hold on those oi guns. boy , b yars old, wes aink My Irtt With a dit i'C lor u li, h ! tors hud &A 'I lie SImiiI nl'i-of Lent. no nano fi L came off his lmi Lent will cut down pneumonia era, and the firmer came off to the rates, said Dr. Hamilton the other day. Buddie joi.if hor3ye.irHhe suffered W dremlfuih ; h umv tfeUlug well and I it iilnav s does. 'i his was an nston-ishwift a Hpecibc is the am satis. nl ut first, but when he explained chief L&uac of h a improvement. that nine tenths of the cases of pneuJohn Beiitl, lrtffl. Jan. monia were hi ought on m persons Peru, Ind. to it by sudden exposure to FO ISON CD BY A CALF My tile boy rr k out wilu sorts aud L night air nfter coming fiomaeuper ers. tnersanltof the liaofacalf in con-- 1 heated loom, I can see that the late wint with a cut tinker Tbs ulcers were coming d deep aud ter festivities have a great deal to do showed uo imimaDon to he-- l. J gave tiia with the matter in our perilous latitude. ift 3 Specific, aud he is now well ntt JoUN v . nEAKDt Auburn, Ala. V. 15, 6. I'here is one feature about I.ent that )'i end for books on Blond Poisons & Mnn Diseases ociety is npt to oveilook, and that is its towiFX wjfr.tinu Co., Atlanta, Ou. VID lietetic advantages. A ny one w lio w ill i. it stiietly will find himself in betIk much troubled seep to go throughout summer. condition ter vi t U tntarrli it nenoUMly "j New Y'oik Truth. PFa,'" One in v voice. t Hl'eted ole of Ely's Cream .tu. a Vrimi,fi IncliiMiry. tlm did the work. My In Colombia the Ameiiean aloe ne ih fully restored. li. A. M. Pa is of great im-pknown there as tigue rC'. L'HpMier, of Olivet t.mee on account of its li lire, which ' chJ 'l'un h,thIduladelphiBaptist is used for sandals, sacks, lopi s, girths, "ja LI. BU pack saddles, etc. 'J hese munufaetures tro among the most important of the I preserlbe and fullYen dorse Hir as the only countiy, the yeaily value being various-eswatn i lortheeertaineura specific estimated at from if 10, 000,01)0 to I TO b Days. kJ of this dispart tfawHtprd noi to n., No pait of tlie plant except the SAUM&UiliULr. Amstt rdriin, s. V. fibre is used, aud this is now extracted We have sold Rig y for ktfdosly bylhs many years, and it haa by so slow aiul laborious a process that iy&si Chaleftl Ta given the best of satis t bkilled laborer can produce only about Cincinnati, Wf (Action. teu puunds of tibie dally. D. 1C DYCFF A CO , Ohio. C bn ago. 111. $1.09 Sold by Druggists. p w c-- ns nil lc one n liny I lint is leiljed to Hut t it Mi l.itioii as to liiirtn-n-s in tlie luioins..n is st.u tl in ,'tn 0111114 ca-i- s i e ti ve di ntln fiuiu t h,- - tl ru r, "I mil the doctors in tlu-i- r cci tilic.iti s them r 1 l l tiuii is tli it tiny uro tint Oisi-sat nil Ullli-ill 1 list, t.it'uu t in il e use of tm-m-. 1 i in-- . lin - pa-i-h- iKhre-neftao- Compound to Celery unli nnprnir . up-tow- n is a t n Paine: 1st km-'- iiPf--e-- I'rui.ua, b.C. LAN I). v1-- and l1!'e. T I ' - ji'j uie fa. UHut. 3 ft si, -. sss'i-u- i ha f lh Tra KlebeaC 1)11. Contfxtmevt pavises wealth Yon are The tlnucse rimisti r is a maud inn of sure to be eunteute.l with the use of sncli h:h rank that la stun Is littii onlv Warner's Cabin EXTRACT Log fri'in tne empi and ru tin r h is it that for external arid internal pains. '11ns he is i in- ot tl ehi, sevi u ra'l.t si i.nn m the is better ban to a physician employ w or! 1. t he m en the mions the lucina.ng t import:. bo cannot do mure lor 3 ml if you had - lie in. sehllds lit'tl lit. i"ci Hisjeue'ig! the Wiultli tf C'ursus. lwo sizes, 50 It hr s been the doctors habit for many and it is ,i t ho "as cent-- , and $1. take a light supper of muiio one i f t ie h, 1, now nu tai tnvvl.tn u,..sto the cr ii kor- -, chi e and a gia-- s of new ale ini'-- .d ie,-- ain of 1 !u'is His l Hu e was bn hen ft is from the Leart who gives ret, ring, and he wax a'was up mid sold lie is a n.'iu of middle quu ky g. " in ideiit cn uiph to keep a hi height, w.ifi j heiion rtuil!) Mnali hands Kmvs xveie first ned at table by our of tin- - btveiage in his cciar. ILs wile and fet t, ioxvii eyes, a fair Enulicli jiHteing aud the liuest cutlery in'or lied lum one afteraoo.i that nil skin and two Ins make that and table service now known in the railaunt of lierx, enjoyed a'o even inuro smile dor.l. ly jdunphs ,h us iitt. Ills in i nners way vvoild may- be seen on the famous than the ilergvman did, wax on her are exqu.xite and ho cam's h's hos- Holden Hate Special over the Fuion way to the city and would arrive at the pitality to the point of mtet 1ieting l Pacific from Council BlulTs and o the flow ii v plira-of Ins native Omaha Railway the following afternoon. to San Fiuucisco, every 1 hen, my dear, obxerved tlie good luud. ile is an immense f.iv elite m soman. we mu-- t get some f re'll a'.e. ciety. Ilia taste is pel f et and the noli F. F. V. is said to mean, in Kansas, The barrel arrived the same after- and harmonious toihts lie "ours are the First Family Vaccinated. it n!a.:j kO &?! li noon and was carefully stored away in envy and adniuation of n'l eoloriuts. S!rkt!j PURL i:j fan. For at rengthenirg and clearing the voice, the collar until the morrow, when the He spi ahx vi ly good Fngl.sh and has a Among the Orel remr1ts AlIfn'sl.Hnp Dulaani anih.Kit spaii ot it to lu4e preeminent The 1 1101 his. doctor intended to put a spigot in it distinct lisp which he ext remt-- veiy use "Hiioss s I'kovhial btf uett term. giriDg euUre auaiau.Uua wboroeei have commeudoil them to ftienda who tt io oo4. and have it all ready for the expected cleverly at times. are public apeakeia. and they have proved Price 25ct.,50cto and $1 per Bottle. aunt. Upon looking over bid diary in t of Salt. BOYT! ES r put up for serviceable." Rev. Henry Ward The extremely saw that the the morning of ail w&o (tetre timly e clergyman The Fnited Kingdom, according to Beet her. Or CROUP REM EOT lOtlil) at to li attend id he a wedding Mr. P. L. Simnionds, pioduces 2,200,-00Thooo dettrinp for i'UAA C XTPTI029 A faultlessbeautiful often covers hols an o eloek, so ho drexxed himself rug ugly tons of Milt annually, the othereoun-tneDISEASE thouiJ ocur$ LUSO mrmny in a when his carpet. tke Largo l Bottle. of Europe about' fi.ouo.ouu. North ly, and was about going out. wife suggi 'ted that ho had be- fix the Aineiic.i rather over l.Ooo.Ooo, Asia and Food for (oneiimptlves. Mothers. Read! ale. Snatching up a mallet and a Africa i.hoiP another lknt.iOii, making Scott Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Oakland 9ta Kr April 34, IMS. -- The deiuan tcr Aiibn 8 1.UM3 BaI a total of 7,200,000 tons, bait is veiy Ily.iophoKphites, is a most marvelous 0fmm wooden spigot the doetor shot downtncrrevmc constantly. Tba lad es flunk tbrf food aud medicine. It heals tlie irritation 8au U no madiciae aqua) to U for Croup and stairs and his wife went leisurely to exteiiMvt ly used in the arts, and it is booping C S M K S. PrucgiaW h ihli as of Cough the and flesh minthroat and oniv hi the Ten of Innga, miueial hoii'O. the gives being the upper part MOLD T ALL AfLDJCLL DhALA&S and remanv other than (pinker strength Its when eaten man. with tlm Use liftei'ii utes elapsed and then by It is very palatable, having with nil nations, the edy knon. clergyman's Wife began to wonder if food is umversii head none of the disagreeable taate of the crude m dift'eunt conn her husband had gone without bidding consumption per oil. tries being stated as follows; Fluted lier adieu, bhe iooited at the FOR ALL PURPOSES. .7u They any that there is an exception to pounds; England, 4 I; France, s and there v.cre his hat and btates, Have made 2 ft a minute with ths 20; Kusiii, D; Belgium, It!1, ; every rule. Who is the exception to the overcoat. Desci tiding, the anxious HO; Italy, 10; Irux.xia, 14: Madras, i;j; rule that all must die. v ife arrived at the foot of the cellar Austiia, AUSTIN Bengal, l.i; Spam, 12; Bombay, lOj; w ade no a m'i ba.lhtig plate Switzerland, by stairs, litre TRIUMPH. description confronted lmr. 'lhe digPatience Sorely Tried, Food for Reflection. Tli SVw Yoik World of Feomtrj An amusing story is told by the Xew )tli. s,. : T.mes of an Yoik preacher, 1 In- n'n 'turn ns to I'o mn.'li of wlnt whos-- i cluuvh is tho center of one ol rt-to know uociois j ly in IlirVm. mo-nt e- Relieves and cures KOSTHERM GROWN FUSTS AND 8EEDS Are acknowledged the beet- - being hardier, 11E AD ACRE:, wore productive and yield better crops. ESEUEATISS, Toothache, Sprais3, NEURALGIA, BRUISES, Sciatica, Lumbago. Borns and Scalds- At ftmciribta unl Dtaliris THE CHARLES A. VOGELER Diamond A n.NK ILLCSTUATED CATALOGUE T.H.UM ..II. a. M Stlta Ml, tv. VMtWUTS DOS IT. a, 35. 3h. FLoaievi a Vera-Cur- fort UVHPKPWIA. POSITIVE INDIGKSTIOV CUItE FOR Verm-Cu- e by tnuu o ft reretp: Qf ctt. i5 boxes ti 00) in gtampo etamp, batnpie sent oh receipt of THE CHARI ES A. VOGKLMt CO . TUlttmore, Md. Tlie Best Waterproof Coat. ktf fg wsrrsnted SLirglR wstnr.f, 4 vUl ndlag foeal,drya In' Vis ALU KHN i fOMMtL ImltatisDa Bias csnaifta wllhsst tba Flab lira aaddla J Tawar, Bostuo, mark lllnsirat-- d Catalacua fraa. TiensnBLA m OO., 6t. Paul, Mwl, $r jot) tPNwur Safetr Eeia Holder QIVKN AWAY o Introduce them, kei j bnrae owner bur from lio 4 Line never under horee feet. Bead la cent In iLumpi to paf Mckie pottage and packing for U Tor Fiauid atnp'e ttaai ceuU. AddreAS, Brewster Mf g Co., Holly, Mich. Diuffffist or General Dealer will $et rtr a far you if not already in ttocK, or u tetli be oent Eish As ri. AND ALL hia MAY SxiaeaEa, ?TOGIOflDftY! wasted: "I ImI ALIMS irnftrrniM flouitcn Iroublri Anting Therefrom. r a CO.. BtMmort, Md. AN HONEST DRUGGIST , r, whpn ailcod for the best always recommends Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery, because he knows it haa by far the largest sale and gives the best satisfaction to his customers. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors, from a common Blotch, or Eruption to the worst Scrofula. Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. Especially has it manifested its potency In curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Bolls, Carbuncles. Sore Eyes, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Ilip-joiFever Sores," Disease, White Swellings, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Consumption, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, is arrested and cured by thil remedy, if taken in the earlier stages of the disease. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is the only medicine of its class that is guaranteed to benefit or cure, in all caves of for which it is recommended, or the money paid for it will be promptly refunded. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood. Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1.00, or six Bottles for $5.00. blood-purifie- Salt-rheu- nt Copyright, 1SS8, by Worlds Dispbnsart Medical Association, DEt DR. 3E3I TINT Proprietors. TT1H yiWATI conquered by the cleansing, anti-6- 0 oents, by druggist!, eptic, soothing and healing properties of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Is |