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Show a rr.i r lieavv kiiiaf. Wearited woid pi. Captain Hose th m tiipsi a t itle l.ua-dle- d -'-, t t file! had o I f.iifirm -. pieili iurof(w rr thiiif I tta- - try for n helping hand the black, throbbing tug. lemM.'- e the Great Rider Earned Last am"ii? t he in ied. vet came near swatnp-ing'th- What son and Ee.ore. arts w ei.t forth from the they boat. if turn, "for Mil liard Ft a Fud w i i an land. a THE JOCKEYS PROFITS. of The shock of the call, theft sight - 11S fartbinz. Thia amount eoa'. and the taruier bad to r cu-e- il. Sea- mg. t tie In-- V countryman -15 Mow, bu-tu- e- saiii to tea art-o- . 1 r s . woul.l o a gnuuian : " se mi,j 15tri..,-.- the sight . Wefi, moo," replied . 111 break my neck or make m uiair;' and accord rgij ony now a pn ye H wiio a bov Tli at is what cousiiior itiun of, t lie afore. Tii; first will ar.it truly paid. Li mount. llMlisitier citner bibiteil e oral iron boxes t ? niiver coin li. U won ri and Now. the und prize r,.l ih a . as put and t In lust 't reic t h In bad md unit t. to then ' nt in or ala h,mr forth hl bolding .ip inp in a Mantoie. d re?"" out then even apt for r v r k ami Mild ' ' n r -t ud. !; t T, tii.r tie .) do, I'l li in. You're til a line was caIw TT, Jit rl Tal on' tm, lou d better lie bad no jiower to make it last. K Captain. "Ifiol ni'ist on going. .V""' Tuckers ,oi :t iifi vr till. out us to ht r.i nu you ore if oi tri.-.to obey wa- - Mr- -. Swing who tnx. nti uub; Ill slop on my way up and i'oMi. ledd. take could r vourscl. but call came out look r t.o t ,m NV'1 the command. that Captain Man orth to hi ' fortune. iv the boat, ft H Ail ur an 4 Aye. nion, said bis )orj., iw ,V Ol"t money, Ttiev make of lots mike and lofyoure Jockcv p't that be: you, tri nt b r MX Hi il k k k sur. bo 'it. a boat that could lovvi r- - more nioiiev ttan is pant ny other was a er y oil. boat sad t to Because Ive seen it and riad the into ln ffalo New. lai stand le a v seas, and the two turn ed. It was notugs y task to pet to Thank you Captain." volunteered T become can t and boy wl.il hail nublv tli. m, "Mi k, Mild his mother, leeward am. oard the Hood HH-tand a gie-i- stra.n upon not Ion? in startingotl. When be is taken is S go. it a t li Between Two Horns. braun? lobster let ityelt boy breath, held eooil its WOMAN'S FAIR TKE which j..ckey pi you to you. 'et. h cm back Su smiled the s almost as a tlimp about 12 years of site. wnu Couldnt possible, the Hose. against lCould you bav the heart'd alive! call'd out aptain bov. lite To do its kindly ottice. bil 'I toll you, Susan Pwinj" Bi1 ask Ail at oin e the jeer at Iell llaveu of saved. She Has No Greater Natural i been ill you east ineoff, mothbad me? mother bis iard and . aa nnlipie t seeme.1 tiiroiejed w itli cm Hive rnj.t.kin Ilo'1, tlicrf ain't ft man er? he called a second later. em signal! a loan i ney, Hive ,l.. qh1 Mrs. Swing that news Mrs. spread blew aa exclaimed whistle Morns lifu-Two the no has Wait a minute, Woman that three! and the steam greater . 11 natmu! close up. possession greater iwmM let his Buy not bigger than Swin?. Fet.hyourbo.it wabtdtbe diS'Xk Lead of hair. As preacnoe ft. and over against I want to speak to you. Mick. harbor the and swellim up the in the Research now Viiurli go out in u boat history of taj, fou have use rising upon until old received tin necessary PperK boat house Ihe steeple, few the wilh the from exceptions meeting wula of wxixa. Ktc hind ami quickly vanishing Don't you doit. Taint no imiH'tiis. and tom lied the side ijt the waters and countries have been Hose tell down on his knees Captain little the ot om throng not to lad herself ami n texture oi thankfulfor sight, weather uie go pier. Mrs. Swin? lmd seated that slqtof length Builds first prayer of knew tin- danger of the tiny boat. to utter th' taken great pains in its culm had ever heard intharii foolin with tin in big billows ns on the topmost layer of 'lops tormina but his little Molly ness they rangement. breathless eagerness yt up tn tha n and leaned over as thou?h With offer. the father The her oldest its Egvptiaus, wees nromid old Dull Mead. M hy, the warf, confident nat' as boat the surf watched to her son. authentic iletai s have been look yourself, woman. You can wo to sjieuk said hisiailymother, "hold two rowers stood at the oar urging extremely careful in the a'rruhsSrf'uU; Miik, Clever Strategy. their hair liboral in its isr luiitiiui ttj'&ui them inorc'n four miles away, dash-- i fast! I ra eoiain?, and into the it onward. w hen necessary did not tin harbor now. W. Islington Cor N. I Sun. down tap-tai"Its either before she i(nft lushing the shore." e boat dropped of otlieis or i i of tlie Its an awful One of the measures that came I Itose on the dock or tuptuiu Thevie catching it. mite As Captain lhiso spoke he pointed bong hair was greatly y4 irtriTC' hunt a of That in .lune. wind and Britons bill in. TV Mil liard in the boat lmd knowled?e n was House from the vithhis right hau l in the direction of iier intent ion. renowned lor their licau. c, VlAXQnU i wi II le ver live till tlu-.get there, over heard as creasing t he appropriation for the France was anciently remarks of the o! one of the tw o headlands tietweon some were the mother, sun, under Wliat GauL f,f f unit a, or .Jl.oOO,-otMto ed tlu-on. Detroit building mean? pa public v hi li Dell Haven lay. I1a cried t lie boy, do you lt.ison. lie went pOAlSll Hose bill panttor As t '1 this which ancient in Greek and IgitJk A lie Captain The Im ?oin? with y (iii. tick, o keep way 'And no dory in the liahor," he wore their hair in graceful nt, when up the hill into th. town, clunked eould weather Bright von from timdilin? overboard herself ing through the two houses eon led well With their ilistict CARTE slipped Mell Haven (oiitinHed, o! ihr into seated she von haul in, and Icatures. otil.l gO, and watch- w it bout objection shows how adroit Head (pointing towards the ill lie stern. al.in? li.u k as i lie t ide as far up as lie in enus Piieir the a ed if progress m the luff), not Cap'll through spy glass legislators accomplish iITTl floated the boat oat. " We lepeml on d volt. apt ain Mo s t o scad after us oi t lie mere speck in thedUtam-- ami the closing days of the session. h him self w as a row u of it. 'J, , jjf so far behind. the tuiliiigln-ipers loo roil ?li," she ?u spThis bill passed the Senate several Ivller take t hem new loeks on t and if we if it ' After a few minutes iie realized that in her taee. Pi A ol dash a with A spray ed, committee III Sr with it lie Won't ide lie although doing months ago. The Douse r:i A v, a y ried t he Captain, and Caiitaiu Maiifni-tlirehas it and if the perout on doin reported it favorably, he took oil his hat and sw un? it, he his utmost, could not reach iled ones in time to sav e t hem and mained fiui;ied on the House calendar said M rs. scarcely knew w hy. i an t he if t o do it , If; Of all the w omen in Mell la veil, lie said to hill he will so T.iehard Judge (liipman. all this "VW. rump. "The boy is doing well, lilt lie Mrs. t ho vomigi-sto tin from from Detroit, had the a Vria; Ha set his lobster pots representative must doit. out hold laplet can't d sea. tear. iolie Swin? most endeavored to securp its pasfolvainly la and had hasnt lit tie any slept Mo'cs tain mood daughter yesterday, liesideit.towat.il its every A few days ago hcor someone all uurht in his caper ness to pi out. deli?iited her, but to venture Oil it lowed her tat her into t lie church and sage. else discovered ft way of doing it by the belfry stairs. trick. On motion a eaily and haul them. Montyoii sis', for pleasure she was never known to climbed "See liere. Holly, lie said, "can of parliamentary also of Detroit, do. mid Senator it's Palmer, Hose, Saturday, Captain My lkt.von look through here and keep rewith a diw A moments peace she never k new two whole roaches full of summer can tlie .Senate passed a resolution the run watch? No, you name. ' bo you exsharp was son House to return when Kichnrd, her only r. and th and the Cap- questing the boarders came last night to the t li waters, go ipiickern I can, of trivial a and the middle was to bill. This done, treachery j jm posed hack S dreadful; Bright Head II on si', and lie can pet hut rather than mar iiis w ild deii?ht tain scribbled ft message oil itthetoller amendment was made. The bill I am of an envelope, and giving inI unselfish his lobsters for anil this waves a iip price in wind and sent back to the House, 7 cuief cauac hade her nmkehasteto the telegraph was of going to the calendar was stead Mv poor Mick has worked so hard mother concealed as much ns possi- ottice. M KINGS OF THE TURF. Jan. 1, if s it Blake tell You Johnny table. ble her anxiety for him. the leading stablea are Jockeys attached to frnin life ami it must go ahead placed upon the Speaker's nmkingthe lobster pots himself, and POISOI ara Mil liard was not selfish, ami had to save a to ifuUaO to the $12,000 Air. Carlisle was a party i little hoy paid salaries ranging it seems like cutting ofT the hoys re- lie ima?iiicd what his mother was at of everything. are also allowed to ride in enH of first the Tney lf year. and at opporrangement, t h a cut iin races where their employer does not run Molly Hose did not need to be told ward to say you slmtitt p to that moment suffering would have and he no recognized JiidgeChipman, anv hotse. The foe for a jockey in a race is She ran every step of the tunity twice am him. put the boat about and tied it for- way, and rushing into the telegraph who asked unanimous consent that $10 II lie loses ami $25 if he wins. Very to. Jo, m a pcKev wins a big race this ever nt the stake rat her than cause if bill be bout wenkish often, fee the do though, d Ordinarily for passed. book' nr S'poseyon office flushed ami eager cried out: owner of the horse will give him a good her t Ins u?niiy. fcw motion would have raised a storm of the send this Mr. here, bill. sized it, Susan; but you dont want that quick. Blake, ,J list as the ill), it ?ot well into the members lmd all James McLaughlin until lust year was Miehard Swing nnd his mother are objections, but the boat to be picked up adrift, and toil of t lie waves the sun arose, UYs to talked been About thirty by Postmaster thought to be one of the richest ajockeys in save in it, do ye? such brilliance on the waters going to drown, and its to Ihe country. He was earning itOi salary of m this country other and Dickinson General gentlet ha t Mrs, Sw in?, w ho $8000 a year and making about as much the end with bows ol riV r .?rH kfiru sat 1'acin? it, them! You know I don I, Captain Hose, men interested, and they sat silent more e Then mounts. he old ook the The tort by accepting envelope p Jv.vr; ami well nigh failed to see opera naughty little buys in their seats while the bill was pass- he was the she said. "It 1 hadn't loved him do wnsjda.zled jockey for tho best stable in this du s delighted to pull in time a ?ill net into whiih the and read: bet did not be of parliamclever was ed. a although anil, It tills f country, glance piece Good cursory By Heart, .I.timi True, til? you think Tdp-- up before cl.tj light boat, was runnin?. placed a small of other d a s and other avilv, he and successfully CiomuU !!.ij bur. Sicitin out fit once in entary-strategy lad a was see the on it to he liere wbat amount good that former hair dressiug j to comedown thought VYov-buSee any boat ahead, mother?" sene h f'tVinail Boat woman and lo.v in it accomplished. Jiozens of members thing. ha- - always been th "Ion must ofVlVll Hawn tim e mil': goimrujMitist off? ipiest ioued Mil liard. bills is in this The have up hung country continual jockey building public eil. Uosk. premier John Upon for me. I've wind: can't last lon. Lucky Baldwin's rider, Isaac Murphy. weighty and 'Hush, said the Captain. "Here keep a good lookout said the operator, on the calendar, and it is quite re- Murphy "All right, the best written. A few of the eld had fetch several has for l iplit and can years my ran?es pot his la- comes, ami lie is fastening clicking away at his machine for a markable that they did not prevent riding average of any jockey, iie has also glish styles were graceful am I , to dIts. the lobster grounds every time. been receiving tho highest salary paid to ty but most of tin m were and then exclaiming, the passage of the Detroit bill. straw hat to his buttons. He Fees "Is it far? questioned his mother minute or two. any jockev $10,oo0 a year, and lias been a and Wait done. It's Among them may be mw minute, sis, ahead. wind is there a year more riding ancholv shtldderiu?lv. enough ft ursoaij b7tha making prob dny $0000 looking Lands whether not or I'll -tell it; Heroic Treatment. begets you as be is tamlliarlv Ike outside mounts. Not very; just outside Mull Head. JiusShaitlealOi down each side It was a inoruin? in June, and the straight w harf.. ire to the down never runs model is the bets, tw.sted round theearortf called, right jokey. lie CSnolnnaUji the lad, Tile Boston Post. b made lite. sun was not yet risen, but the glory I reckon we letchfor it,"lull aid a in his never and he went, hy. Tell lull! p.isaej bet minutes surmounted says U back , and st roke and when th answer a The wife of a young man who lias lie never drinks intoxicating liquor, does looking band ot velvet riblw mine hack: of his com in? was m the Hast nnd dippin? his oars then letting the boat slide tip to the Steam's no; start ut once: go mvtx 'If. swear and never tells a lie. the solitary, Ioue3omi a little house of his own in the su- notEdward on the sea. Garrison tlie "Sharper, as he place; Timothy Tm r. over either. Bimmiit of a rolling wave, a trick he dangling t is 000. whose worth cubed is about $rm, is The operator did not stay to write burbs, but As lie came dow n the pier, the ours had cnu?ht from Captain liezekiah usually salary very small, Later, j)articulaily duni. MUTUAL LIF Bill "trained ill old was the lie t her fa l:dy the tell Him and Empress it." to was her ill. leave Capunable tell his and of you quick on his shoulders, and Herman? Manforth, the master boatman School and three years ago began to ride coitlurcs were tain True is gone already, he said. room for several months. Tho doc- lor some of the larg-Che, r owners. Last year becoming tlie downfall of tin! straw hat by ft strin? to his jacket, Mell Haven. since she one 177 laces in which to won out of he r. w ind Molly every ilressinf and liair rail, saying The remstronga stronger ladv, tor great many prescribed the old Captain said: lies ft fine er, nnd the grew had mounts and netted lor his employ- formed until scarcely a met, "They'll be saved! Theyll be edies tonics, and beverages such as he waives every moment ers $08,978 hile he has been riding he coiffure worthv of the naiw WOJi belchild the saved! to The lad, Miek is, and well worth the BavF iclin A von sed in size. rd ?! a need got up water and lias probably won about $4o0,0u0. 'I his absence of coiffure Apollinarics utter a word, fry stair, ami couldnt in?. Ilkev Barnes Was the mo-- t sensational proved hy ladies of kuow which were far beyond t sideways more than onee with young siie could only smile and bow her ol last year. He is just a boy 13 anil the "Hes nil the world to me, anxiety ns the Ion? talhusbands means. But lie was bound jockey His judgment, years old and as black as charcoal head ami try to get out the message that his wife should have nt ly occurred in ha,r and came lows on, tumbling w her just last were lie althou?h everythin thou?htMrs. Swin?, year phenomenal, Manufactu innings introduction of new auds then getting a plympse of his moth- w liicli she did at last. liis purse rode Itoctor Kuoit iu tne junior champion designed to improve the gines. Boilers the doctor ordered, and, word. no uttered lips Barnes the ers face beheld it so blanched w it h Captain Hose's eye was on the having been emptied; he stole out and futurity and won judiciously display Hood niorin?. Captain Hose, terror of the sea that it seemed to speck. lie dared not take it off lest one evening with the parlor clock commenced riding in New Orleans last ceived, not only by the lei aa.i Wood w01 January. "onJ'Mm find never it to lobbut by ladles genoraliB him his mother was no longer in the again. Meanwhile, under 1. is arm and returned with a called out Miehard. "Hood for Fitzpatrick has won many favor Hair dressers are the news got abroad that Captain So bill. A with him. a boat races and deal oi is but nol ex do think? great money, sters, large easy chair was you questions front much money now. R St3 i'Mvrnwoi she gasped as his ottr Rose had telegraphed to Cornwall Mick, two days later for a few bot- worth the new modes, ana Met tor for lobsters than tis for W. Donohue is one of the wealthiest promise te be kept cunsUi missed stroke and sent the spray for a tug, and the burden of fear pended of and. tles to cut the wine; port j'oekeys on tlie turf. He has a'OUt $lo0 Odd arrumting the various Fj boys, ejaculated the Captain, re- over the boat, Mick, Im afraid to grew lighter. by the time the young ill various seen itie. For years he rode wich will now follow oneiIn the little boat again ami again story short, lor George Lorillard, and although lie did moval? bis broad brown hands go on. down woman was able to not receive a very ,arge salary, as salaries succession. Mich glanced backward. lie lmd lmd Miehard tried to turn its head the rooms on the firstgofloor hadstairs, from bis poukets and layin? one of been go now, he was well paid. tow ards t belaud, but with each trial t hem on the bids shoulders us soon pulled about a mile from shore and of their contents to pay- the W. Hayward is the best jockey was midway between the two head it took in so much water that he was strippedand the in this country. He has been riding here apothecary. ns the Inter entno within touching lands familiarly spoken of ns the forced to give up the attempt. grocer itself 1837. since ilajwardis very comfortably tut b must have been a bitter moment lh$ i distance. "I say Miek Swin?, that Horns. Mull Head was surrounded Nothing could bp done but keep off forItthe wife when she with the t poor young George Anderson, popularly known m face the boiling see. Aery few ' nH,l aecur you are not poin? out inthutcockle-shel- l by an even accumulating mass of nnd saw what havoc lmd been The spider, was very successtul last first U IFPlXt ''I. IZf" f . lUii.LSl breakers, ami Height Mead caught words were spoken. Mrs. Swing wrought in her drawing-room- ; year. He rode in 204 and won 59 of tnem. and ofyourn this morninp, he an- the He made a fair amount ol money and spent sea on its precipitous sides, send- kept bailing as fast as possible, with I dare sa v that for a few nounced. minutes, at most ot it. it hack ward in fountains of foam, only the shell of a horseshoe crab to ing Charles Shatter rides very se'dom now. Fast, her good man felt that he had I certainly nm. Captain Hose, THEF and all the four miles that lay bi'-- t work with. been too clever half. It must be He has won a fortune ot about $30,000 and t, ween the two points were rolling ret urned the boy. "Its nlittlerouph, is length came a wavelike a small acknowledged, by handling the horses oi Mr. Galway however, that he in dow the ITeaUness stable. hill, up which the boat rode gallantbut likely as not the wind will come miles of billows. acted health is more WIOHIL: wisely; who is to ride for Dwyer pretty George Sitting with bis face landward ly, and then suddenly Milliard important than furniture, nnd in Bros, in Taylor, IF USED BEFO the coming riplit around before pet lmlf way Miehard is anotoer dan- shouted; not felt bad the fully time the household goods will be re- thrilty Englishman. He came here several TO to the ledpe, nnd 1 should think you ger. VOT, for mother. I coming us, They're years ago and has gradually worked his t'f ItLn REm L. The which enterthis placed. plan would know better than to see a way SOLD boat just outside the harbor. up. Now, the lad eould not repress a tuy BV t fellow pursued was surely reu Littlefield is one of the best young dont believe Then the tears sprung to Mrs. prising lit! le mother here half to death. See shudder ns lie said. Ho was better horn himself at than out N. o J , 1stersou, helping 1 find the buoys in Swings eyes. She stopped bailing his master's cash ls70. Ills father taught him to ride, and mother, he said, paylv, J have on suchcould and box, and perhaps in eould haul for a moment to look toward the a then he was engaged by Mr. Haggin. sea, nobody two whole extra oarand one pin, yes, Fat tlie champion cross shore. All she eould six' was a. wall it was preferable to the ordinary in tlie pots. I believe Ill put about. cotntry course of running in debt; certainly jockey Meaney, hasn i been mliug much lately pives offbeat, hi ease a "Oh, do! O Mil liard, there comes of water shutting out the lamb has was more out it of fashsiecplechasing gone original. ion. He wan Imra in Irelaud iu 1833 and Courage, mol her" Miek said. away, nnd I vepot a lot.I of extra an awful oneland Mrs. Sw ingslipped exme that. full her down cant about and eat into the bottom from of the oar was commenced ruling in 1808. Kvery rise eonrape Worthy of Mr. llydo. actly show you unless y on come with otthe boat and hid her free from the ft prayer, evi ry dip of the poor old Wanted it Over. v. a e. was a petition for life. me crab Froia the Arsioimut. Mi. hard A This lie said lookinp out to sen, Out little Cromwell a lrom Minerville the tot was found by her at Harbor, seven gave mighty pull There is told a very horrible story papa at the window, calling for lie did nut teel bke lookinp either oars to ki ep the boat head on. and miles to the eastward, and hidden to a colored man in the Nigger, street. it rode that wave in safety only to from sight by Bright Head, steamed of Griffiths Wnincwright, the prison piggeiT nt his mot her or Captain Hose." The gentleman her and said he return. said Mrs. Swin?, ap- meet new ones, into whose depths the tug (iood Heart. Never had its er. When Wnincwright was released would h :ve to reproved Miek. e her if she rep ated It'Ii.ki-.Sicy. i wrr hair n r, proach m? the pier's edge as the the tiny sic rolled to he completely captain stood watching theseii with from prison, it appears that for the onence.butHe. then went into an udjoiu-mLadles Because ot room, owner of the little boat proceeded to hidden trom t lie sight of two men more earnest ga.e. Never was steam some time lie acted as a kind of as tly he heard the little coil in the new model anr, jecciviniraci girl saying Nigger, nigger! softly to her- - liciencv with full ICS y 'Uieofmv inf, liestovv bis lum h basket nnd extras who wer" standing on the Mi ll Ha- applied with more generous hand, sistant surgeon nt a s. (1. itOOT. hospital. To for tho ne ivvns the woman and the hoy in the this institution a mail, ven pier. under the bow. Yonmusnt say that, said the nurse, indications lmtod by wid no longer, eye t will returned was lour hie liezekiah Well, mother, HicharJ, papa Manforth, the boat out at sea that lived in the Wnincwright, was brought in a dv Lead whip you. sight of shorn j Will he whip me teal hard? other was Captain Rose. A woman s1 looking wp. gaze, in the steam ami in the fuel, ingcondition. Just before he yielded real hard. "Yes, AMhnin ('u new' she I wish von would not go, several the Of "It there was only a tug in sight to ami flood Heart bore away with cor- up the ghost, Wainew right gained The tot then went to the window u b wtn with again, necyt cure. Muse. dial said. 1kw tones full of till and bmp. called speed out, as loud as hpr little lungs heipthein." groaned Captain Bright Head was won ulmission to the mails thm Man and would and plull v cur coils, Mo want lit mother? dun a tie coni and weathered. in a piercing whisper, loud enough you permit, Why didn'tyon Why. Nigger, nigger. tny Then, part, and are In Krl0f 1j tmTtmtRor si'HI) turning to the nurse, slt6 said " seven new lobster pots to lo curried moil sense inio the woman if she "I sis' it! shouted the Captain, to he heard bv the next patient, be desired. The iat'6 said Now call in letSt papa and honor have this ing, named in lbm could didn't take any naturally, scolded though how in t minder it's lived to Listen! I have one wo-- to say to thing over. nff to sea? iie asked, artm to ask me?" Jf Captain Manforth. "or shut her and get theres moren know," and he you before you die. Tf,e ing woman and von have padying I 1T0R; on shall blowing the boy up somewhere." the wind gave directions to steam outside. tient, as ii suddenly magnetized A Miser in High Life. Nothin? Jt "I fold la r. but declare when safti-uiuilose them evt ry one." was so divided lift 'd bis weary eyes and stared at Lord Barco. an ancestor of the Earl of Young Father: F' imil.l have brought between the billows jmd thelanil and the person who addressed him. In File, "Thats true." ej uulat.'.l Captain was you;-was remarkable lor AND practicing that the matter with tlie Hose. "1 never thought ot that. down them oars in lmlf Ihe time it the friendly ho.it, and Mrs. five minutes. said his malignant Swing I)l,cl all the tlnr. Ber and t i, It's just right, this wind is, to drag takes Jim to t.'o h em Isay. Kiah was so intent on bailing, that neith- tormentor, "your soul will be in bt en cutting 'icr,, Warlteiia fj them orf. led. you never lau haul M.unouh. aint that boat t r? in? to er of tie .a saw i !r tug until it vas and before your body is cold mv bell, . I don't believe is di -- y so snior. b0. t oull be sute to put about." t h in in F.AriU"Deu knile or anything upon th"m,.widn hailing voi-- e shout- seeting knife w illboinyourentrails. lcet. which he cleaned. ' A beggar she was horn.Jarht by rboar.1. Ih drag? ii "It a. t s like it, John, but it wiilg.'t ed: rnjui. t Those who were present could npver puaMiuc fit thecarefully tame would give the ifribrng slying Hold on till We pick vou up. "No, I shun t. Come a5on? with swamped just assure as guns if so, forgot the horrified expression of the lordship A youthful api'jjfff wa, not worth a nohlemans attention t It seemed as if a voice from heaven mans face as his dying ear not d th - 0tuf , yon wan't to help," laughed its goirg on. There's nothing else t0 yurel Pu'r b dv, being caught rilhl!'lf S MSTIll rchoHRh I never nil life do. in torv to teach? saw usJ'r! had a ard, my spoken, l.ven bluff old Captain the frightful words, and his dyiim as I h lordslnp, he caretullv nut the States never has :! imp! I should sink that craft time when there wasn't a sail in sight. Hose up ki the belfry of the coin In his breeches pocket church, eye took tho impression of the glean will be In addition said to Free Ms we got. out of harbor. The boat's gone! No! There ejaculated. "Thank Hod!. as he saw ing Mi'phistopheliajj e his own farthing being fac-bending-ove- r r j fj finaer, his lordship was bis own factor A couatrv editor the tug come to. tb iptftiti; "though it I wasnt so i it comes up again! his deathbed. eClor A tenint who called and . . M rtv the with view nf'01 ms upon h. m If Ofi f t in h ; ,i s r'.oi ait'-- a" years r ..in !e r per'. hi ,.1 Mill wil.lt I II U was in si u lit . s. l.M-r- eold tells. It S U M-- 1 I i w -- . m-- i i??;? a J sti-.i-i?- 11 MI l i e t ; j ts -- ! i .A I v ei.-- o . 1 w.-r- ei-'- Cele ( -- i ilir to-da- - -- , n lo.-k- u-- Anglo-Vtxm- Long-haire- ). ' i. d r, J head-l.uid- i I I i ( li e.-- t 1 i I 1 . ! i i s- - . ' I 1 disap-loinU-- n. , eid-s- . - 1 to-da- T iH i1 irm-e- 1 shed-din- ? 1 t out-id- 4-- m ste.-n- ( lanJ- fri'qui-ml- intcre-tr.-- v g F - 1 , i 1 wi of vv -- 11 mi,-- t i: tilty-iiin- e in-cr- 1 1 f inao'-rec- Dare-dev- i il u'(. - 1 t i-- 1 rock-loc- -- sin-1- v nieruly-Un- J cha-iis- 11 g wi-os- - prc-e- i, ' nm dre-se- s. j . bed-:d- ; rope-twist- s, e, W 'A.Xdrv - tte-hea- -- 1 A 1 L Mil-har- 1 7 ' '- - - - -it mi . I 1 ' pay rent, nappenedtobe deficient not quite close nu $ A ' Rf :ima CAN tie sen L'ft.Ij |