OCR Text |
Show 'ome Ssnline TIi A 1! ttklj .Yc u. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC TIONL No 33! 3 out proof of residence npa, and culi-va- i on oi toe additional entry an 1! settlement and culm am n final i has be - mile f r the on, mil entry, w he a t ,s ad l.tioii d entry is made, thtn ! 1 fit 1 qniper, P T) NTT V-J- -T the patent shall issue without further NEW- Devoted to the general interest of prowl "Jrowded, that this section to or tor ttie benetit ol the people of San Pete and surround sh ill not apply anv person w no at the date ot nuking Spring ami Summer lug counti s. application for entry hereundti does STYLES not own an J occupy the lands covered by his or'gin d entry And Crowded, EXCEL ALL 1 hat if the on ginal entry should fad tor OUR PRIZES. any reason, prior to patent or shall apPrevious Efforts pear to be lllegil or Iraudulant, tne in Believing it will be of great interest additional entry shall not fe pernuttod, and benefit to our readers, the SfcNTiveL or it having been initialed shall be can- Stylo and Variety. company have decided to give seventy-fiv- celed dollars in prizes (dtscribed below) SEC. 6. That every person entitled, on the lullowtng subjects, as immediateHI the provisions of the homestead ly connected zith thiscouny.vtz Hygene under to enter a homestead, who has 1 laws, Iistoirc.il, tographical, Resources, In- heretofore complied with or who shall dustrie, Pi1 wion.il. Politics and Literature. Oi . otlcr as published last week herealier comply with the conditions of said laws, and who shall have made lus did no iprise the last three subjects named, b t it has been deemed advis- final proof thereunder for a quantity of able to .nclude them All articles in- land less than one hundred and sixty tended for publication must be in the acres and received the receivers hi al othce beforeOctober i6th, 1889; and con- receipt thereof, shall be entitled under & tain at least 5,000 wards or about 2) said laws to enter as a personal right, o columns of our paper. All articles sub- and not assignable, by legal subdivisions mitted will be the exclusive property of of the public lands of the United States tc the SeNTiveL Company, whether tuey subject to homestead entry, so milch cS additional land as added to the quantidraw a prie or not. 03 The author must forward his or her ty previously so entertd bv him shall O O name to be filed in the othce, but to in- not exceed one hundred and sixty acres h shall m no case it parent sure perfect impartiality the names of Piondtd ad-tl such for the land covered by authors will not be sent to the judges issue t'onal eiPerv until the person inakn g Main Street, with articles. The articles may be pubManti. lished under a non de plume or with- such additional entiy shall have actually B. Mr. Brunei I. assorted lias best the and conformity with the homestead out a signature, as the author prefers south of Provo and also The judges will be furnished with a laws resided upon and cultivated the lot of Drugs the best liquors and hand otiiei-l-- e keeps on lands addiM so entered and mally le of for artii printed copy each criticism, ful laws with such Cigats y rI the complied after author has read the proof. he hat this section shall not points ol excellence to he considered are he onsirned as as follows affecting any rights as Pacts; Benefit, Interest, Logic and Sequence, Deception, Gram to location of soldiers, certilicatcs htre-- t ifore issued under section two thousand atical construction, Authograpliy and Punctuation "Hie judges will mark the tliiee hund ed and six of the Reused a I Vb artii les on a scale ot (rum one to ten, .Statutes. under each of the above heads, each eris-- 3 n "r-- n Sec. 7. That the act to provide without rellerence to the judgement ol additional regulations for homestead fcl N'r ii too j the other. and entnes of public THE FKI7LS. March lands, appiuved thud, eighteen r; First A Sewing Machine (New hundred and seventy nine, shall not be id Valued t at P55 oo. Coustsiied to fotbid the iking of testii Home) Sicond History ofjoseph Smith, by mony for nnal proof within un days fol- Hie nttuliuJ m a y in ml of c'l Geo. Q Cannon, best binding, $5, one lowing the day adverted as ujion admits ot uo si t n It uncontains 1ji years subscription to the San P'raucisco wmui such final proof shall he made, 111 til e (wivinjntf genius, skill und moiii u n l lo'uvi. 00 and one yeais subscrip- casis where accident or unavoidable Daily Call, tion to the Sentinel, lotal $13,00 del lys have pievented the applicant or Third Travels 111 Mexico, by 1 red witnesses trom making such pioof on C, A. Ober, $3 50, one years subscription t lie d ite speulied, "v-- v 1 to the Chicago Ledger, $1 50 and one Sec S. That nothing in this act years subscription to the SsNriM-Lshall be construed as susjk ndmg, re$2 00, in all 7 00. Total value of prizes f.-CA- ; pealing or in any way rendering inoper$75 00. the provisions of the act entitled, We cordially invite all persons to ative "An act to provide for the disposal of wvitt being convinced that a hoatd of abandoned and useless m litary reseruseful and interesting inhumation will vations, approved he he historical hundred and eighty-four- . July fifth, eighteen thus brought to light and biographical sketches will materially Approved, Mar, li 2, 1SS9. assist the young people to understand the difficulties and dangers of thee ill) settlement of the County, and the latter s DOCTORS NOT SO BAD. Those excellent are celebrated for voltnose matters subjects awaken interest ume, quality of tone, quick response, vanity upon winch we as a community, can ot artistic combination, -ikiim,bc lutj in finish, never grow dormant, Following is a crap of Apotle perfect construction, making them tho most Proofs ot tlie various ai tides w ill be John W. ornamental desirable orir ins lor and 111 attractive, Taylors Epe ch the late homes, schools, churches, lodges, sent to the authois fir their criticism coiif. societies, etc from the tence, (clinped bcloie being published. ESTABLISHED REPITATION, A sent Mm',) which we give for I Miqi AI.r.D FACILITIES, the benetit ot tiio-- e who ure so terSKILLED W OBKTIEW BEST MATE'TIAiJ, ribly opposed to doctors. We have NEW LAND LAW. COMUINED, MAKE THIS some right hete in Mnnti. and while we must icknowledgesomei f POPULAR QRSAN We are indebted to on. John T. the n aniiis they give ns good ones, Came (or a coppy ol the following we helene there is such a thing as PIMOS, STOOLS, BOOKS. Act to withdraw certain public a good thing into the running lands fiotn pri v ite entry, and for ground. Doctors are, in many eases, Catalogues on application, Free. other purposes a m ceseity, and should e tespect-eCOTTAGE ORGAN 03. Tuat from and after the passage of in their posit. on. We mem C;!KGO this act no public lands ol the Lulled CHICACO, ILL. States, except those 111 the State of Mis- men who have studdied their and not quicks. Anothei souri shall be subject to private entry. Stc. a 1 hat any person who has not thing we believe, is, m the go-pt f heretofore perfected title to a tra t ot St. Paul, w Imre fie s that futn u,lijWUpil say wuVJilUi.iipi land of which he has made entry under w ithout works is dea ; , the homestead law, ntav in ik a homeU e have the Book ot D k trine an stead entry of not exceeding one quarter section of public land subject to such Coven nits, containing the revelations stano Livimekt, Penetrates b entry, such previous tiling or entry to ,ivtn tlHoughJoseph .Smith the Prophet to I n yiciuj WoaNktnui. Try it. j the contrary notwithstanding; but this In it the Saints aie enjoined to tall tor right shall not apply to persons w ho pel tlie Llders, but if tbev have not fnth to be be ded tbev shall be nourished with fei t title to uuls under the or homestead laws aheady initialed iinhl herbs, administered with skill bv settlers the hand of a friend. No one cun ad londthe fhat'all upon public binds whose claims have minister herbs with skill unless this been initiated prior to the passage ol sublet t be made a matter of studv. in this ait ntav change site l entries to tins line people should have a know-ltd- , e of vvlnt they are doing. Many homestead entries and proceed to per feet their titles to their respective claims people have died for the lac k of the up pi cati n of this requisite skill. under the homestead law notvvithstaud lhere mg they may have heretofore had the ate some who are so fanatical that thev would almost rather see those related beueht of such law, but such settlers who to them die lor the want of a little skilperfect title to such claims under the ful homestead law shall not hereafter he attention, than have it said that a i entitled to enter other laud s tinder the d ector had been tn their house. I have or homestead laws of the been somewhat prejudiced in the past United btates against doctors, but the more I become U ZJ Sec. 3. That whenever it shall be acquainted VMth some of them the more c ? made to appear to the register and re- I tniuk of hem and he less I think of ceiver of any public land o'hce, under jome of he chu ses fiey make. The speUer gave an instance 111 his such regul uions as the Secretary of the , z comor who was in Interior nuv pre-s- rihe, that anysitter e'peritni-eupon the public iloiiium under existing troelmg with hmi rendered eflective of emergency. soi rz-ilaw is unable bv reason of a total or servee 2 4 jew? S' 'ona was d destruction or failure of traveling paru cons, with the si,o-km the an of or J && unavoidable other capacity sickness, casualty to set ure a support lor himself, hcsel. Elder, but had numerous occasions to or those dependant upon him or he make piaciical application of his skill upon the lands settled upon, then such register and receiver may grant to such settler a leave of absent e Iroin the claim CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. upon which he or she has tiled for a period not exceeding one year at any To thk Editor Please inform your one tune, and such settler so granted readers if a tht I Nave a positive remedy for leave of absence shall forfeit no rights the above a disease. By its timely na;dof bvrea,on of such absence 'J'tovibtd, use theesarjs hopeless cases have '1 hat the time of such actual absence P3 fP : been I shall be glad cured. shall not be deducted from the actual to seed two 53 bottles of my remedy free residence required by law. to any of ycur rea ers who have con; Sec. 4. That the price of all sections sumption n he', will send me their ex I; and parts of sections of the public lands press and post cfhce address. RespectIr a srsva.; B within the limits of the portions ol the fully, T. A. Slocum, m c. 3 several grants of lands to aid in the con- 1S1 Pearl St , New York. 29 U m struction of rail roads whicb have been heretofore and which may hereafter be a1 ww forfeited, which were by the act making EJ stuh grants or have since been increased to the double minium price and also, of all lands within the limits of any such railroad grant, but not embraced in sue h grant lung m adjacent to and coterminous with tiie poitionsof the line ot any such railroad which shall not be completed at the date of tins act, is hereby fixed at one dollar and twenty-fiv- e cents Any person wishing to stock then per acre. Ponds, Lakes, Sloughs and Springs w ith Sec. 5. That any homestead settler German carp, can be supplied at once who has heretofore entered less than by coming to Funk's Lake.-n- MileCieek one quarter sec tion of land nmv enter 5 miles south ot Manti, Co 1 ast ?njT viz other and additional land Iviinng con- summers hatching, 10Sanpete cents a piece fed lid I tiguous to the original entry, which The carp will be on h ltd tul th- - loth shall not. with the land t rst entered of May. First conie.fitst setved. 'ltrins and occupied, exceeded in the aggre- Cash or Gram. D Funk, Manti, Sanpete Co i gate uue hundred and sixty acres with jjnVjl mJ j is F?pc1 tp.Zt'sk; j jmi & ' 1 t ' ' e L dpr&ismzs's 1 Jo-ndtil.ati- 1 Li U-- .,K i.- Notice is hereby gven, that in pursu ance of an order of the Proh He Court of the County of Sannete. Territory ofUtah made on th Sth dav of April. 18S9, 111 the matter of the estate ol Henry E. Potter, Deceased, the undersigned, ad numstrators of the estate of said deceased, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, fur cash, on Monday, the PORTABLE 22nd day ot April, iSh9 at 11 oclock a m. at the Tithing .rd in Moroni City, in said Sanpete Count', and State, the fol-- 1 ivvmg personal property, to wit; x bay m ire 6 veils old, 1 brown mare 4 ears o'd and colt, 1 bav niare 3 years old, 2 bay hoises 2 vearsold, 1 black Complete hoiseg vears old, 1 brown yeaihng colt, 37 cows, 17 steers three veats Id and 2 Vears old- 27 yearling Ready For upwaids,7 steeis heifers and steeis. 2 bulls, 200 hundred cedar posts, iuoo shingles; 1 clock, 1 Use. over-coa- t, 1 suit mens clothes; 200 lbs lucent sted, 1 share in Moroni and Mt. Pleasant Irrigation Company; share in I lolstem bull. Zachanah Kump, Andrew Anderson, Administrators ot the Esiaie of, Hei.rv F, Potter, Deceased. Dated, April 9th, 1S89. Vm T Reid, Attorney for dniinistrator FUDS, 24-- 3 V THE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Heurv E Potter, deceased, Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, adinimstiati is of the estate ot Henry E Potter deceastd, tu the creditors of and all persons having claims against the ia.d deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessaiv voucheis, within ten months after the first publication of tins notice to the said administrators at the .Moroni Co-ostore in Moroni City, the same being the place far the transof the business of said estate, in C7er 25 Year in P raciicrl use all action said Couuty of Sanpete, U, T. World-No 0V3" the Zachanah Kump, generators or extras. Can be op. Andrew Anderson, rated by a child. Best pnre soda wa Administrators outlie estate of ter. 1v ill stand by any $4000 Gas Foan Henry E. Potter deceased tain and sell five glasses to its one. Dated, Moroni City, U T. this 9th LVe sell the finest KICKED TLA TED day of April 1886. VVm.T. Reid, Atty for administrators 4 0huer p JILK SHAKE. CHAPMAN & CO., Estate ol Peter Petersen deceased Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, admimsjrator of the estate of Peter Fetet sen, deceased, to the crzdttots of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said administrator at his residence 111 Moioni City, the same be tng the place for the transaction of the business of sad estate, in said county of Sanpete, U. T. Jens C Nielsen, Administrator of the estate of Peter Petersen, deceased, Dated at M zroni City U. T. this Sth day nf pnl 1SS9 . Win T , Re d aL;v. f ji a hninistrator. el in.. 1 - ik Linimsht A n , 3 4 .I i1 '5 fe E 0m n p? c 11 es o- 3-- 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Madison ,Ind. 1 A...-.- S LE. 1 11 Ore-an- I W bb Regibt Att.ss Ap, lo Mar ly. - a 111 1 T Jtop S -- JT-V I Li. US fit i f. 1. I'" K ' A J . - " FT ' '.i. V CTCJ! 6ft Tr Of arti h 1 - z- 4 tip ' c.ui tns, Mar, u 24 a' T,C, Bailey , Atty f B 4 Ti E' Lc ar NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No 3300 Land Othce at Salt Late Co City M irch. 21, the follow Notice is hereby .rven that seltler has hied noTlt e of his liuentira , ftnal proot in support ot his claim proof uil be made before the PrdjateJu the ountv Clerk at Cat le dale Lniery on ed nesdttV , M y ir)ih iHM. viz, John (a -. ble Ie laralory ittment.Ni) 1127. datefl " 27th Jhe6 lor the ewt1 2 ot s L and Sec 30 Ip lb It 9 M. bti names the following witness. to prove hu tiiiuous residence upon and cult!atun 0f I laud, vi7..J H Scott, K H Ixyd Bout rt Cordon, all of Linery county AUv person v.ho desires to alloHUce of such pioof or Nsho knows substantial reason under the liw and the ions ot the Interior Department whyeuefe ' should not be allowed will heguen anorr,- itv at the above mentioned time and plae examine the witnesses ot said tfainiaut a tbr evidence in rebuttal ot that 6ubunt. laimant , A 0, Notice is hereby given that John a tf ble of Huutiuirton.Liuery couctv I talf kj, notice of inttut'on to make proof on hs. lindcUimNo lhl , for the IaT 4eclJ , sec do Tp K.SK91S L. M I tab befciv robate Judge or County Clerk at la.t)e Emery Co Itab, on Wednesday, the Dibit Mav, 1nh9. He namt s the following witow prove the compute irrigation ami reclin of said ltuid, viz J, H, t, It JI. Bovo I Ntevens, Kobtrt Cordon all of Emery 'tv Utah. Mu D. Webb, EL prnt I Ail Sheei Ser FAIR VIEW TOWNSITE NOTH -- it Playtr don i To all whom it may concern en Notice is herecy given bvtheo signed mayor of the city of Fairvie ant MW Pee Countv, Utah T erntorv mule of the Legislatme of Utah of Teh Wat 1869, that he has made adihtioml r ewelt s te cash entry No. 3115 embneir iquan s. w. of the N w. sec I td 1, ood, 4 f. of the Salt Lake Meridian, in -- 7 tor the inhabitants and occupants yipi described land for town-sit- e purp p lor which latent has been issued 1 hat each and a . every person, tion, company, or corporation c1 r tube the rightful owner of pnve f0U8( occupant or occupants, or to bee . ed to the occupancy or possess ilai said described land, or any lut, r share or parcel thereof, shall, vvitf wo months after the first publication c Notice, in person, or by lus, her ot or attorney, sign a statenu w riting, containing an accurate dc If rn Jt tion of the particular paicel or pi said land in which he, she, or thev to have any interest, and the s,t right, interest or estate therein, he. she, or they claim to be emit, receive and deliver the same tv irgeo Clerk of Probate Court of SanPete t ( tv, at Manti City, Utah, that the til said statement snail be coin Notice to al! persons claiming am est in said described land, of tne of the party filing the same- and a SjIiS tailing to make and delwer statement within the time lim above mentioned, shall be forever the right of claiming or recoveru land claimed by them, or any mten S(R estate therein, or in anv part, pa 2te S, share thereof, in any court of equity; provided, that when good , lsshuwn why such statement coi lce ak be filed within the time herein spt the Piobate Judge may extend tlKeerran not exceeding one year from t! ' ' 1 publication ol this Notice. Peter Sur m Mayor of the city of Far First published on Feb. 13th 18S9 6. Feb 1. T. C Bailey, At nt ir c pm pur - NOTICE OF FINAL PROOi No. 3312. Land Office at Salt Lake City, it 1889 Notice is hereby given that the' ing named settlers have hied ik their intention to make final p'NDA( g support of their respective clawr secure final entry thereof and tha MTg prc its t ami the proof will be made betore "' Judge of Sanpete county, Utah Te or m his absence before the G," Art. Clerk of said county at the Court pvst in Manti City, Utah Terr., on the 18th day of May, 1889, Eliza Hyde, Homestead Entry N" for the n w J of sfc. 11, Tp 16 Y and names the following residence jR prove her continuous and cultivation of said land, viz X Guilling. Niels Larsen, td of Greaves and Otto Larsen City, Sanpete county, Utah. , ; stf rss rl V Cv Marc.i - Notice is hereby gi en tiiat ing named settlor has :dc J iiiteuti, n to m ike final pr,, ,, of his claim, and that s..,d made betore the Jude or tier f ' County Court of Lmeiy cu irt ' ,4 ,.lL-viDale, L taii on Sataid Ui ham J. Pow,q j, f -' 0 ur transmuted d s o v ' n w J and s w ( j N. 3, Sec L '1 i 19, si. names the 1 Blow qg j 'esses t his contiiiuous 'e upulUl' tiv ition ot, said U1K011, Ervin U 1, HansP'' end 1 humasRliodes all oi Lnterv'r Utah. Any person who desires to Dr against the allowance of such pi who knows of anv substantial under the law and the regulations" Interior Department, why such I should not he allowed, vv ill be opportunity at the above ,, tune and place to witnesses ot said claimant, and o evidence in rebuttal of that sup- -' by claimant. D. VEd3 ri , Ft-rn-- li x No 32SS Land Otnce at Sa't Lake cross-tx...,,- 11 1 Loe, PUt-Ll- 1 K; rio ed bj cia mant. Bird a J , dtsirva to protest aaint the h j ir kniMsot am aubstaiitul rtasou, un h ri,tne law an the regulawliv slKh proof tions ot the Interior lt 8huJd l) t be ahoe.l will be ien an o portu mtv at the above mt t) ol time and la.e to r of frahl clainant exujiim the and to i titr evidence mij. iu reuuttalot that aubimtl Any pfvrou alluwaDie ot vnt t i t s 1 1 'SSrlvn 6LU3C 1 Jde Tnt.J v,r.c-- ! I.and O.Tice at Salt L d e Citv, L'tah j'r 2 id, inno Notice is hereby gi eu tn it iiiefolLvv d b. settler tins i led notice intention to make final .root in supp rt of his claim, and tb it sa d pioot will be ot the Co.11. tv made belore the Court of Lniery county Utah, or in In absence betore the Clctk of said Court at Castle Dale, Ltali. on the 15 die ot m 1 'amurl wki a Ht ntry tb 1Nt1 i. t)llior s R ! t, Hu ram', tt to.louiiiwi lo nrut bis outumous itMilrPe upou ani ulli uivn ot iz Aaluh luttle R In rt ) ti rlkliu &. CMftcS al tr II t saillaul, of Orariville, iarry, ot tab lto 1 s NOTICE FOR PUCLICATIo. - y - 3 U - : 1 . 'fiU - , ANSWER .''Vwv it? f. TO v- - ISQORIES, $1.00 BiPcaTeYzmizs,c 9 Jr f Procuring Land Patents F11 np H and Conducting Contests, on 'Zer..ta Terms. Sand for eiraular to N. COPP, ATTOnXKv AT LAW HEHEY WASHINGTON, Da C. trfT7 Settler should heee Coup's U4 pAffi; price eulj to ceu (pveuye Frur'-Cyrus A VV heelook , HutnPstead I Uad for the S VV H 3s E M aud 8 E fc 1 p IS H 4 L, and names the tollowiBZ 1 vOUl c, p to prove his continuous residence cultivation of said land, viz, Jaiu L1 Martin wnaht Josfpli Claik and ol all ol Mount Pleasant, Sanpete Co .Jonathan Stew cart, HomestesdLnt N ICE Oavents aurt raie Varke obtained, and all Patent H W N 2 E for S and b Sec. the butintwe coud ict for Moderate een. Our Ottire is I . S. Patent Of- 11 1 p 1 J s U 4 E. and names the fo fice. We have Opposite no eub agencies, all business nesses to prove lus coulinnous t'sl direct, tu oce can transact patent business in lea and cultivation of said land, viz tin e And at lees cost than those remote from Valkenberp Thomis j. Housekeeper lc and Rkhiird iraham. all ot Fir V h ngton. i end mt del, Count j, Ltali, drawing, or photo., with descrip-bcT We Rf!ne if patentable or not, free ol Niels Christensen, Desert Our fee not one till patent is secured Charge t h h spc 7 T P for the S A took ITow to Obtain latcnts, with refer names tne fouowing witness t i 0 ences to actual clients in your fetate, county, ox v plete irrigation and reclamatn 11 town, sent free. Address, vi William Dickson, LoeLu Sterling, and Hvmm and , t;, fean oi Maj field, all of sanpete ( ount' 5 OpkosiW Paient Oftlce, W sshlngtOU, D. C. f-- ' lo c. a. mow co. Bird & LoWejAtty's |