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Show , g v: VUtVvn - ij Mn r; fl i w ii 7 Pi fc.y f;4 ' fc vV JZ. WkVTUT v f U pTE yAUEY gAN f7TIME CARD.jJ Trins leaye daily (Sunday cepted) going north 9 :00 a. m. Chester, 9 :3U Moroni, 9 45 Draper, Fountain Green, 10 :10 10:30 Divide, MainSt.Xephi, ll :20 Arrive Nephi, 11:25 - ' FountainGreen,l :G5 p. in. 2.15 2 :30 1 Draper, Moroni, Arrive Chester, 3:00 Stages connect at Moroni for all parts of San Pete and Sevier. Theo. Bkuback, Manager. II. S. Kerr, General Supt. 1 Denver and Dio Grande WESTERN EAST BOl'ND TRAINS No. 10 No. 8 Ogden Salt Lake Provo Denver v ji Lv. 9.2o a. m. 10.05 p. m. Lv. 10.50 a.m. 11.30 p.m. Lv. 12.50 p. m. 1.09 a. m. Ar. 8.45 p. m. 8.05 a. m. TRAINS 7 No. 9 4.10 p. m. G.25 a. m. WESTBOUND No. Cari Lv. Provo Salt Lake Lv. 5.55 p. m. 8.25 a. m. Ar. 7.15 p. in. 9.45 a. m Ogden leavt Hosts 8a.iL 5 BINGHAM Ot. e AND ALTA TRAINS Salt Lake city, 4.30p.m. Returning. Arrive Salt Lake city, 4.30p.m. D. C. Dodge, General Manager. Leaves 10 a- insl-- i J II. Benntt, fort Gen. Pass. Age y.a; .41 ke(, . ) lu. Utah Central .. K - ja l ir, Time Card. 11. K' Gli f'l; 1 lilt) ib ; wcj Kld!; b; 1 1 Passenger Trains leave Nephi daily as follows : Going North 5 :48 a.m. & 2 :25 p. m 11 :35 8:18 , Souh Arrive Salt Lake 10 a.m. & 6 04 p.m. Leaves Salt Lake City at 7:20 a.m. and 4 p. m Passenger Trains leave Salt Lake daily, for the North, to connect with the U. P. Ry. and the U. & N. Ry., at 8 20 ,i. m. & 4.10 p. m. and arrive in Salt Lake City at 11. 1C a. m. and 7. 20 p. m. Freight trains leave Nephi for the North at 6.25 a m. and for the south at 7.20 p. m. Francis Cope, Gen. F. & P. Agt. John Sharp, Gen. Supt. General Offices, Main Street. Salt Lake City 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3313 Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. April 2nd, 3886, Notice is hereby given that the follow-- i , IS srpf settler has filed notice of his mtention to make final proof in support of his claim,, and that said proof will be made before the Judge of the County Court of Emery county, Utah, or in his absence before the Clerk of said Court at Castle Dale, Utah, on the 15 day of I, viz Samuel Jewkes Homestead Entry May, Ivo. tfU6 for the N. 2 N E N W Sec 24, N He names the following wLnegseg TpiflS R7E not ,0,111 mb P' Lgaa !' ie till to prove his contiuuoua residence upon and culti-valo- u of, said land, viz: Azariah Tuttle, Silvester H Cox, Robert Johnson, John 8. Curies all of Orangeville Emery, Co, Utah. Any pesron who desires to protest against the allowance of siieh proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof Should not be allowed will be given an opportunity at. the above mentioned time and place to tf-Bexamine Che witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitt ed by claimant, D, Webb Register, Bird a Lowe, a ttys Ap,lO Mar It), CAPITAL CHIPS. (From our Correspondent 0 DU 18S9. X Capital.) Washington, April 8th, 1889- The annual sleep, that closes down the eyelids of WashEven the noisy ington approaches. office seekers, with whom Endicott is so disgusted, now that his reign is over, is unable to keep the course of events from being sluggish. The only ripple on the surface of week has been the appointment of postmasters and collector of the poll ol New York. So far as one may judge, these nominations are eminently This is lucky for President Hnr rison. The capacity of NewYoik pol .1 for kicking has long been the admiration of the Western world, and that they should be satisfied for the once is very gratifying. The most wholesale change of minor officials will be among the boards of surgeons for the Pension Bureau throughout the country. An entire reorganization will take place within thirty days, and very few Democrats will remain, as Corporal Tanners axe has been These positions are newly sharpened. generally valuable, as the duties only occupy a part of one day each week and the perquisites will often reach thirty dollars a day. The annoyance from dissatisfied claimants is enough, however, to destroy a great deal of the ease of the place. The Secretary of War, General Schofield and the President are just now trying to discover which of them has authority to order the court martial of Major Ames, court martials of retired officer Editor Sentinel: ilu-pa- st sais-factor- Aru - - WILLIAM, E. 4 t Believing it will be of great interest and benefit to our readers, the Sentincl company have decided to give seventy-fiv- e dollars in puzes (described btlow) on the lollowing subjects, as immediately connected with this county .viz'Hygene Historical, Biographical, Resources, Industries, Educational. Politics and Literature. Our otter as published last week did not comprise the last three subjects named, but it has been deemed advisable to include them All aiticles intended for publication must be 111 the office beforeOctober 16th. 1SS9; and conAS tain at least 5,000 words or about 2) columns of our paper. All articles submitted will be the exclusive property of the Se.NTiNeu company, whether they draw a prize or not. The author must forward his or her name to be filed in the office, but to insure peifect impartiality the names of authors will not be sent to the judges with articles. The articles may be published under a non de plume or without a signature, as the author prelers The judges will be furnished with a printed copy of eaclr article for criticism, alter the author has read the proof. The GLADSTONE. points ol excellence to be considered are as follows: Facts; Benefit; Interest; Logic and Sequence: Deception; Dramatical construction, Authography and Punctuation. The judges will mark the articles on a scale of (rum one to ten, mild sarcasm. As engineer officer of under each of the above heads, each the District, he first distinguished him- without rellerence to the judgement of self by the lavish use of public money the other. THE PRIZES. in the purchase of a horse and buggy First. A Sewing Machine (New and the necessary trimmings. The trimmings were the things that exhibited Home) Valued at $55.00, Second. History ofjoseph Smith, by his genius. '1 he lap robe cost about 53o, and maik this was beautifully Geo. y. Cannon, best binding, f5, one ornimented with the initial L", and years subscription to the Sau Francisco $6 00 and one years subscrippromptly charged to the United Daily Call, tion to the Sentinel, $2 Total $13,00 Stales Travels in Mexico, by Fred Third. C, A. Ober, $3.50, one years subscription ADVICE TO MOTHER. to the Chicago Ledger, $1.50 and one years subscription to the Sentinel, Mrs, Winslows Soothing Syrup, for ?2.oo, in all $7.00. Total value of prizes children teething, is the prescription of $75oo. one of the best female nurses and physiWe cordially invite all persons to cians in the United States, and has been write-- , being convinced that a hoard of used for forty years with never-failin- g useful and interesting information will success by millions of mothers for their thus be brought to light. The historical children. During the process of teeth- and biographical sketches will materially It relieves assist the young people to understand ing its value is incalculable. the child from pain, cures dysentery and the difficulties and dangers of the early diarrhiea, griping in the bowels, and settlement of the County, and the latter . By giving health to the subjects awaken interest in those matters child it rests the mother. Brice 25. c a upon winch we as a community, can bottle. never grow dormant. 1ioois of the various articles will be sent to the authors for their criticism belure being published. , is hard being so rare that a precedent or Ames to find. In the meantime Muj is assured that there will be no unnecesMajor Ames is the sary delay aid to the marshal of inauguration day, Govenor Beayer, w ho made a nuisance of himself by trying to force his way into the procession, and.later be tw eaking Govenor Beavers nose in the Ebbitt House lobbY. It is suspected that the Majors reason ts affected. There is something touching in the courage of the office seekers ho remain in the city through the epedemic of expneumonia that has resulted fromof inposure during the terrible weather auguration week. The storm of Saturlocal records, day, one of the wildest ur statesonly served to hold the would-bmen in their respective looms for aiittle while, hardly long enough to catch breath for a further race. Among the deaths laid at the door of the inauguration is that of James Christie, assistant dooikeeper of the Senate and one of the most characteristic figures about town. Thirty yearg ago Mr. Christie, then a White Mountain lad of sixteen, came to Washington as a page in the Senate, where he remained in various capacities until his death. Ht was appointed to his last position, who., was especially created for him, in 1S72. He was a great favorite with Senators ot both parties. He will be chiefly however, as the best judge of terrapin and canvass back in Washington and as an infallible critic in wines. He was the ideal bon vivant. The breathless anxiety evinced by the celebrated caterer, John Chamberlain, as he would wait Kir. Christie's veidict j in such a grstronomic matter as' wine, or boiled Virginia ham, was a silent tribute to genius. People who have indulgently laughed over the regulations and mismanagement ol the poor house matron in Oliver Twist, with a mental reservation to the effect that Dickens, fancy was too volatile, have been awakened by the charges just prefered against the matron of the Washington poor larm. It , is charged that she allowed notorions filth and nasty morals to have full sway, yiever going near the building unless under the influence of whiskey an opiates. About fifty notes written by her to the house physician, are exhibited. They are repeated orders for six ounces of laudanum, alternating with requests tor still latger amounts oi whiskey. The woman appears to be a tank, and her thirst is equal to any stimulant. Just at present the Destrict Commissioners are gravely debating whether or not they shall proceed to a formal investigation without sworn charges. And that is one reason why the town laughs. The court martial so long in session has reported to the Secretary of War its verdict in the Lydecker-Townshe- d case. It will be remembered by the gentle reader that these are the doughty warriors who were detailed to supervise the Washington acqueduct. This was a gigantic swindle; some of the work was the worst imaginable, and whole blocks of it was so bad that it would cost more to fix it than would be needed to build an entirely new one. Lvdecker is a specimen of the careless, selfish, vain and grasping military servant ol the people so called in e is the oiliest and most popular .dentine and meehsnlral paper published sod has the c'rculstlon ot any paper of its ciase in the Isrseat world. Sully Illustrated. Beat else, of Wood Rnirrav-Ing- s. Pubii.hed weekly. Rend for .peoimsa sour months' trial, ,1. v'rM til Si A CO., FCin-iaaiua, Stl Broadway, Si.T. r.'Ivt.,.,'.. ARCHITECTS 1 Edition BUILDERQ af Scientific American. O rat euoeese. Each laiue eontalne colored llthiurraphic plates of country snd oity rsirlen- or public bulidlnff. IMumsruus enaravints 1 full plans and specifications for theuoe of Staohasconisaiyiate building. Pile 2 mi a year, kou-aoupy- . At CNN CO, FiBUatUEKa. msytoseen ed by apply lng to klrKW Co., who have had over . 40 years and hav made ovat sxprlsnco U- hOUA) applications for American and For ettfo patent. Hend for Handbook. Lima pondeucs strictly Confidential. TRADE MARKS. Tn ease your mark la not In the Pal. m Omoa, apply to Munhregistered A Co., and proc.r Immediate proteetion. Band for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, chart a, maps, to., qutckiy procured. Address MI NN Sc CO. . Patent Solicitors. Skxaaaj. Orrica: Itt Bboadwat. H. T. i i PORTABLE 45-5- Common Sense , In the treatment of Blight ailments would save a vast amount of sickness and misery. One of Ayers Iills, taken after dinner, will assist Digestion ; taken at night, will relieve Constipation ; taken at any time, will correct irregularities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayers Pills, as all know who" use them, are a mild cathartic, pleasant td take, and always prompt and satisfactory in their results. I can recommend Ayers Pills above all others, having long proved their value as a Cathartic anil J. - T. Hess, for myself family. Leitfisville, Pa. Ayers Pills have been in use In my family upwards of twenty years, and have completely verified all that is Thomas F. Adams, claimed for them. San Diego, Texas. I have used Ayers Pills in my fami-I- v for seven or eight years. tVlienlK er have an attack of headache, to which I am very subject, I take a dose of Ayers Pills and aui always promptly relieved. colds ; I find them equally beneficial inused for and, in my family, they are bilious complaints and other disturbrarewe effect that ances with such good ly, if ever, have to call a physician.Sara-toH. VoullieiiiC, Hotel Voulliemfi, Springs, N. Y. f ga Ayers Pills, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. 60UI by ail Dealers in Medicine. TO KSSUHraVEl The advertiser having been permanently cured Of that dread disease. Consumption, bv a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to hia fellow CWTerera the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copv of Ihe prescription used, (FRKB.) with the direct 6ns for preparing and using the same which tiicv will find a snre Cure for Asthma, Coughs, Colds.Consumptlon, Parties w.shmgthe PrcBcr.p-tioBronchitis e &c. addre-- s. Rev. K. A. 1st will Perm St. piea-tVilham-bura- h. Is. Y. - . . if . u. O b - f L. V RV. M-- TSM SAN FRANCISCO HORNING GALL rW, AK Co 1 Sifl.OO per IHEMICMS 33 trr, OIl -- O RAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY FALL n handsome eiyht-jmgpaper. It h Issued every Thursday, und contuin nil ! the important news of tho week, gleaned from every quarter of tho globe, complete Intip to data of publientiWu. It contains tcrextiug special correspondence from all o! the principal cities of the world nd awut, Amount of the best selected and origlnwl general literature It furnishes the latent and most reliable financial news and market quotations, und gives special attention to horticultural aLd aiouitural news, and is in every respect afird-clas- s family paper, appealing to the interest of every member of the household. fjil;.; Ik llanflsoin Orer Years in Practical use all over the IVorld-Jf- o generators or extras. Can be op. erated by a child. ISest pure soda yya. 25 ter. Will stand by any $4000 Gas Fonn-tai- n and sell live glasscsto its one. We sell tho finest NICKEL PLATED MILK SHAKE.. I CHAPMAN & CO., Madison ,Tnd. THE MORNING CALL. (SEVEN ISSUES A ft s WEEK) I Is ft live metropolitan dally. It has the LARGEST CIRCULATION and Is recognized as being tbeLEADING NEWSPArERof the Pacific Coast. Either of the above papers we will send j0Rtpaid as a premium on receipt of tho following subscription prices Sr the combination: Tf.3 EEST PIANOS and CRSAnS if. jo ffl 1 wind-colic- jtun in n NO. - C'.fat )v v ir.rr' s Vice-Preside- Scenic Line of the World! APRIL 17, in; ib, V it A c OUR PRIZES. Hon. William E. Gladstone, the m st conspicious leader of the Liberal Partv in England, is the fourth son of the late Sir John Gladstone, of Fasgue county, Kincardine, N. B., a well known merchant ot Liverpool, and was born there, December 29m, 1809. He was educated as Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, of which he was nominated a student in 1S29, and graduated, taking a double 111 Michaelmas te::n, lb.it. Having spent same time in a continental tour, he was returned at the general election in December. 182. in the Con-seative interest, for Neuaik and enter ed Pat liainent just as tire snuggle of parties as at its height. On Januiry he entered Lincolns Inn, and when he had been a member for six yearr and three months, petitioned to have his name removed from the books of the Society on the grounds it his having given up his intention of being called to the bar. In the House ol Commons, his mercantile origin, the success of university career. Ins habits ol business and his high character re commended him to the notice of Sir Robert Peel, who, in December, 1834. appointed him to a junior Lurdslnp of the Treasury, and in February, 1835, under Secretary of Colonial allairs, Mr. Gladstone retired from office, with his ministerial leader in April, and remained in opposition until Sir Robert Peel's return to power in September, 1841, as of the Boaid of Trade and Master of the mint, Mr. Gladstone was soon a member of the Privy Council. The revisionof the tariff in 1842, was almost entirely the result ol his energy and industry. In Jan. 1846, Sir Robert Peel announced his intention of proposing a modification of the Corn Laws. Mr. Gladstone, who had succeeded Loid Stanley in the post of Secretary of State for the Colonies, adhered to the leader under whom he had upon ministerial liie; but shortly afterward he lesigned his seat for Newark, and remained for some tmie out of Pailiament. In 1S68 he became First Lord of the Treasuty and Prime Minister, retaining that pusition until February 17, 1874, when the ministry of Disraeli came into power. Mr. Gladstones premiership was characterized by many importuned measures, such as the disestablishment of the Irish Church the Irish Land Bill, immense reforms in legal administration, the abolishment by royal warrant of the purchase of commissions in the army, and the settlement of difficultie is with the United States by Gladstone the General Conference. entered life a Tory and a High Churchman, but his political views have gradually changed, and since 1859 he has been a leader of the Liberal Paity. He is the author of The State in its Relations with the Church, Church Principles Considered, A Chapter of AutobioHis graphy, and Juventur Mundi. pamphlet on the Verbicaa Decrees, produced a profound sensation and has called forth numerous replies, n 12:30 in. Nephi, Main St Nephi, 12. 40 1.30 Divide, it I 1 & YKJ WILLIAM E. GLADSTONE. first-clas- Icons ovth Going ex- :.j u n vt MANTI CUT, SAX PETE COUNTY, UTAH. WEDNESDAY, ? V till TOL. V. TO c J & & Our friends will please remember that we want wood, hay, wheat, potatoes, ham, cabbage, store orders and " cash at this office. ' To the Bishops of San Pete1 Blank "Reccommends to the House of the Lord at this office, Price: 50 for 5ocents 100 for 75 cents; 150 for $1 and 2.50 for IN THK WORL Ar manufacturad and sold tor the leaat moos by i LU ce 500. pSRCHANTSSr.V. profit, by introducing a lino of now goous jafiiapensable to all families, will addreaafcE full rtrUcnlam. 'Li If So. 73 HEALTH FOOD COM. Avenue. Hew York, i'ib - y't crtvF -- .iJr- .r . ct.ro. sire, Book for 2 emt eoi 6t'i x U Avenue, ccijOEs. Are still at their old stand, lib . , - . fci-- GFNERAL MERCHANDISE i f j a;n. . . aoilc. . Mam Steet, Manti Jtak CO Ul ca tu sc ctairiSKiMsivla v i V.A g Hi mikij 3 T Q .uTW p s 1 1.4 |