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Show .til? ;?" REIDS Establishmt' WEBSTER AND Tailing ( Edward Reid h.s located one Jiloc'c west of Parrys stone yard, Manti. where he is prepared to do work in his lin', in the best style and at the lowe-- t living prices. 2 M. H. SPERRY, HAS OPENED A Barbor Sliop Store, Two Doors North Of Manti, Give him a call. Co-o- p c THEIR EARS - ' ) But I want to srv to you. taat a great change lias come oui Col uel Be .ton and 11s vi u knew him ol. We are all sentiments ale IS gening older. Our h fieiv hot is rod and irjed. It hardgetting ly Vvoiih while foi men, waeu they are getting up piettv near the maxium of human life, to indulge in these teclings of enmity and ill will. It is a tiling that we ought to rid ourselves of. Colonel Benton and 1 have been engaged in a war of words, as you and he have; and, up to two or three years ago, we went out of the same door lor years without so much as saving Good Morning to each oilier. Now, I do not know a man in tne Senate to whom I would go with more certainty of hav ing a favor granted than to Colonel Benton. He feels that age is coming upon him. and he is teconciled to many ol his bitterest opponents Is thy servant a dog, replied Wilson. that he should do this thing? 1 would not have a letter fiom him 1 would not speak to him 1 would not be behoiden to him Cor a favor. not to save the life of every member of my family! No, sir! The thought ol it makes I feel indignant at the me shudder. mention ot it. take a letter from Mr. Wednesday, April 17, 1889. BEIEFLETS. We make the following inducement XjXINTIS! BttwcenThistle Station and Fairview to the first 100 cash subscribers to the new volume. The Sen tinel and either of the following premiums lor one year, Tuesday it Friday of each week at the prices annexed. American Farmer, lor J3.00 Stages leave San Francisco WeeklvjCall, 53 50 Fairview for Thistle at 5 a. m. Daily $7.00 Arrive at Thistle at 1 :00 p. m. and besides we shall give over $100 in Every Wednesday and Saturday other prizes, these prizes will be pub9 a. m. lished a short time. Leaves Thistle for Fairview arriving at 5 p. m. and connects with the Mt. Pleasant Stage. Connection is made with the I). A R MANTI LOCALS. G. Ry. at Th isle. Dont forget that Tuttle A Co. will have Coarp every F'riday. Fresh from 111 Benton I that is the old Stop, stop! said I man speaking in you. T hat is not the spirit in which to indulge. 1 know how And while he was raving, and you feel Funks Lake. protesting, and declaring, by all the saints in the calendar, his purpose to Poplar & Balm of Gilead shade trees accept no favor from Colonel Benton, 1 for sale at Funks Lake, deliveied to turned round to my desk.and addressed WILL KELL any part of Sanpete Co., on reasonable a note to Benton, something like tlns- iK terms. All orders received bv, am well aware of the dixputta, Devb Mb, Charlcs Music. tU personal ami political, ubich liavt lakeu place Sterling Sanpete Co., Utah. between yourself and the bearer ot this note, Air. John Wilson. Hut the oil gentleman i now a There appears to be an air of im- poor, aiiii is ifOiug to California au.l needs a lett r I know nobody in Cantor-m- a ommemUtion. provement invading the atmosphere of ol ret i po to whom 1 eould address a loiter that would Manti. Shade trees have been planted be ol any ICkp You know ev rybody, service to him. d around tne Tabernacle squaie, the and a Idler from you would do him a jrreat I have assured Mr. of lU.m that it will good Hall lot, and in front afford ou more tithing lot, City to pleasure lorget what has parsof several private residences, which ed between jou and him, and to ive him a letter will give our main street a very pietty that will do him good, than it. will afford him to I am to persuad him to cam it. receive appearance, The Snow wagon shed is you this note, andjjoiutf 1 knew yon will be glad to well under way and before long we ex- see Inin- see on woik commenced the to pect Wilson got through protesting, and I South store, and Hill & Taltons gallery. read him ti e note. Then I said, l Our enterprising friend, W. D. Funk, EAGLE ROCK, IDAHO. I want you to carry it to Benton. in behalf of the heirs of the late D. B. 1 wont! he replied. DEALER IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF I coaxed, and scolded, and reasoned, Funk, is not going to let Manti get the Musical Instruments, Strings & Trim start of her principal pleasure resort, and brought every consideration death Funks Lake. So in order to keep up eternity, and everything else to hear; Burnings. Best Brass Band Instruments. All kinds, Orchestra & Band Music, with the tunes he will put up bathhouses but it seemed to be ol no use. Said I, Muf Sheet Music and Music Books. 011 the west side of the lake where 'Wilson, you will regret it. Send for my new Catalogue Just out theie is an excellent sandy beech. This After a w hile he got a little softened, it has a sketch of Ole Bulls Violin is a iiuve many will be pleased to hear and some teats flowed; )TIC and at last I Playing in it and much good informa-io- n of, and which will, as soon as its value made him promise, rather reluctantly, in for musicians begins to he appreciated, result in finan- that he would deliver the note at Colonel Bentons door, if he did not do any e t . Send me your orders for what you cial benefit to the owners of the provjej Aant in the Music line, more. perty. He told me, afterwaids, that it was unde' also PROGRAMME the bitteiest pill he evei swallowed. Feb - Watches, fine Gold and Rolled Plate ml ewelry, Cultery, Etc., Etc. Motto, for Mutual improvement Association ColonaiBentons house was not far from '.iciiuquare Dealing Fair terms Standard Conjoint Session to be held on Tues- mine, Wilson took the note, and, as he aiterwards told me. went up with tiem-bhnrp u ood, low. Prices. day evening, May 7th, 1S89. hands, put the note, with lus own 1 Bible Exercise by Lewis Anderson card, into the hand ol the girl who came m XiSiASS.fc 2. Song by Miss Helen Larson ran awav to his lodg3. Church History Exercise, T. N. Bleak to the door, and PLAIN and AUTISTIC PfP' ings. He had scarcely half an hour m 4. Essay by Miss Ettie Anderson 2FL. 5. Biographical Sketch, Chris, Munk, Jr. his room, tiembhiig to think what he had done, when a note came fiom i c! r. O 6. Recitation by Miss Jemima Scott Colonel Bi nton, saying lie had received louse and Sign Painting, Paper 7. Song by Mrs. Mary C. Henrie. the card and note, and that Mrs Benton Etc. Hanging, Caicimining. and himself would have much pleasure DRY HERD, DONE on NOTICE. , , Short in receiving Mr. Wilson at breakfast, a! 11 Vio Blocks mt of Tithing Office, The undersigned are prepared to take nine oclock, the next muining. With he MANTI, UTAH. dry stock to herd during the season, at would wait breaklast for him, and no 1011 U usual prices, and be responsible for all answer was expected! er oi estray bills Will commence to reseive The idea! said he to himself, 'that stock on Monday, March 31st, at Lewis I am going to breakfast with I om BenH, D, Manti. Madsons rvi. corral, ton! John Wilson! what will people say1 and what shall say! The thing is not Josfph Luke, , Lewis Madson, Jr to be thought of. And yet 1 must. I he v PHYSICIAN & SURGEON have delivered the note, and sent my ein, STRAYED card; if I dont go now, it will be rude. S. P. V, Ity. and County entit'irgeon, me to From my corall, last summer, a red cow, wish I had not taken it. It does not PeteC bobtailed, 6 or 7 years old, star in fore seem to me as if I could go and sit Quarantine Physician. the in head, illegible brand on right side of there at that table. I lay aw'ake,' said he afterwards to convPHRAiM CITY, UTAH body. I will reward anyone who will that night, thinking of it; and in me, to her g aiiv my place. biing the morning I felt as a man might feel f Stark. . J-- Hosford T. Hosfot J.C, a 4 00 Manti, Utah. who had had sentence of a death passed upon him, and was called by the lelnei o lira turnkey to get up for his last breakfast. COUNTY ITEMS. I arose, however, made my toilet, and, after hesitating a great deal, went to overu Our Saloon is closed at present. Colonel Bentons house. & eACCOUCHUR . My hands y intetr SLTRGOS trembled as I rang the bell. rt, palate Surgeon t uthe British Roue John F. F. Dorius is working in the Instead of the servant, the Colonel rt f i ,(.y j old place of business. himself came to the door. He took me nl'coo '10e residei ;eTwo blocks nor! cordially by both hands, and said, WilThe building of a fence around the son, I am delighted to see you; tins s of City Hall, Manti. jinspeTabernacle would be a fine thing, the happiest meeting I have had i end theeerama prom) tlv responded ti Give me vuur hand. years. 'om ftSanpete Co., is, we think, very much twenty Webster has done the kindest thing he behind in helping to make it boom. ever done in his life. Leading me dihe presented Another bell for Ephraim. When can rectly to the dining-room- , our good Latter-da- y h iS&9Saints boast of a me to Mis. Benton, and then ve sal down to breakfast. bell. iley.Ar nlti Saa pete C() (;W(- Alter inquiring kindly about my it Court House. Out fields are already looking nice. family, he said, You and I, Wilson, have All that is needed is a good rain shower been quarreling on the stump for twenty-fiv- e V e have been calling each years. occasionally. other hard names, but really with no H. P. Larsen, druggist, has a new im want of mutual respect and confidence. proved prescription which is very hand- It has been a mere foolish political fight, NOTRARY itVnol prblic, some and attractive. and lets wipe it out of mind. Everymal ptSD AGENT AND ATTORNEY tnat I hsve said about you I ask C. Petersen jumped the quarantine thing J. r PUBLIC LANDSyour pardon for. ejC,SUTS and as soon as convenient wtb promptly md 'We both cried a little, and I asked Mineral Applications fo regulations the r its and for all Agricultural Lands and at will be dealt with as is deemed propper. his pardon, and we were good friends, contested Land Cases. Makes Map Tt'ihTe:n we talked over old matters, and spent Jl deeds. Draws all kinds of Agree , An unusual racket was brewing at th t the Articles of Incorporation; Seart h- -, barber morning till twelve oclock in pleasthq a week Saturday evening,. ant conversation. ' I ala Taxes; Makes Collections; Applies shop was said of ' Court Bad Bo'inty, F.to. Office next to IT. 8 whiskey was the cause and effects the letter until I wasNothing 00 about ee. p O, Box 263. Salt Lake Ciiy, Utah just departwas a free lodge in the cooler. . S89, v ing, He turned to his desk, and said, Bro. Greenwood reports that the 1 have prepared some letters for you ! and other friends in i students uow attending the Accademy to my are. more interested in their studies California," and he handed me out nine PROBATE ATTORNEY sAeeis of fools-cap- ! jsidence than before. It was not a letter, but a ukase; a ld,VcL 1 13 The Ephraim Brass Baud is an honor command to every person to whom ALL KINDS , to the city, and should have all the en- these presents shall come, greeting; it sen ol robate business promptly h couragement, aid and good feelings that was to the effect that whoever received too, and titles secured the citizens could exercise in their them must give special attentiod to the ead EntB',9 1 m under the various entri wants of his particular friend. Colonel wi, e, Court House, Manti, Utah, Wilson, of St. Louis. Everything John .oienct Prof. G. H. Giles was in the city trying was to lame8 way to that. He put them to start a musical class; but there was into mygive hands, and 1 thanked him and SHEEP HERDED. no interest taken the by young people left. ' adEnTC TCE TO SMALL SHEEP OWNERS. in that line, at present, being busy and Mr. Webster continued the narrative ; w vv from home. many perhaps Colonel Bento his triend. as follows: ke fo1 t will undersigned take any ni us resU' 1 ton afterwards came to me, and said, Mrs. m rehas from Hansen, Iliner, sheep 25 up to 2000 he just thing ceived from the East an entirely new Webstdr, that was the kindest sendnd.viduals and the herd triem God bless you for Fair-1- ' stoclf of all kinds of hats, caps and all you ever did. t PaVmg the dividend in cash is one Wilson That tome! John oductsofthe sheep. For furtl styles in the millinery line and at prices ing off my mind. That troublesom ert thing that alars in be cannot the county. was address: equaled ' IT Let us get these kind, Webster. Any one wishing a hat of the best would t t Abner Lowrv.Jr off our minds as fast as we can; things ,UeU o' be doing just right to give the lady a we have not much John L. Peacock - euro e longer to stay; call; a trial will convince you that her Walter K. Bart , have got pretty near the end; we want goods are not excelled. jnntv I'l'tg, Sun Pete Co Utah. to go into the presence of our Maker tho S.P.V.R. R. Co, T 18 0 A Ata3,75 Derton At Clxoster, 1. 3 , rJ lROGRESS. ..ii-ce OUP rilE.MIU.MS AND PRIZES. S STAGS I. EATON l.N El "LINING 1 Music Store A.Marker, It is veiy important in this in iter al progress t La t a a ol v.w ienii.ly !e pleasing to the taste and to the eye, cas.ly taken, acceptable ;o the stomach and healthy in its nature and et.ei is. Possessing these qualities, Symp of Figs is the one peifect laxative and must gentle diuretic known. SHERIFFS SALE. virtue of an execution issued out the District Court of the Fust Judicial District of the Terntjry of Cam. wherein Niels S. Nielsen plaint. A and m.l). Funk defendant, upon a judgement rendered on the 23d day of Febru-aiy- . 18S7, for the sum of $801.34 and on w hich said judgement there has been paid 0.1 March 26,1987 the sum of $476.34 a leaving balance now due and owing fiom said defendrnt of $325.00 and at 10 per cent per annum. 1 have this day attached and levied upon all the right, title, claim, and interest of Win, 1). Funk, of, 11. am) to the estate of 1). B. Funk, deceased, both real and personal, ol whatsoever name, nature.oi kind w h.ch he has any interest 111 as an heir ol tile said 1). !. Funk, deceased. Public notice is heieby given that 1 will on Wednesday, the Mb day of May A, D. at eleven ok lock of said day 111 front of the Ci umv Court Howe door m Manti City yan lete comity, U. T. sell at public auu.oii lor cash hand, ali the light, title cla 111 and mieiest ol said delendent. Win. 1), l'unk, of, and to the above desenhed piopeitv or so much thereof as may tie neiessary to laise sullicieiit to satisfy said judgement w ith interest and costs to tae h. guest and best bidder. Dated Alauti, Utah, April 101I1, 1889. Jens 1. Laison, Sheriff of Sail Fete Co. 44 By ot T. REID, President, J. II. WODSKOW, - Sareterg 111 111 ESTRAY NOTICE. I have 111 my possession the following describad animals' One bay mare about three years old, branded on left thigh. One light bay horse about three years old. brauded on left thigfi. If the above described animals are not claimed and taken away vvitmu fifteen days from date they will be sold at auction to the highest cash bidder on Tuesday the ?3d 111st., at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Fayette Estray Found, J John C Mki.l r. Found-keepe- Fayette SanpeteCo., Utah, April 9, 1889. 1 g AIKTTJ3 1 Mi3 uNTIM:. Olsten, pifm. 1 'f tfsl'J.'&E.T.Hosfori 1 -- - K. Reid, wf.C. Ba Combine! the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PERFECT REMEDY to act gently yet O promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS AND TO C!eans8th3 System Effectually, SO T, -- m. T. R e d son-in-la- w , AGBiTT GERERU. SUPPLY HOUSE, THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. ixx Dealers house ceries, gar ' 1 1 tdry tr-mming- goods, San Fxancisco, Cal. New Yokk-- N LomsviLLB, Ky. -- t, STsTOVE FURNITURE, Main Otreot, 0 Manti Flower Complete list of TfffrtRblPt Bnlbn and Small lrtiiti, with description HEW S1Y4PK. HEW TYPE. CO.MPT,ETBLY REVISED AND IJIPKOVKD. Contains more Yarietie than ary other catalogue Plate, THE PIONEER FEED CATALOGUE AMERICA. OF Erery person who owns a foot of land or cultivate plant should have a copy. Price of VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE,worth good for a certificate Seeds, only 15 cents. Containing 5 cents Do what is right. It is right to use home proJ acts of JA31E9 VICK SEEDSMAN Rochester ft iu preference to imported articles. It is right to furnish our own people employment. It is right to patronize home institutions exclusively. YOU WANT TO )F Important yon never KKOW, loings orgaur fit about tiie human body itnd its curious ffutuce-JJffow k4 (1 prpttuatM, navi, tuwue and itulirr'lijn9 jiCAD to avoid pit foUi of JLyip to apply Jjnroe Curt to aS form of dUeata JjcnD to cure Oroup,old Eye, Euptur, phimoni, etc. AC to mat b hiippy tn nwrrMj db Aacepnu iotoa. Bead nil cures for cow book, 2LEDICAL 8ESSE JJTD NOXSEXSE A meiange f wit and wisdom, , 96 pages, half of them given to newljr illustrated medical chestna ta and Doctors Droll not too pbnsnj bat Jokea; r rs iJnstphmiry enough" to care UTer Korn; Hill rub torpor and meJanobol Laugh Cur. tsy th Co., 129 E 25th 0L stoves, frff and price. printed. Three Elegant Colored 8x10 J4 inches, and a frontispiece. utgro- - Furniture, Etc. be-ha- r & Son.. iley, - 1 Jolm Lowry I. U, ' THEREFORE is right to purchase the Boots and Shoes manufactured by Zions Mercantile Institution eshecially as they are moderate in price, elegant in 6tyle and superior 'It in quality. SOLD BY ALL II OME'JDEA LERS . |