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Show N flakesYouHungry Paloe's Olery (vrapuunl uiel "I have t taa bad a It tffeii- - lawgi.-ate- -l ssi the in and l feel L.k a new Man. It the ap;. me and laellliaies d.ge tlun J. T. ten- land. Primus, S.C. The New Veil. 9tll. SHJ h o:Ul of 1 lel lnarv It if wli:t( . vliil-dre- n sr iuen-mom.- i, 'me to be contented with Warners Lof; Cabin - 1 gi-t- ' f.n-- t n jinii-h-isel- ! the System. , t. M ucrmT '. f IVER r, mi-toni- ( well-traine- i 0113 1 ns H m X , 0. 4 1 p 'C'o. Ma-- M Cl .1 in 3C TRIAL. F-EL- o per-wi- th 111 THERS. FRIEHS1 lillCIIILB SIRTiliH BEFORE CONFINEMENT. Boo to If.LI Mother. M aileo-F'r- LAl'HR CO.. ATLAMAJBA. Ilr L'C 0 M s. 801 Q By A I.L ( JOJ PAYSthel 4 Tan Utf en &ieol TwBBtnd Rrei lion IwtiIm &! nli this r pai Jones of m.NCUAJU FITS! ORE stop them jor imrrly Itomean ieni return a radical ri 1 MLLPhY or X ALL1M M 4dv I warrant my remedy Because others hate failed if spooeitiufr a cure Seudatonce ttieo? m infallible remedy Gi M c 183 Pear ' Imprudence knows not what prudence does not what it knows. onaumpllon Purely it does, ured. To the Kriitor Please inform our read era ths 1 1 haA e t posilive remedy for con cuimption. By itn timelr use thousands of hopeless cases hae been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fri.x: to any of your readers who have consumption if they willsend me their exnreng and P. O. address. Y. A. FcOt UM, M, 0., 151 Pearl street, ewVorh. j lbs I in-i- s, day. 1. P. V. is said to niean, ia Kausas, " Tirst Family Van mated For atieugthvnmgantl clearing tlie voice, fHMA ura CURE AHthinit nevij'aiZjtoinve t in ine worat chrm n eou cure w hare lDsureacomfo J others faji. fbfLl "'Hlffn I s M Inoe50.a St Lim, find that Plsos Cure fr Consumption ATOHS also CLRtJi only PKXVLN not Tht but Boarte-ndb- 7 AND Beet and llarkeu b m PLANTS. RARE i X a. in apett liiurratrd I at Jurat h urerv, Dubuque, la. ' ST STUDY. Penmanship, Ant htnenc, Shorthand, i ow rates i ircnlars free, a COl,LEJK,4ol Main &t.. Buffalo, 4 si r t s 1 7 J ,.l"4 i vS TwiTJ relief S PASTILLES. ICTUU1 wire Adinm for 8rov 1L Sr I U uttaimMMiiiMNiidl CliarJestow n, ka Free Maaonn j Mg-nGru Morsran 8 fate iy mM on re eij A is People' Publigtuuir Baui, Minn. ilMA&r BP fri-- l. Co. A tnat hot I KI t ,mv one afhic'ted. fcKc. liochestrr, . X. WEBSTER W. X. U., Omaha, 14. M t Most men. otherwise ron; in laxly ai il m mil, will b nine untuppv ami li'i-adown when alllutcil with utmit wai. If they wmil i enlv try Salvation Chi thi-would find lelief ut ome. Iiwb 2.i. All the keys of Windsor ast'e were ly etolea, hut eieri this iloei not with the rapid sde of hr. Bail s Couh Svrup. i Idoner bf W d Mcfttern KoiiIm1Ioii. I underStranger mi western oily) stand you claim 100,000 population for this town? Yes, sir. Wo have Dueetoiy Man in the new dueetory, just hi mg finished, 20,000 names. That multiplied byr five, the average size of a family, makes 100,000 tvee? Messenger Bov- - Tlense, sir, Mr. Hurd type wants to know lxjw many copies of tlmt directory von want printed? Dueetoiy Man (after some figunng Pm! I guess fifteen will be enough. New Yoik Weikly. A Lauil of Meant. Dr. Tli. Thoroddsen reports that in explorations in the interior of Ireland last summer he visited some remarkable valleys in a mountain range called He discovered gland Kjeiiingaifjoll. sulphur spnngs m gieat nunibeis, as well as innumerable large boiling mud pools bine, red, yellow and green in color, bteum penetrated everywhere through fissures in the eaitli, oue jet, six to nine feet in height, keeping up such ft continual roar tlmt it was impossible to hear the loudest shouts in its vicinity. Tlie gieatest cate Imd to he observed in walking on the thin crust of heated clay coveuug the boiling niml below. Dowdat yon can when y c.i A3i Is 3PiuM li ai rtn'1iPH iut Gruwunn iHalt Siiiciij Piiht. tut irrtuBi titj U ud. i Mut ll4nliincRAla ti to wlurr aAi i PricfUvVti.,rOctM.,aml $1 per Itottle- are put up BoniA'f u f Ttt&-CKN- tii modntiofi 0Uv,Hrf Thom during ur-ir- fr th aecow mmn'j a RtKip RKMKMY for i oNi' mny I PT10S 1)1 SpKSK 'toiuJ 0Tuy jLt'SG L'U Lai Pottle A meurt -- ;e Moiher. Rrad Oai AnT nr UKTi April?! Cenittmrn -- Tne dflnuii in '1i I m H U A m hink iiu routine illy. hr ldt i no nredit m lo ti for t "ouu ami Uoopiuf C Cuufeh I'nikfcdkW MUllS MOLD MY AIL XtP! DKALbiio. itr lh WELL DRILLS, FOR ALL PURPOSES. Havo made 2 ft a miuuto with the therp m n efF)t ion to Who in tlie exiilu)ii to the rilt fji, I! Anoucth liuM ah jr 'irthatl .lfall il t ' AUSTIN 4 'TJACOBS TRIUMPH. TRADC ?tV s for maihaff i Msiluffue. Austin Mfg. Co. F. C. v hut I'wn rr, A leei id wiiter stab s that in many pin ts of the Puited States unpioviiled with water power it would he not onlv jMishihle hut piolitable to use wind powti for milling. In Piuopean coun-tne- i wind iluven flour mills, even of coiishh ruble extent, me no uncommon sight ; and one firm is said to have a mill operated hy steam nml another hy wind, and to have found the lattei the mote successful financially'. To get the best lesnlts, this author asset ts tlmt the null should have a rapacity lf ViO to 200 lull i els, and would need n, wind wheel at least eighty five or ninety feet in diumeti i, w Ineli should not nppioneli ncaicr tlmu fifteen ieet to the gioiiud. Wnlclna of Cod oil. Tliev i onainiill vrs. Iaver Od. with ia a most marvelous Hypophnsphites food aud inedii me. it heals the irritation of the throat and longs, end gives flceli and strength quaker than any other remknown. is it edy very palatable having none of the disagieeable taBte of the crude Prussia, 14, !fnlris, T,. an, 12; Buhikiv, 10J. lu beautiful lug often loveis an ugly hole a cal pet Food (or S.ett'e Emulsion i SitAiI'iini. uis. inn A u v 10; Buomhui. r! I have commended them to friends who are public speakers, and they have pro veil extremely eerv lceable- .- Rev. Henry Ward Ben her. 0 1,!; IIhowsi use Mr. P. L. Sinnnonds, produces 2,200,-00tons of salt annually . the other countries of Luiope about TOIKi.OOO, North Ameiien rather over l.Ood.OUO, Asia and Africa about another 1,000.000, making H total of 7,000,000 tons Salt is veiv exti i si v used in the ni Is, and it is as being the null mineral eaten by nnm. Its use with food is timieis-iwnli all nations, the eonsumptam per In ad in different conn tiles Lting statid as follows: I niti d states, fio pounds; Lncland. 40. P ranee, HO; Italy, 20, Kussm, is; I l'P Austin, fiom the lieuit who gives is Knives weie first used at table by our and the finest eutlerv English iinee-torand tuhle sei v lee now known m the tail wav wm 1,1 may be seen on tlie famous floljen (mte Special over the l iiion Pact tic Railway fiom Council HlulTiainl Omaha to S.m I'leueiv-o- , cvciy Wednes- - Bt-n.a- g ft oinikly. COR. CARPENTER ST. AND CARROLL AVE. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. GhFAT iEDYr XT CONQUERS PAIIff. Rthcvcs and cures HCADiCnE. EHETOATISM, Tocthache, JFl RALU1A, Sprains, imrisKs, Sciatica, Lumbago. Burns and Scalds- At Rtuggifct and Dralrri. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Bamnore. Diamond Vera-Cur- rou APOMTIU Ill Ar KOSTKERSI SHOWN PUlHTS,' AND SEEDS ackoowlrdprd th st rated catalogue a ppU fink 11.1.1; CMUIalkf tb bait a'lpflts. milled (r eaua. I. I. riOTW AND 44.1 nc i 1 otibifs Aiuiap Ihrin ion). Tctir Vn fjy t CfHftul Daler ittll get 1rra fl ita fti ttun it not uh fatij Kloci, m it wUlbe sent ri eifit ( f l' h ml ( u Itoxex tl Uv)) ui si a nipt cut bQinpit 'eat oi t 'ipl of i, (lUIIIl s A OMIm7iO B It Do $T. T StiDMCN, OO.,MlNN. Po fTOSlO ANDALh tit a T11E WAITS SUH IT. a I IvEXuniNDK-KIIO- best, bring bardlcr, nor productive and jicid better crops. more. Md ill MS -- DAY! 4M U: i a its ruts SHlt t Kcm A H K nn i llrew(nr R Hohlom N AWAY u imnv h r horse ownoi Ikim inm ILtb lnt nos r nmler leet seufl oeuls in ituuiS lo pAf stid put kiiiK imkmai lor Nutt Fiaud nniplo Lbl sells lor renU. A(i0sv, Brcwbter Mfg Co., Holly .Mick. psil Tiie Best Il L3i Waterproof Coat. SI8H BUSKDSUrKKltls vi'rtnltid wfttn'rmtf, a4 will 1fp )ou dry la n line rwt aid) tha harripl shum TmupwPoMMKI MJi Dliil tbaantfwaaSSia. feawtr at inUatteea. Mob irnnfr wldtout Uj t twIp w.k Htuairatp Clltcua Irta. A. i 1 owvr. Hoai in, Haas. Tb SXJS3Ei!S5 'i ou cannot tto wlmt you would. Warners Log Cabin PLASTERS, will immediately relieve the pain in your back; then look for tlie cause of it. Tiy it. roRulble Height ol Hili-l- i Wall. In a number of tests applied to masonry, aeeoubng to Prof. Baker of Illinois umreisity, piers of oidinary buck and common lime mortar stood a piessiue of a little over 1.500 pounds per square inch ; which is equal to tlie weight of a column of buck 2,000 feet high, with oidinary Portland cement mortar the strength was somewhat more than 2,500 pounds per square inch, or the weight of a column of brick masonry 45,600 feet high. Whon a vaccination takes, wuat doe it doors. take? Is it any wonder that suicide is on It is always the toughest hen that boasts the increase? New York Weekly. that she is no spring chiiken. The presence of the vulture is notknonn Thread Spools and Shoo Pegs. until there is a carcass in the held. Timberman. Among the peculiar industries w liich flourish in Western Main is the making of thread spools. They are cut from smooth, white birch timber a wood which works easily by Better to be born with brains in the head various kinds of improted machines. than with a golden spoon in the mouth. There are nuinerons mills throughout the lumbering region, where the birch is sawed into steps about four feet long anil from one to two inches he- - Canrona, B kn Bbr vni mi V. we in width and thickness. These strips hen she wn n ( )u)d )e led for Ca.fiton then go tot lie spool lactones lobe hen fibe lerpm Mien, ne eiuiijr lo CastoriA. converted into spools. The processes rare them Caatoria. hen she had Children. u they are put through are numerous, and one of them, tlie method of polishing them, is quite interesting. A barrel is filled nearly full of them and then revolved by means of machinery We never knew an old maid who would and belting until the spools are admit that she never had love affair. wornsmooth byrubbing one against another. The manufacture of shoe pegs is another peculiar Alain industry, though shared into some extent by other New Ragland states. These are cut from maple and white birch by machinery, and are worth at the factoryfrom :!5 to 95 cents a bushel. The compressing of sawdust is also a flourishing business in Bangor in $0 00 mor9 Words and nearly 2000 more Illusthat state. There is a firm there trations than any other American Dictionary. An Invaluable Companion styling itselfa tornpi ess company, who convert sawdust and shavings in every School end ot every irevlde. Illustrated Pamphlet Bold Ly all Bookseller.. into solid bales by compression, sent free. which finds ready bale in the large C. MERRIAM&CO., Pubs.. Springfield, Mm O La6tern cities. 459-M C'lit-S'is- nml $1. s r se EXTRACT for evteinvi and :n!i i n:d p.nns T hi hi is Her h.m to omplov a (livsn-iaw ho e innot do mote lor t mi if nit had . tne wi dllt ,,f l'u n r.zi.s, 5J cents n i I l temptatiou to make use of tliem. llietr iofession culm's at. near Iteinj: nn esoteric one as any tlmt w neknowletl-- il to lie respectalile. Hut tlie revelation as to then views in the llot.inson arsenical cases in Hostou is startling. J lieie weie live tleaths from the virus, U. . unique tere and appetizer Pleasant to and the vjoetors in their ceitnicates unv them lespt ettvely to j! taste, quit Lt.InItits aitin I and liu. uthe.il' h rugged gl'es niunoau ele tyfilioid fever, tnemitis. lxmel lasie good. Itiines 'Whs h makts eteriiumg disorders ninl Rnoht s disease of the kidPhtskluns i itspepsia and kin Ired tt. and ton will reiommend li ailor neys. The truth would have never been jrestnoe Used Nix for $1.00. Pruggists. Wk 1L $1 known but for suspicions withnlneli the you have W us. Hicbakdso to, Uurllngion, t. doctors hail nothin'; to do. 'J hers is food here for 1 ejection and for doc; Guilds Up tors would I run all I down 187 wis of ft$riuir The above oiiticism is fully- - wart anted jn g with tired a feiinjr and ltnptaih inonmur that 1 could hardly fret around. I I y the btartlino tmioiauce shown lv the She feels KjturUt a bottle of 1aiuei Olery Compound and just like it. ihysiciuns m the Boineiville 1 twit inuih brtur. attending I 3 ore 1 had taken it a tery The famil y limn flops over with his Cases. all to who coed a recommend it am cheerfully It can be ajitlv said flint human life is face to the wall, and is just settling ui and streuKthenmir mwluine Mm. B A low. BuiUiifrton. Vt. too often sacrificed to the ignorance and into his lieauty sleep, when the bigotry of the piofession voice of his little son alls out food piping Too often it happens that fatal results trom the bed in the adjoining ( ham-beran',tt .'os-- i follow an linptopi r eonise of treatment muttnun iitO jpg? Brmtrt vj tnyur tvuhj'iwu. the door of whu li is alwats left the physician tieats the patient for consumption, central debility or for open: ln! I want some watei! I say, lieivous disouleis. whilst the teal distfli ease, v hieli is slowly dost toy mg t lie kid- pa! Im dry. (Miml bS iNMmrl) The family man ignores the erv, neys a lul tilling the si'stem with a poison tiirmp I lltlp PilKf finite as deadly as uisi me, is ultoctlici hoping that the t luld w ill fall asleep They aNo r e e In CARTERS tpni ovci looked or docs nut attract attention without enfui-- i ing Ins demand, and tiiii lt n)rpu In dipestionaud T ollc&xt until too late. lie gives titternme to a A ITTIE Latiup. e'f'efrej tigirous s too often tieat the si lhjofsicians dj forDi7uuUv.Nans width nil family nan h ,.in to snoie, Ta-disease luste.iel t elisease of the Hal Iimwus, tu-e- , m the Mouth, Co itu mid his wile gies him a itself. pra onne Pain in the Side d PILLS. IroKPIU It ts we 11 established tlmt four fifths dig with her elbows. Ll Xll 1 he of the otdimuy ills which liesi-- t humaniTlionuis, dont you lit ar Genie pnlate the Bowels Pure!' Vvcr hthle, ty ate tne le.siilts of elisease in thd kul-uc- v cr? lie is tliiist v Thomas, llow Trice 25 Cents. a which will vu lei to the euiative ail you lie theie and snore, anti 1TSE1SCTS CO., OT Y3ilE. propeities of Warnets Sate Cute if hat blessed t laid t lioking- to death to M and lmt is for want ot a it alone timely used, little water? i'na!I Fill. Small Dose. Small Price.! appuientlv a elisease in the either organs Auot her more piimoimced snore, s is mote oftentimes ft meie mptom eif iizJszsssEa la! this time the Tittle voice kidney disease, which should he quickly eiaiheuteel by Warners Safe Cure bef.no lias become hit hrymose, and the it secures too firm a hold on tLo.e notes are raised a whole oitave I 01 gans. want some water! Say, pa! I IHt t w 5 My hoy. years old. an rick want some wUiiadibi ac (or which doctors had! 'I lie SleMlililiilue.w of Lent. co name 'i he nails came off his nut-Thomas! cries the loving mothwill Lent cut down pneumonia era and the finders came off to the! infos, said l)r. Hamilton the other day. er, in a voice of dire reproach, are middle joint tor 3 yer he suffered ! dreadfulh ; is now getting ueil and I It always eloes. 'Hus was an aston-ishe- r ton deal? That diild is dj ing for am satiehcd Swift $ pcitic m the at fiist, but when he nnod home water. cuief ause of ii a improvement. ! that nine tenths of the easesepl of Jons Iieijti, Its too cold to get up! growls bi might on in persons pi Peru, Ind. li, IHfe'l the family man, thinking of just how r'i Jan. to it sudden to bjexposure POISONED BY A CALF My cold slippery that strip of oilMile buy broke out with tore aikI K night air after coming from a super clothand in the baiL hull will feel to his i h, i e en!t of the sahvn of a calf in con heated can see I tlmt the late winloom, a cut linger The ulcus were coming l w deep and ter festivities have a great dial to do feet, and how the shivers will run ana flowed no inclination to heal. J cavepirfn kLa i t peeihc, and he is now well with the matter in our perilous latitude. down his spine when he goes through Jons F IIuaro, Auburn, Ala ij, m is one feature about Lent that the dining-rooTheie to the kitchen nd trbook on KUmmI Poiwiim A skin Diseases is apt to ovetlook, and that is its pump. society e. fcwirx fcrccinc Co , AtJoM i, do. dietetic advantages. Auv one who will I want it cold! cries the child, I wa ho much troubled keep it sti let ly will find himself ill betcold! real Just pumped! tor condition to go through oiu summer. with ottarrh it nmoualy The family man gets out of bed, New Yoik Tmtli. iHectdl my one. One feels for the matches. bottle of IHys Cream A Ptiinilive Take care, Thomas, cries his Balm did the work. My Industry. In Colombia the American aloe B. voire is fill y restored wife; .youll upset the lamp! The F. Liepsner, A. M . Pas known theie as figueis of gieat matches are right there under your tor of the Olivet Baptist on account of its fibre, winch nose. tlmt a man never ri'iirt h. Fhilfldelphi i. is used for sandals, sacks, ropes, giitlis, can findStrange I I knewjl should r.uos , W ar?t u St Y. pack saddles, etc. 'lliese m.inufaetuies have to anything! get up! Now, mind you I prescribe and fully eo are among the most important of the dorse Big as the only tlie yeaily value being various- lock the kitchen door again after specific tori he certain cure country, estimated at horn 'JIO, 000,000 to of this dieaM ly you, and while you are down there 0. 11 1MRA HAM.M I , 1 No pait of the plant except the just seeif the front door is bolted. I Aixisierdam, N. Y. fibieisnsed, and this is now extracted have forgotten whether I looked at Wre have aold Big G for Ifrwly by th many j ears, and it has by so slow and laborious a pioeess that it when I came to bed. I s&UaRiven of best the m a skilled laborer can produce only about faction. Thomas unbolted and unlocked ten pounds of fibre daily. D, R. DYCTTK 4 CO . X Ohio. the chamber door, and proceeds down C hicago, III, SI. 00 Sold by Druggists. stairs, and returns with the water, A Lucky Carriage Painter. and by that time the boy is asleep, rxavhK rs Griffln. (Ga ) News, Man.bG rJ E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY R. L. Malone lias just returned from and his ma thinks he had better not bo awakened. OB XVS3W YORK. orM Greenville, where he has been receivThe Largest. Cbeapes. aod dest la the The door is secured, the light out, the congratulations of his friends and then the wife nudges her huslSEt ASNCTS $190,000,000. ing on his great luck. He held band. WM F. ALLKV. lkiU05 GOKTZ, Seneral Agent Mv throat feels a little sore, of ticket No. 17,160, which drew Special Agemt . OMJtHk. SVSB. the third capital pri.e of $.70,000 in Thomas, I wish you would go down the drawing of the Louisiana State and bring up the camphor before r UltOU XllLL X-- CO., go to sleep. ' Manufacturer and dealers in Lottery Company on the 12th of Feb- youPut on some bay rum, suggests lgmest Boilers IIand Pumping Machinery ruary, and his share after deducting the family man. Of a Pes ptioiis B and Wood Woiking Machinery Bw Mill cost of collecting, was just $2,495,00, f Bay rum, indeed! cries the wife. ftnd Supplier Bmlioad nrul Conti a torn Sup . ,Je Ace us Podges Wood lit Pullev and as we saw on his deposit book of the who ever heard of bay rum Why, s P ttcui S .tem of Powei Ti anm siion is a by f A lop. AgenU Tienton lion Co s Wjie Kops, t 6 F iUrnt Poulile City Natitonal Bank. It is not every for a sore throat? When I am dead, ale alvi Ac 813 keavenworlh St. OMAHA, NKB. you will think of this, and young man who picks up such a sum Thomas, I a good and faithful wife to you. so easily as this, and he is correspondand the mother of your children! DAYS THIS NEW ingly elated. Sir. Malone is a young The family man gets out of bed flST,C TRUSS man of about twenty or twenty-twagain, and makes another expedition i ad diflerent fiom ail years, a carriage painter by trade, downstairs, and brings up a bottle others u.oupnhupe with belt- llall in adjiuting adapts and lias never bought many tickets in of amonia by mistake and has to Itself to all poitionsoi the bodv whila ti e bnll m tht on p presses back the Louisiana State return; and by the time he gets back the intestines just a3 a Lottery, though the wun light presuiw boy who wanted water is awake the finder, he says he proposes to stick to it now tfi liei J ie urel ha v and right and a a!u ai and this time lie wants milk, n ltaeia again, Sent hv mail, nuilleaiid'ieap he has a dollar to spare. and he refuses to take as long as re. iSKiIkSISk TUL3 CO., Cbiaaf, anything else, He is a pleasant, easy, good natured and the little girl in the crib rouses 1 fellow. has been enjoying himself up and calls for a drink, and declines to take water brought up for since hm sudden access of wealth. her brother because it tastes hot; Building air caatlea should be the work and so the family man has to descend of the man who ie lull of wind. ngain and unlock and lock all these IP UCEO Celery Compound Mii-l- , s Paines Co ri STiitsT passes wealth. Yon are tho Use of Tlit-i- r i.e Hil- l- 1.111 ns to l.ow III .1 tln-prt li ini to know iloctoi-- rcuil know is a eiv inti rt 'Ini" one. ' In v ieIiou.ill v rent faeilitn s for linml'nooii), tui.l loe it. tlmt tin v lire not irottf m ino't Cif.,"., at till timt s at 1. ust, a.nu.t 1 1 III. htvi-lllrlir.l V. u. Hants. 1 he Chinese reimsti i is n i.ninl ,rin of i l.i. li ami, that In- st. unis tutli mill TIf man wlio 1ms u family of t lihil tia enq-ai.il nuin lies it I lint a nights rest. It he I' sclilom m la., sec cii re i st mi n m the is oip of the lotiihtiotis ot tlmt viorhl, tin si eli in, liiilma the f ui.oits Kiithsi lulls lbs t. oLitc. jem Ism e in and It is a Hed kimun tleit he was lie retires early iRsause theihil-lrc- one cif tne hi a when the le.a1' i i.f 1 innee was hiol.t n must not he listi!rleil hy his imptl.nl Hiitl sold He is a i t Inithlle coming up late. That is gouj. No tip height, tilth plieninui in.ilt .small hands fault can In foumlwith that. Ills and fit t, luii-iectes aim skin ami two thuiphs tlmt i.mke his wife is tireil. as she lms anumloubted smile ihnihlv pleas int. Ills in unit rv right to lie. aie extiuisiie and lie earues his .''lie toasts her feet by the fire, does to the iniit of lntet preting flout iv phrases of his n itive her front hair up on rimpmg ma- land. the He is an immense favorite m sosome on her chinery, puts glyeeiine ciety. Ilib taste is pel feet and the rich and hnimounms tuih ts he we its tire the hands, makes sure that the thainls-aiul admuation of colorists. door is locked and bolted, and a envy He spmks vt iv eood Li.ghbh aud has a ebstuu-chair with tlie lamp and some matchli.sp which he exercises veiv es in it set against it; and then she cleverly ut times. 1 a of Rail. gets into bed, and sat s she knows The Imipd Kingdom, itccoiding to she shant sleep a wink n Food for Reflection. Dewy slumber may be all right in poetry, is ao comfort in night sweats. The celebration of good fortune ie too olten the ocraeion of new extravagance. In 1S8G Japan had 4 72 earthquakes. but there In a minute the lowest sound your ear can catch has been made by 990 vibrations. The police department ot Boston costs the city $1,250,000 per year. The lazier a roan gets, the more his nose AN HONEST DRUGGIST, ruts. The rich mans theory is the poor mans fact. It you wish to flatter a man, ask him for Ins advice. No man ever believed that grandmother was ever young. An egotist ie something like a cabtage; all head, without much in it. h-- IIOITV THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewar for any case of Catarrh that ran not be cured by takinv Hall's Catarin Cure F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo. O We, the undersigned, hare known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe bim perfectly honorable in all business transactions, a"d financially able to carry out aDy obligations made by their firm. West dt Trusx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wald ing. Kinnin & Marvin, Wholesale Iiruggiete, Toledo, Ohio. E. II. Van Hoesen, Cashier, Toledo National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inte'nallr acting directly upon the blood and mucus surface of the ee'-emPrice, 75 tents per bottle. Sold by all Druggist. 1 r, when asked for the best always recommends Dr. Fierces Golden Medical Discovery, because he knows it has by far the largest sale and gives the best satisfaction to his customer. Golden MediesI Discovery cures all humors, from a common Blotch, or Eruption to the worst Scrofula. Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseases ratified by bail blood are conquered by this Great Eating Ulcers rapidly powerful, purifying, and fin igorating medicine. lieal under its benign influence. Especially ha it manilested its potency ia curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysqiclns, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, nip-joiFever Sores, Disease, White Swellings, Goitre, or Tliirk Nerk, and Enlarged Glands. Consumption, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, is arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken in the earlier stages of tlie disease. Dr. Pierres Golden Medical Discovery is the only medicine of its class that is gsaninteed to benefit or cure, in all cases of diseases for which it is recommended, or the money paid for it will be promptly refunded. For Weak Ltmgs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1.00, or six JBottles for $5.00. blood-purifie- Salt-rheu- nt WARRANTED. Copyright, 1888, by World's Bifpbrsviit Mruh al Assocutios, TINT sootbm Proprietors. TTTG m conquered and kcaJtng jmjprrtiee of Dr. Sage's Csturm Remedy. HEAD by tho rlanping, cenu, by drujnrugtt. DU |