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Show V JjJo San Fr.inci'Co WecVlyJCall. The Feme Senti l 1 Daily 57,jo and besides we shall give over ioo in other prnes. these prizes will be put fished in a short time. -- Weekly Newspaper, Ol R PRIZES Devoted to the general interest of Sewing Machine. Buggy Harness, the people of San lete and surround- Ladies SaJilc, ing counties. Watch Advertising 550.00 22 50 20.00 i5-o- 1250 Trunk. Subaerf ptlum One year, Six months, Three months, - RE - 5 1 21.00 00 1.2') - .7-- II MAX Raivoo Allrntieu LOCALS. Ward of the Industriaus Wednesday last. see called to list the to communications Address Home .Sentinel Com tan y, Presidents Woodrufl and Cannon have gone to San Francisco for a short I. O. Box 57, Manti, U. T. time. Jas. T. Jakeman, Manager. Energetic agents wanted. Address H, A. Hess 25 1st Last St., Salt Lake N. II. Felt, Ass t M an a gar. Felt Messrs S: City. Sister Casto has been very sick Her WE TLEAD GUILTY. friends will be pleased to know she is In the issue before last of the Home improving. SeNTtNeL, a correction was inset ltd Elder L. M Peterson of Colorad adrelative to a Manti item apt-a-i ng mi d the Samis in the iabemacle dress w to these columns, huh seemed annoy .Sunday. the writer in that paper. The Pern in question was (uite in keeping with the Dr. E. R Kenner was on the sick list instruction given relative to public last week, lie is now convalescent, we speaking in the Tabernm le, the writer are pleased to say. of the correction to the tontiarv notwithstanding. lie is annoyed that it Sister A. C Smvth has re'urned from should have been admitted to The Salt Lake with a n,ce supply of childIlttald columns, then, that the writer ren's and M.sSes Hats. does not affix his name, and lastly, that S ster Luther T. Tuttle is slowly but some anonymous person had actually We hope sue w.II accused him of writing it With respect surely improving. to the first, the Curiespotulent of Tne soon he convalescent Jlerftttt does not stand m need of adM, Rasimisen of Mt. Pleasant and II vice li mi tile SeNTtNeL officer. To the Sanderson of Fairview made us a W. I of custom followed have the second, similar correspondents; and to the third, pleasant call last week, I am only soiry that he has been brought Mr.J. N Gilbert is in town looking to in connection with anything I have establishment ol a loan agency lor the Mr. Editor Movie Sentinel, writen, Lake bank, in our town. Salt the please give more attention to your own acparagraphs, and let there he more On Friday last there was a Carp, front curacy in them, above all look to the Funks Lake, on sale at Tuttle's Store, orthogiaphy and use your unabridged weighing lbs. beat it it you can. oltener. It is much needed. Let the Word has been received fr nil br 1. E, people see you ate rnuie their fiiend and less their uitic. T. airy. He is now in Merthyr1 vdvil instThe above pernonnl attack on Wales, where he arrived on the 21st Corthe .Sentinel is all the Manti If any of your stock are sti.ived or find to in could stolen, pav 25c for a local in the sen respondent say will in most cases find palliation of the offensive criticism them.and you of Brest. D. II. Wells, referred to by this paper some weeks since. It Messis Joseph Luke and Louis Mad-ioare now ready to receive liuises to reminds us very forcibly of an inherd, bring them to Louis Mudsons cident which occured when Major corral, Manti. ltvnon ivuB in Manti lecturing in Mr L. S. Hold.iwav has arrived and behalf of the Loyal League. The finest stable of blooded Stallions has Major after heaping upon the in the Sanpete. It will pay the horse-meand men honorable of prominent to see his stock. - ri-n- n n n our Territory ail the contumely his The first number of the Utah Valley limited time permitted, attributing has reached our table. It is to them everything that was mean, Gazette the Provo American with a new name pitiful and vile, turned his at- and a new company. tention to the Sentinel. After Mr. Lowry will have a supply roundly abusing the paper and of beef Abner at the Snow Stand on Thursday applying redicuious titles to it, ho classed it with the oilier things that must ha scorned and ridiculed The next by the Loyal League. day the Major, in the presence of several gentlemen remarked in an appologetic way that it was often necessary to say in public what was not the sentiments of the speaker, in order to carry a point refening to the scurrilous attack he had made upon the press. But the proprietor turned to him with a bland smile, and said : No is necessary. Major for had you commended our paper we would have been sure we had been gniity of some grave offense, and consider to be clashed with such gentlemen as Geo. Q. Cn niton, el.al. no matter how you vio.v them, as a J great honor and the highest encomium ur feeble efforts, and as upon positive proof that we are on the right tra.k. The Herald correspondent, who can find disagreeable things to say of Iresi. Wells, we would consider it a species of disgrace to have speak well of u. The grammar and dictionary racket wuh which every ignoramus attempts to fib tie- mouth of the Cuntry papers, is ettiug tired, ami in a spirit ofbonevo.ence we suggest two items j -t as dam iging to our reput.it ton, and as applicable t as reaJ iii8 w iiy we eh wild nos ; and the cminay e We use f chi use them n .t wea. a an army prvss ,n i - emit-men- - fr-- i straw hat 1 'S , S1UI.L WE Pule A son 2 year-ol- d ofW. K, Reids cent piece the other dav. The parents had a good deal of trouble before the money was extracted. Esq swallowed a , 5 The pe iple of Manti looks forward with nVisareto the completion of the S P V. muI to their town which we nndm ii d will be by the 1st of August, - net'. Any m e wishing to buv an organ o. sewing maching can make a good bar-- 1 We ingain bv calling at this office. sure cheaper and better terms that anybody else. iNAtGt'RATioN day; The Peoples Party Club have resolved to celebrate the centennial ot the first Inauguration of Washington, and the committee on Celebration have the matter in hand. Mrs V. K. Reid has been suffering On Saturday her from life was dispaired of, but we are happy to say she is now convalescing. l)rs. Olsten and Hosford were in attendance blood-poisonin- Stop1 and look in at the assortment of new dress goods thit has just arrived Ginghams, Percale, Lawns. Satin Point, Cashmeres and Remnants, ranging in prices from ten to forty cents per yard at the South Branch. WR M.ur.i Citv, M W vl'KR? u h 25th, 1S.S9. Editor 81.vr1.vn - vViil y hi allow me to conect V u 10 vmt ed.tJtial published 011 t lie tv'i ol the present month, in winch vou say that twelve years ago tlieie vv is only three deaths in two years. I hud by examining; the records of the Sexton, there vvashmv-fou- r deaths 111 the two earS, You say nothing lias brought ahuut these con chtions but the slight increase ot population, the carelessness of some of the people 111 keeping their premises clean. Now how does this agiee with the moralitV of Manti of eleven years ago which was the same as last year. liCvS? Gkokc.k Brai rnwAtrE, Sexton. Our next issue w til tell. BRIEFLETS. OUP PREMIUMS AND PRIZES. st-!- e TWO RECEIPTS. arc j td c,2 ; 1 1 1 1 '7 7 1 i'c hpii'lt i I Dr. Deriker. of St. Petersburg, who is the head pnvsicmn of the Childrens than Hospital, and has treated no less cases ol dipluuern, and tried all remed.es, both internal and external, has found the following a certain cuie for the disease. As soon as the white spots appear on the tons.ls he gives a laxative, usually senna tea. When the purgative effect has ceased, he gives cold drinks acidulated with lemons, limes or hydrochloric acid, and every two hours a and gargle composed of milk Hot nnlk was also given as a dunk, and the throat well rubbed with spirits of turpentine The Academy of Medicines in France oileied a large sum of money for a cure of diphthhna. and tins is said to have been it. Equal parts of liquid tar and turpentine are put in an iron pan and burned in the patients room. The dense resinous smoke gives immediate relief. The fibrinous matter soon becomes detached and is coughed "I Tell You, If you want : v.- Scrofula is transmitted from parent to child, and thus becomes a family inheritance for generations. It is, therefore, the duty of every scrofulous person to cleanse his blood by a thorough and pers. stent course of Ayers Sarsaparilla The Review of trade savs; The most important change is the fall of 2cts. in wheat, which na urally weakens as the dreams of expected famine give place to the realization of large unsold stocks on hand. Reports from growing and sowing regions continue to foreshadow a large yield tins , year, and the demand from though better since prices fell, is not large enough to promise a clearing of the surplus stock on hand. aln-iad- MT, PLeASANT. The great hue and cry is, Water! Potatoes are offered at iscts per bushe The schools ended their third term last Friday. Mr. Fred. Ericksen intends going to Ann Arbor to study law. The improvement of sheets and water ditches goes rapid'y f .rwaid. TheCity Council weie m session again yesterday, but no etl it has vet been made to have glie corrals ni o' dli mi the Creeks. i 4 . cross-examin- -a ! t i- P li'wir"rt'ns' juil pirUkUiar. Ao. 34 j f . .xr'iheti will vu. HilAilU FOOU 4Ui Avenue, ew Icw ft luile o(: And See GOOD,-'- , 'I J The re tende Land Office :)o rfirGROCERlES, CLOTHING, fssr MENS HOUSE V9 Zi urn y;v-- 1 i r e, E 11 t c. Office T. NOTICE, In the Probtae Court of the Teriitory of Utah in a .nl lor the county of Sanpete. W. Crisp, deceased. Pursuant to ail order of said court male oil the day of April IbSg, Notice is iieieby given, that John R. Baxter, administrator of tile estate ol s.nd deceased, nude to tne sad court, and tiled 111 tile office of tile Cleik ineie-of- , 011 s.nd djv, a return ot sale made hy him on tiie 5 day of April, 889. under a previous Older ot said court, ot the following real estate, and for the Billow ing Lot 3, bh ck by, .anted sum, plat A. Spring City Survery containing of an acre Also that certain piece or parcel of land beginning at the North East corner of tne South East quaiter ol section 24, Township 15, Soutn of Range 3 East, and thence South Twenty-on- e chains, thence West twenty and chains, thence Nuith East along centre 0 of Oak Cieek thirty and chains, s1x and thence chains, 0 t ience East Jour and chains to place "1 beginning containing nineteen and 5lJ-- l o acies. Also a piriel beginning at the North West c oi.ei of the S uth West quarter ul section 19 I n Mishtp 15, South Range chains East o. and 0 1 I ,e cn chains 0.1,1 .gnteen and 0 0 tiiei.cn Ue.i o and chains, theme No'.i to place of beginning, c. n. taming 75-- . i acres, for the sum of LANi BABY CARRIAGES. the matter of the Estate of George I11 LA ftper Patents to 1.-t- Tracing1 yyr.n l -- n -- ments, otroot, IbHo-ru- 1 pities non for Land OH i to-w.- t. 0 & Edv block Manti 4 work : and a 50-10- 70-10- 0 50-10- Monumental bushels 125 of wiieai, 25 598.62-10- 0 Kij 3 2 NO TICE. 1 V me Ini t pub! s'.. tne in pi n'.-.- t v i , - i a J m py of this order be t nir successive weeks ntinel, a newspaper ned in Colilli v. said Sanpete Dated Apt .1 15m. 18x9 Tetritory ol Uian ss Countv of Sanpete j I John Reid Clerk of the Trobate Court in and for said county hereby certify that the toregoing is a full, tine and correct copy of the original order as the same appears on file in my office. Witness mv tiand and the Seal of the Piohate Court of Sanpete County U.T., this 16th day of April A. D. 1SS9. John Reid, 4 4 Probate Clerk. EXHAUSTED VITALITY OF LITE, the Medleml Work ot tta on Htnhood, Kerroan and f FLyxlcal Debility, Premature DecUna, Error of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, 3 0 pages 8 to, 125 prescriptions for all diseases.. Cloth, full gilt, only $1.00, by maO, sealed. Illustrative sample free toallyonn and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the S. tional Medical Association. Address P. O. bo Poston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, grad-uateHarvard Med teal College, 25 years praetloe In Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty, Disease of Mas. Offlee 5a t BalAaob sa ir ; uy-- Arri Every Leaves (0; ; Owners of the Famous San Quarries, STREET MAIN Fair ; Pets arrivin wit (donnee ! MANTI. S.F NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, ' No. In the Probate Court of the county ol Land Office at Salt3324. Lake City, U Sanpete, Territory of Utah. April 13. ' !n the matter ol theEstate and Guardian-is hereby given that the .Notice ship of Hyrum Poulsen and Erastus lowing-namesettler has filed notiU Poulsen, Minois. his intention to make final prod Order to show cause on application of of his claim, and that saidf Guardian for order of sale ofReal Estate. support will be made before the Cleik oi On reading and filing the petition of Court, Emery connty at Casile L Jens E. Steck the guardian of the per- Utah, on June 5th, 1889, viz,' '1 sons and estates of Hyrum Poulsen and D. S. No. 10570 fur the N Erastus Poulsen minors praying for an sec, 20, Tp 22, s R 6 e He names j order of sale of certain real estate and witnesses to prove his ; following peisonal property belonging to said tinuous residence upon and cultiva wards for the use and purposes therein of s d land, viz; David Young, Ca. set forth' Chris' ia sen, John S. Lewis, GeI It is hereby Ordered, that the next Mt i k all of Emery, Elnery Co. of km ol the said ward and all persons Ai pbTMm who desire to protest ag interested in the said estate, appear bt- -f Hid eof Bach proof, or who fenw d ne the Court on Monday, the 2utii n tiPa aitul re son un er thlnw whvn i s'ic& thp Interior Department, dav of May, i8sg at 11 oclock, a. m.. at sfconid n an o' nol be .illowotl, will be tiie Court room of this Court, at the city tunity at the above mentioned ti.ne nd P! of the wimees ol dami in the County of Sanpete then to ofler evldeure inrcbnttal of th d su. a d tlieie to show cause why an order andclaimant. by Mi uld not be granted for the sale of I). uch estate. And that W. K. Reid, be Wilkes & Howe. Attys. and lie is hereby appointed as the attorney ot said minors to represent them at s" ru 11 rr, J - ' til.- hearing of said application and C, f: J ' K I k k t? s :v petition. And it is further Ordered, that a copy TO SUBSOilienS GF Tg3 Fa of this order be published at least three successive weeks heloie die said day of heamig, in the Home Sentinel a newsWe hfve mpde trranirerneTitH wuh paper printed and publ shed in said of nir: (H(jA(rOu:i oirtt v r , s with ours ot tiio rogaiar County of Sanpete. P XHK CHICAGO LEDGER is Jac 'i Johnson, Probate Judge, Family Story Paper, now in it8 aeventeer Dated Apul 15th, 18S9. jh agretitJavorite wherever iti fouuu. I iannlv htoiy Paper erritoiy ot Utah ss West, and 18 sold atjuetone-hal- t the l,ru,. ern story papers, which are uo belter in Sanpete Countv DlS I hereby certify that the forgoing is a true and correct copy of the original PUBLISHED VVEEXl older of Coutt. AND Witness my hand and official seal this 15 day of April, 1SS9. j seAL John Reid, Probate Cleik Each issue contains from 8 to Vm, T Reid, Atty. sir columns. 3t is elegantly PrlD:1s .3 page white paier irora plain neat tpe. AtnnM . stones ana contributors of LEGAL NOTICE. A -- flLt i e -- - -- DEA Music, filings. All kii Sheet A Send I it ha Flaying tion in Send want in Watch Jewelry, Square good, lo PL ZP aitwo-third- Jacob Johns in, Judge nl Pi ibate Court. rrEII SCIENCE Lelwee d In the Probate Court of the county of Sanpete, Terr, ol Utah. In .he mailer of the Estate of Alma sn ill M , be Mantles, Plaster Busts, Centor Pieces Etc. ' shares of stock and the interest tnere-01- 1 in Spring City Mercantile Institution for the sum of 523.00, as will more fully appear from said return filed as aforesaid, and to which reference is hereby made for further particulars. And notice is hereby further given, that Monday, the 29th day of April, 18S9, at it oclock, A. M., at the Court Room of said court, at the Court House in said county of Sanpete, his been fixed lor hearing the said return, when and where any person interested in the said estate may appear and file written objections to the confirmation of the said sale, and may be heard, and may produce witnesses in support of such objections. JoHNReiD, Clerk. Dated April 16, iSSp. E Tuesdt bushels of oats, cow and calf for the sum of Two 1 Dsalsrs in I49 1.00. Also at the sain.-tunand place the following descn. ed personal porperty was soli m acc ndance with the order of said Probate Court made on the said xi'ti diy of '1 iv', A. D. 1889, to vv'p 1 Tf. Stone Cutters c Blown, deceased. Older to show cause why Order of Sale ot Real Estate and personal property slioud not be made. F. R Kenner the administrator of the Estate of Alma Brown, deceased, having filed fits petition herein praying for an order of Sale of the peisonal property and of the real estate, of said deceased, for the purpose herein set foith. It is therefore ordeied by the Judge ol said court, that all persons interested intheestate of said deceased, appear before the said court on Monday, the 20th dav of May, 1889, at it oclock in mndkeeper, ti e loreno .11 ol said day, at the Court Room ot sa.d c mu a. tne Court House in the c iuniv f S inpeie to show cause whv an old .1 1. it be gianted to i r lo sell so much tile said id ,1 riox. ol the te d c uie said deceased as '! "After a varied experience with nianv socalled cathartic remedies, I am con Manti, Apni r;, 5S , vineed that Avers Pills give the most satisfactory results. I relv exclusively 011 these Pills for thecure of liver and 1C NOTT stomach complaints. John B. Bell, Sr., Abilene, Texas s m Lake City, Utah. La i d thin e The dailies give harrowing details of April 151I1, 18S9. the horrible wrecks at Samoa. The ac Notice is heie'-Ih.it the fib given tion ol the cotnmmder of the British lownig-naine.e lei nas tiled nonce ot Ship, Calleope. whicn was saved from his intention lo 111 ike in at pioof m sup the storms, in not rendering assistance pottc.f Ins claim, and tliat said prouf will to the distiessed sailors some days after he made bebne tne Probate Judge 01 the storm, is severely critcized. county Clerk at Castle Dale, Enieiy Co, Utah, 011 Saturday, .vlav 25th, 1S89, viz L. S Hold sway has three horses now Geotget Fldridge, H. E No 7024 for the in Manti which form the finest stable Nli i of S E of i Sec 21 and N W in before ever exhibited this town. One S W 4 Sec 22 1 p. 14, S R 10 E. S.G M of our leading horsemen of Sanpete re Utah. He names the fo. witmarked the other dav that his horse, nesses toproye his continuouslowing residence Roval Exchange was the finest animal upon and cultivation of said laud viz ever on exhibition in the countv. Cnristian PcUfsmi, Charles folmson, Neplii N. Reikms, Jens Peterson, all of The large crowds of men and bovs Emery Co. Utah. who stand in front of some of our stores Any person who desires to protest are becoming a great incon emence against the allowance of such proof, or amounting to almost a nuisance as thev who knows of any substantial rtason, entirely block the sidewalk and compc. under the law and the regulations ot the ladies to even walk out in the street in Interior Department whv such proof order to pass bv them- Can't something should not tie allowed will be gocn an be done to remedy this evil? opportunity at the above mentioned e time and place to tne w Wool has declined for nearly ail qualot said claimant, and t olier ities except New Mexican and Texas evidence in rebuttal of that submitted which are a sh ule stronger, the aerag by claimant. ol toj quotations is 21 S cents, Ilgam's D. Wenii Reg -- ,ei. March 1st But it is thought T. C. I'aiiev. 25.1 cents, is that the outlook favorat le for a goo, Any. for Claimant. Aii;.,a22 demand when the new clip appetrs unless nianufactuimg should contimt "VX unprofitahe. f s B v- 'I ii ! . y-- - 7 up. ESTRAY NOriU.. I have in my possession one bundle steer three ye.us old, hiauded HO combined, on right hip, under hit and hole in each ear. One spotted steer tlnee years old branded V on left ribs, under slope oil each ear. II the above descriued animals are not claimed and taken away within fifteen days from date, they v,ll be sold to the highest casli biddei at tne .lautl Esttay Pound Wednesdiv, M iv 1st , ibSg, at 1 P. M. ;7 of Pi HE, a "-- AN TU.MMIXGm, ro-io- o The enterprising men of Ephraim are beautifying their homes by setting ont shade trees. The items on page 3 under the head ing of County Items, properly hel mg to Ephraim and should have read Ephijim Items. y . ul ( W a bargain call u Lowrys ElllERAL SUPPLY VP,8? lime-wat- 36-10- 0 COUNTY ITEMS. & Jobi Lowry 2.0 10 d oclock We make the following inducement to the first too cash sul.scnbeis to the vv volume. The Si mini 1. and either Dikp S:str Carol ne - N, Sin'ih, 0 the toll vving pieiniuitis lor one year, wil of Albert Si, mb, Jr., after a short annexed. the t puces lor $5.00 illness, d ed on the 151111. Deceased Aaieiicau I'., mer, 1 1 d , fi m 'ruing next. He invites all his old customers to call around and see him. was 25 years old. She leaves a husband arid three children.the youngest rodiys old, to mourn her l"v, as veil as other relatives and a large number of friends funeral services were held on Sattirdai. 1 he Sentinel oilers consolation to the bereaved. A very CARfcLess act. A short time a o) a grist was brought to one of our noils and after it had gone through the lust sieve, a half bottle of strychnine was Guild in the sieve. Fortunately the bottle w is not uncorked or broken, or there is no telling what the results might have been. I he trailer says the bottle,y when he f rund it, was dusty and pertect-ltight, and appeared as though it had been set away on d shelf near the wheat and at last (alien into the bin. People who have this or other poisons around should he very careful not to leave them Too much censure careless around cannot be bestowed upon those wh 1 da it 1 ins simple act might have cause a score or moie people tiie.r lives, had the bottle been cracked or the coik g it se. It is hoped the party will not he so earless again. Apistle Lyman. At short notice, alaige audience gathered at the TaberII u .e on yesterday (Tuesday) evening. 01 Ap Tne occasion was the presen-'.d.uion Lvman, who delivered a g iod serm in. practical In his opening remarks he referred to the fact that he would lie obliged to ol speak low as he had been the privilege ot public speikuig for some time, and in order that no word snuiild be lost the most perfect older pievailcd, showing how Manti people Bro. appreciate these instructions. Lvman spoke of the number of apostles that were now at liheitvti visit the omnion that penile and gave it as hisWocuhulf and besides otneis, 1'les. Ge rge J. Cannon would he with us at our May Conference, winch caused a wauil gGvv to light up the laces of the au lienee Bro. Lvman proposes visiting all the southern part of the Teriitory III company with Apostle Smith, after the Sanpete Conference next month. le was fallowed hy Bro. Ring of provo in a sh art and edifying adcliess. . Handsomely Illustr M'Otmb - believe that lU s. COO, 000 PI! para beet to bnv Seeds tne largest a&d most reliable booae, and they os Ferry's Seeds Jf. FERRY CO. are acknow leuged to be tba N Largest Seedsmen A In the world. M.FkhbyACo'S ' 1 lllnetrated, Deecnp. tire and Pnoed SEED ANNUAL i For 1889 Will be mailed FREE to all applicants, and f to lost customers ypftrp it. nmM. 'awithout ordering Earllwt Cauliflower ET8rW'nlmonng F'h foror flo?5,sed la exliteu. should Addreea D. KL FERRY & CO., Detroit. Raich. original authors an fouud the tallowing Mrs. Aliee P.Can isston, Weldon it, wards, Edwards Plus. Abbie C. McKeeveT mond Steele. Kmily Thornton. Rett Dnw Mr Mrs. RreuUord, K. Burke Collins, d Duncan. James Franklin Fitts, John e Mary E.Moffatt, Alex. KobertKonM W.Xhocia9' H. Kev. Nathan I. Urner, Daodwmg. 1HKCHICAGOLFDGF.R can be only when it is seen and read. k3rnPlrt be sent to bov. or fir f man. woman, every end his or her name and addnMWyj ,j . card to the office of publication. Chicago, m. The pnee of THE CTIICAGO 160 per year, cash in advance, msh it for 81.00 per year to every who renews his or her subscription to.. G" for another year, this month, and will , same loffer to new subscribers for B who send in their names at once. eubsonrniw 7 time to save something by PIPER. Call at our office, or seed 10 before it is too late. j House Ilans Two Bl a. Ill PHY E rgeoi C r?HR j Brewster's Patent Be Tour lines ars where yoo under horses feet. One sgep 5 days, one dealer sold 0 Bampltas worth 1. 60 fbsS. wr E. E. BEEY.SXEU, n Vf siw riate S .Ice a' |